
Lagorchestes leporides (Gould, 1841:93)

Eastern hare wallaby, Eastern hare-wallaby, Brown hare-wallaby, Brown hare wallaby (Brazenor, 1950:46), Hare-wallaby (Wood Jones, 1924:222), Hare wallaby (Krefft, 1866:20), Common hare-wallaby (archaic), Hare-like kangaroo (Waterhouse, 1841:204), turatt (Murray-Darling aboriginal name) (see Krefft, 1866:20)



Taxonomy & Nomenclature

Synonym/s: Macropus leporides Gould, 1841:93 (basionym); Macropus leporoïdes Gould, 1841:93; Lagorchestes leporoïdes Gould, 1841:93; Lagorchestes leporoides Gould, 1841:93 (orthographic error, used by Krefft, 1871:4); Largoehestes leporides (orthographic error; used by Dawson, 1985:67); Lagorchestes gymnotis Blyth, 1859:276


Conservation Status

Extinct (Burbidge, 2024)

Last record: 1889 (Johnson, 2006:169; Lee et al., 2017; Strahan & Eldridge, 2023:355); 1890 (Marlow, 1958; Calaby, 1971; Poole, 1979:16; Fisher & Blomberg, 2012)

IUCN RedList status: Extinct


The species is only known historically from Victoria by two specimens collected from Mt. Hope, Northern Plains (Bennett et al., 2006), but may have also occurred in the Mallee region (Williams, 1995). The last specimen was collected in 1890 from north of Booligal, New South Wales (Poole, 1979:16).



New South Wales, South Australia (far south-eastern), Tasmanian (prehistorically; Mannalargenna Cave, Prime Seal Island, Furneaux Islands, Tasmania (Brown, 1993)) & Victoria (north-western), Australia

Type locality: "Interior of Australia (=N.S.W.)" (Calaby & Richardson 1988:62)


Anatomy & Morphology

Body mass: 3000gm (Johnson, 2006:169).


Biology & Ecology

"Ecology: temperate, terrestrial, folivore."

(Calaby & Richardson 1988:62)



Lectotype: BMNH 1841.1128 (adult female; skin & skull) (designated by Thomas, 1922:128; Calaby & Richardson, 1988:62)


Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard, has one specimen:

MCZ 1880 (skin and skull; sex unspecified)


Merseyside County Museums, Liverpool, has three specimens:

MCM D207a (ss; adult female)
MCM D564 (sk; adult female)
MCM D564a (sk; juvenile female)


Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali of Torino, Italy:

MZUT T514 (mount; unsexed adult) (Ghiraldi et al., 2021)
MZUT T515 (mount; unsexed adult) (Ghiraldi et al., 2021)
MZUT T516 (mount; unsexed adult) (Ghiraldi et al., 2021)


Western Australian Museum, Perth:

WAM 2657 (Kitchener & Vicker, 1981:52)


South Australian Museum:

SAM M7 (Tunbridge, 1991:13)






Original scientific description:

Gould, John. (1841). On five new species of kangaroos. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1840: 92-94. [April 1841]


Other references:

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Anonymous. (1842). New species of kangaroosTasmanian Journal of Natural Science, Agriculture, Statistics, &c. 1(4): 300-303.

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