Nototherium mitchelli (Owen, 1845a)
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Synonym/s: Nototherium Mitchelii (Owen, 1845a); Nototherium inerme Owen, 1845b; Nototherium victoriae Owen, 1872
Possibly a synonym of Zygomaturus trilobus.
Conservation Status
Extinct or invalid
Last record: Late Pleistocene
Biology & Ecology
Original scientific description:
Owen, Richard. (1845a). Descriptive and illustrated catalogue of the fossil organic remains of Mammalia and Aves contained in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. London, Richard and John E. Taylor, viii, 391 pp., 10 pIs.
Other references:
Bartholomai, Alan. (1977). The fossil vertebrate fauna from Pleistocene deposits at Cement Mills, Gore, Southeastern Queensland. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 18(1): 41-51.
Dodson, John et al. (1993). Humans and megafauna in a late Pleistocene environment from Cuddie Springs, north western New South Wales. Archaeology in Oceania 28(2): 94-99.
Flower, W. H. (1884). Catalogue of the specimens illustrating the osteology and dentition of vertebrated animals, recent and extinct, contained in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Part 2. Class Mammalia, other than man. London: Royal College of Surgeons of England.
Glauert, Ludwig. (1921). Notes on the Teeth of Nototherium mitchelli. Jour. Roy. Soc. W. Aust. [incomplete citation]
Glauert, L. G. (1926 "1925"). A list of Western Australian fossils. Supplement no.1. West. Aust. Geol. Surv. Bull. 88: 36-71.
Glauert, Ludwig. (1948). The cave fossils of the South-West. Western Australian Naturalist 1: 100-104.
Hochstetter, Ferdinand von. (1859). Notizen über einige fossile Thierreste und deren Lagerstätten in Neu-Holland-Über Diprotodon Australis (Owen), und Nototherium Mitchelii (Owen). Sitzungsberichte der Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Classe der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenchaften 35: 349-358.
Longman, H. A. (1921). A new genus of fossil marsupial. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 7: 65-80.
Lydekker, Richard. (1887). Catalogue of Fossil Mammalia in the British Museum (Natural History). Part 5. Containing the Group Tillodonta, the Orders Sirenia, Cetacea, Edentata, Marsupialia, Monotremata and supplement. London: Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History).
Lydekker, Richard. (1889). Nototherium and Zygomaturus. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 6: 149-152.
Mackness, Brian. (2010). On the identity of Euowenia robusta De Vis, 1891 with a description of a new zygomaturine genus. Alcheringa 34(4): 455-469. [Abstract]
Mahoney, J. A. and Ride, W. D. L. (1975). Index to the genera and species of fossil Mammalia described from Australia and New Guinea between 1838 and 1968. Western Australian Museum Special Publication 6: 1-250.
Main, Albert Russell. (1949). Discovery of Nototherium remains at Gingin, W. A. Western Australian Naturalist 2: 21-22. [relevant citation?]
Owen, Richard. (1845b). Report on the extinct mammals of Australia, with descriptions of certain fossils indicative of the former existence in that continent of large marsupial representatives of the Order Pachydermata. Reprints of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 14: 223-240.
Owen, Richard. (1859). On a collection of Australian fossils in the museum of the natural history society of Worchester; with descriptions of the lower jaw and teeth of the Nototherium inerme and Nototherium mitchelli, Owen; demonstrating the identity of the latter species with Zygomaturus of Macleay. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London 15: 176-186.
Owen, Richard. (1872). On the Fossil Mammals of Australia Part V-Genus Nototherium Owen. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 162: 41-82, pls. 2-11.
Scott, H. H. (1915). A monograph of Nototherium tasmanicum. Tasmanian department of mines geological survey record No. 4.
Scott, H. H. and Lord, C. E. (1920a). Studies in Tasmanian mammals living and extinct Number I Nototherium mitchelli (a marsupial rhinoceros). Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 1920: 13-15.
Scott, H. H. and Lord, C. E. (1920b). Studies in Tasmanian mammals living and extinct Number II. Section 1 The history of the genus [i]Nototherium[/i]. Section 2 The osteology of the cervical vertebrae of Nototherium mitchelli. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 1920: 17-32.
Scott, H. H. and Lord, C. E. (1920c). Studies in Tasmanian mammals living and extinct Number III Nototherium mitchelli. Its evolutionary trend-the skull, and such structures as related to the nasal horn. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 1920: 76-96.
Scott, H. H. and Lord, C. E. (1920d). Studies in Tasmanian mammals living and extinct Number IV. Nototherium mitchelli. Appendicular skeleton, including the manus and pes (hitherto unknown). Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 1920: 97-113.
Stirton, R. A. (1955). Late Tertiary marsupials from South Australia. Records of the South Australian Museum 11: 247-268.
Travouillon, Kenny J., Jackson, Stephen, Beck, Robin M. D., Louys, Julien, Cramb, Jonathan, Gillespie, Anna, Black, Karen, Hand, Suzanne, Archer, Michael, Kear, Benjamin, Hocknull, Scott, Phillips, Matthew, McDowell, Matthew, Fitzgerald, Erich M. G., Brewer, Phillipa and Price, Gilbert J. (2023). Checklist of the Fossil Mammal Species of Australia and New Guinea. Available from: [Accessed 2 March 2025]
Travouillon, Kenny J., Jackson, Stephen, Beck, Robin M. D., Louys, Julien, Cramb, Jonathan, Gillespie, Anna, Black, Karen, Hand, Suzanne, Archer, Michael, Kear, Benjamin, Hocknull, Scott, Phillips, Matthew, McDowell, Matthew, Fitzgerald, Erich M. G., Brewer, Phillipa and Price, Gilbert J. (2024). Checklist of the Fossil Mammal Species of Australia and New Guinea. Available from: [Accessed 24 November 2024]
Travouillon, Kenny J., Jackson, Stephen, Beck, Robin M. D., Louys, Julien, Cramb, Jonathan, Gillespie, Anna, Black, Karen, Hand, Suzanne, Archer, Michael, Kear, Benjamin, Hocknull, Scott, Phillips, Matthew, McDowell, Matthew, Fitzgerald, Erich M. G., Brewer, Phillipa and Price, Gilbert J. (2025). Checklist of the Fossil Mammal Species of Australia and New Guinea. Available from: [Accessed 1 March 2025]
Waterhouse, George Robert. (1845). A Natural History of the Mammalia. Volume 1, Containing the Order Marsupiata or Pouched Animals. London: Hippolyte Baillière. 553 pp + 20 pls.
Woods, Jack T. (1968). The Identity of the Extinct Marsupial Genus Nototherium Owen. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 15(2): 111-116.