
Notamacropus parma (Waterhouse, 1846:149)

Parma wallaby, White-throated wallaby, White throated wallaby, White-throated pademelon, White-fronted wallaby (Ride, 1970:48), the Parma (Gray, 1843:91)



Taxonomy & Nomenclature

Synonym/s: Macropus (Halmaturus) parma Gray, 1841:403 (nomen nudumProtemnodon parma Waterhouse, 1846:149; Thylogale parma Waterhouse, 1846:149; Wallabia parma Waterhouse, 1846:149; Halmaturus parma Waterhouse, 1845:149; Macropus parma Waterhouse, 1846:149


Synonymy needs fixing.


Conservation Status

Last record: 1932 (Ride, 1970:24,198)

Rediscovered in 1965 (Ride, 1970:24)

IUCN RedList status: Near Threatened


The Parma wallaby was last collected in 1932, from Dorrigo, north-eastern New South Wales when two specimens were collected (Ride, 1970:24). Wishing to redescribe the species, W. D. L. Ride acquired the loan of all known museum specimens to that date, which was twelve. While examining the specimens he saw the resemblance to the Black-striped wallaby, and made an effort thereafter to examine all specimens of the latter in museum collections which he visited. During one such visit he came across a mislabelled Parma wallaby among that of the Black-striped wallaby, whose locality was given as New Zealand. Contacting two of his New Zealand colleagues they were able to confirm the persistence of Parma Wallaby's on Kawau Island, presumably released by former New Zealand Governor Sir George Grey. The species was then rediscovered at Gosford, NSW by Mr Eric Worrell.



coastal New South Wales, Australia

Type locality: New South Wales (Calaby & Richardson, 1988:69)


Biology & Ecology

"Ecology: temperate, terrestrial, nocturnal, crepuscular, folivore, closed forest, tall open forest; needs thick understorey, solitary."

(Calaby & Richardson, 1988:69)



"Type data: status unknown, whereabouts unknown" (Calaby & Richardson, 1988:69)


Other specimens:

WAM 8382 (Kitchener & Vicker, 1981:62)

WAM 10000 (Kitchener & Vicker, 1981:62)

WAM 10001 (Kitchener & Vicker, 1981:62)

WAM 11016 (Kitchener & Vicker, 1981:62)

WAM 18737 (Kitchener & Vicker, 1981:62)

WAM 18738 (Kitchener & Vicker, 1981:62)

WAM 18739 (Kitchener & Vicker, 1981:62)

WAM 18740 (Kitchener & Vicker, 1981:62)

WAM 18741 (Kitchener & Vicker, 1981:62)

WAM 18742 (Kitchener & Vicker, 1981:62)

WAM 18743 (Kitchener & Vicker, 1981:62)

WAM 18744 (Kitchener & Vicker, 1981:62)

WAM 18745 (Kitchener & Vicker, 1981:62)

WAM 18746 (Kitchener & Vicker, 1981:62)

WAM 18747 (Kitchener & Vicker, 1981:62)

WAM 18748 (Kitchener & Vicker, 1981:62)

MV C.10716 (Helgen et al., 2006:301)

MV C.10717 (Helgen et al., 2006:301)

MV C.10718 (Helgen et al., 2006:301)

MV C.9592 (Helgen et al., 2006:301)

AM M37053 (Helgen et al., 2006:301)






Original scientific description:

Waterhouse, G. R. (1846). A Natural History of the Mammalia. Volume 1, containing the Order Marsupiata or pouched animals. London: Baillière. 553 pp + 20 pls.


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