
Phyllostegia mannii Sherff



Taxonomy & Nomenclature



Conservation Status

Possibly extinct in the wild (Wood et al., 2019:12) or Extinct in the Wild (PEPP, 2024)

Last record: 2016 (Wood et al., 2019:12)

IUCN RedList status: Critically Endangered (Possibly Extinct in the Wild)



Maui & Molokai, Hawaiian Islands, USA


Biology & Ecology










PEPP. (2024). Plant Extinction Prevention Program species list, January 2024. Available at: [Accessed 10 February 2025]

Sugii, N., Yoshioka, J.M., Bruegmann, M., Chau, M., Caraway, V.L., Weisenberger, L. & Kwon, J. 2018. Phyllostegia mannii. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018: e.T80174419A80174429. Accessed on 05 July 2022.

Wagner, Warren L., Bruegmann, Marie M., Herbst, Derral M. and Lau, Joel Q. C. (1999). Hawaiian Vascular Plants at Risk: 1999. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 60: 1-58.

Walter, Kerry S. and Gillett, Harriet J. (eds.). (1998). 1997 IUCN Red List of Threatened Plants. Compiled by the World Conservation Monitoring Centre. Gland, Switzerland & Cambridge, UK: IUCN – The World Conservation Union. lxiv + 862 pp.

Wood, Kenneth R., Oppenheimer, Hank and Keir, Matthew. (2019). A checklist of endemic Hawaiian vascular plant taxa that are considered possibly extinct in the wild. National Tropical Botanical Garden, Technical Report #314.


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