Family: Actinidiaceae
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Saurauia bogoriensis |
R.D.Hoogland |
1975 |
Java (=Jawa) (western), Indonesia |
Missing |
Saurauia longipedicellata | Merr. (1922) | (rediscovered) | Mindanao, Philippines | Rediscovered | Access | |
Saurauia minutiflora | K.M.Wong | 1995 | Malaysia | Missing | Access |
Family: Balsaminaceae
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Impatiens agastyamalayensis |
(Bhaskar) A.Joe, Bhaskar & M.Sabu |
(rediscovered) |
Agastyamala, India |
Rediscovered |
Impatiens aliciae | C.E.C.Fisch. | (rediscovered) | Kerala, India | Rediscovered | Access | |
Impatiens anaimudica | C.E.C.Fisch. | (rediscovered) | India | Rediscovered | Access | |
Impatiens angustisepala |
Tardieu |
(rediscovered) |
Laos PDR |
Rediscovered |
Impatiens boinensis |
H.Perrier, 1934 |
1907 |
Anovilava, Mahajanga Province, Madagascar (northern) |
Missing |
Impatiens brevicornis |
(Barnes) Bhaskar |
(rediscovered) |
Western Ghats, India |
Rediscovered |
Impatiens concinna |
Hook.f., 1874 |
(rediscovered) |
Western Ghats, India |
Rediscovered |
Impatiens cothurnoides | C.E.C.Fisch. | (rediscovered) | Meghalaya, India | Rediscovered | Access | |
Impatiens cryptoneura |
Hook.f. |
? |
Malaysia |
Missing |
Impatiens denisonii |
Bedd. (1864) | - | (rediscovered) | Kerala, India | Rediscovered | Access |
Impatiens granulifera | H.Perrier | 1933 | Madagascar | Missing | Access | |
Impatiens humifusa | G.M.Schulze | 1970 | Tanzania | Missing | Access | |
Impatiens johnii |
E. Barnes, 1939 |
(rediscovered) |
Idukki District, Kerala, India |
Rediscovered |
Impatiens khasiana |
Hook.f. |
(rediscovered) |
India |
Rediscovered |
Impatiens laevigata grandifolia |
Hook.f., 1910 |
(rediscovered) |
India |
Rediscovered |
Impatiens letouzeyi |
Grey-Wilson |
(rediscovered) |
Cameroon |
Rediscovered |
Impatiens leucantha | Thwaites (1858) | - | (rediscovered) | Sri Lanka | Rediscovered | Access |
Impatiens macrocarpa | Hook.f. | (rediscovered) | India | Rediscovered | Access | |
Impatiens munnarensis |
E.Barnes, 1938 |
(rediscovered) |
India |
Rediscovered |
Impatiens munronii |
Wight (1839) | - | (rediscovered) | Kerala, India | Rediscovered | Access |
Impatiens nzoana bennae |
(Jacq.-Fél.) Grey-Wilson | - | 1956 | Guinea | Missing | Access |
Impatiens repens |
Moon |
Ceylon balsam, Yellow impatiens |
(rediscovered) |
Sri Lanka |
Rediscovered |
Impatiens saliensis | G.M.Schulze | 1932 | Tanzania | Missing | Access | |
Impatiens subcordata | Arn. (1836) | - | (rediscovered) | Sri Lanka | Rediscovered | Access |
Impatiens tricaudata | G.M.Schulze | 1935 | Tanzania | Missing | Access | |
Impatiens trigonopteris |
Hooker f., 1908 |
(rediscovered) |
Sikkim, India |
Rediscovered |
Impatiens viridiflora |
Wight (1937) |
(rediscovered) |
India |
Rediscovered |
Impatiens walkeri | Hook. ex Arn. (1836) | - | ? | Sri Lanka | Missing or Extinct | Access |
Family: Clethraceae
–No subordinate taxa
Family: Cyrillaceae
–No subordinate taxa
Family: Diapensiaceae
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Shortia galacifolia |
Torr. & Gray |
- |
Rediscovered |
Family: Ebenaceae
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Diospyros angulata |
Poir. (1804) | - | 2000 | Mauritius, Mascarene Islands | Extinct | Access |
Diospyros bambuseti |
H.R.Fletcher (1937) |
(rediscovered) |
Thailand |
Rediscovered |
Diospyros domingensis oxycarpa |
(Urb.) B.Walln. | 19 August 1925 | Haiti | Extinct in the wild? | Access | |
Diospyros hemiteles |
I.Richardson (1980) | - | (rediscovered) | Mauritius, Mascarene Islands | Rediscovered | Access |
Diospyros katendei |
Verdc. |
? |
Kasyoha-Kitomi (central), Uganda |
Missing |
Diospyros ketsensis | H.Perrier | 1926 | Madagascar | Missing | Access | |
Diospyros magogoana | F.White | 1951 | Tanzania | Missing | Access | |
Diospyros opaca | C.B.Clarke (1882) | - | ? | Sri Lanka | Missing or Extinct | Access |
Diospyros ovalis |
Hiern |
(rediscovered) |
Brazil |
Rediscovered |
Diospyros truncata |
Zoll. & Mor. |
(rediscovered) |
India |
Rediscovered |
Family: Ericaceae
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Agapetes bhareliana |
(Airy Shaw) D.Banik & Sanjappa |
- |
Myanmar (=Burma) |
Rediscovered |
Agapetes linearifolia |
C. B. Clarke in J. D. Hooker, 1882 |
- |
Myanmar (=Burma) |
Rediscovered |
Agapetes nana |
(Griff.) Benth. |
- |
Myanmar (=Burma) |
Rediscovered |
Agarista bracamorensis | (Kunth) G.Don | (rediscovered) | Peru | Rediscovered | Access | |
Andersonia bifida | L.Watson | (rediscovered) | Western Australia, Australia | Rediscovered | Access | |
Andersonia longifolia | (Benth.) L.Watson, 1962 | (rediscovered) | Western Australia, Australia | Rediscovered | Access | |
Anthopterus racemosus | Hook. | 1838 | Peru | Missing | Access | |
Arctostaphylos hookeri franciscana |
Eastw. |
Franciscan manzanita |
- |
San Francisco, California, USA |
Extinct in the wild |
Arctostaphylos montana ravenii |
(P. V.Wells) V.T.Parker, M.C.Vasey & J.E.Keeley |
Raven's manzanita, Presidio manzanita |
- |
California, USA |
Rediscovered |
Arctostaphylos uvaursi loebreweri |
? |
? |
Extinct in the wild? |
Ceratostema pensile | (A.C. Sm.) A.C. Sm. | 1943 | Ecuador | Missing | Access | |
Choristemon humilis |
H.B.Will. |
1923 |
Brisbane Ranges, Victoria, Australia |
Invalid (synonym) |
Coleanthera coelophylla | (A.Cunn. ex DC.) Benth. | (rediscovered) | Western Australia, Australia | Rediscovered | Access | |
Coleanthera virgata |
Stschegl., 1859 |
Hidden coleanthera |
? |
Western Australia, Australia |
Invalid |
Dielsiodoxa altimontana | Hislop (2022) | (rediscovered) | Western Australia, Australia | Rediscovered | Access | |
Diplycosia retusa |
Sleumer |
- |
Sulawesi, Indonesia |
Rediscovered |
Erica alexandri acockii |
(Compton) E.G.H.Oliv. |
1940 |
Kraaifontein, Western Cape Province, South Africa |
Missing |
Erica alexandri alexandri |
Guthrie & Bolus |
- |
South Africa |
Rediscovered? |
Erica amalophylla |
E.G.H.Oliv. & I.M.Oliv. (2002) | - | 1940's | Porterville, Western Cape Province, South Africa | Extinct | Access |
Erica bolusiae cyathiformis |
H.A.Baker |
? |
near Kraaifontein on the Cape Flats, Western Cape Province, South Africa |
Extinct in the wild |
Erica burchelliana |
E.G.H.Oliv. |
- |
Garcia's Pass, Western Cape Province, South Africa |
Rediscovered |
Erica caterviflora caterviflora |
Salisb. (1802) | - | (rediscovered) | Cape Peninsula, South Africa | Rediscovered | Access |
Erica cavartica |
E.G.H.Oliv. & I.M.Oliv. (2002) | - | 1932 | Cedarberg, Western Cape Province, South Africa | Extinct | Access |
Erica comata |
Guthrie & Bolus (1905) | - | 1815 | Craggy Peak, South Africa | Extinct | Access |
Erica eglandulosa |
(Klotzsch) E.G.H.Oliv. (2000) | - | 1867 | Riviersonderend Mountains, South Africa | Extinct | Access |
Erica florifera | (Compton) E.G.H.Oliv. | ? | South Africa | Extinct | Access | |
Erica foliacea fulgens |
(Klotzsch) E.G.H.Oliv. & I.M.Oliv. |
1895 |
Sir Lowry's Pass, Western Cape Province, South Africa |
Missing |
Erica ixanthera | Benth. | (rediscovered) | South Africa | Rediscovered | Access | |
Erica kraussiana |
Klotzsch (ex Walp.?) |
100+ years ago |
Riviersonderend Mountains, Western Cape Province, South Africa |
Missing |
Erica miniscula |
E.G.H.Oliv. (2000) | - | 1814 | near Garcia's Pass, Langeberg Mountains, South Africa | Extinct | Access |
Erica natalensis |
Dulfer, 1965 |
? |
KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa |
Missing |
Erica petrusiana |
E.G.H.Oliv. & I.M.Oliv. (2002) | - | 1969 | South Africa | Missing or Extinct | Access |
Erica pyramidalis pyramidalis |
Ait. |
Pyramid heath |
early 1900's |
Cape Flats (western side), Western Cape Province, South Africa |
Missing |
Erica pyramidalis vernalis |
(Lodd.) Benth. (1839) | ? | Cape Flats, Western Cape Province, South Africa | Extinct | Access | |
Erica recurvata |
Andr. |
- |
Soetmuisberg above Napier (i.e. Overberg), Western Cape Province, South Africa |
Rediscovered |
Erica rupicola |
Klotzsch (1838) | - | 1867 | Riviersonderend Mountains, South Africa | Extinct | Access |
Erica russakiana |
E.G.H.Oliv. (1993) | - | 1901 | South Africa | Extinct | Access |
Erica trichostigma |
Salter |
- |
Langebaan to Mamre, Western Cape Province, South Africa |
Rediscovered |
Erica turgida |
Salisb. |
Showy heath, Kenilworth heath |
? |
Cape Town, Cape Flats, Western Cape Province, South Africa |
Extinct in the wild |
Erica velitaris | Salisb. | ? | South Africa | Extinct | Access | |
Erica verticillata |
Berq. |
Cape Flats erica, Whorled heath, Whorl heath |
- |
Cape Flats, Western Cape Province, South Africa |
Rediscovered |
Erica viscaria gallorum |
(L.Bolus) E.G.H.Oliv. & I.M.Oliv. |
- |
Hottentots Holland Mountains, Western Cape Province, South Africa |
Rediscovered |
Gaultheria stereophylla | A.C. Sm. | 1904 | Ecuador | Missing | Access | |
Leucopogon confertus |
Benth. |
Torrington beard-heath |
? |
New South Wales, Australia |
Missing |
Leucopogon cryptanthus |
Benth., 1868 |
Small-flowered leucopogon |
? |
Western Australia, Australia |
Missing |
Leucopogon glaucifolius |
W.Fitzg., 1903 |
- |
Western Australia, Australia |
Rediscovered |
Leucopogon marginatus |
W.V. Fitzgerald, 1904 |
Thick-margined leucopogon |
- |
Western Australia, Australia |
Rediscovered |
Leucopogon obtectus |
Benth. |
Hidden beard heath |
- |
Western Australia, Australia |
Rediscovered |
Leucopogon pogonocalyx | F.Muell. ex Benth. | (rediscovered) | Western Australia, Australia | Rediscovered | Access | |
Monotropastrum sciaphilum | (Andres) Wallace | (rediscovered) | China | Rediscovered | Access | |
Pieris japonica koidzumiana |
(Ohwi) Hatusima |
1983 |
Japan |
Extinct in the wild |
Pyrola oxypetala |
Austin ex A.Gray
? | ? | Invalid (synonym) | Access | |
Rhododendron adenosum |
Davidian |
(rediscovered in the wild) |
China |
Rediscovered in the wild |
Rhododendron auritum |
Tagg, 1930 |
? |
Xizang, Tibet |
Extinct in the wild |
Rhododendron eurysiphon |
Tagg & Forrest |
? |
China & Myanmar (=Burma) |
Extinct in the wild |
Rhododendron formosum formosum |
Wall. |
1965 |
Meghalaya, India |
Missing |
Rhododendron frey-wysslingii |
J.J.Sm. (1934) | - | (rediscovered) | Northern Gayo Plateau, Sumatra (=Sumatera), Indonesia | Rediscovered | Access |
Rhododendron griersonianum |
I. B. Balfour & Forrest |
- |
Yunnan, China & Myanmar (=Burma) |
Rediscovered |
Rhododendron x helodes | Sleumer | - | (rediscovered) | Lake Habbema area, Papua New Guinea | Rediscovered | Access |
Rhododendron insigne insigne |
Hemsl. & E. H. Wilson |
? |
Sichuan Province, China |
Missing? |
Rhododendron javanicum teysmannii |
(Miq.) Argent, 1992 |
? |
Indonesia |
? |
Rhododendron kanehirae |
E. H. Wilson |
1984 |
Taiwan (=Formosa) |
Extinct in the wild |
Rhododendron mucronulatum albiflorum |
Nakai (1911) | - | ? | South Korea | Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Rhododendron protistum giganteum |
(Forrest & Tagg) Chamberlain |
- |
Gaoligongshan, Yunnan (south-west), China |
Rediscovered |
Rhododendron retrorsipilum |
Sleumer |
? |
Papua New Guinea |
Missing |
Rhododendron searsiae |
Rehder & E. H. Wilson |
c.1971 |
Sichuan Province, China |
Extinct in the wild? |
Rhododendron shweliense |
I. B. Balfour & Forrest |
? |
Yunnan, China |
Missing |
Rhododendron tuhanensis |
Argent & Barkman |
? |
Mt Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia |
Extinct in the wild? Rediscovered? |
Rhododendron wilhelminae |
Hochr. |
? |
Mt. Salak, Java (=Jawa), Indonesia |
Missing |
Rhododendron xiaoxidongense |
W.K.Hu (1990) | - | ? | China | Extinct | Access |
Sphyrospermum muscicola |
(Hook.) A.C.Sm. (1933) | - | 1844 | Ecuador | Possibly Rediscovered | Access |
Sphyrospermum spruceanum | Sleumer | 1860 | Ecuador | Missing | Access | |
Styphelia blackallii |
Hislop (2022) |
(rediscovered) |
Tarin Rock, Western Australia, Australia |
Rediscovered |
Styphelia lanata | Hislop, Crayn & Puente-Lel. (2020) | ? | Western Australia, Australia | Extinct | Access | |
Themistoclesia inflata | A.C. Sm. | 1945 | Ecuador | Missing | Access |
Family: Fouquieriaceae
–No subordinate taxa
Family: Lecythidaceae
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Foetidia rubescens | Bosser | 3 May 1966 | Madagascar | Missing | Access | |
Gustavia latifolia |
Miers |
? |
Cundinamarca, Colombia |
Missing? |
Family: Marcgraviaceae
–No subordinate taxa
Family: Mitrastemonaceae
–No subordinate taxa
Family: Pentaphylacaceae
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Balthasaria mannii |
(Oliv.) Verdc. | (rediscovered) | São Tomé | Rediscovered | Access | |
Cleyera grandiflora |
Wall. ex Choisy |
(rediscovered) |
Meghalaya, India (northeast) |
Rediscovered |
Cleyera orbicularis | Alain | 1926 | Hispaniola | Missing | Access | |
Freziera cordata | Tulasne | (rediscovered) | Dominica, Guadeloupe & Martinique | Rediscovered | Access | |
Freziera euryoides |
Kobuski |
pre-1898 |
Colombia |
Missing |
Freziera inaequilatera |
Britton |
1939 |
near Mapiri, La Paz, Bolivia |
Missing |
Freziera roraimensis |
Tul. |
1842 |
Venezuela |
Missing |
Freziera subintegrifolia |
(Rusby) Kobuski |
pre-1898 |
Yungas, La Paz, Bolivia |
Missing |
Freziera uniauriculata |
A.L.Weitzman |
pre-1858 |
forests above Sandillani, La Paz department, Bolivia |
Missing |
Freziera varibrateata |
A.L.Weitzman |
1928 |
Suri-Negracota, La Paz department, Bolivia |
Missing |
Ternstroemia cameroonensis |
Cheek (2017) | - | (rediscovered) | Cameroon | Rediscovered | Access |
Ternstroemia killipiana | Kobuski (1942) | (rediscovered) | Colombian Andes | Rediscovered | Access |
Family: Polemoniaceae
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Cantua cordata | Juss. | ? | Peru? | Extinct | Access | |
Phlox peckii | Wherry | ? | Oregon, USA | Extinct | Access |
Family: Primulaceae
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Ardisia dekinderi |
Govaerts (1994) | - | 1922 | Cameroon | Missing | Access |
Ardisia gigantifolia |
Stapf |
(rediscovered) |
China |
Rediscovered |
Ardisia keenanii |
C. B. Cl., 1882 |
(rediscovered) |
Assam, India |
Rediscovered |
Ardisia marcellanum | Govaerts | ? | Cameroon | Extinct | Access | |
Ardisia oligantha | (Gilg & Schellenb.) Taton, 1979 | ? | Cameroon | Invalid (junior homonym) | Access | |
Ardisia pierreana |
Taton (1979) | - | ? | Libreville area, Estuaire Province, Gabon | Missing | Access |
Ardisia polyadenia |
Gilg (1901) | - | 1896-1899 | Cameroon | Missing | Access |
Ardisia polylepis | Mez (1902) | - | ? | Sri Lanka | Missing or Extinct | Access |
Ardisia schlechteri | Gilg | (rediscovered) | Cameroon & Gabon | Rediscovered | Access | |
Badula ovalifolia |
A. DC. |
(rediscovered) |
Mauritius, Mascarene Islands |
Rediscovered |
Badula platyphylla |
(DC.) Coode |
(rediscovered) |
Mauritius, Mascarene Islands |
Rediscovered |
Ctenardisia speciosa |
Ducke (1930) | - | 1927 | Brazil | Missing | Access |
Dionysia bachtiarica | Bornm. & Alex. | (rediscovered) | Iran | Rediscovered | Access | |
Embelia flueckigeri |
F.Muell. |
1892 |
Queensland, Australia |
Missing |
Embelia gardneriana | Wight (1848) | (rediscovered) | India | Rediscovered | Access | |
Lysimachia forbesii |
Rock |
1934 |
Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, USA |
Missing |
Lysimachia minoricensis |
J.J.Rodr. (1878) |
Loosestrife of Minorca |
1926-1950 |
Barranc de Sa Vall, Minorca (=Menorca), Balearic Islands, Spain |
Extinct in the wild |
Lysimachia rapensis |
F.Br. (1935) | - | 1921 | Rapa Iti, Austral Islands, French Polynesia | Missing | Access |
Lysimachia robusta |
Handel-Mazzetti |
(rediscovered) |
China |
Rediscovered |
Lysimachia venosa |
(Wawra) H.St. John |
(rediscovered) |
Kauai, Hawaiian Islands, USA |
Rediscovered |
Maesa velutina | Mez | (rediscovered) | India | Rediscovered | Access | |
Myrsine mezii | Hosaka | (rediscovered) | Hawaiian Islands, USA | Rediscovered | Access | |
Myrsine richmondensis |
Jackes, 2005 |
Ripple-leaf muttonwood, Lismore muttonwood |
(rediscovered) |
New South Wales, Australia |
Rediscovered |
Myrsine sp. nov. 'Pitcairn' |
- | - | 1910's | Pitcairn Island | Extinct | Access |
Myrsine sp. nov. 'Rapa Nui' |
- |
subfossil |
Rapa Nui (=Easter Island) |
Extinct |
Primula brachystoma |
W.W.Sm. | - | (rediscovered) | Gaoligong Mountain, bordering southwestern China & northern Myanmar | Rediscovered | Access |
Primula esquirolii | Petitm. | (rediscovered) | China | Rediscovered | Access | |
Primula filchnerae |
R. Knuth |
(rediscovered) |
Hubei & Shaanxi Provinces, China |
Rediscovered |
Primula flexuosa | Turkev. | ? | Tajikistan | Extinct | Access | |
Primula hunnewellii | Fernald | ? | Arizona or Utah (or both), USA | Invalid (synonym) | Access | |
Primula jigmediana |
W.W. Smith | Bhutan primrose | (rediscovered) | Arunachal Pradesh, India & Bumdeling Wildlife Sanctuary, Bhutan | Rediscovered | Access |
Primula munroi schizocalyx | Balf.f. ex S.K.Basak & Maiti (2001) | (rediscovered) | Sikkim, India | Rediscovered | Access | |
Primula polonensis |
Kingdon-Ward, 1930 |
(rediscovered) |
Arunachal Pradesh (eastern), India |
Rediscovered |
Primula xanthopa |
Balf.f. & R.E. Cooper |
(rediscovered) |
Bhutan |
Rediscovered |
Rapanea ceylanica |
Mez |
? |
Sri Lanka (south-west) |
Missing |
Family: Roridulaceae
–No subordinate taxa
Family: Sapotaceae
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Capurodendron antongiliense | Aubrév. | 1954 | Madagascar | Missing | Access | |
Capurodendron nanophyllum | L.Gaut. & Naciri | 1968 | Madagascar | Missing | Access | |
Chrysophyllum aulacocarpum | Ernst | 1874 | Venezuela | Missing | Access | |
Chrysophyllum januariense |
Eichler |
? |
Laranjeiras Forest, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
Extinct |
Faucherea longepedicellata | Aubrév. | 1954 | Madagascar | Missing | Access | |
Madhuca bourdillonii |
(Gamble) H.J.Lam |
- |
Ariankavu and Shendurni Valley, Quilon District & in the vicinity of Trissur, Kerala, India |
Rediscovered |
Madhuca diplostemon
(C.B.Clarke) P.Royen | - | Kerala, India | Rediscovered | Access | |
Madhuca insignis |
(Radlk.) H. J. Lam. |
- |
Karnataka & Kerala, India (southern) |
Rediscovered |
Madhuca markleeana | Yii & P.Chai | 1995 | Malaysia | Missing | Access | |
Manilkara dardanoi |
Ducke |
- |
Pernambuco, Brazil |
Rediscovered |
Manilkara dukensis |
(Engl. & K.Krause) H.J.Lam (1941) | - | 1909 | Cameroon | Missing | Access |
Manilkara gonavensis | (Urb. & Ekman) Gilly ex Cronquist | Sapotille marron | 1927 | Haiti, Hispaniola | Missing | Access |
Manilkara ilendensis |
(Engl.) H.J.Lam (1941) | - | 1908 | Cameroon | Missing | Access |
Mimusops dodensis | Engl. | 1909 | Cameroon | Missing | Access | |
Mimusops giorgii | De Wild. | 1922 | DR Congo | Missing | Access | |
Mimusops mildbraedii |
Engl. & K.Krause (1913) | - | 1911 | Cameroon | Missing | Access |
Mimusops ngembe |
Engl. & K.Krause (1913) | - | 1911 | Cameroon | Missing | Access |
Palaquium barnesii | Merr. | 1923 | Philippines | Missing | Access | |
Palaquium bintuluense | P.Chantaranothai | 1966 | Malaysia | Missing | Access | |
Planchonella vieillardii |
(Baill.) Dubard, 1912 |
? |
Grande Terre, New Caledonia |
Missing or invalid (synonym) |
Pouteria grayana florencei |
Fosberg |
- |
Tahiti |
Rediscovered |
Pouteria hexastemon |
Baehni (1942) | - | 1913 | Cameroon | Missing | Access |
Pouteria stenophylla |
Baehni |
? |
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
Extinct |
Pradosia argentea |
(Kunth) T.D.Penn. |
c.1818 |
Cajamarca area, Peru |
Extinct |
Pradosia glaziovii |
(Pierre) T.D.Penn. |
(rediscovered) |
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
Rediscovered |
Pradosia mutisii |
Cronquist |
(rediscovered) |
Colombia |
Rediscovered |
Pycnandra longiflora |
(Benth.) Munzinger & Swenson |
- |
“Gatope”, Grand-Terre, New Caledonia |
Rediscovered |
Pycnandra micrantha |
(Beauvis.) Munzinger & Swenson |
? |
Art Island, New Caledonia |
Missing |
Family: Sarraceniaceae
–No subordinate taxa
Family: Sladeniaceae
–No subordinate taxa
Family: Styracaceae
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Sinojackia henryi |
(Dummer) Merrill |
? |
China |
Extinct in the wild |
Sinojackia xylocarpa |
Hu |
? |
China |
Extinct in the wild |
Styrax buchananii | W.W.Sm. | (rediscovered) | China & Myanmar (=Burma) | Rediscovered | Access | |
Styrax chrysocarpus | H.L.Li | (rediscovered) | China | Rediscovered | Access | |
Styrax hypochryseus | Perkins | 1884 | Colombia | Missing | Access | |
Styrax portoricensis |
Krug & Urb. (1892) | Palo de Jazmin | (rediscovered) | Puerto Rico | Rediscovered | Access |
Family: Symplocaceae
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Symplocos altissima | Brand | ? | Brazil | Missing | Access | |
Symplocos junghuhnii | Koord. | (rediscovered) | Java, Indonesia | Rediscovered | Access | |
Symplocos monantha | Wight | (rediscovered) | India | Rediscovered | Access | |
Symplocos neglecta | Brand | ? | Brazil | Missing | Access | |
Symplocos occulta |
Aranha (2013) | - | May 1832 | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Missing | Access |
Symplocos rizzinii | Occhioni | 1950 | Brazil | Missing | Access |
Family: Tetrameristaceae
–No subordinate taxa
Family: Theaceae
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Camellia amplexicaulis |
(Pit.) Cohen-Stuart |
? |
Vietnam |
Extinct in the wild |
Camellia crapnelliana | Tutcher | Crapnell's camellia | (rediscovered) | Hong Kong | Rediscovered | Access |
Camellia langbianensis | (Gagnep.) P.H.Hô | (rediscovered) | Vietnam (southern) | Rediscovered | Access | |
Camellia piquetiana |
(Pierre) Sealy |
- |
Vietnam |
Rediscovered |
Camellia tonkinensis | (Pit.) Cohen-Stuart | (rediscovered) | Vietnam | Rediscovered | Access | |
Franklinia alatamaha |
W.Bartram ex Marshall |
Franklin tree |
1803 |
McIntosh County, Altamaha River valley, Georgia, United States (southeastern) |
Extinct in the wild |
Pyrenaria buisanensis |
(Sasaki) Su et al. |
Wuwei camellia |
- |
Taiwan (southern) |
Rediscovered |