
Gymnobelideus leadbeateri McCoy, 1867:287

Leadbeater's possum, Fairy possum, Bass River possum, Leadbeater's opossum (used by Lucas & Le Souëf, 1909:107)



Taxonomy & Nomenclature

Synonyms: Palaeopetaurus elegans Broom, 1896:568; Gymnobelideus leadbeateri 'martinekae' Hoser, 2018 [rejected by fiat; see Wüster et al., 2021; MDD, 2025]



elegans Broom, 1896

Palaeopetaurus elegans was first synonymised with Gymnobelideus leadbeateri by (Wakefield, 1972:19, 20-21), and followed by later authors (Archer et al., 1984:1037; McKenna & Bell, 1997:66; Jackson & Groves, 2015:108).


'martinekae' Hoser, 2018

"As a result of these articles not following normal scientific publication practice, we do not consider Hoser’s self-published works part of the scientific literature but they are available in Appendix 1 for our readers’ information. Furthermore, throughout this review, Hoser taxon names are placed in quotation marks and not italicized to indicate that they are not used as valid nomina."

(Wüster et al., 2021)


"the recently described subspecies martinekae is considered a synonym here; it was named by R. T. Hoser, who's names are currently under scrutiny and should be tested by further studies before use"

(MDD, 2025)


Conservation Status

Last record: 1909 (Maxwell et al., 1996)

Rediscovered in: 1961 (Wilkinson, 1961)

IUCN status: Critically Endangered


It was known from five specimens (3 from the Bass River valley; 1 from Koo Wee Rup (Koo-wee-rup); 1 near Sunnyside, on Mount Wills) (Brazenor, 1950:40), the last of which was collected in 1909 (Maxwell et al., 1996). It was rediscovered in 1961 (Wilkinson, 1961).



Victoria, Australia

Type locality: "Bass River, Vic." (McKay, 1988:89)


Biology & Ecology

"Ecology: temperate, montane, gregarious, tree hole, nocturnal, arboral, predator, tall open forest; insectivore, also feeds on manna and gums, restricted to Mountain Ash forests."

(McKay, 1988:89)



Lectotype: NMV C4380 (male) (designated by Dixon, 1970) (McKay, 1988:89)


Other specimens:

AM M9488 (Beck et al., 2022:SM21)

AM M9489 (Beck et al., 2022:SM21)

NMV C31368 (Beck et al., 2022:SM21)

NMV C28294 (Beck et al., 2022:SM21)

NMV C33035 (Beck et al., 2022:SM21)

NMV C26031 (Beck et al., 2022:SM21)

NMV C29756 (Beck et al., 2022:SM21)

NMV C31368 (Beck et al., 2022:SM21)

NMV C26034 (Beck et al., 2022:SM21)

NMV C30848 (Beck et al., 2022:SM21)

NMV C3026 (Beck et al., 2022:SM21)

NMV C33028 (Beck et al., 2022:SM21)

NMV C33032 (Beck et al., 2022:SM21)

NMV C26262 (Beck et al., 2022:SM21)

NMV C6193 (Beck et al., 2022:SM21)

NMV C23921 (Beck et al., 2022:SM21)

NMV C22403 (Beck et al., 2022:SM21)

NMV C26494 (Beck et al., 2022:SM21)

NMV C30862 (Beck et al., 2022:SM21)

NMV C33038 (Beck et al., 2022:SM21)

NMV C18638 (Beck et al., 2022:SM22)

NMV C8175 (Beck et al., 2022:SM22)

NMV C4321 (Beck et al., 2022:SM22)






Original scientific description:

McCoy, F. (1867). On a new genus of Phalanger. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (3) 20: 287-288.


Other references:

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Lindenmayer DB (1994b) Fur-inhabiting ectoparasites of Leadbeater’s possum, Gymnobelideus leadbeateri (Marsupialia: Petauridae). Australian Mammal Society 17:109

Lindenmayer, David B. (1996). Wildlife and Woodchips. Leadbeater's Possum: A test case for sustainable forestry. UNSW Press, Sydney, Australia.

Lindenmayer, David B. (2000). Factors atmultiple scales affecting distribution patterns and its implications for animal conservation—Leadbeater’s possum as a case study. Biodiversity and Conservation 9:15–35.

Lindenmayer DB (2009) Forest pattern and ecological process: A synthesis of 25 years of research. Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing.

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Lindenmayer D (2014) Preventing the extinction of an iconic globally endangered species – Leadbeater’s Possum (Gymnobelideus leadbeateri). Journal of Biodiversity & Endangered Species 02: doi:10.4172/2332-2543.1000140.

Lindenmayer, David B. (2018). The multiple benefits of monitoring threatened species: Leadbeater's possum as a case study, pp. 193-204. In: Legge, Sarah et al. (eds.). Monitoring Threatened Species and Ecological Communities. Clayton South, Victoria: CSIRO Publishing.

Lindenmayer DB, Blair, D.P., McBurney, L., Banks, S. (2013) New Restoration Forest Management Prescriptions to Conserve Leadbeater’s Possum and Rebuild the Cover of Ecologically Mature Forest in the Central Highlands of Victoria. Fenner School of Environment and Society, The Australian National University, Canberra.

Lindenmayer, B., Blair, D., McBurney, L. and Banks, S. (2014). Preventing the Extinction of an Iconic Globally Endangered Species – Leadbeater’s Possum (Gymnobelideus leadbeateri). J Biodivers Endanger Species 2(4): 140, 1-7 pp.

Lindenmayer, D., Blair, D., McBurney, L., and Banks, S. (2015). Ignoring the science in failing to conserve a faunal icon – major political, policy and management problems in preventing the extinction of Leadbeater’s possum. Pacific Conservation Biology 21, 257–265.

Lindenmayer D, Blair D, McBurney L, Banks S, Stein J, Hobbs R, Likens G, Franklin J (2013). Principles and practices for biodiversity conservation and restoration forestry: a 30 year case study on the Victorian montane ash forests and the critically endangered Leadbeater's Possum. Australian Zoologist 36: 441-460.

Lindenmayer, D.B., S. Boyle, M.B. Burgman, D. McDonald and B. Tomkins. (1994). The sugar and nitrogen content of the gums of Acacia spp. in the mountain ash and alpine ash forests of central Victoria and its potential implications for exudivorous arboreal marsupials. Aust. J. Ecol. 19: 169–177. [relevant citation?]

D.B. Lindenmayer, R.B. Cunningham and C.F. Donnelly. (1993). The conservation of arboreal marsupials in the montane ash forests of the central highlands of Victoria, south-east Australia, IV. The distribution and abundance of arboreal marsupials in retained linear strips (wildlife corridors) in timber production forests. Biol. Conserv. 66: 207-221.

Lindenmayer, David B., Cunningham, R. B. and Donnelly, C. F. (1994). The conservation of arboreal marsupials in the montane ash forests of the central highlands of Victoria, south-eastern Australia, VI. The performance of statistical models of the nest tree and habitat requirements of arboreal marsupials applied to new survey data. Biological Conservation 70, 143-147.

Lindenmayer, D.B., R.B. Cunningham, C.F. Donnelly, M.T. Tanton and H.A. Nix. (1993). The abundance and development of cavities in montane ash-type eucalypt trees in the montane forests of the central highlands of Victoria, south-eastern Australia. For. Ecol. Manage. 60: 77–104.

Lindenmayer D.B., Cunningham R.B., Nix H.A., Tanton M.T. and Smith A.P. 1991. Predicting the abundance of hollow-bearing trees in montane ash forests of south-eastern Australia. Australian Journal of Ecology 16, 91-98.

Lindenmayer, David B., Cunningham, R.B., Tanton, M.T., Nix, H.A. and Smith, A.P. (1991). The conservation of arboreal marsupials in the montane ash forests of the central highlands of Victoria, south-east Australia, III. Models of the habitat requirements of Leadbeater's possum Gymnobelideus leadbeateri and the diversity and abundance of arboreal marsupials. Biological Conservation 56: 295-315.

Lindenmayer, D.B., R.B. Cunningham, M.T. Tanton and A.P. Smith. (1990a) The conservation of arboreal marsupials in the montane ash forests of the central highlands of Victoria, south-east Australia, I. Factors affecting the occupancy of trees with hollows. Biol. Conserv. 54: 111–131.

Lindenmayer, David B., Cunningham, R.B., Tanton, M.T. and Smith, A.P.W. (1990b). The conservation of arboreal marsupials in the montane ash forests of the central highlands of Victoria, south-east Australia, II. The loss of trees with hollows and its implications for the conservation of Leadbeater's possum Gymnobelideus leadbeateri McCoy (Marsupialia: Petauridae). Biological Conservation 54: 133-145.

Lindenmayer, David B., R. B. Cunningham, M. T. Tanton, A. P. Smith, and H. A. Nix. (1991). Characteristics of hollow-bearing trees occupied by arboreal marsupials in the montane ash forests of the Central Highlands of Victoria, south-east Australia. Forest Ecology and Management 40(3-4): 289-308. [Abstract]

Lindenmayer, David B. and Dixon, J. M. (1992). An additional historical record of Leadbeater's possum Gymnobelideus leadbeateri McCoy, prior to the 1961 rediscovery of the species. Victorian Naturalist 109: 217–218.

Lindenmayer, David B., Lacy, R.C., Thomas, V.C. and Clark, T. (1993). Predictions of the impacts of changes in population size and environmental variability on Leadbeater's possum, Gymnobelideus leadbeateri McCoy (Marsupialia : Petauridae) using population viability analysis: an application of the computer program VORTEX. Wildlife Research 20: 67-86. [Abstract]

Lindenmayer, D. B., MacGregor, C. I., Cunningham, R. B., Incoll, R. D., Crane, M., Rawlins, D. and Michael, D. R. 2003. The use of nest boxes by arboreal marsupials in the forests of the Central Highlands of Victoria. Wildlife Research 30: 259-264.

Lindenmayer, David B., McBurney, Lachlan, Blair, David P. and Banks, Sam C. (In Press, 2017). Inter-den tree movements by Leadbeater's Possum. Australian Zoologist. [Abstract]

Lindenmayer D, Meggs R (1996) Use of den trees by Leadbeater's Possum (Gymnobelideus leadbeateri). Australian Journal of Zoology 44: 625-638.

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Lindenmayer, David B., Nix, H. A., McMahon, J. P., Hutchinson, M. F. and Tanton, M. T. (1991). The conservation of Leadbeater's possum, Gymnobelideus leadbeateri (McCoy): a case study of the use of bioclimatic modelling. Journal of Biogeography 18: 371–383.

Lindenmayer, David B. and Norton, T.W. (1993). The conservation of Leadbeater's possum in south-eastern Australia and the spotted owl in the Pacific Northwest of the USA: management issues, strategies and lessons. Pacific Conservation Biology 1: 13–19.

Lindenmayer, D.B., T.W. Norton and H.P. Possingham. (1993). An approach for determining wildlife metapopulation viability using GIS to couple habitat models and forest resource data. In: Conference Proceedings GIS'93 (1993), pp. 529–539.

Lindenmayer et al., 1991d. D.B. Lindenmayer, T.W. Norton and M.T. Tanton, Differences between the effects of
wildfire and clearfelling in montane ash forests of Victoria and its implications for fauna dependent on tree hollows.
Aust. For. 53 (1991), pp. 61–68.

Lindenmayer, D. B. and Ough, K. 2006. Salvage logging in the montane ash Eucalypt forests of the Central Highlands of Victoria and its potential impacts on biodiversity. Conservation Biology 20: 1005-1015.

Lindenmayer, David B. and Possingham, H. P. (1994). The risk of extinction: ranking management options for Leadbeater's Possum using population viability analysis. Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies, the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.

Lindenmayer, David B. and Possingham H.P. (1995). The conservation of arboreal marsupials in the montane ash forests of the central highlands of Victoria, south-eastern Australia -VII. Modelling the persistence of Leadbeater's possum in response to modified timber harvesting practices. Biological Conservation 73(3): 239-257.

D.B. Lindenmayer and H.P. Possingham. (1995). Modelling the impacts of wildfire on metapopulation behaviour of the Australian arboreal marsupial, Leadbeater's possum, Gymnobelideus leadbeateri. For. Ecol. Manage. (1995) (in press) .

Lindenmayer D, Possingham H (1996) Modelling the inter-relationships between habitat patchiness, dispersal capability and metapopulation persistence of the endangered species, Leadbeater's possum, in south-eastern Australia. Landscape Ecology 11: 79-105.

Lindenmayer, David B., Smith, A.P., Craig, S.A. and Lumsden, L.F. (1989). A survey of the distribution of Leadbeater's possum, Gymnobelideus leadbeateri McCoy in the central highlands of Victoria. Victorian Naturalist 106: 174–178. (The Appendix to this paper has a large number of errors. The corrected Appendix is printed in full in Victorian Naturalist 107: 136–137, 1990).

Lindenmayer, David B., Tanton, M.T. and Cunningham, RB. (1991). A critique of the use of nest boxes for the conservation of Leadbeater's possum, Gymnobelideus leadbeateri McCoy. Wildlife Research18: 619–624.

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