
Most Recent Global Extinctions

The following table is tentative. There are doubtless many species unknowingly omitted from consideration simply because they went extinct without ever having been documented. While other (sub)species not included here probably survived longer than is recognised by science, and possibly still exist. Moreover, the "Last record" given for each (sub)species almost certainly does not represent the very last individual (endling) in almost all cases for obvious reasons. Nevertheless such an incomplete picture of recent extinctions is better than none at all. The list is arbitrarily limited to extinctions that are believed to have taken place since 1 January 20001,2.

Entries listed in bold are tentative post-1999 records.

Entries which are underlined may not be taxonomically valid.

Entries which are both bolded and underlined are taxa which are feared extinct again.

An asterisk '*' denotes that the endling died in captivity/ex situ.


Scientific name Common name (type of organism) Geographical range Last record References
Achatinella apexfulva* (land snail) Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, USA 1 January 2019 David Sischo
Ecnomiohyla rabborum* Rabb’s fringe-limbed treefrog Panama 26 September 2016 Platt, 2016
Partula faba faba* Captain Cook's bean snail Raiatea, Society Islands 21 February 2016 Justin Gerlach's website
Emoia nativitatis* Christmas Island forest skink Christmas Island, Indian Ocean 31 May 2014 Woinarski et al., 2017
Megupsilon aporus* Catarina pupfish México 2014 González et al., 2018
Chelonoidis abingdonii* Abingdon Island tortoise Abingdon Island (=Pinta Island), Galápagos 24 June 2012 Jones, 2013
Diceros bicornis longipes Western black rhino[ceros] West Africa 2012 Gippoliti et al., 2018
Philydor novaesi Alagoas foliage-gleaner (bird) Alagoas State, Brazil September 2011 Lees et al., 2014; Pereira et al., 2014
Brachylagus idahoensis ssp. nov.* Columbia Basin pygmy rabbit Columbia Basin, Washington, USA 2011 or after Becker & DeMay, 2016
Garra festai Ammiq garra (fish) Ammiq Marshes, Lebanon 2011 Freyhof et al., 2014
Rhinoceros sondaicus annamiticus Vietnamese Javan rhino[ceros] Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam 29 April 2010 Brook et al., 2011
Alcelaphus buselaphus tora Tora's hartebeest (mammal) Nubia and W Ethiopia 2010 Gippoliti et al., 2018
Pipistrellus murrayi Christmas Island pipistrelle (bat) Christmas Island, Indian Ocean 27 August 2009 Lumsden, 2009
Melomys rubicola Bramble Cay melomys (rodent) Bramble Cay, Torres Strait 2009 Woinarski & Burbidge, 2016
Tryonia oasiensis (springsnail) Caroline Spring, Texas, USA 2009 Hershler et al., 2011
Festuca molokaiensis (grass) Molokai, Hawaiian Islands, USA 2009 Wood et al., 2019
Atelopus pinangoi Green and red harlequin toad Venezuela December 2008 Pereira-Muñoz et al., 2015
Asterropteryx gubbina (goby fish) Silhouette island, Seychelles April 2008 Gerlach, 2010
Pseudophoxinus syriacus Barada Spring minnow Syria 2008 Freyhof et al., 2014
Claravis geoffroyi Purple-winged ground dove Argentina, Brazil & Paraguay November 2007 Areta et al., 2009
Cichlocolaptes mazarbarnetti Cryptic treehunter (bird) Alagoas State, Brazil 2007 Pereira et al., 2014
Telmatobius mendelsoni (amphibian) Peru 2007 De la Riva et al., 2012
Plectostoma charasense (snail) Pahang state, Malaysia 2007 Thorseng, 2014
Bombus franklini Franklin's bumble bee California & Oregon, USA 9 August 2006 Kevan, 2008
Chirostoma bartoni Alberca silverside (fish) Alberca Caldera, Guanajuato, México August 2006 Jelks et al., 2008
Samoana attenuata Cone-shaped tree-snail Society Islands, French Polynesia February 2006 Coote, 2009a
Eleutherodactylus brevirostris Shortsnout robber frog Hispaniola 2006 Hedges & Díaz, 2009
Holcaspis brevicula Eyrewell ground beetle Canterbury Plains, South Island, New Zealand 9 February 2005 Brockerhoff et al., 2005
Podarcis filfolensis kieselbachi Selmunett lizard Selmunett Island, Malta 2005 Sciberras & Schembri, 2008
Nymphargus truebae Trueb's Cochran frog Peru 2005 IUCN ASG, 2017c
Dypsis brittiana (palm tree) Madagascar 2005 Rakotoarinivo & Dransfield, 2012
Melamprosops phaeosoma* Po'ouli, Black-faced honeycreeper Maui, Hawaiian Islands 28 November 2004 Song, 2004; Powell, 2008
Senecio berteroi (flowering plant) Robinson Crusoe Island, Juan Fernández Islands, Chile August 2004 Danton and Perrier, 2005
Toxostoma guttatum Cozumel thrasher (bird) Cozumel, México June 2004 Curry et al., 2006
Delamarephorura tami (non-insect arthropod) Viet Nam 2004 Deharveng & Bedos, 2016a
Patiriella littoralis Derwent River seastar Tasmania, Australia 2004 Department of the Environment, 2020
Psephurus gladius* Chinese paddlefish China 2004 source
Mastigodiaptomus galapagoensis El Junco Lake copepod El Junco Lake, San Cristóbal Island, Galápagos Islands 2004 López et al., 2021; Elías-Gutiérrez et al., 2023
Nesiota elliptica* St Helena olive St Helena, Atlantic Ocean December 2003 Lambdon & Ellick, 2016
Xenopoecilus poptae Popta's buntingi Lake Poso, Sulawesi, Indonesia March 2003 Parenti & Soeroto, 2003
Nectophrynoides poyntoni (amphibian) Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania Early 2003 Menegon et al., 2004
Atelopus farci Forest stubfoot toad Colombia 2003 IUCN ASG, 2017a
Atelopus simulatus Imitating stubfoot toad Colombia 2003 IUCN ASG 2015
Altiphrynoides osgoodi Osgood's Ethiopian toad Ethiopia 2003 IUCN ASG, 2014
Kubaryia pilikia (land snail) Peleliu, Palau 2003 Rundell, 2012
Bonatea lamprophylla (orchid) Greater St. Lucia Wetland Park, St. Lucia 2003 Combrink & Kyle, 2006
Lipotes vexillifer* Baiji, Yangtze River dolphin Yangtze River, China 2002 (2007?) Turvey, 2008
Partula labrusca* Vine tree-snail Raiatea, Society Islands 2002 Coote, 2009b
Cereus estevesii (cactus) Minas Gerais State, Brazil 2002 Braun & Taylor, 2013
Glaucidium mooreorum Pernambuco pygmy owl Pernambuco State, Brazil November 2001 BirdLife, 2016
Libythea collenettei Marquesan snout butterfly Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia 28 August 2001 Kawahara, 2003; Kawahara & Toussaint, 2018
Numenius tenuirostris Slender-billed curlew (bird) Northern Hemisphere 15 April 2001 Oláh & Pigniczki, 2010
Xerobdella lecomtei European land leech near Graz, Austria 2001-2005 Kutschera et al., 2007
Atelopus sernai (amphibian) Antioquia Department, Colombia 2001 IUCN ASG, 2017b
Labeobarbus reinii Giant Atlas barbel Morocco 2001 Freyhof & Ford, 2022
Hyperolius ruvuensis (amphibian) Tanzania 2001 Barratt et al., 2017
Argynnis hyperbius inconstans Australian fritillary (butterfly) NSW & Queensl., Australia 2001 Lambkin, 2017
Phyllostegia knudsenii (flowering plant) Kaua'i, Hawaiian Islands 2001 Clark, 2015; Wood, 2015; Wood et al., 2019
Tetramolopium capillare pamakani (plant) Maui, Hawaiian Islands 2001 (Federal Register); 2006 (Wood et al.) Federal Register 81(61); Wood et al., 2019
Glyceria drummondii Nangetty grass Western Australia, Australia 2000-2004 Threatened Species Week entry
Hesperia meskei pinocayo Rockland grass skipper butterfly Florida, USA 2000 Mongabay
Eutamias atristriatus Penasco least chipmunk New Mexico, USA 2000 Suckling et al., 2004
Conturbatia crenata (land snail) Fregate island, Seychelles 2000 Gerlach, 2009
Samoana minuta (land snail) Fatu Hiva, Marquesas Islands 2000 Gerlach, 2016
Pyrgulopsis torrida (land snail) Ventura County, California, USA 2000 Hershler et al., 2016
Rhizopsammia wellingtoni Wellington's solitary coral Galápagos Islands 2000 Hickman et al., 2007
Solanum ruvu (flowering plant) Ruvu Coastal Forest, Morogoro District, Tanzania 2000 Vanishing Flora forum
Euphorbia celastroides tomentella (flowering plant) Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, USA 2000 Wood et al., 2019
Acaena exigua (flowering plant) Kaui & Maui, Hawaiian Islands, USA 2000 Wood et al., 2019
Capra pyrenaica pyrenaica Bucardo, Pyrenean Ibex Pyrénées Mountains, Europe 6 January 20003 Folch et al., 2009
Peperomia subpetiolata (flowering plant) Maui, Hawaiian Islands, USA c.2000 Wood et al., 2019
Zosterops albogularis White-chested white-eye (passerine bird) Norfolk Island 2000 Butchart et al., 2006


1 The epiphytic fern Adenophorus periens was formerly listed above, last recorded in 2014 from the Hawaiian Islands. However, it was rediscovered in 2021 (source: Rare Plant Program Highlights 2021).

2 The Cyprus grass snake (Natrix natrix cypriaca) was formerly listed above with a last record of >2007 (Baier & Wiedl, 2010) but has sinc been found again (Zotos et al., 2021).

3 A cloned specimen was born, and died after several minutes on 30 July 2003 (source).



Appendix 1: Collected pre-2000, but habitat destroyed post-2000 and thus probably causing extinction

Scientific name Common name Distribution Last record Habitat destroyed
Lucihormetica luckae1 Lucka's cockroach Tungurahua volcanoe, Tungurahua Province, Ecuador 1939 2010

1 Vršanský, P., Chorvát, D. A., Fritzsche, I., Hain, M. and Ševčík, R. (2012). Light-mimicking cockroaches indicate Tertiary origin of recent terrestrial luminescence. Naturwissenschaften 99(9): 739-749. [Abstract]


Appendix 2: May be extinct, but confirmation is lacking

Scientific name Common name/type Distribution Last record References
Pseudococcus markharveyi Banksia montana mealybug Stirling Range National Park (Bluff Knoll and Pyungorup Peak), Western Australia, Australia November 2019 Moir, 2021
Drosera allantostigma Geraldton sundew Geraldton Sandplains, Western Australia, Australia December 2018 Cross, 2022

Saxicolella deniseae

(plant) Guinea 27 January 2018 Cheek et al., 2022a
Sitta insularis Bahama nuthatch Grand Bahama, the Bahamas 2018  
Microcambeva bendego (catfish) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 31 August 2016  
Inversodicraea senei (plant) Memve’ele Falls, Ntem River, Cameroon 2016 Budden & Cheek, 2022
Spathoglottis arunachalensis (plant) Arunachal Pradesh, India 2016 Tsering, 2022
Mollinedia myriantha (plant) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2015 de Lirio et al., 2022 [preprint]
Aegiphila caymanensis (plant) Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands 2015  
Musa paramjitiana (wild banana)
Andaman & Nicobar Islands, India
Sulawesidrobia yunusi (snail) Sulawesi, Indonesia 2013 Rintelen, 2019a
Tylomelania zeamais (snail)
Sulawesi, Indonesia
2013  Rintelen, 2019b
Ischnura solitaria (dragonfly) Colombia 2013 Bota-Sierra & Sandoval-H, 2021a
Eremospatha barendii Rattan, Rattan palm Cameroon 2012 Cosiaux et al., 2016
Curcuma pygmaea (plant) Vietnam 17 July 2010 Leong-Škorničková & Tran, 2019
Tsoukatosia evauemgei (snail) Peloponnesos, Greece July 2010 Reischütz, 2017
Epigomphus wagneri (dragonfly) Costa Rica 27 June 2010 Bota-Sierra et al., 2021a
Epigomphus morrisoni (dragonfly) Costa Rica 22 June 2010 Bota-Sierra et al., 2021b
Craugastor fleischmanni Fleischmann's robber frog Costa Rica 2 March 2010  

Maoridrilus felix felix

(earthworm) South Island, New Zealand 2010  



Maoridrilus felix vallis

(earthworm) South Island, New Zealand 2010  



Phrynobatrachus njiomock

Lake Oku puddle frog Mount Oku, Cameroon 2010  
Hypsolebias splendissimus (fish) Bahia, Brazil 2010 Lyons, 2021a


Manihot stellata (plant) Bolivia 2009 Fabriani, 2021
Barbodes lindog (fish) Lake Lanao, Lanao Province, Mindanao Island, Philippines 2008  
Telmatobius bolivianus (frog) Bolivia 2007 IUCN SSC Amphibian Specialist Group, 2020a
Barbodes sirang (fish) Lake Lanao, Lanao Province, Mindanao Island, Philippines 2007  
Artemisia kauaiensis (plant) Kauaʻi, Hawaiian Islands, USA 2006 Clark, 2016
Ceratophysella sp. nov. 'HC' (non-insect arthropod) Viet Nam 2006 Deharveng & Bedos, 2016b
Heteragrion archon (damselfly) Venezuela 2006 Vivas Santeliz et al., 2021
Musa yamiensis (banana) Taiwan 2006 Allen & Plummer, 2020 
Senna suarezensis (plant) Madagascar 2006 Ramanantsialonina, 2019
Sulawesidrobia datar (snail) Sulawesi, Indonesia 2005 Rintelen, 2019c
Cynolebias elegans (fish) Bahia, Brazil 2005 Lyons, 2021b
Puccinellia gussonei (grass) Sicily, Italy 2005 Troìa & Peraza Zurita, 2018
Nannophryne cophotis Paramo toad Peru 2005 IUCN SSC Amphibian Specialist Group, 2018
Chondrostoma orientale
Oriental nase, Kor nase (fish) Kor River basin, Iran 2005  
Andinobates viridis Green poison frog Colombia 2005 IUCN SSC Amphibian Specialist Group, 2017d
Monanthotaxis bali (plant) Bali Ngemba, Cameroon 11 April 2004 Cheek et al., 2022b
Cyclophyllum tiebaghiense (plant) New Caledonia 2004 Barrabé et al., 2019
Orionothemis felixorioni (dragonfly) Bahia, Brazil 2004 Bota-Sierra & Sandoval-H, 2021b
Telmatobius sibiricus (frog) Bolivia 2003 IUCN SSC Amphibian Specialist Group, 2020b
Tristaniopsis jaffrei (plant) New Caledonia 2002 Amice et al., 2020
Psychotria torrenticola (plant) Cameroon 2002 Lovell & Cheek, 2021
Notropis marhabatiensis (fish) Mexico 2002 Domínguez, 2019
Allobates mcdiarmidi (frog) Bolivia 2001-2005 IUCN SSC Amphibian Specialist Group, 2020c
Kihansia lovettii (plant) Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania 28 April 2001 Cheek, 2004 "2003"
Kupea jonii (plant) Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania 28 April 2001 Cheek, 2004 "2003"
Allobates ranoides Llanos rocket frog Colombia 2001 IUCN SSC Amphibian Specialist Group, 2020d
Ochna braunii (plant) Tanzania 2001 Gereau et al., 2020
Sorocephalus crassifolius Flowerless clusterhead Western Cape Province, South Africa 2001 Rebelo et al., 2020 
Oxalis hygrophila (clover plant) Western Cape Province, South Africa 2001 Dreyer et al., 2012
Atelopus angelito Toad Colombia 2000  
Ophthalmolebias perpendicularis (fish) Bahia, Brazil 2000 ICMBio, 2022
Speonectes tiomanensis (fish) Gua Tankok Air cave, Gunung Kajang, Pulau Tioman, Peninsular Malaysia 2000 Ahmad, 2020
Taudactylus rheophilus Northern tinker frog Queensland, Australia 2000 IUCN SSC ASG, 2022
Gentiana wingecarribiensis Wingecarribee gentian, Swamp gentian New South Wales, Australia 2000 Silcock et al., 2021
Wikstroemia skottsbergiana Skottsberg's wikstroemia, Skottsberg's false ohelo, ‘Ākia Hanalei Valley & Kauhao Valley, Kauai, Hawaiian Islands, USA January 2000 Wolkis, 2018


Appendix 3: Most likely extinctions in the near future1,2

Scientific name Common name/type Geographical range Number of individuals References
Merulaxis stresemanni Stresemann’s bristlefront  Bahia, Brazil 1 female source
Bubalus quarlesi Mountain anoa Sulawesi, Indonesia 1 male source
Hyophorbe amaricaulis Loneliest palm Mauritius 1 plant source
Ceratotherium simum cottoni Northern white rhino East and Central Africa 2 females source
Rafetus swinhoei Yangtze giant softshell turtle China

2 males, 1 sex unknown



Phocoena sinus Vaquita porpoise Gulf of California, Mexico Unknown source

1 The Sehuencas water frog (Telmatobius yuracare) was formerly listed here, as there was only a single individual known ('Romeo'). The species had not been seen in the wild for 10 years or more. In late 2018 or early 2019 five further specimens were located in the wild.

2 The Rufous-fronted laughingthrush was formerly listed here, but it has since been rediscovered in the wild.


Appendix 4: Extinct in the wild since 2000 [in progress]

* = tentative

Scientific name Common name/type Distribution Last record
Telmatobius dankoi* Loa water frog El Loa province, Chile June 2019
Schiedea haakoaensis (plant) near Laupāhoehoe, Hawaiʻi (=Big Island), Hawaiian Islands, USA 2019
Phyllostegia pilosa (plant) Maui & Molokai, Hawaiian Islands, USA 2018
Phyllostegia helleri (plant) Kauai, Hawaiian Islands, USA 2018
Cyanea truncata (plant) Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, USA 2018
Gracula religiosa miotera Simeulue Hill myna (bird) Sumatra, Indonesia 2017-2018
Phyllostegia bracteata (plant) Maui, Hawaiian Islands, USA 2017
Phyllostegia mannii (plant) Molokai & Maui, Hawaiian Islands, USA 2016
Phyllostegia brevidens (plant) Hawai'i & Maui, Hawaiian Islands, USA 2016
Deparia kaalaana (plant) Hawai'i, Kauai & Maui, Hawaiian Islands, USA  2016
Delissea rhytidosperma (plant) Kauai, Hawaiian Islands, USA 2014
Dendroseris gigantea (plant) Alejandro Selkirk Island, Juan Fernández Archipelago, Chile March 2014
Stenogyne kanehoana (plant) Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, USA 2013
Stenogyne bifida (plant) Molokai, Hawaiian Islands, USA 2013
Kanaloa kahoolawensis (plant) Kaho'olawe, Hawaiian Islands, USA 2013
Caridina dennerli (shrimp) Sulawesi, Indonesia 2013
Phyllostegia parviflora glabriuscula (plant) Hawai'i, Hawaiian Islands, USA 2012
Lachanodes arborea (plant) St Helena 2012
Commersonia erythrogyna Trigwell's rulingia (plant) south-western Western Australia, Australia 2012
Copsychus stricklandii barbouri (passerine bird) Maratua island, Borneo 2011
Phyllostegia parviflora lydgatei (plant) Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, USA 2010
Cyanea grimesiana grimesiana (plant) Moloka'i & Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, USA 2010
Schiedea jacobii (plant) Hawai'i, USA 2009 or 2010
Atelopus zeteki
Panamanian golden toad Panama late 200X's
Stenogyne campanulata (plant) Kauai, Hawaiian Islands, USA 2008
Phyllostegia kaalaensis (plant) Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, USA 2008
Cyanea grimesiana grimesiana (plant) Koʻolau Mountains, Oʻahu, Hawaiian Islands, USA 2008
Magnolia wolfii (plant) Risaralda Department, Colombia August 2006
Musa zaifui (banana) Yunnan Province, China 2006 
Aphanius sirhani (fish) Azraq Oasis, Wadi Sirhan valley, Syrian desert, Jordan 2004-2006
Aphanius saourensis (fish) Oued Saoura Basin, Sahara desert, Algeria 2004
Encephalartos brevifoliolatus (cycad) Limpopo Province, South Africa 2004
Costus vinosus (plant) Panama (central) 2004
Nectophrynoides asperginis Kihansi spray toad Kihansi Falls, Kihansi Gorge, Udzungwa Mountains, eastern Tanzania 2004
Apricaphanius saourensis Sahara killifish Oued (River) Saoura River, western Algeria 2003 or 2004
Cyanea superba superba (plant) Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, USA 2003
Cyanea pinnatifida (plant) Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, USA 2001
Anaxyrus baxteri Wyoming toad Laramie Basin, Wyoming, USA 2000's
Clermontia peleana peleana (plant) Hawaii (=Big Island) & Maui, Hawaiian Islands, USA 2000

Source for Hawaiian plants: Wood et al., 2019 (excluding Clermontia peleana peleana and Schiedea haakoaensis). Delissea argutidentata was formerly listed here (last wild record 2002) before its rediscovery in the wild in early March 2021.



Ahmad, A. B. (2020). Speonectes tiomanensis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2020: e.T21168A89825048. Accessed on 31 July 2022.

Allen, R. and Plummer, J. (2020). Musa yamiensis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2020: e.T123707256A123802066. Accessed on 24 July 2022.

Amice, R., Butin, J.-P., Fleurot, D., Garnier, D., Goxe, J., Hequet, V., Lannuzel, G., Suprin, B. and Veillon, J.-M. (2020). Tristaniopsis jaffrei. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2020: e.T171129478A171159426. Accessed on 10 July 2022.

Areta, J. I., Bodrati, A. and Cockle, K. (2009). Specialization on Guadua bamboo seeds by three bird species in the Atlantic forest of Argentina. Biotropica 41(1): 66-73.

Baier, F. and H.-J. Wiedl. (2010). The re-evaluated conservation status of the mountain populations of the highly endangered Cyprus Grass Snake, Natrix natrix cypriaca (Hecht, 1930), with miscellaneous natural history notes. Salamandra 46:16-23.

Barrabé, L., Amice, R., Bruy, D., Butin, J.-P., Fleurot, D., Garnier, D., Gâteblé, G., Goxe, J., Hequet, V., Lannuzel, G., Suprin, B. & Veillon, J.-M. (2019). Cyclophyllum tiebaghiense. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019: e.T158159683A158166500. Accessed on 08 July 2022.

Barratt, C. D., Lawson, L. P., Bittencourt-Silva, G. B., Doggart, N., Morgan-Brown, T., Nagel, P. and Loader, S. P. (2017). A new, narrowly distributed, and critically endangered species of spiny-throated reed frog (Anura: Hyperoliidae) from a highly threatened coastal forest reserve in Tanzania. Herpetological Journal 27: 13-24.

Becker, Penny A. and DeMay, Stephanie M. (2016). Re-introduction of the Columbia Basin pygmy rabbit in central Washington, USA, pp. 195-199. In: Soorae, P. S. (ed.). Global Re-introduction Perspectives: 2016. Case-studies from around the globe. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN/SSC Reintroduction Specialist Group and Abu Dhabi, UAE: Environment AgencyAbu Dhabi. xiv + 276 pp.

BirdLife International. (2016). Glaucidium mooreorum. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T22733081A95053803. Downloaded on 21 February 2018.

Bota-Sierra, C.A., Novelo-Gutierrez, R., Sandoval-H, J. & Haber, W.A. (2021a). Epigomphus wagneri. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021: e.T139164662A145943548. Accessed on 30 July 2022.

Bota-Sierra, C.A., Novelo-Gutierrez, R., Sandoval-H, J. & Haber, W.A. (2021b). Epigomphus morrisoni. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021: e.T139164598A145943533. Accessed on 24 July 2022.

Bota-Sierra, C.A. & Sandoval-H, J. (2021a). Ischnura solitaria. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021: e.T166483865A166693455. Accessed on 31 July 2022.

Bota-Sierra, C.A. & Sandoval-H, J. (2021b). Orionothemis felixorioni. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021: e.T166496206A166693945. Accessed on 27 July 2022.

Braun, P. & Taylor, N.P. 2013. Cereus estevesii. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2013: e.T152271A617230. Downloaded on 24 February 2018.

Brockerhoff, E. G., Berndt, L. A. and Jactel, H. (2005). Role of exotic pine forests in the conservation of the critically endangered New Zealand ground beetle Holcaspis brevicula (Coleoptera: Carabidae). New Zealand Journal of Ecology 29(1): 37-43.

Brook, Sara, Van Coeverden de Groot, Peter, Mahood, Simon and Long, Barney. (2011). Extinction of the Javan Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus) from Vietnam. WWF Report, 44 pp. [Warning: 11.86 MB file]

Budden, A. and Cheek, Martin. (2022). Inversodicraea senei. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2022: e.T183863983A184577316. Accessed on 24 July 2022.

Butchart, Stuart H. M., Stattersfield, A. J. and Brooks, T. M. (2006). Going or gone: defining ‘Possibly Extinct’ species to give a truer picture of recent extinctions. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 126A: 7-24.

Cheek, Martin. (2004 "2003"). Kupeaeae, a new tribe of Triuridaceae from Africa. Kew Bulletin 58: 939-949.

Cheek, Martin, Molmou, Denise, Magassouba, Sekou and Ghogue, Jean-Paul. (2022a). Taxonomic revision of Saxicolella (Podostemaceae), African waterfall plants highly threatened by Hydro-Electric projects. Kew Bulletin.

Cheek, Martin Cheek, Darbyshire, Iain and Onana, Jean Michel. (2022b). Monanthotaxis bali (Annonaceae) a new Critically Endangered (possibly extinct) montane forest treelet from Bali Ngemba, Cameroon. bioRxiv preprint.

Clark, M. (2015). Phyllostegia knudsenii. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2015: e.T80174379A80174390. Downloaded on 24 February 2018.

Clark, M. (2016). Artemisia kauaiensis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T91150858A91151192. Accessed on 09 July 2022.

Cosiaux, A., Gardiner, L.M. & Couvreur, T. (2016). Eremospatha barendii. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T95316871A95316876. Accessed on 30 July 2022.

Combrink, A. S. and Kyle, R. (2006). A Handbook on the Rare, Threatened & Endemic Species of the Greater St Lucia Wetland Park. A product of the Greater St Lucia Wetland Park - Rare, Threatened & Endemic Species Project. Unpublished internal report. 191 pp.

Coote, Trevor. (2009a). Samoana attenuata. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2009: e.T19884A9106605. Downloaded on 24 February 2018.

Coote, Trevor. (2009b). Partula labrusca. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2009: e.T16290A5597584. Downloaded on 24 February 2018.

Cross, A. (2022). Drosera allantostigma (amended version of 2020 assessment). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2022: e.T66434414A211864384. Accessed on 24 November 2023.

Curry, R. L., Martínez-Gómez, J. E., Hernández-Molina, E. and Chacón-Diaz, A. R. (2006). Conservation status of the critically endangered Cozumel Thrasher in relation to that of Cozumel's other endemic birds. Wings without borders: IV North American Ornithological Conference, October 3-7, 2006, Veracruz, Mexico, pp. 75. American Ornithologists' Union, Waco, TX, USA.

Danton, P. and Perrier, C. (2005). Notes sur la disparition d’une espèce emblématique: Robinsonia berteroi (DC.) Sanders, Stuessy & Martic. (Asteraceae), dans l’île Robinson Crusoe, archipel Juan Fernández (Chili). J Bot Soc Bot France 31: 3-8.

De la Riva, I., Trueb, L. and Duellman, W. E. (2012). A new species of Telmatobius (Anura: Telmatobiidae) from montane forests of southern Peru, with a review of osteological features of the genus. South American Journal of Herpetology 7(2): 91-109.

Deharveng, L. and Bedos, A. (2016a). Delamarephorura tami. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T89575347A89575531. Downloaded on 02 April 2019.

Deharveng, L. and Bedos, A. (2016b). Ceratophysella sp. nov. 'HC'. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T89695701A89695779. Downloaded on 02 April 2019.

Department of the Environment. (2020). Marginaster littoralis in Species Profile and Threats Database, Department of the Environment, Canberra. Available from: Accessed Fri, 31 Jul 2020 21:45:26 +1000.

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I thank Jonathan Oliver for pointing out that I had failed to remove the Sehuencas water frog (Telmatobius yuracare) from Appendix 3.