
Penstemon campanulatus campanulatus (Cav.) Willd. (1800:228)



Taxonomy & Nomenclature

Synonyms: Chelone campanulata Cav. in Icon. 1: 18 (1791); Chelone campanuloides Andrews in Bot. Repos. 1: t. 40 (1798); Chelone angustifolia Kunth in F.W.H.von Humboldt, A.J.A.Bonpland & C.S.Kunth, Nov. Gen. Sp. 2: 365 (1818); Penstemon angustifolius (Kunth) F.Dietr. in Nachtr. Vollst. Lex. Gärtn. 6: 91 (1820), nom. illeg.; Chelone elegans Kunth in F.W.H.von Humboldt, A.J.A.Bonpland & C.S.Kunth, Nov. Gen. Sp. 2: 364 (1818); Penstemon elegans (Kunth) F.Dietr. in Nachtr. Vollst. Lex. Gärtn. 6: 91 (1820); Penstemon pulchellus Lindl. in Bot. Reg. 14: t. 1138 (1828); Penstemon campanulatus var. angustifolius (Kunth) Hook. in Bot. Mag. 68: t. 3884 (1841); Penstemon campanulatus f. pulchellus (Lindl.) Voss in Vilm. Blumengärtn., ed. 3. 1: 768 (1894); Penstemon hintonii Straw in Brittonia 15: 61 (1963)


Conservation Status




New Mexico, USA & Mexico


Biology & Ecology










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