
Bibliography on the Sixth Mass Extinction

The following list includes publications which have a significant extinction element to them. For further publications on extinction please refer to the individual species accounts in the database, as well as the Books section. If you know of any pertinent publication which deserves a listing please get in touch with me.

Peter Maas also lists many extinction related papers which are available free online over at his website.


Section 1. Conservation Biology


Previous Mass Extinctions

Bailey, Robin. (2024). Mass extinctions and their causes. GeologyToday 40(1): 21-28.



Alroy, J. (2001). A multispecies overkill simulation of the end-Pleistocene megafaunal mass extinction. Science 292: 1893-1896.

Anonymous. (1997). Wildlife that are considered to be endangered, threatened, of special interest, extirpated, or extinct. Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife Inservice Note 178: 1-9.

Barnosky, A. D. (2008). Megafauna biomass tradeoff as a driver of Quaternary and future extinctions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 105: 11543-11548.

Barnosky, A. D., Koch, P. L., Feranec, R. S., Wing, S. L. and Shabel, A. B. (2004). Assessing the causes of late Pleistocene extinctions on the continents. Science 306: 70-75.

Brook, B., Bowman, D. M. J. S., Burney, D. A., Flannery, T. F., Gagan, M. K. et al. (2007). Would the Australian megafauna have become extinct if humans had never colonised the continent? Quaternary Science Reviews 26: 560-564.

Brook, B. W., Sodhi, N. S. and Bradshaw, C. J. A. (2008). Synergies among extinction drivers under global change. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 23: 453-460.

Cowie, Robert H., Bouchet, Philippe Bouchet and Fontaine, Benoît. (2022). The Sixth Mass Extinction: fact, fiction or speculation? Biological Reviews 97(2): 640-663.

Diamond, Jared M. (1987). Extant unless proven extinct? Or, extinct unless proven extant? Conserv. Biol. 1(1): 77-79.

Dirzo, Rodolfo and Raven, Peter H. (2003). Global state of biodiversity and loss. Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 28: 137–67.

Ehrlich, Paul and Ehrlich, Anne. (1982). Extinction: the causes and consequences of the disappearance of species. London: Victor Gollancz.

Fisher, Diana O. and Blomberg, Simone P. (2012). Inferring Extinction of Mammals from Sighting Records, Threats, and Biological Traits. Conservation Biology 26(1): 57-67.

Greuter, W. (1995). Extinctions in Mediterranean areas, pp. 88-97. In: Lawton, J. H. and May, R. M. (eds.). Extinction Rates. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Gurevitch, J. and Padilla, D. K. (2004a). Are invasive species a major cause of extinctions? Trends in Ecology and Evolution 19(9): 470-474.

Gurevitch, J. and Padilla, D. K. (2004b). Response to Ricciardi. Assessing species invasions as a cause of extinction. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 19(12): 620.

Hanski, I. and Ovaskainen, O. (2002). Extinction debt at extinction threshold. Conservation Biology 16: 666-673.

Harrison, R. D. (2000). Repercussions of El Niño: drought causes of the extinction and the breakdown of mutualism in Borneo. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 267: 911-915.

Hobbs, R. J. and Mooney, H. A. (1998). Broadening the extinction debate: population deletions and additions in California and western Australia. Conservation Biology 12: 271-283.

Hockey, P. (2001). African island extinctions. Africa: Birds & Birding 6(2): 32-40.

Jablonski, D. (2001). Lessons from the past: evolutionary impacts of mass extinctions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 98: 5393–5398.

Jablonski, D. and Chaloner, W. G. (1994). Extinctions in the fossil record. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 344: 11–17.

Keith, David A. and Burgman, Mark A. (2004). The Lazarus effect: can the dynamics of extinct species lists tell us anything about the status of biodiversity? Biological Conservation 117: 41-48.

Koch, P. L. and Barnosky, A. D. (2006). Late Quaternary extinctions: state of the debate. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 37: 215–250.

Koh, L. P., Dunn, R. R., Sodhi, N. S., Colwell, R. K., Proctor, H. C., Smith, V. S. (2004). Species coextinctions and the biodiversity crisis.Science 305: 1632– 1634.

Leakey, Richard C. and Lewin, Roger. (1995). The Sixth Extinction: Patterns of Life and the Future of Humankind. New York: Anchor Books. 271 pp.

Liu, J., Slik, F., Zheng, S. and Lindenmayer, D. B. (2022). Undescribed species have higher extinction risk than known species. Conservation Letters e12876.

MacPhee, R. D. E. (ed.). (1999). Extinctions in Near Time: Causes, Contexts, and Consequences. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum.

Myers, N. and Knoll, A. H. (2001). The biotic crisis and the future of evolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 98: 5389–5392.

Opler, P. A. (1977). The parade of passing species: a survey of extinctions in the U.S. The Science Teacher 44(1): ??-??.

Peters, S. E. and Foote, M. (2002). Determinants of extinction in the fossil record. Nature 416: 420-424.

Pimm, S. L., Jones, H. L. and Diamond, J. (1988). On the risk of extinction. American Naturalist 132: 757-785.

Regan, H. M., Lupia, R., Drinnan, A. N. and Burgman, M. A. (2001). The currency and tempo of extinction. American Naturalist 157: 1–10.

Ricciardi, A. (2004). Assessing species invasions as a cause of extinction. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 19(12): 619.

Ricciardi, A. and Rasmussen, J. B. (1999). Extinction rates of North American freshwater fauna. Conservation Biology 13(5): 1220-1222.

Roberts, David L., Elphick, Chris S. and Reed, J. Michael. (2009). Identifying Anomalous Reports of Putatively Extinct Species and Why It Matters. Conservation Biology 24(1): 189–196.

Thomas, C. D., Cameron, A., Green, R. E., Bakkenes, M., Beaumont, L. J. et al. (2004). Extinction risk from climate change. Nature 427: 145-148.


Botanic Gardens

Westwood M, Cavender N, Meyer A, Smith P. (2021). Botanic garden solutions to the plant extinction crisis. Plants, People, Planet 3: 22-32.


Climate change

Román-Palacios, Cristianand and Wiens, John J. (2020). Recent responses to climate change reveal the drivers of species extinction and survival. PNAS. doi:

Strona, Giovanni and Bradshaw, Corey J. A. (2022). Coextinctions dominate future vertebrate losses from climate and land use change. Science 8(50): eabn434. 



Strona, Giovanni and Bradshaw, Corey J. A. (2022). Coextinctions dominate future vertebrate losses from climate and land use change. Science 8(50): eabn434.


Conservation Culturomics

Canavan, Susan, Doyle, David M., Kane, Adam, Nolan, Grace and Healy, Kevin. (2024). Trending extinctions: online interest in recently extinct animals. Animal Conservation.



Brook, Barry W., Sodhi, N. and Ng, P. K. L. (2003). Catastrophic extinctions follow deforestation in Singapore. Nature 424: 420-423.



Allen, Jessica et al. (2020). De-Extinction, Regulation and Nature Conservation. Journal of Environmental Law 32(2): 309-322. [Abstract]

Genovesi, Piero and Simberloff, Daniel. (2020). “De-extinction” in conservation: Assessing risks of releasing “resurrected” species. Journal for Nature Conservation 56: 125838. [Abstract]

Katz, Eric. (2022). Is de-extinction a philosophical problem for conservation biology and environmental policy? Biological Conservation.

Rocchetti, Giulia Albani et al. (2022). A pragmatic and prudent consensus on the resurrection of extinct plant species using herbarium specimens. Taxon 71(1): 168-177.


Definitions of key terms

Butchart, Stuart H. M., Stattersfield, A. J. and Brooks, T. M. (2006). Going or gone: defining ‘Possibly Extinct’ species to give a truer picture of recent extinctions. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 126A: 7-24.

Tanswell, Fenner Stanley. (2022). The Concept of Extinction: Epistemology, Responsibility, and Precaution. Ethics, Policy & Environment.

Trageser, Scott and Hamilton, Paul. (2025). Redefining biodiversity conservation through a degree of separation framework. Journal for Nature Conservation 84: 126840.



McCallum, Hamish, Foufopoulos, Johannes and Grogan, Laura F. (2024). Infectious disease as a driver of declines and extinctions. Cambridge Prisms: Extinction.



Jørgensen, Dolly. (2017). Immortality and Infinitude in the Anthropocene. Environmental Philosophy 14(1): 119-138. [Abstract]


Estimating current/past extinction rates

Boehm, Mannfred M. A. and Cronk, Quentin C. B. (2021). Dark extinction: the problem of unknown historical extinctions. Biol. Lett. 17: 20210007.

Pimm, S. L., Raven, R., Peterson, A. et al. (2006). Human impacts on the rates of recent, present, and future bird extinctions. PNAS 103: 10941-10946.

Smith, F. D. M., May, R. M., Pellew, R. et al. (1993). Estimating extinction rates. Nature 364: 494-496.

Stork, Nigel E. (2010). Re-assessing current extinction rates. Biodiversity and Conservation 19: 357-371.

Stork, Nigel E. and Lyal. C. H. C. (1993) Extinction or ‘co-extinction’ rates? Nature 366: 307.


Extinct populations

Bro-Jørgensen, Maiken Hemme et al. (2021). Genomic insights on the extinct Baltic harp seal population. Preprint available from:

Ewers, Christine et al. (2024). The ghost of oysters past: museomics reveals isolation, low diversity and adaptive signatures of an extinct oyster population. ResearchSquare preprint.

Glykou, Aikaterini et al. (2021). Reconstructing the ecological history of the extinct harp seal population of the Baltic Sea. Quaternary Science Reviews 251: 106701.

Hayer, Sarah et al. (2021). Phylogeography in an “oyster” shell provides first insights into the genetic structure of an extinct Ostrea edulis population. Scientific Reports 11: 2307.

Izverscaia, Tatiana et al. (2022). Extinct species of the Caryophyllaceae Juss. family in the spontaneous flora of Republic of Moldova. Journal of Botany 14(1): 21-33.

Maurer, G., Russell, D. G. D., Woog, F. and Cassey, P. (2010). The eggs of the extinct Egyptian population of White-tailed Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 130(3): 208-214.

Rosche, Christoph et al. (2022). Tracking population genetic signatures of local extinction with herbarium specimens. Annals of Botany 129(7): 857-868.

van Daele, P. and Leonard, P. M. (2001). The status of Great Crested Grebes Podiceps cristatus in Zambia. Zambia Bird Rep. 1999: 88-90. [very few left, if not already extinct]


Future extinction rates

Tedesco, Pablo A. et al. (2013). A scenario for impacts of water availability loss due toclimate change on riverine fish extinction rates. Journal of Applied Ecology 50(5): 1105-1115.


Inferring/declaring extinction

Black, Simon A. (2020). Assessing Presence, Decline, and Extinction for the Conservation of Difficult-to-Observe Species, pp. 359-392. In: Angelici F., Rossi L. (eds.). Problematic Wildlife II. Cham: Springer.

Fisher, Diana O. and Blomberg, Simone P. (2012). Inferring Extinction of Mammals from Sighting Records, Threats, and Biological Traits. Conservation Biology 26(1): 57-67.

Fisher, Diana O. and Humphreys, Aelys M. (2024). Evidence for modern extinction in plants and animals. Biological Conservation 298: 110772.

Keith, David A. and Burgman, Mark A. (2004). The Lazarus effect: can the dynamics of extinct species lists tell us anything about the status of biodiversity? Biological Conservation 117: 41-48.

Keith, D.A., Butchart S. H. M., Regan, H. M., Collen, B., Harrison, I., Solow, A. R. and Burgman, M. A. (2017). Inferring extinctions I: a structured method using information on threats. Biological Conservation 214: 320-327.

Lee, T. E., Fisher, D. O., Blomberg, S. P. and Wintle, B. A. (2017). Extinct or still out there? Disentangling influences on extinction and rediscovery helps to clarify the fate of species on the edge. Global Change Biology 23(2): 621-634.

McCrea, R. S., Cheale, T., Campillo-Funollet, E. and Roberts, D. L. (2024). Inferring species extinction from sighting dataInferring species extinction from sighting data. Cambridge Prisms: Extinction 2: e19.

Roberts, David L. and Jarić, Ivan. (2020). Inferring the extinction of species known only from a single specimen. Oryx 54(2): 161-166.

Roberts, David L., Hinsley, Amy, Fiennes, Sicily and Veríssimo, Diogo. (2022). Understanding the drivers of expert opinion when classifying species as extinct. Conservation Biology.

Thompson, C. J., Koshkina, V., Burgman, M. A., Butchart, S. H. M. and Stone, L. (2017). Inferring extinctions II: an iterative model based on records and surveys. Biological Conservation 214: 328-335.


Introduced Rodents

Wilmhurst, Janet M. and Carpenter, Joanna K. (2020). Rodent detection and monitoring for conservation on islands: gnawed seeds provide reliable indicator of rodent presence. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 44(1): 3398.


Local Extinctions

Kempel, A., Bornand, C. N., Gygax, A. et al. (2020). Nationwide revisitation reveals thousands of local extinctions across the ranges of 713 threatened and rare plant species. Conservation Letters 13:e12749.


Lost taxa

Butchart, Stuart. (2007). Birds to find: a review of 'lost', obscure and poorly known African bird species. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 14(2): 139-157.

Butchart, S. H. M.; Collar, N. J.; Crosby, M. J. and Tobias, J. A. (2005). Asian enigmas: Lost and poorly known birds: targets for birders in Asia. Birding Asia 3: 41-49.

Evans, Thomas, Lindken, Tim, Anderson, Christopher V., Ariano-Sánchez, Daniel, Barki, Goni, Biggs, Christina, Bowles, Philip, Chaitanya, Ramamoorthi, Cronin, Drew T., Jähnig, Sonja C., Jeschke, Jonathan M., Kennerley, Rosalind J., Lacher, Thomas E. Jr., Luedtke, Jennifer A., Liu, Chunlong, Long, Barney, Mallon, David, Martin, Gabriel M., Meiri, Shai, Pasachnik, Stesha A., Reynoso, Victor Hugo, Stanford, Craig B., Stephenson, P. J., Tolley, Krystal A., Torres-Carvajal, Omar, Waldien, David L. and Woinarski, John C. Z. (2024). What factors influence the rediscovery of lost tetrapod species? Appendix E: Lost and rediscovered species [Dataset]. Dryad.

Lindken, Tim, Anderson, Christopher V., Ariano-Sánchez, Daniel, Barki, Goni, Biggs, Christina, Bowles, Philip, Chaitanya, Ramamoorthi, Cronin, Drew T., Jähnig, Sonja C., Jeschke, Jonathan M., Kennerley, Rosalind J., Lacher, Thomas E. Jr., Luedtke, Jennifer A., Liu, Chunlong, Long, Barney, Mallon, David, Martin, Gabriel M., Meiri, Shai, Pasachnik, Stesha A., Reynoso, Victor Hugo, Stanford, Craig B., Stephenson, P. J., Tolley, Krystal A., Torres-Carvajal, Omar, Waldien, David L., Woinarski, John C. Z. and Evans, Thomas. (2024). What factors influence the rediscovery of lost tetrapod species? Global Change Biology 30(1): e17107. [Supporting Information (Appendices A-D); see Evans et al., 2024 for Appendix E (Lost and rediscovered species)]

Long, Barney and Rodríguez, Jon Paul. (2022). Lost but not forgotten: a new nomenclature to support a call to rediscover and conserve lost species. Oryx 56(4): 481-482.

Martin, Thomas E., Bennett, Gareth C., Fairbairn, Andrew J. and Mooers, A. Ø. (2023). ‘Lost’ taxa and their conservation implications. Animal Conservation 26(1): 14-24. [Appendix S2 (1617 taxa not seen >10 years); Appendix S3 (562 taxa not seen >50 years)]

Tobias, Joseph A., Butchart, Stuart H. M. and Collar, Nigel J. (2006). Lost and found: a gap analysis for the Neotropical avifauna. Neotropical Birding 2006: 4-22.


Mathematical models

Collen, Ben and Turvey, Samuel T. (2009). Probabilistic methods for determining extinction chronologies, pp. 181-192. In: Turvey, Samuel T. (ed.). Holocene Extinctions. Oxford University Press.

Fisher, Diana O. and Humphreys, Aelys M. (2024). Evidence for modern extinction in plants and animals. Biological Conservation 298: 110772.


Quantifying extinction risk

Garnett, Stephen T., Hayward-Brown, Brittany K. et al. (2022). Australia's most imperilled vertebrates. Biological Conservation 270: 109561.

Geyle, Hayley M. et al. (2021). Reptiles on the brink: identifying the Australian terrestrial snake and lizard species most at risk of extinction. Pacific Conservation Biology 27: 3-12.

Régnier, Claire et al. (2015). Mass extinction in poorly known taxa. PNAS 112(25): 7761-7766.



Balchon, C. (2007). Back from the dead! A potpourri of recent rediscoveries in the Neotropics. Neotropical Birding 2: 4-11.

Chong, K. Y., Lee, S. M., Gwee, A. T., Leong, P. K., Ahmad, S., Ang, W. F., Lok, A. F., Yeo, C. K., Corlett, R. T. and Tan, H. T. (2012). Herbarium records do not predict rediscovery of presumed nationally extinct species. Biodiversity and Conservation 21: 2589-2599.

Crowley, B. (2011). Extinction and rediscovery: where the wild things are. Journal of Biogeography 38: 1633-1634.

Dawson, M. R., Marivaux, L., Li, C. K., Beard, K. C. and Metais, G. (2006). Laonastes and the “Lazarus effect’’ in recent mammals. Science 311: 1456-1458

Echternacht, L., Trovó, M. and Sano, P. T. (2010). Rediscoveries in Eriocaulaceae: seven narrowly distributed taxa from the Espinhaço Range in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Feddes Repertorium 121(3-4): 117-126.

Evans, Thomas, Lindken, Tim, Anderson, Christopher V., Ariano-Sánchez, Daniel, Barki, Goni, Biggs, Christina, Bowles, Philip, Chaitanya, Ramamoorthi, Cronin, Drew T., Jähnig, Sonja C., Jeschke, Jonathan M., Kennerley, Rosalind J., Lacher, Thomas E. Jr., Luedtke, Jennifer A., Liu, Chunlong, Long, Barney, Mallon, David, Martin, Gabriel M., Meiri, Shai, Pasachnik, Stesha A., Reynoso, Victor Hugo, Stanford, Craig B., Stephenson, P. J., Tolley, Krystal A., Torres-Carvajal, Omar, Waldien, David L. and Woinarski, John C. Z. (2024). What factors influence the rediscovery of lost tetrapod species? Appendix E: Lost and rediscovered species [Dataset]. Dryad.

Fisher, Diana O. (2011a). Trajectories from extinction: where are missing mammals rediscovered? Global Ecology & Biogeography 20: 415-425. [Appendix S1]

Fisher, Diana O. (2011b). Cost, effort and outcome of mammal rediscovery: neglect of small species. Biological Conservation 144: 1712-1718.

Fisher, Diana O. and Blomberg, Simone Phillipa. (2011). Correlates of rediscovery and the detectability of extinction in mammals. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 278(1708): 1090-1097.

Ladle, Richard J. et al. (2011). The causes and biogeographical significance of species rediscovery. Frontiers of Biogeography 3(3): 104-111.

Lee, T. E., Fisher, D. O., Blomberg, S. P. and Wintle, B. A. (2017). Extinct or still out there? Disentangling influences on extinction and rediscovery helps to clarify the fate of species on the edge. Global Change Biology 23(2): 621-634.

Lindken, Tim, Anderson, Christopher V., Ariano-Sánchez, Daniel, Barki, Goni, Biggs, Christina, Bowles, Philip, Chaitanya, Ramamoorthi, Cronin, Drew T., Jähnig, Sonja C., Jeschke, Jonathan M., Kennerley, Rosalind J., Lacher, Thomas E. Jr., Luedtke, Jennifer A., Liu, Chunlong, Long, Barney, Mallon, David, Martin, Gabriel M., Meiri, Shai, Pasachnik, Stesha A., Reynoso, Victor Hugo, Stanford, Craig B., Stephenson, P. J., Tolley, Krystal A., Torres-Carvajal, Omar, Waldien, David L., Woinarski, John C. Z. and Evans, Thomas. (2024). What factors influence the rediscovery of lost tetrapod species? Global Change Biology 30(1): e17107. [Supporting Information (Appendices A-D); see Evans et al., 2024 for Appendix E (Lost and rediscovered species)]

Scheffers, Brett R., Yong, Ding Li, Harris, J. Berton C., Giam, Xingli and Sodhi, Navjot S. (2011). The world’s rediscovered species: back from the brink? PLoS ONE 6(7): e22531. [Supporting Information (Table S1)]

Watson, David M. and Davis, Robert A. (2017). Hopeful Monsters—In Defense of Quests to Rediscover Long-Lost Species. Conservation Letters 10(4): 382-383.

Zablocki, John, Arora, Siddharth and Barua, Mann. (2016). Factors affecting media coverage of species rediscoveries. Conservation Biology 30(4): 914-917.


Romeo Error

Collar, Nigel J. (1998). Extinction by assumption; or, the Romeo Error on Cebu. Oryx 32: 239-244.

Penedo, Thiago Serrano de Almeida et al. (2015). Considerations on extinct species of Brazilian flora. Rodriguésia 66(3): 711-715.


Social extinction

Jarić, I., Roll, U., Bonaiuto, M., Brook, B. W., Courchamp, F., Firth, J. A., Gaston, K. J., Heger, T., Jeschke, J. M., Ladle, R. J. et al. (2022). Societal extinction of species. Trends Ecol Evol. 37(5): 411-419.

Ladle, Richad J. et al. (2023). Biocultural aspects of species extinctions. Cambridge Prisms: Extinction.



Linke, Lily and Clements, Christopher F. (2024). A Sixth Mass Extinction? How Linguistic Uncertainty Shapes Our Understanding of the Biodiversity Crisis. Ecology and Evolution 14(12): e70653.

Turton-Hughes, S., Holmes, G. and Hassall, C. (2024). The diversity of ignorance and the ignorance of diversity: origins and implications of “shadow diversity” for conservation biology and extinction. Cambridge Prisms: Extinction 2: e18.


Section 2. Plant and Animal Groups



Honegger, R. E. (1981). List of amphibians and reptiles either known or thought to have become extinct since 1600. Biol. Conserv. 19: 141-158.

Regalado, Pedro Galán. (2015). Los Anfibios y Reptiles Extinguidos: Herpetofauna Desaparecida Desde el Año 1500. Monografías de la Universidade da Coruña 155: 1-509 pp.

Stuart, Simon N. et al. (2004). Status and Trends of Amphibian Declines and Extinctions Worldwide. Sciencexpress, 14 October, pp. 1-5.

Wake, D. B. and Vredenburg, V. T. (2008). Are we in the midst of the sixth mass extinction? A view from the world of amphibians. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 105: 11466-11473.



Sullivan, Gregory T. and Ozman-Sullivan, Sebahat K. (2021). Alarming evidence of widespread mite extinctions in the shadows of plant, insect and vertebrate extinctions. Austral Ecology 46(1): 163-176.



Barnosky, A. D., Koch, P. L., Feranec, R. S., Wing, S. L. and Shabel, A. B. (2004). Assessing the causes of Late Pleistocene extinctions on thecontinents. Science 306: 70–75.

Benson, C.W. (1972). Skins of extinct or nearly extinct birds in Cambridge. Bull. Brit. Orn. Club 92: 59-58.

Boev, Z. (2003). Specimens of extinct and threatened birds in the collections of the National Museum of Natural History in Sofía, Bulgaria.Bull. Brit. Orn. Club 123A: 234-245.

Boyer, AG. (2008). Extinction patterns in the avifauna of the Hawaiian islands. Diversity and Distributions 14: 509-517.

Butchart, Stuart. (2007). Birds to find: a review of 'lost', obscure and poorly known African bird species. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 14(2): 139-157.

Butchart, Stuart H. M.; Collar, N. J.; Crosby, M. J. & Tobias, J. A. (2005). Asian enigmas: Lost and poorly known birds: targets for birders in Asia. Birding Asia 3: 41-49.

Butchart, Stuart H. M., Lowe, Stephen, Martin, Rob W., Symes, Andy, Westrip, James R. S. and Wheatley, Hannah. (2018a). Which bird species have gone extinct? A novel quantitative classification approach. Biological Conservation 227: 9-18.

Butchart, Stuart H. M., Stattersfield, Alison J. and Brooks, T. M. (2006a). Going or gone: defining 'Possibly Extinct' species to give a truer picture of recent extinctions. Bull. Brit. Orn. Club. 126 Suppl. 7-24.

Butchart, Stuart H. M., Stattersfield, Alison J. and Collar, Nigel J. (2006b). How many bird extinctions have we prevented? Oryx 40(3): 266-278.

Butchart, Stuart H. M., Wheatley, Hannah, Lowe, Stephen, Westrip, James R. S., Symes, Andy and Martin, Rob W. (2018b). Data for: Which bird species have gone extinct? A novel quantitative classification approach. Mendeley Data, V1, doi: 10.17632/vvjhpmyxb4.1

Cheke, A. (2001). Booby Sula colonies in the Mascarene area (Indian Ocean): extinctions, myths and colour morphs. Bull. Br. Orn. Club 121: 71-80.

Cooke, Rob, Sayol, Ferran, Andermann, Tobias, Blackburn, Tim M., Steinbauer, Manuel J., Antonelli, Alexandre and Faurby, Søren. (2023). Undiscovered bird extinctions obscure the true magnitude of human-driven extinction waves. Nature Communications 14: 8116.

Dean, W. R. J. and Bond, W. J. (1994). Apparent avian extinctions from islands in a man-made lake, South Africa. Ostrich 65: 7-13.

Duncan, Richard P., Boyer, Alison G. and Blackburn, Tim M. (2013). Magnitude and variation of prehistoric bird extinctions in the Pacific. PNAS March 25, 2013. doi:10.1073/pnas.1216511110 [Abstract]

Ehrlich, Paul R., Dobkin, David S. and Wheye, Darryl. (1992). Birds in Jeopardy: The Imperiled and Extinct Birds of the United States and Canada, Including Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. 259 pp. [hardback & softcover versions]

Fisher, C. T. (1981). Specimens of extinct, endangered or rare birds in the Merseyside County Museums, Liverpool. Bull. Brit. Orn. Club 101: 276-285.

Fromm, Amir and Meiri, Shai. (2021). Big, flightless, insular and dead: Characterising the extinct birds of the Quaternary. Journal of Biogeography 48: 2350-2359.

Fuller, Errol. (1987). Extinct Birds. London: Viking/Rainbird. 256 pp.

Fuller, Errol. (1988). Extinct Birds. New York: Facts on File Publications. 256 pp.

Fuller, Errol. (2000). Extinct Birds. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Greenway, James C. Jnr. (1958). Extinct and vanishing birds of the world. Special Publication 13. American Committee for International Wild Life Protection. New York, USA.

Greenway, James C. Jnr. (1967). Extinct and vanishing birds of the world, second edition. American Committee for International WildLife Protection, Special Publication no 13, 2nd edn. New York: Dover Publications.

Günther, A. and Newton, E. (1879). The extinct birds of Rodriguez. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Societyof London 168 (extra vol.): 423–437.

Hille, S. and Thiollay, J. M. (2000). The imminent extinction of the Kites Milvus milvus fasciicauda and M. m. migrans on the Cape Verde Islands. Bird Cons. Int. 10: 361-369.

Holdaway, Richard N., Worthy, Trevor H. and Tennyson, Alan J. D. (2001). A working list of breeding bird species of the New Zealand region at first human contact. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 28(2): 119-187.

Howes, C.A. (1969). A survey of extinct and nearly extinct birds in the Royal Albert Memorial Museum, Exeter. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 89, 89-92.

Hume, Julian Pender. (2017). Extinct Birds (2nd ed.). London: Helm.

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