Primates (Monkeys, Apes, Lemurs, Lorises, Bushbabies etc.)
Suborder: Haplorhini/Haplorrhini (Dry-nosed Primates)
Infraorder: Simiiformes (Monkeys and Apes)
Family: Aotidae (Night or Owl Monkeys (Douroucoulis))
—No subordinate taxa
Family: Atelidae (Howler, Spider and Woolly Monkeys)
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Caipora bambuiorum | Cartelle & Hartwig, 1996 | Giant spider monkey | c.8,000 BC | Brazil | Extinct | Access |
Cartelles coimbrafilhoi |
Halenar & Rosenberger, 2013 | - | Late Pleistocene | Brazil | Extinct | Access |
Oreonax flavicauda | (Humboldt, 1812) | Peruvian yellow-tailed woolly monkey, Yellow-tailed woolly monkey | (rediscovered) | Peru | Rediscovered | Access |
Protopithecus brasiliensis | Lund, 1838 | Brazilian monkey | Late Pleistocene-Holocene border | Brazil | Extinct | Access |
Family: Callitrichidae (Marmosets and Tamarins)
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Leontopithecus chrysopygus |
(Mikan, 1823) | Black lion tamarin, Golden-rumped lion tamarin | (rediscovered) | São Paulo, Brazil | Rediscovered | Access |
Mico marcai | Alperin, 1993 | Marca's marmoset | (rediscovered) | Brazil | Rediscovered | Access |
Family: Cebidae (Capuchins and Squirrel Monkeys)
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Sapajus flavius | (Schreber, 1774) | Blond(e) capuchin, Marcgrave's capuchin monkey | (rediscovered) | Brazil | Rediscovered | Access |
Family: Cercopithecidae (Old World Monkeys)
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Cercopithecus erythrogaster pococki | Grubb, Lernould & Oates, 2000 | Nigeria white-throated monkey, Nigerian white-throated guenon, White-throated monkey | (rediscovered) | Nigeria | Rediscovered | Access |
Cercopithecus mitis mitis | Wolf, 1822 | Pluto monkey | ? | Angola | Missing | Access |
Cercopithecus mitis schoutedeni | Schwarz, 1928 | Schouteden’s blue monkey | (rediscovered) | Democratic Republic of Congo | Invalid? | Access |
Cercopithecus sclateri | Pocock, 1904 | Sclater's monkey, White-throated guenon, Sclater's guenon | (rediscovered) | Nigeria (southern) | Rediscovered | Access |
Macaca mulatta fossilis
? | Fossil macaque | Late Pleistocene | Korean Peninsula | Extinct | Access |
Macaca robusta | Young, 1934 | - | Late Pleistocene | South Korea | Extinct | Access |
Macaca sylvanus pliocena | Owen, 1846 | - | Late Pleistocene | Europe | Extinct | Access |
Piliocolobus bouvieri | de Rochebrune, 1887 | Bouvier’s red colobus | (rediscovered) | Democratic Republic of Congo | Rediscovered | Access |
Piliocolobus langi
(Allen, 1925) | Kisangani red colobus, Maiko red colobus, Lang's red colobus | (rediscovered) | Democratic Republic of Congo | Rediscovered | Access |
Piliocolobus waldronae | Hayman, 1936 | Miss Waldron's red colobus monkey, Miss Waldron’s red colobus, Miss Waldron's bay colobus, Black and red colobus | January or February 1978 | Côte d’Ivoire (=Ivory Coast) & Ghana | Missing | Access |
Presbytis hosei canicrus | Miller, 1934 | Miller's grizzled langur | - | Borneo | Rediscovered | Access |
Rhinopithecus avunculus | (Dollman, 1912) | Tonkin snub-nosed monkey | (rediscovered) | Vietnam | Rediscovered | Access |
Trachypithecus delacouri |
(Osgood, 1911) | Delacour's langur, Delacour's lutung | (rediscovered) | Vietnam | Rediscovered | Access |
Family: Hominidae (Great Apes)
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Gigantopithecus blacki | von Koenigswald, 1935 | Gigantopithecus | c.100ka | Asia | Extinct | Access |
Homo erectus | Dubois, 1892 | - | 117ka-108ka | Afro-Eurasia | Extinct | Access |
Homo floresiensis | Brown et al., 2004 | Hobbits | 60kya (fossils); 50kya (stone artefacts) | Flores, Indonesia | Extinct | Access |
Homo juluensis | Wu & Bae in Bae, 2024 | Xujiayao hominins, Julurens | Late Pleistocene | northern China | Extinct if distinct | Access |
Homo luzonensis | Détroit et al., 2019 | Luzon man | c.50 ka | Luzon, Philippines | Extinct | Access |
Homo neanderthalensis | King, 1864 | Neanderthals, Neandertals | 28 ka ± 3 ka | Europe | Extinct | Access |
Homo tsaichangensis | McMenamin, 2015 | - | Late Pleistocene | Taiwan | Extinct if valid | Access |
Homo sp. nov. 'Denisovans' | - | Denisovans | c.41ka? | Russia | Extinct | Access |
Homo sp. nov. 'Red Deer Cave People' | - | Red Deer Cave People | Late Pleistocene-Holocene border | China | Extinct if valid | Access |
Homo sp. nov. 'Sulawesi' | - | - | Late Pleistocene | Sulawesi, Indonesia | Extinct if valid | Access |
Homo sp. nov. 'third introgression' | - | - | Late Pleistocene? | (unknown) | Extinct | Access |
Pongo sp. [several taxa] | - | Orangutan | Holocene | China to Java, Indonesia | Extinct | Access |
Family: Hylobatidae (Gibbons)
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Hylobates lar yunnanensis | Ma & Y. Wang, 1986 | Yunnan white-handed gibbon, Yunnan lar gibbon | 1988 or 1992 | Yunnan Province, China | Missing | Access |
Junzi imperialis | Turvey et al., 2018 | Imperial gibbon, Royal gibbon | 2.2 ka | China | Extinct | Access |
Nomascus nasutus | (Kunkel d'Herculais, 1884) | Cao-vit gibbon, Eastern black crested gibbon | (rediscovered) | China & Vietnam | Rediscovered | Access |
Family: Pitheciidae (Titis, Sakis and Uakaris)
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Antillothrix bernensis | (Rimoli, 1977) | Hispaniolan monkey | c.1850 BC | Dominican Republic, Hispaniola | Extinct | Access |
Insulacebus toussaintiana | Cooke, Rosenberger & Turvey, 2011 | La Hotte monkey | Late Quaternary | Hispaniola | Extinct | Access |
Paralouatta varonai | Rivero & Arredondo, 1991 | Galeran monkey, Cuban monkey | ? | Cuba | Extinct | Access |
Pithecia vanzolinii | Hershkovitz, 1987 | Vanzolini’s bald-faced saki | (rediscovered) | Acre & Amazonas states, Brazil | Rediscovered | Access |
Xenothrix mcgregori | Williams & Koopman, 1952 | Jamaican monkey | 1,477 ± 34 (cal BP) | Jamaica | Extinct | Access |
Infraorder: Tarsiiformes (Tarsiers)
Family: Tarsiidae
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Tarsius pumilus | Miller & Hollister, 1921 | Pygmy tarsier, Mountain tarsier | (rediscovered) | Sulawesi, Indonesia | Rediscovered | Access |
Suborder: Strepsirrhini (Wet-nosed Primates)
Infraorder: Lemuriformes
Family: †Archaeolemuridae
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Archaeolemur edwardsi | Filhol, 1895 | Greater monkey lemur | Late Pleistocene or Holocene | Madagascar | Extinct | Access |
Archaeolemur majori | Filhol, 1895 | Lesser monkey lemur | Late Pleistocene or Holocene | Madagascar | Extinct | Access |
Hadropithecus stenognathus | von Liburnau, 1899 | - | Holocene | Madagascar | Extinct | Access |
Family: Cheirogaleidae
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Allocebus trichotis | (Günther, 1875) | Hairy-eared dwarf lemur | (rediscovered) | Madagascar | Rediscovered | Access |
Cheirogaleus sibreei | (Forsyth Major, 1894) | Sibree's dwarf lemur | (rediscovered) | Madagascar | Rediscovered | Access |
Microcebus myoxinus | Peters, 1852 | Peters’ mouse lemur, Pygmy mouse lemur, Western rufous mouse lemur | (rediscovered) | Madagascar | Rediscovered | Access |
Family: Daubentoniidae
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Daubentonia madagascariensis | (Gmelin, 1788) | Aye-aye | (rediscovered) | Madagascar | Rediscovered | Access |
Daubentonia robusta | Lamberton, 1935 | Giant aye-aye | Holocene | Madagascar | Extinct | Access |
Family: Indriidae
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Propithecus diadema holomelas | Günther, 1875 | Diademed sifaka | ? | Madagascar | Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Family: Lemuridae
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Pachylemur insignis | (Filhol, 1895) | - | ? | Madagascar | Extinct | Access |
Pachylemur jullyi | (G. Grandidier, 1899) | - | ? | Madagascar | Extinct | Access |
Prolemur simus | Gray, 1871 | Greater bamboo lemur | (rediscovered) | Madagascar | Rediscovered | Access |
Family: Lepilemuridae
—No subordinate taxa
Family: †Megaladapidae
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Megaladapis edwardsi | Grandidier, 1899 | Edward's koala lemur | Holocene | Madagascar | Extinct | Access |
Megaladapis grandidieri | Standing, 1903 | Grandidier's koala lemur | Holocene | Madagascar | Extinct | Access |
Megaladapis madagascariensis | Forsyth-Major, 1894 | Madagascar koala lemur | Holocene? | Madagascar | Extinct | Access |
Family: †Palaeopropithecidae
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Archaeoindris fontoynonti | Standing, 1909 | - | Holocene | Madagascar | Extinct | Access |
Babakotia radofilai | Godfrey et. al., 1990 | Radofila's sloth lemur | c.2,400 BC | Madagascar | Extinct | Access |
Mesopropithecus dolichobrachion | Simons et al., 1995 | Sloth lemur | c.600 AD | Madagascar | Extinct | Access |
Mesopropithecus globiceps | Lamberton, 1936 | Sloth lemur | ? | Madagascar | Extinct | Access |
Mesopropithecus pithecoides | Standing, 1905 | Sloth lemur | ? | Madagascar | Extinct | Access |
Palaeopropithecus ingens | G. Grandidier, 1899 | Large sloth lemur | c.1620? | Madagascar | Extinct | Access |
Palaeopropithecus kelyus | Gommery et al., 2009 | Lesser sloth lemur | Late Pleistocene | Madagascar | Extinct | Access |
Palaeopropithecus maximus | Standing, 1903 | - | Holocene? | Madagascar | Extinct | Access |
Infraorder: Lorisiformes
Family: Lorisidae
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Loris tardigradus nycticeboides | Hill, 1942 | Horton Plains slender loris, Ceylon Mountain slender loris, Highland slender loris, Montane slender loris | - | Horton Plains, Nuwara Eliya District, Central Province, Sri Lanka | Rediscovered | Access |
Nycticebus bancanus | Lyon, 1906 | Bangka slow loris | 1937 | Sumatra, Indonesia | Missing | Access |
Nycticebus coucang insularis |
Robinson, 1917 | - | - | Tioman Island, Pahang, Malaysia | Rediscovered | Access |
Perodicticus ibeanus stockleyi | (Butynski and de Jong, 2007) | Mount Kenya potto | 20 June 1938 | Mount Kenya, Kenya | Missing | Access |
Family: Galagidae
—No subordinate taxa