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You can cite REPAD in any professional manner you like, subject to the usual editorial constraints/publisher house-style, but as the website name is rather long I suggest citing me (Branden Holmes) as I am the compiler and editor of the online database, and the author of all content unless explicitly credited to another researcher.
NB: Preprints are only included until such time as any peer-reviewed version appears. The latter papers are denoted with an asterisk ('*') to indicate this.
Our mentions in the literature (n=33)
Adamski, Zbigniew, Wendzonka, Jacek and Konwerski, Szymon. (2025). Light and Scanning Electron Microscopy in the Digitization of Arthropods’ Biological Collections. Diversity 17(3): 211.
Blakemore, Robert J. (2025). Biodiversity restated: > 99.9% of global species in Soil Biota. ZooKeys 1224: 283-316.
Canavan, Susan, Doyle, David M., Kane, Adam, Nolan, Grace and Healy, Kevin. (2024). Trending extinctions: online interest in recently extinct animals. Animal Conservation.
Donnelly, Debborah. (2024a). Biodiverse Thailand: Conservation for Species at Risk. Unpublished paper.
Donnelly, Debborah. (2024b). Endangered Species Conservation in Vietnam. Unpublished paper.
*Fisher, Diana O. and Humphreys, Aelys M. (2024). Evidence for modern extinction in plants and animals. Biological Conservation 298: 110772.
Goodine, Mackenzie. (2024). Thylacine: A Victim of Human Destruction. The Eyrie: A Literary/Arts Journal 2024: 19-28.
Schmidt, Detlef. (2024a). Für immer verloren? Band 6: Das Insektensterben. BoD - Books on Demand: self published. 442 pp. [Preview on Google Books]
Schmidt, Detlef. (2024b). Für immer verloren?: Das Insektensterben. BoD - Books on Demand: self published. 178 pp. [Preview on Google Books]
Ahlstone, Daisy M. (2023). Giving Life to Legends: Material Representation of Ostensive Behavior. Western Folklore 82(1): 37-59.
*Blakemore, Robert J. (2023). Biotic SOC Stock: What We Had & What We Lost. Veop 6: 1-59.
Brook, Barry W., Sleightholme, Stephen R., Campbell, Cameron R., Jarić, Ivan and Buettel, Jessie C. (2023). The Tasmanian Thylacine Sighting Record Database (TTSRD): 1,223 quality-rated and geo-located Thylacine observations from 1910 to 2019. Australian Zoologist.
Lymbery, Alan J. and Smit, Nico J. (2023). Conservation of parasites: A primer. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 21: 255-263.
Schmidt, Detlef. (2023). Für immer verschwunden? Band 1 Käfer und Schaben: Das Insektensterben [Google translate: Gone forever? Volume 1 beetles and cockroaches: the death of insects]. BoD - Books on Demand: self published. 330 pp. [Preview on Google Books] [there is also a 2024 edition]
Steiner, Moriz and Huettmann, Falk. (2023). Evolution, Extinction, and Extinction Rate Estimates of the World Squirrels, pp 91-110. In: Sustainable Squirrel Conservation: A Modern Reassessment of Family Sciuridae. Cham: Springer.
Checklist Committee (OSNZ). (2022). Checklist of the Birds of New Zealand (5th edition). Ornithological Society of New Zealand Occasional Publication No. 1. Wellington: Ornithological Society of New Zealand.
Harman, Alexander John and Hoback, W. W. (2022). New State Records for Melanoplus macclungi (Orthoptera: Acrididae) and Notes on its Biology. J. of the Kansas Entomological Society 94(1): 1-12.
Miskelly, Colin M., Forsdick, Natalie J., Gill, Brian J., Palma, Ricardo L., Rawlence, Nicolas J. and Tennyson, Alan J. D. (2022). Amendments to the 2010 Checklist of the birds of New Zealand. Ornithological Society of New Zealand Occasional Publication No. 2. Wellington: Ornithological Society of New Zealand.
Albani Rocchetti, Giulia et al. (2022). Selecting the best candidates for resurrecting extinct-in-the-wild plants from herbaria. Nature Plants 8: 1385-1393.
Tricker-Walsh, Cecilia. (2022). ‘What we talk about when we talk about extinction’: The affective (im)possibilities of extinction in contemporary fictions. PhD thesis, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, The University of Sheffield.
Daru, Barnabas H., Davies, T. Jonathan, Willis, Charles G., Meineke, Emily K., Ronk, Argo, Zobel, Martin, Pärtel, Meelis, Antonelli, Alexandre and Davis, Charles C. (2021). Widespread homogenization of plant communities in the Anthropocene. Nature Communications 12: 6983.
Harman, Alexander John. (2021). Updated distributions of Oklahoma grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae) and notes on Melanoplus macclungi. Masters thesis (MSc), Oklahoma State University.
Oedin, Malik. (2021). Sensibilité des populations de roussettes (Mégachiroptères, Pteropodidae) aux prélèvements cynégétiques et aux prédateurs introduits : une approche éco-démographique en Nouvelle Calédonie. Doctoral thesis, Universite de la Nouvelle-Caledonie.
Victorian Government. (2021). Crenoicus mixtus: phreatoicid isopod (Threatened Species Assessment). Melbourne: Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning. 2 pp.
Harangozó, Adam. (2020). Passenger Pigeon Manifesto. Collections: A Journal for Museum and Archives Professionals 16(4): 393-399.
Khalaf, Norman Ali Bassam. (2020a). A Historical Record of the Extinct Carthaginian Elephant (Loxodonta africana pharaohensis Deraniyagala, 1948) from Tell Rafah, South of Gaza Strip, State of Palestine. Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin 40(209): 1-30.
Khalaf, Norman Ali Bassam. (2020b). The Extinct Syrian Elephant or Assyrian Elephant (Elephas maximus asurus Deraniyagala, 1950). Gazelle: The Palestinian Biological Bulletin 40(210): 1-49.
Suárez, Raquel López. (2020). Un vivero para la eco-educación: Programación de Biología y Geología para 1° de ESO [translation: A nursery for the eco-education: Teaching programme in Biology and Geology for 1st of CSE]. Master's thesis, Unversidad de Oviedo.
van Damme, Kay and Nevalainen, Liisa. (2019). The most latent cladoceran in the Holarctic revealed—sinking Unapertura Sarmaja-Korjonen, Hakojärvi & Korhola, 2000 into the genus Rhynchotalona Norman, 1903 (Branchiopoda: Cladocera: Chydoridae). Zootaxa 4613(3): 463-476.
Humphreys, Aelys M., Govaerts, Rafaël, Ficinski, Sarah Z., Lughadha, Eimear Nic and Vorontsova, Maria S. (2019). Global dataset shows geography and life form predict modern plant extinction and rediscovery. Nature Ecology & Evolution 3: 1043-1047. [Supplementary Dataset 1]
Tobias, M. C. and Morrison, J. G. (2019). The Varieties of Social Contracts, pp. 213-242. In: Tobias, Michael Charles and Morrison, Jane Gray (eds.). The Hypothetical Species: Variables of Human Evolution. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. [Abstract]
Nowak, Ronald M. (2018). Walker's Mammals of the World: Monotremes, Marsupials, Afrotherians, Xenarthrans, and Sundatherians. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. [p. 182]
Regalado, Pedro Galán. (2015). Los Anfibios y Reptiles Extinguidos: Herpetofauna Desaparecida Desde el Año 1500. Monografías de la Universidade da Coruña 155: 1-509 pp.