Thylogale christenseni Hope, 1981
Christensen's pademelon
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Synonym/s: Thylogale christensenii Hope, 1981
Conservation Status
Last record: c.1250 BCE?
This species is only known from sub-fossil remains, and is believed to have survived until the introduction of domestic dogs, which are hypothesised to have driven it extinct.
Irian Jaya, Indonesia, New Guinea
Biology & Ecology
Holotype: AM F54719 ("left maxillary fragment")
Type locality: "Mapala rock shelter, 4° 3'5,1370 12'E, 3996 m altitude, 100 m southwest of Lake Larson, 2 km north of Northwall, Jaya Mountains, Sudirman Range, Irian Jaya, Indonesia."
Original scientific description:
Hope, J. H. (1981). A new species of Thylogale (Marsupialia: Macropodidae) from Mapala Rock Shelter, Jaya (Carstensz) Mountains, Irian Jaya (western New Guinea), Indonesia. Records of the Australian Museum 33(8): 369-387.
Other references:
Flannery, Timothy F. (1995). Mammals of New Guinea. Sydney: Australian Museum/Reed New Holland.
Flannery, Timothy F. (1999). The Pleistocene mammal fauna of Kelangurr Cave, central montane Irian Jaya, Indonesia. In: Baynes, Alexander and Long, John A. (eds.). Papers in vertebrate palaeontology. Records of the Western Australian Museum, Supplement No. 57: 341-350.
Hope, Geoffrey S., Flannery, Timothy F. and Boeadi. (1993). A preliminary report of changing Quaternary mammal faunas in subalpine New Guinea. Quaternary Research 40(1): 117-126. [Abstract]
Hope, Geoffrey S. and Hope, J. H. (1976). Man on Mt Jaya, pp. 225-238. In: Hope, G. S., Peterson, J. A., Radok, U. and Allison, I. (eds.). The Equatorial Glaciers of New Guinea. Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema.
Hope, J. H. (1976). Fauna. In: Hope, G. S., Peterson, J. A, Radok, U. and Allison, I. (eds.). The equatorial glaciers of New Guinea. Results of the 1971-1973 Australian Universities' Expeditions to Irian Jaya: survey, glaciology, meteorology, biology and palaeoenvironments: 207-224, AA Balkema, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. [relevant reference?]
Sutton, AlicTurvey, Samuel T. (2009). Holocene mammal extinctions, pp. 41-61. In: Turvey, Samuel T. (ed.). Holocene Extinctions. Oxford, UK & New York, USA: Oxford University Press. xii + 352 pp.
Travouillon, Kenny J., Jackson, Stephen, Beck, Robin M. D., Louys, Julien, Cramb, Jonathan, Gillespie, Anna, Black, Karen, Hand, Suzanne, Archer, Michael, Kear, Benjamin, Hocknull, Scott, Phillips, Matthew, McDowell, Matthew, Fitzgerald, Erich M. G., Brewer, Phillipa and Price, Gilbert J. (2023). Checklist of the Fossil Mammal Species of Australia and New Guinea. Available from: [Accessed 2 March 2025]
Travouillon, Kenny J., Jackson, Stephen, Beck, Robin M. D., Louys, Julien, Cramb, Jonathan, Gillespie, Anna, Black, Karen, Hand, Suzanne, Archer, Michael, Kear, Benjamin, Hocknull, Scott, Phillips, Matthew, McDowell, Matthew, Fitzgerald, Erich M. G., Brewer, Phillipa and Price, Gilbert J. (2024). Checklist of the Fossil Mammal Species of Australia and New Guinea. Available from: [Accessed 24 November 2024]
Travouillon, Kenny J., Jackson, Stephen, Beck, Robin M. D., Louys, Julien, Cramb, Jonathan, Gillespie, Anna, Black, Karen, Hand, Suzanne, Archer, Michael, Kear, Benjamin, Hocknull, Scott, Phillips, Matthew, McDowell, Matthew, Fitzgerald, Erich M. G., Brewer, Phillipa and Price, Gilbert J. (2025). Checklist of the Fossil Mammal Species of Australia and New Guinea. Available from: [Accessed 1 March 2025]
Turvey, Samuel T. and Fritz, Susanne A. (2011). The ghosts of mammals past: biological and geographical patterns of global mammalian extinction across the Holocene. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 366(1577): 2564-2576. [Supplementary Information]
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