Family: Acanthaceae (Acanthus family)
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Acanthopsis spathularis | (Nees) Schinz | - | Anenous Pass near Steinkopf, Namaqualand, Northern Cape Province, South Africa | Rediscovered | Access | |
Acanthus ilicifolius integrifolius | T.Anderson ex C.B.Clarke (1885) | - | ? | Sri Lanka | Missing | Access |
Andrographis paniculata glandulosa | Trimen (1889) | - | ? | Sri Lanka | Missing or Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Barleria arnottiana glabra |
Trimen (1895) | - | ? | Sri Lanka | Missing or Extinct (in the Wild?) | Access |
Barleria natalensis | Lindau | 1890 | Verulam, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa | Missing | Access | |
Barleria sepalosa | C.B. Clarke | (rediscovered) | Western Ghats, India | Rediscovered | Access | |
Barleria stocksii | T. Anders. | - | Andhra Pradesh & Karnataka, India | Rediscovered | Access | |
Blepharis cuspidata | Lindau | 165+ years ago | Ethiopia | Extinct | Access | |
Blepharis reekmansii | Vollesen | 1981 | Burundi | Missing | Access | |
Brunoniella neocaledonica | (Heine) Moylan | 1968 | New Caledonia | Missing | Access | |
Dicliptera clavata | Juss. | ? | Tahiti, Windward group, Society Islands, French Polynesia | Missing | Access | |
Dicliptera dodsonii | Wassh. | ? | Ecuador | Missing | Access | |
Dicliptera falcata | (Lam.) J. Bosser & H. Heine | - | Gunner’s Quoin, Mauritius, Mascarene Islands | Rediscovered | Access | |
Dischistocalyx rivularis |
Bremek. (1943) | - | 1911 | Lolodorf, Cameroon | Missing | Access |
Gymnostachyum thwaitesii |
T.Anderson (1860) | - | ? | Sri Lanka | Missing or Extinct | Access |
Hemigraphis venosa | Heyne ex C. B. Cl. | ? | India | Missing | Access | |
Heteradelphia paulojaegeria |
Heine (1962) | - | ? | Beyla, Guinea | Extinct in the Wild | Access |
Hygrophila anomala | (Blatt.) M.R.Almeida | ? | Maharashtra, India | Extinct | Access | |
Hygrophila auriculata alba
(Parmar) P.M.Salim, J.Mathew & Yohannan | - | Gujarat State (north), India | Rediscovered | Access | |
Hygrophila madurensis | (N.P. Balakr. & Subram.) Karthik. & Moorthy | - | Tamil Nadu, India | Rediscovered | Access | |
Hygrophila thwaitesii |
(T.Anderson) Heine (1972 "1971") | - | ? | Sri Lanka | Missing or Extinct | Access |
Hygrophila thymus | (Nees) Sunojk. & M.G. Prasad | - | India | Rediscovered | Access | |
Hypoestes inconspicua
Balf.f. | ? | Rodrigues, Mascarene Islands | Missing | Access | |
Hypoestes lanata |
Dalzell (1850) | (rediscovered) | Maharashtra, India | Rediscovered | Access | |
Hypoestes rodriguesiana | Balf.f. | ? | Rodrigues, Mascarene Islands | Missing | Access | |
Hypoestes serpens | R.Br. | ? | Mauritius, Mascarene Islands | Missing | Access | |
Isoglossa eranthemoides | (F.Muell.) R.M.Barker | (rediscovered) | New South Wales, Australia | Rediscovered | Access | |
Isoglossa perdita
I.Darbysh., 2021 | Lost isoglossa | 29 August 1983 | south-east slopes of Mt Mulanje, Chisongeli, Malawi (southern) | Missing | Access |
Justicia brachystachya | Thou. ex Schult. | ? | Mauritius | Missing | Access | |
Justicia capitata |
(T.Anderson ex Hook.f.) L.H.Cramer (1998) | - | ? | Sri Lanka | Missing or Extinct | Access |
Justicia gardineri |
Turrill (1917) | - | pre-1918 | Silhouette, Seychelles | Missing | Access |
Justicia jacuipensis | A.L.A.Côrtes & Rapini | ? | Bahia, Brazil | Missing | Access | |
Justicia psychotrioides | Thou. ex Schult. | ? | Mauritius, Mascarene Islands | Missing | Access | |
Justicia tanalensis | S. Moore (1906) | (rediscovered) | Madagascar | Rediscovered | Access | |
Justicia thomensis |
Lindau (1895) | pre-1896 | São Tomé | Missing | Access | |
Lepidagathis ceylanica |
Nees (1841) | - | (rediscovered) | Sri Lanka | Rediscovered | Access |
Lepidagathis clavata
Dalzell, 1850 | - | Western Ghats (northern), India | Rediscovered | Access | |
Lepidagathis diffusa | C.B. Clarke | - | Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, India (southern) | Rediscovered | Access | |
Neuracanthus neesianus | C.B.Clarke | ? | Tamil Nadu, India | Extinct or rediscovered | Access | |
Psilanthele eggersii |
Lindau (1897) | - | 1933 | Ecuador | Missing | Access |
Ptyssiglottis sanguinolenta |
(Vahl) B.Hansen (1992) | - | (rediscovered) | Sri Lanka | Rediscovered | Access |
Rhaphidospora cavernarum | (F. Muell.) R.M. Barker | - | Cape York Peninsula, Queensland, Australia | Rediscovered | Access | |
Ruellia bella | Craib | (rediscovered) | Myanmar (=Burma) & Thailand | Rediscovered | Access | |
Ruellia chamaedrys | (Nees) Angely. | ? | Brazil | Missing | Access | |
Rungia caespitosa |
Lindau (1909) | - | 1907 | Cameroon | Missing | Access |
Rungia hirpex | Benoist | - | Yanjin and Daguan, Yunnan, China | Rediscovered | Access | |
Sanchezia lampra | Leonard & Sm.L.B. | 1940 | 10 km west of Pedro Cabo, Guayas province, Ecuador | Missing | Access | |
Staurogyne repens | (Nees) Kuntze | (rediscovered) | Brazil & Guyana | Rediscovered | Access | |
Strobilanthes arnottiana | Nees (1837) | (rediscovered) | Sri Lanka | Rediscovered | Access | |
Strobilanthes caudata | T.Anderson (1860) | ? | Sri Lanka | Extinct | Access | |
Strobilanthes deflexa | T.Anderson (1860) | (rediscovered) | Sri Lanka | Rediscovered | Access | |
Strobilanthes hypericoides | J.R.I.Wood (1995) | ? | Sri Lanka | Missing or Extinct | Access | |
Strobilanthes lawsonii | Gamble, 1923 | (rediscovered) | India | Rediscovered | Access | |
Strobilanthes nigrescens | T.Anderson (1860) | (rediscovered) | Sri Lanka | Rediscovered | Access | |
Strobilanthes punctata | R.W. Scotland | - | India (southern) | Rediscovered | Access | |
Strobilanthes sexennis cordata |
J.R.I.Wood (1995) | - | 1885 | Sri Lanka | Missing or Extinct | Access |
Strobilanthes sexennis oblongifolia |
J.R.I.Wood (1995) | - | 1925 | Sri Lanka | Misisng or Extinct | Access |
Strobilanthes thwaitesii | T.Anderson (1860) | (rediscovered) | Sri Lanka | Rediscovered | Access | |
Strobilanthes sp. nov 'Sumba' |
- | 10-11 September 1873 | Sumba, Indonesia | Missing | Access | |
Thunbergia dasychlamys | Bremek. | 1906 | Singapore | Missing | Access | |
Thunbergia laevis parviflora | (Trimen) L.H.Cramer (1998) | - | ? | Sri Lanka | Missing or Extinct | Access |
Thunbergia rufescens |
Lindau (1893) | - | 1954 | Cameroon & Nigeria | Missing | Access |
Family: Bignoniaceae
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Adenocalymma bullatum
Bur. ex K. Schum. | - | São Paulo (state), Brazil | Rediscovered | Access | |
Adenocalymma macrophyllum | (Cham.) DC. | - | Rio de Janeiro (state), Brazil | Rediscovered | Access | |
Amphitecna macrophylla | (Seem.) Miers ex Baill. | (rediscovered) | Guatemala & Mexico | Rediscovered | Access | |
Bignonioxylon americanum | Moya & Brea, 2018 | Late Pleistocene | Argentina | Extinct | Access | |
Stereospermum zenkeri | K.Schum. ex De Wild. | c.1950 | Yaoundé area, Centre Region, Cameroon | Missing | Access | |
Tabebuia buchii | (Urb.) Britton | 1927 | Haiti, Hispaniola | Missing | Access | |
Tecomanthe speciosa |
W.R.B.Oliv. (1948) | Three Kings vine | ? | Three Kings Islands, New Zealand | Extinct in the Wild | Access |
Family: Byblidaceae
—No subordinate taxa
Family: Calceolariaceae
—No subordinate taxa
Family: Carlemanniaceae
—No subordinate taxa
Family: Gesneriaceae
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Aeschynanthus monetaria | Dunn | - | (rediscovered) | Tibet | Rediscovered | Access |
Aeschynanthus planipetiolatus |
H.W.Li (1983) | - | 1980's | China | Extinct | Access |
Alloplectus herthae | Mansf. | - | 1935 | Ecuador | Missing | Access |
Columnea asteroloma | (Wiehler) L.E.Skog | - | 1970's or later | Ila mountains, Cerro El Centinela, Ecuador | Missing | Access |
Cyrtandra campanulata |
Reinecke | - | c.1893 | Savai‘i, Samoa | Missing | Access |
Cyrtandra crenata
H.St.John & Storey | - | 1947 | Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, USA | Missing | Access |
Cyrtandra cyaneoides | Rock | - | - | Kauai, Hawaiian Islands, USA | Rediscovered | Access |
Cyrtandra filipes |
Hillebr. (1888) | Ha`iwale | - | Maui & Molokai, Hawaiian Islands, USA | Erroneously listed as Possibly Extinct | Access |
Cyrtandra funkii |
Reinecke | - | c.1893 | ‘Upolu, Samoa | Missing | Access |
Cyrtandra gracilis | Hillebr. ex C.B.Clarke | Palolo Valley cyrtandra | - | Ko‘olau Mountains, O‘ahu, Hawaiian Islands, USA | Rediscovered | Access |
Cyrtandra guerkeana |
Lauterb. | - | c.1906 | Savai‘i, Samoa | Missing | Access |
Cyrtandra kohalae | H.St.John | - | 1933 | Hawai'i, Hawaiian Islands, USA | Missing | Access |
Cyrtandra linearis | H.St.John (1966) | ? | Hawaiian Islands, USA | Invalid (synonym) | Access | |
Cyrtandra lydgatei |
Hillebr. (1888) | - | - | Lanai, Maui & Molokai, Hawaiian Islands, USA | Erroneously listed as Possibly Extinct | Access |
Cyrtandra mamolea |
Reinecke | c.1893 | ‘Upolu, Samoa | Missing | Access | |
Cyrtandra olona | C.N.Forbes | - | 1909 | Kauai, Hawaiian Islands, USA | Missing | Access |
Cyrtandra pruinosa | H.St.John & Storey | - | 1933 | Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, USA | Missing | Access |
Cyrtandra rivularis | H. St. John & Storey | - | ? | Hawaiian Islands, USA | Missing | Access |
Cyrtandra tintinnabula |
Rock (1918) | Laupahoehoe cyrtandra, Ha`iwale | ? | Hawaii, Hawaiian Islands, USA | Rediscovered or Erroneously listed as Possibly Extinct | Access |
Cyrtandra waiolani | Wawra | - | 1943 | Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, USA | Missing | Access |
Didymocarpus adenocarpus | C.E.C.Fisch., 1929 | - | - | Mizoram, India | Rediscovered | Access |
Didymocarpus lineicapsa | (C.E.C.Fisch.) B.L.Burtt, 1954 | - | - | Mizoram, India | Rediscovered | Access |
Didymocarpus parryorum | C.E.C.Fisch., 1928 | - | - | Mizoram, India | Rediscovered | Access |
Didymocarpus wengeri | C.E.C.Fisch., 1928 | - | - | Mizoram, India | Rediscovered | Access |
Gasteranthus extinctus |
L.E.Skog & L.P.Kvist (2000) | - | - | Ecuador (western) | Rediscovered | Access |
Gesneria brachysepala | Urb. & Ekman | - | - | Haiti, Hispaniola | Rediscovered | Access |
Gyrogyne subaequifolia |
W.T.Wang (1981) | - | ? | Guangxi Province, China | Extinct | Access |
Henckelia longipedicellata |
(B.L.Burtt) D.J.Middleton & Mich.Möller | - | (rediscovered) | India & Myanmar (=Burma) | Rediscovered | Access |
Henckelia lyrata | (Wight) A. Weber & B.L. Burtt | - | - | Western Ghats, India | Rediscovered | Access |
Henckelia missionis |
(Wall. ex R.Br.) A.Weber & B.L.Burtt (1998) | - | (rediscovery) | Tamil Nadu, India | Rediscovered | Access |
Microchirita barbata | (Sprague) A.Weber & D.J.Middleton | - | ? | Vietnam | Extinct in the wild? | Access |
Oreocharis mileense | (W.T. Wang) M. Möller & A. Weber | - | - | China | Rediscovered | Access |
Paraisometrum mileense | W.T.Wang | - | - | China | Rediscovered | Access |
Primulina cardaminifolia | Yan Liu & W.B. Xu | - | - | China | Rediscovered in the wild | Access |
Primulina spadiciformis | (W.T.Wang) Mich.Möller & A.Weber (2011) | ? | China | Extinct in the Wild | Access | |
Rhytidophyllum rhodocalyx | Urb. | - | - | Santiago de Cuba Province, Cuba | Rediscovered | Access |
Sinningia helleri |
Nees (1825) | - | 1825 | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Extinct | Access |
Streptocarpus euanthus |
Mansf. | ? | Uluguru Mountains, Tanzania | Missing | Access | |
Streptocarpus inconspicuus |
(B.L.Burtt) Christenh. | (rediscovered) | North Uluguru Mountains, Morogoro District, Tanzania | Rediscovered | Access |
Family: Lamiaceae
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Aegiphila brenesii | Hammel | - | - | Costa Rica | Rediscovered | Access |
Aegiphila caymanensis
Moldenke | - | 2015 | Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands | Missing | Access |
Aegiphila glomerata | Benth. | - | - | Ecuador | Rediscovered or relocated | Access |
Blephilia hirsuta glabrata
Fern. | Hairy pagoda-plant, Hairy wood-mint | ? | Vermont, USA | Extinct | Access |
Callicarpa denticulata | Merr. | 1907 | Philippines | Missing | Access | |
Chelonopsis siccanea | W.W.Sm. | ? | China | Extinct | Access | |
Clerodendrum margaritense | Moldenke | 1903 | Venezuela | Missing | Access | |
Clerodendrum singwanum |
B.Thomas (1936) | - | 1908 | Cameroon | Missing | Access |
Clinopodium palmeri | (A.Gray) Kuntze | - | - | Guadulupe Island, Mexico | Rediscovered | Access |
Coleus dissitiflorus | Gürke | - | (rediscovered) | Angola & Cameroon | Rediscovered | Access |
Coleus tomentifolius | (Suddee) Suddee | - | ? | Thailand | Extinct | Access |
Dicrastylis morrisonii | Munir, 1978 | - | 5 May 1903 | State Farm, Upper Chapman River, north-east of Geraldton, Western Australia, Australia | Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Eriothymus rubiaceus |
(Benth.) J.A.Schmidt | ? | Minas Gerais, Brazil | Missing | Access | |
Haplostachys bryanii
Sherff | - | 1918 | Molokai, Hawaiian Islands, USA | Missing | Access |
Haplostachys linearifolia | (Drake) Sherff | - | 1928 | Maui & Molokai, Hawaiian Islands, USA | Missing | Access |
Haplostachys munroi | C.N.Forbes | - | 1927 | Lanai, Hawaiian Islands, USA | Missing | Access |
Haplostachys truncata | (A.Gray) Hillebr. | - | pre-1855 | Maui, Hawaiian Islands, USA | Missing | Access |
Hedeoma pilosa | R.S.Irving | Old blue false pennyroyal | ? | Texas, USA | Extinct | Access |
Hemiandra rutilans | O.Sarg., 1927 | Sargent's snakebush | 1994 | Western Australia, Australia | Extinct in the wild | Access |
Hemigenia exilis | S.Moore, 1899 | - | (rediscovered) | Western Australia, Australia | Rediscovered | Access |
Hemigenia obtusa | Benth., 1848 | Blunt-leaved hemigenia | 1879 | Australia | Missing | Access |
Hemigenia pimelifolia | F.Muell. | - | (rediscovered) | Western Australia, Australia | Rediscovered | Access |
Hemigenia podalyrina | F.Muell. | - | (rediscovered) | Western Australia, Australia | Rediscovered | Access |
Hemigenia ramosissima | Benth. | - | (rediscovered) | Western Australia, Australia | Rediscovered | Access |
Hemigenia tysonii | F.Muell. | - | (rediscovered) | Western Australia, Australia | Rediscovered | Access |
Hemigenia sp. nov. 'major' |
- | - | 1931 | Western Australia, Australia | Missing | Access |
Hyptidendron unilaterale | (Epling) Harley | - | (rediscovered) | Brazil (southern) | Rediscovered | Access |
Hyptis caduca | Epling | - | (rediscovered) | Brazil | Rediscovered | Access |
Isodon capillipes |
(Benth.) H.Hara (1985) | - | ? | Sri Lanka | Missing or Extinct | Access |
Karomia gigas | (Faden) Verde. | - | (rediscovered) | Kenya & Tanzania | Rediscovered | Access |
Killickia grandiflora |
(Killick) Bräuchler, Heubl & Doroszenko (2008) | - | (rediscovered) | Drakensberg region, northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa | Rediscovered | Access |
Marrubium depauperatum | Boiss. & Balansa (1859) | - | (rediscovered) | Turkey | Rediscovered | Access |
Microcorys pimeloides | F.Muell. | - | (rediscovered) | Western Australia, Australia | Rediscovered | Access |
Micromeria acropolitana
Halácsy (1908) | - | (rediscovered) | the Acropolis, Athens, Greece | Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Micromeria cymuligera | Boiss. & Hausskn. (1879) | - | (rediscovered) | Turkey | Rediscovered | Access |
Monardella leucocephala
A.Gray, 1867 | Merced monardella | 1941 | Merced County, California, USA | Extinct | Access |
Monardella pringlei | A. Gray | Pringle’s monardella | 1921 or 1941 | California, USA | Extinct | Access |
Monardella venosa | (Torr.) A.C.Sanders & Elvin | - | (rediscovered) | California, USA | Rediscovered | Access |
Ombrocharis dulcis |
Hand.-Mazz. (1936) | - | ? | China | Extinct | Access |
Oocephalus foliosus | (A.St.-Hil. ex Benth.) Harley & J.F.B.Pastore | (rediscovered) | Brazil | Rediscovered | Access | |
Orthosiphon scedastophyllus | A.J.Paton | 1935 | Tanzania | Missing | Access | |
Orthosiphon schliebenii | A.J.Paton | 1935 | Tanzania | Missing | Access | |
Orthosiphon truncatus | Doan ex Suddee & A.J.Paton | - | ? | Vietnam | Extinct | Access |
Phyllostegia bracteata | Sherff | - | 2017 | Maui, Hawaiian Islands, USA | Extinct in the wild | Access |
Phyllostegia brevidens | A.Gray | - | 2016 | Hawai'i & Maui, Hawaiian Islands, USA | Extinct in the wild | Access |
Phyllostegia glabra lanaiensis
Sherff | - | 1914 | Lanai, Hawaiian Islands, USA | Missing | Access |
Phyllostegia haliakalae
Wawra | - | (rediscovered) | Lanaʻi, Molokaʻi & Maui, Hawaiian Islands, USA | Rediscovered | Access |
Phyllostegia helleri | Sherff | - | 2018 | Kauai, Hawaiian Islands, USA | Extinct in the wild | Access |
Phyllostegia hillebrandii | H.Mann ex Hillebr. | - | 1858 | Maui, Hawaiian Islands, USA | Missing | Access |
Phyllostegia imminuta | Sherff | - | 1979 | Lanai, Maui (eastern) & Molokai, Hawaiian Islands, USA | Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Phyllostegia kaalaensis | H.St.John | - | 2008 | Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, USA | Extinct in the wild | Access |
Phyllostegia kahiliensis | H.St.John | - | 1987 | Kauai, Hawaiian Islands, USA | Missing | Access |
Phyllostegia knudsenii | Hillebr. | - | 2001 | Kauai, Hawaiian Islands, USA | Missing | Access |
Phyllostegia mannii | Sherff | - | 2016 | Maui & Molokai, Hawaiian Islands, USA | Extinct in the wild | Access |
Phyllostegia micrantha | H.St.John | - | 1910 | Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, USA | Missing | Access |
Phyllostegia mollis |
Benth. (1831) | - | ? | Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, USA | Extinct in the Wild | Access |
Phyllostegia parviflora glabriuscula | A. Gray | - | 2012 | Hawai'i, Hawaiian Islands, USA | Extinct in the wild | Access |
Phyllostegia parviflora lydgatei | (Sherff) W.G.Wagner | - | 2010 | Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, USA | Extinct in the wild | Access |
Phyllostegia pilosa | H.St.John | - | 2018 | Maui & Molokai, Hawaiian Islands, USA | Extinct in the wild | Access |
Phyllostegia rockii | Sherff | - | 1912 | Molokai, Hawaiian Islands, USA | Missing | Access |
Phyllostegia tahitensis | Nadeaud | - | ? | Tahiti, Society Islands, French Polynesia | Missing | Access |
Phyllostegia variabilis | Bitter | - | 1964 | Kure, Laysan & Midway, Hawaiian Islands, USA | Missing | Access |
Phyllostegia waimeae | Wawra | Kauai phyllostegia | (rediscovered) | Kauai, Hawaiian Islands, USA | Rediscovered | Access |
Phyllostegia wawrana | Sherff | Fuzzystem phyllostegia | (rediscovered) | Kauai, Hawaiian Islands, USA | Rediscovered | Access |
Pityrodia glabra | Munir, 1979 | (rediscovered) | Western Australia, Australia | Rediscovered | Access | |
Plectranthus bishopianus | Gamble | (rediscovered) | Tamil Nadu, India | Rediscovered | Access | |
Plectranthus preussii |
(Gürke) ined. | - | 1891 | Cameroon | Missing | Access |
Plectranthus scopulicola | A.J.Paton | 1953 | West Usambaras, Tanzania | Missing | Access | |
Plectranthus subincisus | Benth. | (rediscovered) | India (southern) | Rediscovered | Access | |
Plectranthus vettiveroides | (K.C. Jacob) N.P. Singh and B.D. Sharma | ? | India | Extinct in the wild | Access | |
Pogogyne tenuiflora | A.Gray | ? | Guadalupe Island, Mexico | Extinct | Access | |
Pogostemon dielsianus | Dunn, 1913 | (rediscovered) | China (southwestern) | Rediscovered | Access | |
Pogostemon paludosus |
Benth. (1848) | - | (rediscovered) | Kerala & Tamil Nadu, India | Rediscovered | Access |
Premna aureolepidota | Moldenke | 23 November 1932 | Madagascar | Missing | Access | |
Premna mekongensis meiophylla | W.W.Sm. | ? | Yunlong, China | Extinct or invalid (synonym) | Access | |
Premna paucinervis | (C.B. Clarke) Gamble, 1924 | (rediscovered) | Western Ghats, India | Rediscovered | Access | |
Premna sterculiifolia | King & Gamble | ? | Peninsula Malaysia | Extinct | Access | |
Premna sp. nov. 'Rapa Nui' | - | subfossil | Rapa Nui (=Easter Island) | Extinct | Access | |
Prostanthera albohirta
C.T.White, 1936 | (rediscovered) | Queensland, Australia | Rediscovered | Access | |
Prostanthera clotteniana | (F.M.Bailey) A.R.Bean, 2000 | (rediscovered) | Ravenshoe and Mount Baldy area, Queensland (north-east), Australia | Rediscovered | Access | |
Prostanthera marifolia | R.Br., 1810 | Seaforth mintbush | (rediscovered) | Seaforth area, New South Wales, Australia | Rediscovered | Access |
Prostanthera staurophylla | F.Muell. | (rediscovered) | Australia | Rediscovered | Access | |
Prostanthera tysoniana | (Carrick) B.J.Conn | (rediscovered) | Western Australia, Australia | Rediscovered | Access | |
Pycnanthemum monotrichum | Fernald | ? | Virginia, USA | Extinct | Access | |
Rotheca pilosa |
(H.Pearson) P.P.J.Herman & Retief (2002) | - | 1900-1911 | Kentani, Eastern Cape Province | Extinct | Access |
Rotheca violacea kigeziensis | (Verdc.) Verdc. | 1948 | Uganda | Missing | Access | |
Salvia baldshuanica | Lipsky | (rediscovered) | Tajikistan & Uzbekistan | Rediscovered | Access | |
Salvia ballsiana
(Rech.f.) Hedge (1959) | (rediscovered) | Turkey | Rediscovered | Access | |
Salvia blodgettii | Chapm. | ? | ? | Invalid (synonym) | Access | |
Salvia buchii | Urb. | 1925 | Haiti, Hispaniola | Missing | Access | |
Salvia caymanensis | Millsp. & Uline | Cayman sage | (rediscovered) | Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands | Rediscovered | Access |
Salvia ceratophylloides | Ard. (1764) | (rediscovered) | Calabria, Italy (southern) | Rediscovered in the wild | Access | |
Salvia freyniana | Bornm. (1892) | (rediscovered) | Turkey | Rediscovered | Access | |
Salvia gontscharowii |
? | Tajikistan | Extinct | Access | |
Salvia haitiensis |
Urb. | 13 September 1924 | Haiti, Hispaniola | Missing | Access | |
Salvia lobbii | Epling | pre-1936 | Ecuador | Missing | Access | |
Salvia peyronii | Boiss. | Israel & Lebanon | Rediscovered | Access | ||
Salvia primuliformis | Epling | 2 November 1927 | Haiti, Hispaniola | Missing | Access | |
Salvia quezelii | Hedge & Afzal-Rafii (1980) | (rediscovered) | Turkey | Rediscovered | Access | |
Satureja coerulea
Janka (1891) | (rediscovered) | Bulgaria & Turkey | Rediscovered? | Access | |
Scutellaria andrachnoides | Vved. | (rediscovered) | Kyrgyzstan | Rediscovered | Access | |
Scutellaria ocmulgee
Small | Ocmulgee skullcap | (rediscovered) | Georgia & South Carolina | Rediscovered | Access |
Scutellaria ovata pseudoarguta |
Epling (1942) | - | 1940's | West Virginia, USA | Extinct | Access |
Scutellaria robusta | Benth. (1848) | - | ? | Sri Lanka | Missing or Extinct | Access |
Scutellaria xylorrhiza | Bornm. | (rediscovered) | Iran | Rediscovered | Access | |
Stachys talyschensis | Kapeller (1949) | Talyshian woundwort(?) | ? | Azerbaijan or Transcaucasus | Extant or Extinct | Access |
Stachys virgata | Bory & Chaub. (1832) | (rediscovered) | Peloponnisos, Greece | Rediscovered | Access | |
Stachys zoharyana | Eig | (rediscovered) | Jordan to Israel | Rediscovered | Access | |
Stenogyne bifida | Hillebr. | 2013 | Molokai, Hawaiian Islands, USA | Extinct in the wild | Access | |
Stenogyne campanulata | Weller & A.K.Sakai | 2008 | Kauai, Hawaiian Islands, USA | Extinct in the wild | Access | |
Stenogyne cinerea
Hillebr. | 1865 | Maui, Hawaiian Islands, USA | Missing | Access | |
Stenogyne cranwelliae |
Sherff (1939) | Kohala Mountain stenogyne | (rediscovered) | Hawaiʻi, Hawaiian Islands, USA | Rediscovered | Access |
Stenogyne haliakalae | Wawra | 1984 | Maui, Hawaiian Islands, USA | Missing | Access | |
Stenogyne kaalae sherffii | (O. Deg.) W. L. Wagner & Weller | 1998 | Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, USA | Extinct in the wild | Access | |
Stenogyne kanehoana | O.Deg. & Sherff | 2013 | Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, USA | Extinct in the wild | Access | |
Stenogyne oxygona | O.Deg. & Sherff | 1952 | Hawai'i, Hawaiian Islands, USA | Missing | Access | |
Stenogyne viridis | W.F.Hillebr. | 1870 | Maui, Hawaiian Islands, USA | Missing | Access | |
Teucrium ajugaceum
F.M.Bailey & F.Muell. | - | Cape York Peninsula, Queensland, Australia | Rediscovered | Access | |
Teucrium leucophyllum | Montbret & Aucher ex Benth. (1836) | ? | Turkey | Missing or Extinct | Access | |
Teucrium sp. nov. 'Hutt River' |
- | - | 1964 | Western Australia, Australia | Missing | Access |
Thymus oehmianus | Ronniger & Soska (1938) | (rediscovered) | Macedonia | Rediscovered | Access | |
Vitex benuensis |
Engl. ex W.Piep. (1928) | - | 1909 | Cameroon | Missing | Access |
Vitex dinklagei |
Gürke (1903) | - | 1894 | Cameroon | Missing | Access |
Vitex nlonakensis |
Engl. ex G.Piep. (1929) | - | 1909 | Cameroon | Missing | Access |
Vitex yaundensis | Gürke | (rediscovered) | Cameroon | Rediscovered | Access | |
Wenchengia alternifolia | Wu & Chow, 1965 | (rediscovered) | Hainan Island, China | Rediscovered | Access |
Family: Lentibulariaceae
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Genlisea taylorii | Eb. Fischer, S. Porembski & W. Barthlott. | 1938 | Angola | Invalid (synonym) | Access | |
Pinguicula warijia |
Zamudio, Hern.Rend., M.Mata-Rosas & M.M.Salinas | (rediscovered) | Sierra Obscura region, Uruachi municipality, Chihuahua, Mexico | Rediscovered | Access | |
Utricularia cutleri | Steyerm., 1952 | (rediscovered) | Brazil | Rediscovered | Access | |
Utricularia mairii | Cheeseman | ? | ? | Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Family: Linderniaceae
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Craterostigma stuhlmannii | (Engl.) Eb.Fisch., Schäferh. & Kai Müll. | ? | Tanzania | Missing | Access | |
Micranthemum micranthemoides
(Nutt.) Wettst. | ? | District of Columbia (=Washington, D.C.), Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania & Virginia, USA | Extinct | Access | |
Linderniella boutiqueana | (R.Germ.) Eb.Fisch., Schäferh. & Kai Müll. | 1979 | Burundi | Missing | Access | |
Linderniella ugandensis | (Skan) Eb.Fisch., Schäferh. & Kai Müll. | 1906 | Uganda | Missing | Access | |
Torenia mannii | Skan, 1906 | - | Africa | Rediscovered | Access |
Family: Martyniaceae
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Holoregmia viscida | Nees | - | Bahia, Brazil | Rediscovered | Access | |
Proboscidea spicata | Correll | Many-flowered unicorn-plant | 1967 | Trans-Pecos, Texas & Coahuila, Mexico | Extinct | Access |
Family: Mazaceae
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Puchiumazus lanceifolius | (Hemsl.) Bo Li, D.G. Zhang & C.L. Xiang | (rediscovered) | China | Rediscovered | Access |
Family: Oleaceae
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Chionanthus albidiflorus | Thwaites | ? | Sri Lanka (south-west) | Missing | Access | |
Chionanthus diversifolius | Miq. | 1800's | Sumatra, Indonesia | Missing | Access | |
Chionanthus littoreus | Miq. | 1800's | Sumatra, Indonesia | Missing | Access | |
†Hesperelaea palmeri | A.Gray, 1876 | 1875 | Guadalupe Island, Mexico | Extinct | Access | |
Jasminum andamanicum | N.P. Balakr. & N.G. Nair | - | India | Rediscovered | Access | |
Jasminum parkeri | Dunn | - | Chamba district, Himachal Pradesh, western Himalayas, India | Rediscovered | Access | |
Menodora linoides | Phil. | - | Chile (central) | Rediscovered | Access | |
Noronhia populifolia | H.Perrier | 1907 | Madagascar | Missing | Access | |
Notelaea ipsviciensis | W.K.Harris | Cooneana olive | - | Queensland, Australia | Rediscovered | Access |
Family: Orobanchaceae
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Agalinis caddoensis | Pennell | Caddo Parish false foxglove | 1913 | Caddo Parish, near Shreveport, Louisiana (northwest), USA | Missing | Access |
Agalinis nuttallii
Shinners | ? | Arkansas & Oklahoma, USA | Invalid (synonym) | Access | |
Agalinis stenophylla
Pennell, 1920 | October 1877? | Hillsborough County, Tampa, Florida, USA | invalid (synonym) | Access | |
Buchnera remotiflora | Schinz | 1894 | Woodbush, Limpopo Province, South Africa | Missing | Access | |
Castilleja cruenta | Standl. | ? | ? | Invalid (synonym) | Access | |
Castilleja guadalupensis | Brandegee | ? | Guadalupe, Mexico | Extinct | Access | |
Castilleja leschkeana | J.T. Howell | Point Reyes paintbrush | 1947 | California, USA | Extinct or invalid (synonym) | Access |
Castilleja ludoviciana | Pennell | ? | North America | Invalid (synonym) | Access | |
Castilleja uliginosa | Eastw. | Pitkin Marsh Indian paintbrush | 1971 | Pitkin Marsh & Trembley's Marsh, Sonoma County, California, USA | Extinct or invalid (synonym) | Access |
Chloropyron molle | (A.Gray) A.Heller | (rediscovered) | California, USA | Rediscovered | Access | |
Chloropyron palmatum | (Ferris) Tank & J.M.Egger | (rediscovered) | California, USA | Rediscovered | Access | |
Christisonia albida | Thwaites ex Hook.f. (1884) | - | ? | Sri Lanka | Missing or Extinct | Access |
Christisonia tubulosa | (Wight) Benth. ex Hook.f. | - | Western Ghats, India | Rediscovered | Access | |
Eremitilla mexicana | Yatskievych & J. L. Contreras. | - | Mexico | Rediscovered | Access | |
Euphrasia arguta
R.Br. | - | Walcha and Nundle areas, New England tablelands, New South Wales, Australia | Rediscovered | Access | |
Euphrasia collina muelleri | (Wettst.) W.R. Barker, 1982 | Purple eyebright, Mueller's eyebright | - | New South Wales & Victoria, Australia | Rediscovered | Access |
Euphrasia corcontica | (Smejkal) Smejkal & M.Dvoráková (1999) | (rediscovered) | Karkonosze, Poland | Rediscovered | Access | |
Euphrasia fragosa | W.R. Barker, 1996 | - | Tasmania, Australia | Rediscovered | Access | |
Euphrasia gibbsiae psilantherea | (FvM.) W.R. Barker, 1982 | - | Tasmania, Australia | Rediscovered | Access | |
Euphrasia insignis omiensis
(Kimura) Yamazaki | c.70 years ago | Hira Mauntains, Shiga prefecture, Kansai region, Honshu (western), Japan | Missing | Access | |
Euphrasia insignis pubigera | (Koidz.) Yamazaki | 1922 | Mount Ōdaigahara, Nara Prefecture, Kansai region, Honshū (south-central), Japan | Missing | Access | |
Euphrasia mendoncae | Samp. (1937) | 1932 | Bragança, Portugal | Invalid (synonym) | Access | |
Euphrasia multifolia kirishimana | Kimura | 3 September 1978 | Mount Kirishima, Kagoshima Prefecture / Miyazaki Prefecture, Kyushu, Japan | Missing | Access | |
Euphrasia ruptura | W.R. Barker, 1997 | September 1904 | Tamworth, New South Wales (northeastern), Australia | Missing | Access | |
Gleadovia ruborum | Gamble & Prain | (rediscovered) | Uttarakhand, India | Rediscovered | Access | |
Nesogenes decumbens | Balf.f. | ? | Rodrigues, Mascarene Islands | Extinct | Access | |
Nesogenes orerensis | (Cordem.) Marais | (rediscovered) | Réunion, Mascarene Islands | Rediscovered | Access | |
Odontites discolor ciliatus | (Pomel) Bolliger | (rediscovered) | Algeria (& Tunisia?) | Rediscovered | Access | |
Orobanche berthelotii | Webb & Berthel. | ? | ? | Invalid (synonym) | Access | |
Orobanche gratiosa | (Webb & Berth.) Linding. (1926) | - | (rediscovered) | Fuerteventura, Graciosa Island (=La Graciosa), Gran Canaria & Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Macaronesia | Rediscovered | Access |
Orobanche valida | Jeps. | (rediscovered) | California, USA | Rediscovered | Access | |
Orthocarpus pachystachyus | A.Gray | Shasta owl's-clover, Shasta orthocarpus | - | Siskiyou County, California, USA | Rediscovered | Access |
Pedicularis denudata | Hook.f., 1884 | - | India | Rediscovered | Access | |
Pedicularis furbishiae |
S.Watson (1882) | Furbish's lousewort, St. John's River lousewort | (rediscovered) | New Brunswick, Canada & Maine, USA | Rediscovered | Access |
Pedicularis humilis | Bonati, 1921 | - | Hengduan Mountains, Himalayas (eastern), China | Rediscovered | Access | |
Pseudobartsia glandulosa | (Bentham) Yu & Li in Yu et al., 2015 | - | China & India | Rediscovered | Access | |
Rhinanthus halophilus | U.Schneid. (1962) | (rediscovered) | Denmark & Germany | Rediscovered | Access | |
Seymeria havardii | (Pennell) Pennell | ? | Central or North America | Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Family: Paulowniaceae
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Shiuyinghua silvestrii | (Pamp. & Bonati) Paclt (1962) | - | 1907 | Hubei (=Hupeh), China | Extinct | Access |
Family: Pedaliaceae
—No subordinate taxa
Family: Phrymaceae
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Mimulicalyx paludigenus | P.C.Tsoong | (rediscovered) | southern China | Invalid (synonym) | Access | |
Mimulicalyx rosulatus | P.C.Tsoong | (rediscovered) | southern China | Rediscovered | Access | |
Mimulus brandegeei
Pennell | ? | California, USA | Invalid (synonym) | Access | |
Mimulus latifolius |
A.Gray (1876) | - | 1932 or prior | Guadalupe Island, Mexico | Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Mimulus traskiae | Grant ex Millsp. & Nuttall (A.L. Grant) | 1901 | Avalon, Santa Catalina Island, California, USA | Extinct | Access | |
Mimulus whipplei | A.L. Grant | ? | California, USA | Invalid (synonym) | Access | |
Uvedalia clementii | (Domin) W.R.Barker & Beardsley | ? | Western Australia, Australia | Extinct | Access |
Family: Plantaginaceae
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Adenosma subrepens |
(Thwaites) Benth. ex Hook.f. (1884) | - | ? | Sri Lanka | Missing or Extinct | Access |
Bacopa simulans | Fernald | ? | ? | Invalid (synonym) | Access | |
Callitriche fassettii | Schotsman | ? | California & Oregon, USA | Extinct? | Access | |
Cheilophyllum jamaicense | Pennell | ? | Jamaica | Extinct | Access | |
Cheilophyllum sphaerocarpum | Urb. (1931) | ? | Cuba | Extinct | Access | |
Collinsia bartsiifolia hirsuta |
(Kellogg) Pennell (1951) | - | 1906 | Point Reyes, California, USA | Extinct | Access |
Linaria cossonii | Bonnet & Barratte, 1896 | - | Tunisia | Rediscovered | Access | |
Limnophila cana | Griff., 1847 | 1903 | Bangladesh | Missing | Access | |
Neopicrorhiza minima | R.R. Mill, 2000 | (rediscovered) | Bhutan & India | Rediscovered | Access | |
Penstemon campanulatus | (Cav.) Willd. | (rediscovered) | New Mexico, USA & Mexico | Rediscovered | Access | |
Penstemon leptanthus | Pennell | Sevier Plateau beardtongue | 1875 | Utah, USA | Missing | Access |
Penstemon parviflorus | Pennell | ? | Colorado & New Mexico, USA | Invalid (synonym) | Access | |
Penstemon pulchellus | Lindl. | ? | Mexico | Invalid (synonym) | Access | |
Penstemon scariousus garrettii | (Pennell) N.H. Holmgren | Garrett's beardtongue | - | Utah, USA | Rediscovered | Access |
Philcoxia goiasensis | P.Taylor et al., 2000 | - | Goiás, Brazil | Rediscovered | Access | |
Plantago baltistanica
H.Hartmann | ? | Pakistan | ? | Access | |
Plantago johnstonii | Pilg. (1929) | pre-1930 | Chile | Extinct | Access | |
Plantago princeps | Cham. & Schltdl. | (rediscovered) | Hawaiian Islands, USA | Rediscovered | Access | |
Plantago trinitatis | Rahn | (rediscovered) | Trindade Island, Brazil | Rediscovered | Access | |
Synthyris missurica hirsuta | Pennell | August 1881 | Oregon, USA | Invalid (synonym) | Access | |
Veronica breviracemosa | W.R.B.Oliv. | - | Kermadec Islands, New Zealand | Rediscovered | Access | |
Veronica euxina |
Turrill (1925) | - | ? | Bulgaria | Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Veronica kaiseri |
Täckh. (1942) | - | ? | Egypt | Extinct | Access |
Veronica parnkalliana |
J.M.Black (1926) | Port Lincoln speedwell | (rediscovered) | South Australia, Australia | Rediscovered | Access |
Veronicastrum liukiuense | (Ohwi) Yamazaki | Ryukyu-suzukake | ? | Okinawa Island, Amami Oshima, and Kikai-jima, Japan | Rediscovered? | Access |
Wulfenia baldaccii | Degen (1897) | (rediscovered) | Albania | Rediscovered | Access |
Family: Plocospermataceae
—No subordinate taxa
Family: Schlegeliaceae
—No subordinate taxa
Family: Scrophulariaceae
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Alonsoa peduncularis | (Kunze) Wettst. | (rediscovered) | Cape Province, South Africa | Rediscovered | Access | |
Chaenostoma racemosum |
Benth. (1836) | - | 1829 | Zuurberg, South Africa | Extinct | Access |
Chamaecrypta diasciifolia |
Schltr. & Diels (1942) | - | 1897 | Bokkeveld Escarpment, Northern Cape Province, South Africa | Extinct | Access |
Cromidon hamulosum |
(E.Mey.) Hilliard (1990) | - | 1836 | "Haazenkraals River", northern Namaqualand, South Africa | Extinct | Access |
Diascia glandulosa |
E.Phillips (1913) | - | 1911 | South Africa | Extinct | Access |
Dischisma fruticosum |
(L.f.) Rolfe (1883) | - | 1842 | South Africa | Extinct | Access |
Eremophila adenotricha | (F.Muell. ex Benth.) F.Muell. | (rediscovered) | Western Australia, Australia | Rediscovered | Access | |
Eremophila scaberula | W.Fitzg. | (rediscovered) | Western Australia, Australia | Rediscovered | Access | |
Eremophila vernicosa | Chinnock | Resinous poverty bush | (rediscovered) | Western Australia, Australia | Rediscovered | Access |
Eremophila verrucosa | Chinnock | (rediscovered) | South Australia, Australia | Rediscovered | Access | |
Globulariopsis pumila | O.M.Hilliard | 1935 | Piketberg, Western Cape Province, South Africa | Missing | Access | |
Limosella pubiflora | Pennell | Chiricahua mudwort | 1992 | Arizona & New Mexico, USA | Missing | Access |
Manulea minor |
Diels (1897) | - | (rediscovered) | Hex River Valley, Western Cape Province, South Africa | (rediscovered) | Access |
Manulea ramulosa | O.M. Hilliard, 1994 | 1926 | Klawer, Western Cape Province, South Africa | Missing | Access | |
Myoporum rimatarense | F.Brown | ? | Rimatara Island, Tubuai Group, French Polynesia | Missing | Access | |
Nemesia micrantha | Hiern | 1897 | Hout Bay, Cape Peninsula, Western Cape Province, South Africa | Missing | Access | |
Polycarena silenoides | Harv. ex Benth. | Granite Cape flax | (rediscovered) | slopes of Lion's Head mountain, Cape Town, Western Cape Province, South Africa | Rediscovered | Access |
Scrophularia amadiyana |
Ghaz. & Haloob | ? | Dohuk Province, Iraq | Missing | Access | |
Scrophularia exilis | Popl. (1931) | (rediscovered) | Crimean Mountains | Rediscovered | Access | |
Selago elsiae |
Hilliard (1999) | - | 1957 | Groot Windhoek Mountains, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa | Extinct | Access |
Selago ferruginea | Rolfe, 1901 | (rediscovered) | Western Cape Province, South Africa | Rediscovered | Access | |
Selago linearifolia |
Rolfe (1901) | - | 1936 | Bulshoek, Olifants River Valley, Western Cape Province, South Africa | Extinct | Access |
Selago polycephala | Otto ex Walp. | 1967 | Uitenhage to Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa | Missing | Access | |
Verbascum calycosum | Hausskn. ex Murb. (1933) | (rediscovered) | Turkey | Rediscovered | Access | |
Verbascum foetidum | Boiss. & Heldr. (1856) | (rediscovered) | Sterea Ellas, Greece | Rediscovered | Access | |
Verbascum hypoleucum | Boiss. & Heldr. (1856) | (rediscovered) | Peloponnesos, Greece | Rediscovered | Access | |
Zaluzianskya lanigera |
Hilliard (1990) | Woolly drumsticks | 1933 | Karroopoort, Western Cape Province, South Africa | Extinct | Access |
Family: Stilbaceae
—No subordinate taxa
Family: Tetrachondraceae
—No subordinate taxa
Family: Thomandersiaceae
—No subordinate taxa
Family: Verbenaceae
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Citharexylum teclense |
Standl. (1930) | Café de Árbol | 1929 | El Salvador | Missing | Access |
Diphyllocalyx armatus |
(Urb.) Greuter & R.Rankin (2016) | - | 1918 | Cuba | Extinct | Access |
Priva portoricensis | Urb. | ? | Puerto Rico | Extinct | Access | |
Stachytarpheta fallax | A.E.Gonç. | 1808 | Cape Verde archipelago | Extinct | Access | |
Stachytarpheta odorata | P.H.Cardoso & Salimena (2023) | 7 March 2005 | Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais, Brazil | Possibly extinct in the wild | Access |
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Appendix 1: Status uncertain, may warrant inclusion above
Angkalanthus oligophylla (Distribution: Socotra/Soqotra, Yemen; Status: known only from two collections: 1880 and 1990)
Strobilanthes carinei (syn. Stenosiphonium setosum) (may have been rediscovered)