This website (2014-present) and its predecessor over at the defunct (2010-2019) have benefited from the assistance of many people.
The Sixth Extinction and Vanishing Flora forums
I am particularly indebted to the members of the Sixth Mass Extinction forum and the Vanishing Flora forum for providing such a stimulating environment in which to discuss recently extinct species and subspecies, domestic breeds and cultivated varieties. And for sharing their knowledge of rare and rediscovered species and subspecies. Peter Maas, Melanie Nayyal, Alexander "Alex" Lang, Francisco "Frank" Godino, Sebastian, Sebbe, RSN, amongthylacines, baghira, koeiyabe, simontonge (Simon Tonge) and the rest of the members have willingly shared their immense knowledge with me over the years. May the forum stick around for many more years yet!
Clare Jenkinson, James Burton and Robert Timmins of the IUCN Asian Wild Cattle Specialist Group for their assistance with Asian bovids, particularly the Kouprey (Bos sauveli), and for technical support. Krystal Tolley of the IUCN Chameleon Specialist Group for answering my enquiries into the possibility of there being any recently extinct chameleons. Bruce Collette of the IUCN Tuna and Billfish Specialist Group for answering my queries into recently extinct tuna and billfish. Matthew Craig of the IUCN Grouper and Wrasse Specialist Group for answering my enquiries into the possible extinction of members of the aforementioned group of fishes. All of the members of the IUCN Lagomorph Specialist Group (LSG), Dr. Javier Millan and Fernando Palacios, for information regarding the status of Lepus granatensis solisi, thankyou! Amanda Lane of the IUCN Sea Snake Specialist Group for information regarding rare and potentially extinct sea snake species.
Assistance with the literature
Dr Danny Tang and Dr Brenton Knott (now deceased), both of UWA, for their assistance in answering my questions about the groundwater invertebrates of the Gnangara Mound, Western Australia, and for providing me with the relevant literature. John Dowe for providing me with access to one of his papers on recently extinct palms. Dr. John Huisman (Herbarium Curator, Western Australian Herbarium) for access to two of his published works on the rediscovery and redescription of the algae species Spongophloea tissotii comb. nov.
Peter Uetz of for answering my query on recently extinct reptiles. Justin Gerlach, chair of the Terrestrial and Freshwater Invertebrate Red List Authority for providing me with the species authority of Acanthometropus pecatonica. Dr. Jennifer L. Lavers and Elizabeth Turner, both of the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (the latter recently retired) for clarifiying the current status of the Cascades Funnel-web Spider (Hadronyche pulvinator). Christopher Mah for his opinion regarding the validity of the 24-rayed sunstar from the Galapágos Islands. Dr Catherine Byrne of the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, and Alison Howman from Hydro Tasmania for their assistance in confirming the rediscovery of Romankenkius pedderensis.
Help with web design
The original version of this database was started over at in 2010. Since that time the database has grown and grown, thanks in no small part to that initial enviroment and the features provided therein by Dave and Trish. The current website is the planned permanent home of REPAD, built using the open source CMS Joomla! Needless to say I owe a great deal of thanks to all those involved with the Joomla! project who have made it what it is today. I see a bright future for both of us. I have also benefited greatly from the official Joomla forum.