Diprotodontia (Kangaroos, Wallabies, Wombats, Possums etc.)
Suborder: Macropodiformes
Family: Hypsiprymnodontidae (Musky Rat-kangaroo and relatives) (1 living species)
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Propleopus oscillans | de Vis, 1888 | Carnivorous kangaroo | Late Pleistocene | Australia | Extinct | Access |
Family: Macropodidae (Kangaroos, Wallabies and allies)1
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Bohra paulae | Flannery & Szalay, 1982 | Giant tree kangaroo | Late Pleistocene | New South Wales, Australia | Extinct | Access |
Congruus congruus | McNamara, 1994 | - | Late Pleistocene | South Australia, Australia | Extinct | Access |
Congruus kitcheneri | (Flannery, 1989) | - | 44ka-75ka | Western Australia, Australia | Extinct | Access |
Dendrolagus mayri | Rothschild & Dollman, 1933 | Wondiwoi tree-kangaroo | 1928 | Wondiwoi Peninsula, New Guinea | Rediscovered? | Access |
Dendrolagus noibano | Flannery, Mountain & Aplin, 1983 | - | Late Pleistocene | New Guinea | Extinct or Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Dorcopsis sp. nov. 'Halmahera' | - | - | Late Pleistocene | Halmahera, North Moluccas, Indonesia | Invalid | Access |
Halmaturus thomsonii | Krefft, 1870 | - | Late Pleistocene? | Australia | Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Lagorchestes asomatus | Finlayson, 1943 | Central hare wallaby, Lake Mackay hare-wallaby, Least hare-wallaby, kuluwarri | Between 1940 and 1960 | central Australia | Extinct | Access |
Lagorchestes hirsutus hirsutus | Gould, 1844 | Rufous hare-wallaby, Western hare-wallaby, Wurrup, Whistler | c. 1900 | Western Australia, Australia | Extinct | Access |
Lagorchestes hirsutus ssp. nov. 'Tanami Desert' | - | Tanami rufous hare-wallaby | - | Tanami Desert, Northern Territory, Australia | Extinct in the wild | Access |
Lagorchestes leporides | Gould, 1841 | Eastern hare wallaby, Eastern hare-wallaby, Brown hare-wallaby, Hare wallaby, turatt (Murray-Darling aboriginal name) | 1890 | New South Wales, South Australia & Victoria, Australia | Extinct | Access |
Lagostrophus fasciatus albipilis | Gould, 1842 | South-western banded hare-wallaby | 1906 | Western Australia, Australia | Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Lagostrophus fasciatus baudinettei | Helgen & Flannery, 2003 | Baudinette banded hare-wallaby | 1863 | South Australia, Australia | Extinct | Access |
Macropus agilis siva | de Vis, 1895 | - | Late Pleistocene | Australia | Extinct | Access |
Macropus cooperi | Owen, 1874 | - | Late Pleistocene | Australia | Extinct | Access |
Macropus ferragus | Owen, 1874 | - | Late Pleistocene | Australia | Extinct | Access |
Macropus giganteus ssp. nov. 'Tasmania' | - | - | Late Pleistocene | Tasmania, Australia | Extinct | Access |
Macropus gouldi | Owen, 1874 | Gould's kangaroo | Late Pleistocene | Australia | Invalid (nomen dubium) | Access |
Macropus magister | de Vis, 1894 | - | Late Pleistocene | Australia | Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Macropus pearsoni | Bartholomai, 1973 | Pearson's kangaroo | Late Pleistocene | Australia | Extinct | Access |
Macropus piltonensis | Bartholomai, 1975 | Pilton kangaroo | Late Pleistocene | Australia | Invalid (nomen dubium)? | Access |
Macropus rama | Bartholomai, 1975 | Mountain kangaroo | Late Pleistocene | Australia | Extinct | Access |
Macropus robustus altus | (Owen, 1874) | Pleistocene wallaroo, Profound kangaroo | Late Quaternary | Australia | Extinct | Access |
Macropus stirtoni | Marcus, 1976 | Stirton's kangaroo | Late Pleistocene | Australia | Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Macropus thor | de Vis, 1895 | Thor kangaroo | Late Pleistocene | Queensland, Australia | Extinct | Access |
Macropus titan | Owen, 1838 | Colossal kangaroo | Late Pleistocene | Australia | Extinct | Access |
Macropus wombeyensis | Broom, 1896 | Wombeyan kangaroo | Late Pleistocene | Australia | Extinct | Access |
Macropus sp. nov. 'fat-tailed, spotted kangaroo' | - | Fat-tailed spotted kangaroo | Late Pleistocene | Western Australia, Australia | Hypothetical | Access |
Macropus sp. nov. 'Naracoorte' |
- | - | Late Pleistocene? | South Australia, Australia | Extinct if distinct | Access |
Metasthenurus newtonae | (Prideaux, 2000) | - | Late Pleistocene | Australia | Extinct | Access |
Nombe nombe | (Flannery, Mountain & Aplin, 1983) | Nombe kangaroo | Before 25ka | New Guinea | Extinct | Access |
Notamacropus eugenii eugenii | (Desmarest, 1817) | Tammar wallaby, Tamar wallaby, Eugene Island kangaroo | (rediscovered) | South Australia, Australia | Rediscovered | Access |
Notamacropus greyi | Waterhouse, 1845 | Toolache wallaby, Grey's wallaby, Captain Grey's kangaroo, Monkeyface (archaic), Onetwo (archaic) | 30 June or 10 July, 1943 | South Australia & Victoria, Australia | Extinct | Access |
Notamacropus parma | Waterhouse, 1845 | Parma wallaby, White-throated wallaby, White throated wallaby, White-throated pademelon, White-fronted wallaby | (rediscovered) | New South Wales, Australia (native) and Kawau Island, New Zealand (introduced) | Rediscovered | Access |
Onychogalea frenata | Gould, 1841 | Bridled nail-tailed wallaby, Bridled nailtail wallaby, Bridled wallaby, Bridled kangaroo, Merrin (Murray-Darling aboriginal name), "Flash Jack", Flashjack, Waistcoat wallaby | (rediscovered) | New South Wales, Queensland & South Australia, Australia | Rediscovered | Access |
Onychogalea lunata | Gould, 1841 | Crescent nail-tail wallaby, Lunated nailtail wallaby, Crescent wallaby (archaic), Crescent marked kangaroo (archaic), Crescent-marked kangaroo (archaic), wurrung, tjawalpa | 1950's or 1960's | South Australia & Western Australia, Australia | Extinct | Access |
Osphranter bernardus | Rothschild, 1904 | Bernard's wallaroo, Bernard's kangaroo, Black wallaroo, Black kangaroo, Woodward's wallaroo, Northern black wallaroo, Small black wallaroo | (rediscovered) | Northern Territory, Australia | Rediscovered | Access |
Petrogale concinna concinna |
Gould, 1842 | Victoria River nabarlek | 1839 | Victoria River District, Northern Territory, Australia | Missing | Access |
Procoptodon browneorum | Merrilees, 1968 | - | Late Pleistocene | Australia | Extinct | Access |
Procoptodon goliah | Owen, 1845 | Giant short-faced kangaroo | Late Pleistocene | Australia | Extinct | Access |
Procoptodon pusio | Owen, 1874 | - | Late Pleistocene | Australia | Extinct | Access |
Procoptodon rapha | Owen, 1874 | - | Late Pleistocene | Australia | Extinct | Access |
Procoptodon texasensis | Archer, 1978 | - | Late Pleistocene | Australia | Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Procoptodon williamsi | Prideaux, 2004 | - | Late Pleistocene | Australia | Extinct | Access |
Protemnodon anak | (Owen, 1859) | Pleistocene Ice-age kangaroo, Giant wallaby | Late Pleistocene | Australia | Extinct | Access |
Protemnodon brehus | Owen, 1874 | - | Late Pleistocene | Australia | Invalid (nomen dubium) | Access |
Protemnodon hopei | Flannery, 1992 | - | Late Pleistocene | New Guinea | Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Protemnodon mamkurra |
Kerr et al., 2024 | - | Late Pleistocene | Australia | Extinct | Access |
Protemnodon otibandus | Plane, 1967 | Giant wallaby, Otibanda wallaby | ? | New Guinea | Extinct | Access |
Protemnodon roechus | Owen, 1874 | - | Late Pleistocene | Australia | Invalid (nomen dubium) | Access |
Protemnodon tumbuna | Flannery, Mountain & Aplin, 1983 | Ancestral wallaby | 25-14.5ka | New Guinea | Extinct | Access |
Protemnodon viator |
Kerr et al., 2024 | - | Late Pleistocene | Australia | Extinct | Access |
Protemnodon sp. nov. 'Lowland New Guinea' |
- | Lowland wallaby | Late Pleistocene | New Guinea | Extinct if distinct | Access |
Simosthenurus baileyi | Prideaux & Wells, 1998 | - | Late Pleistocene | Australia | Extinct | Access |
Simosthenurus maddocki | Wells & Murray, 1979 | Maddock's kangaroo, Browsing kangaroo | Late Pleistocene | New South Wales & South Australia, Australia | Extinct | Access |
Simosthenurus occidentalis | (Glauert, 1910) | Giant short-faced kangaroo, Western sthenurine kangaroo | Late Pleistocene | Australia (incl. Tasmania) | Extinct | Access |
Sthenurus andersoni | Marcus, 1962 | Anderson's kangaroo | Late Pleistocene | Australia | Extinct | Access |
Sthenurus atlas | Owen, 1838 | Atlas kangaroo | 54ka ± 7 ka | Australia | Extinct | Access |
Sthenurus gilli | Merrilees, 1965 | - | Late Pleistocene | Australia | Extinct | Access |
Sthenurus oreas | de Vis, 1895 | - | Late Pleistocene | Australia | Extinct | Access |
Sthenurus orientalis | Tedford, 1966 | Oriental kangaroo | Late Pleistocene | Australia | Extinct | Access |
Sthenurus pales | de Vis, 1895 | - | Late Pleistocene | Australia | Extinct | Access |
Sthenurus stirlingi | Wells & Tedford, 1995 | Stirling's kangaroo | 75ka ± 9 ka | Australia | Extinct | Access |
Sthenurus tindalei | Tedford, 1966 | Tindale's kangaroo | 75ka ± 9 ka | Australia | Extinct | Access |
Thylogale christenseni | Hope, 1981 | Christensen's pademelon | c. 1,250 BC | Irian Jaya, Indonesia, New Guinea | Extinct | Access |
Thylogale sp. nov. 'New Guinea' | - | - | Holocene | New Guinea | Extinct | Access |
Troposodon minor | Owen, 1877 | - | 107ka ± 18 ka | Australia | Extinct | Access |
Wallabia indra |
(de Vis, 1895) | - | Late Pleistocene | Australia | Extinct | Access |
Wallabia vishnu | de Vis, 1895 | - | Late Pleistocene | Queensland, Australia | Extinct or invalid | Access |
1 There is significant dispute over the extinction chronology of the Australian megafauna. Some of the above taxa may not have persisted until the Late Pleistocene. Further work needs to be done to establish tighter chronologies for many of these species.
Family: Potoroidae (Bettongs, Potoroos and Rat-kangaroos)
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Bettongia anhydra | (Finlayson, 1957) | Desert bettong | 1933 | Lake McKay area, Northern Territory, Australia | Extinct | Access |
Bettongia gaimardi gaimardi | Desmarest, 1822 | Eastern bettong, Mainland eastern bettong, Gaimard's bettong | early 1900's | eastern Australia | Extinct | Access |
Bettongia lesueur graii | (Gould, 1840) | Inland boodie, Inland burrowing bettong, Gray's rat-kangaroo, Gray's jerboa kangaroo, Gray's bettong, booming | 1940's | Western Australia, Australia | Extinct or invalid (synonym) | Access |
Bettongia lesueur harveyi | (Waterhouse, 1842) | Harvey's burrowing bettong, Harvey's rat-kangaroo | ? | Eyre Peninsula, South Australia, Australia | Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Bettongia penicillata francisca |
Finlayson, 1957 | ? | St. Francis Island, Nuyt's Archipelago, South Australia, Australia | Invalid (synonym) | Access | |
Bettongia penicillata gouldii | Waterhouse, 1846 | ? | ? | Australia | Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Bettongia penicillata penicillata | Gray, 1837 | Brush-tailed bettong, Woylie, Brush-tailed rat-kangaroo, Pencil-tailed bettong, pattuck (Murray-Darling aboriginals) | mid-1900's? | New South Wales, Northern Territory, South Australia (including St. Francis Island) & Western Australia, Australia | Extinct | Access |
Bettongia pusilla | McNamara, 1997 | Nullabor dwarf bettong, Thompson's potoroo | post-1500 | Nullarbor Plain, Western Australia and South Australia, Australia | Extinct | Access |
Bettongia tropica | Wakefield, 1967 | Northern bettong, Northern brush-tailed bettong, Tropical bettong | (rediscovered) | Queensland, Australia | Rediscovered | Access |
Bettongia sp. nov. 'Nullarbor form' |
- | - | likely Holocene | South Australia & Western Australia, Australia | Extinct | Access |
Borungaboodie hatcheri | Prideaux, 1999 | Giant bettong | Late Pleistocene | Western Australia, Australia | Extinct | Access |
Caloprymnus campestris | Gould, 1843 | Desert rat-kangaroo, Buff-nosed rat-kangaroo, Plains rat-kangaroo, Plain rat-kangaroo, oolacunta | 1935 | Queensland (historically), South Australia (historically) & Western Australia (prehistorically), Australia | Missing | Access |
Potorous gilbertii | Gould, 1841 | Gilbert's potoroo, Gilbert's rat(-)kangaroo, Gilbert's kangaroo rat, Ngil-gyte (used by the King George's Sound aborigines), garlgyte | (rediscovered) | Western Australia, Australia | Rediscovered | Access |
Potorous morgani | Finlayson, 1938 | Morgan's potoroo | Holocene | Kangaroo Island, South Australia, Australia | Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Potorous platyops | Gould, 1844 | Broad-faced potoroo, Broad-faced rat-kangaroo | 1875 or before | Western Australia and South Australia (including Kangaroo Island), Australia | Extinct | Access |
Potorous tridactylus antiquus | Broom, 1896 | - | Late Pleistocene | New South Wales, Australia | Extinct or invalid | Access |
Potorous tridactylus trisulcatus | (McCoy, 1865) | (rediscovered) | Victoria, Australia | Rediscovered | Access |
Suborder: Phalangeriformes
Superfamily: Petauroidea
Family: Acrobatidae (Feathertail Glider and Feather-tailed Possum)
—No subordinate taxa
Family: Petauridae (Striped possum, Leadbeater's Possum and the Gliders)
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Dactylopsila kambuayai | Aplin, 1999 | Vogelkop striped possum, Vogelkop ringtail possum | (rediscovered) | Arfak Mountains, Bird's Head Peninsula (=Vogelkop Peninsula), Papua Province, Indonesia, New Guinea | Rediscovered | Access |
Dactylopsila tatei | Laurie, 1952 | Tate's triok, Fergusson Island striped possum | (rediscovered) | Fergusson Island, D'Entrecasteaux Islands, Papua New Guinea | Rediscovered | Access |
Gymnobelideus leadbeateri | McCoy, 1867 | Leadbeater's possum, Fairy possum, Bass River possum | (rediscovered) | Victoria, Australia | Rediscovered | Access |
Petaurus gracilis | (de Vis, 1883) | Mahogany glider, Ebony glider | (rediscovered) | Queensland, Australia | Rediscovered | Access |
Family: Pseudocheiridae (Ringtailed Possums and allies)
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Petauroides ayamaruensis | Aplin, 1999 | Ayamaru greater gliding possum | Late Quaternary | Irian Jaya, Indonesia, New Guinea | Extinct | Access |
Pseudocheirus antiquus | Broom, 1896 | - | Late Pleistocene | New South Wales, Australia | Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Pseudochirulus schlegeli | (Jentink, 1884) | Arfak ringtail possum, Vogelkop ringtail possum | (rediscovered) | Arfak Mountains, Bird's Head Peninsula (=Vogelkop Peninsula), Papua Province, Indonesia, New Guinea | Rediscovered | Access |
Family: Tarsipedidae (Honey Possum) (1 living species)
—No subordinate taxa
Superfamily: Phalangeroidea
Family: Burramyidae (Pygmy Possums) (1 living species)
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Burramys parvus | Broom, 1896 | Mountain pygmy possum, Mountain pygmy-possum, Broom's pygmy-possum, Burramys | (rediscovered) | New South Wales & Victoria, Australia | Rediscovered | Access |
Family: Phalangeridae (Brushtail Possums and Cuscuses)
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Ailurops ursinus intermedius | (Hooijer, 1952) | Sulwaesi bear cuscus | subfossil | Sulawesi, Indonesia | Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Phalanger matanim | Flannery, 1987 | Telefomin cuscus | 1997 | West Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea | Rediscovered? | Access |
Suborder: Vombatiformes
Family: †Diprotodontidae (Giant Wombats)
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Diarcodon parvus | Stephenson, 1963 | - | Late Pleistocene | Australia | Extinct or invalid | Access |
Diprotodon annextans | McCoy, 1861 | Giant wombat | ? | Australia | Invalid | Access |
Diprotodon australis | Owen, 1844 | Giant wombat | ? | Australia | Invalid | Access |
Diprotodon bennetti | Krefft, 1873 | Giant wombat | ? | Australia | Invalid | Access |
Diprotodon bennettii | Owen, 1877 | Giant wombat | ? | Australia | Invalid | Access |
Diprotodon loderi | Krefft, 1873 | Giant wombat | ? | Australia | Invalid | Access |
Diprotodon longiceps | McCoy, 1865 | Giant wombat | ? | Australia | Invalid | Access |
Diprotodon minor | Huxley, 1862 | Giant wombat | ? | Australia | Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Diprotodon optatum | Owen, 1838 | Giant wombat | 44ka | Australia | Extinct | Access |
Euowenia coreis | Michna, 1995 | - | Late Pleistocene | Australia | Invalid (nomen nudum) | Access |
Euowenia grata | (de Vis, 1887) | - | Late Pleistocene | Australia | Extinct | Access |
Euryzygoma dunense | de Vis, 1887 | - | Late Pleistocene? | Australia | Extinct | Access |
Hulitherium tomasettii | Flannery & Plane, 1986 | Marsupial panda | Late Pleistocene | Pureni, New Guinea | Extinct | Access |
Maokopia ronaldii | Flannery, 1992 | - | c. 20ka | New Guinea | Extinct | Access |
Nototherium mitchelli | (Owen, 1845) | - | Late Pleistocene | Australia | Extinct or invalid | Access |
Zygomaturus trilobus | Macleay, 1858 | "gyedarra" (dreamtime name) | 33ka | Australia | Extinct | Access |
Zygomaturus sp. nov. 'Kangaroo Island' | - | - | Late Pleistocene | Kangaroo Island, South Australia, Australia | Extinct | Access |
Family: †Palorchestidae (Marsupial Tapirs)
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Palorchestes azael | Owen, 1873 | Marsupial tapir | Late Pleistocene | Australia | Extinct | Access |
Palorchestes parvus | de Vis, 1895 | Marsupial tapir | Middle Pleistocene? | Australia | Extinct | Access |
Palorchestes rephaim | Ramsay, 1885 | Marsupial tapir | Late Pleistocene | Australia | Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Family: Phascolarctidae (Koalas) (1 living species)
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Phascolarctos stirtoni | Bartholomai, 1968 | Giant koala, Stirton's koala | Late Pleistocene | Queensland, South Australia & Victoria, Australia | Extinct | Access |
Phascolarctos yorkensis |
(Pledge, 1992) | - | Late Pleistocene | New South Wales & South Australia, Australia | Extinct | Access |
Family: †Thylacoleonidae (Marsupial Lions)1
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Thylacoleo carnifex2 | Owen, 1859 | Marsupial lion | c.48ka | Australia | Extinct3 | Access |
1 T. carnifex is the only thylacoleonid currently known from post-Pliocene sites. However, the paucity of fossils of its two currently accepted congeners T. crassidentatus and T. hilli (viz. we have approximately five pieces of bone of the latter; Michael Curry, pers. comm. 18 August 2018) means that their geochronological extent cannot presently be reasonably inferred. They may well very have survived into the early or middle (or even late) Pleistocene, but we currently have no evidence of their post-Pliocene persistence. Likewise some other described (or undescribed) thylacoleonid genus may have survived until the Pleistocene epoch.
2 The literature considers T. carnifex to have several synonyms. However, I have not yet worked out which of these are likely to qualify for inclusion in REPAD since the ages of the type specimens upon which these taxa were described are currently unknown to the present author.
3 The cryptid 'Queensland tiger' or 'yarrie' is often supposed by cryptozoologists to be surviving Marsupial lions. A second line of evidence often used to support the prehistoric survivor hypothesis is the claimed relatively recent aboriginal rock art of Thylacoleo in both the Kimberley and Arnhem Land regions.
Family: Vombatidae (Wombats) (3 living species)
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Lasiorhinus angustidens | (de Vis, 1891) | - | Late Pleistocene | Queensland, Australia | Extinct | Access |
Lasiorhinus krefftii barnardi | Longman, 1939 | Northern hairy-nosed wombat | (rediscovered) | Queensland, Australia | Rediscovered | Access |
Lasiorhinus krefftii gillespiei | de Vis, 1900 | Moonie River wombat, Southern Queensland hairy-nosed wombat, Gillespie's wombat | late 1800's or early 1900's | Moonie River, Queensland, Australia | Extinct | Access |
Lasiorhinus krefftii krefftii | (Owen, 1873) | Pleistocene hairy-nosed wombat | Late Pleistocene | New South Wales, Australia | Extinct | Access |
Lasiorhinus krefftii ssp. nov. 'Deniliquin' | - | Deniliquin wombat | 1909 | New South Wales, Australia | Extinct | Access |
Phascolomys parvus |
Owen, 1872 | - | Pleistocene | eastern Australia | Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Phascolonus gigas | (Owen, 1858) | Colossal wombat | Late Pleistocene | New South Wales & South Australia, Australia | Extinct | Access |
Ramsayia magna | Owen, 1872 | Late Pleistocene | Australia | Extinct | Access | |
Sedophascolomys medius | Owen, 1872 | Late Pleistocene | Australia | Extinct | Access | |
Vombatus hacketti | (Glauert, 1910) | Southwest wombat, South-western wombat, Hackett's wombat | 7.7ka to 21 ka | Australia | Extinct | Access |
Vombatus mitchelli | (Owen, 1838) | - | Late Pleistocene | New South Wales, Australia | Extinct | Access |
Warendja wakefieldi | Hope & Wilkinson, 1982 | Late Pleistocene | Australia | Extinct | Access |