Rhododendron eurysiphon Tagg & Forrest
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Conservation Status
Extinct in the wild
China & Myanmar (=Burma)
Biology & Ecology
Chamberlain D.F. (1982) A Revision of Rhododendron II. Subgenus Hymenanthes. Notes from The Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh 39(2): 209–486
Cox, P.A. & Cox K.N.E. (1997) The Encyclopedia of Rhododendron Species. 396p. Glendoick Publishing, Perth
Davidian, H.H. (1992). The Rhododendrons Species. Volume III. Elepidotes. Series Neriiflorum-Thomsonii, Azaleastrum and Camtschaticum. 381p. Batsford, London
Fang, M., Fang, R., He, M., Hu, L., Yang, H. & Chamberlain, D. (2005) Flora of China – Apiaceae through Ericaceae. Vol. 14, pp. 260–455. Science Press (China) and Missouri Botanic Garden Press (USA)
Gibbs, Douglas, Chamberlain, David and Argent, George. (2011). The Red List of Rhododendrons. Richmond, U.K.: Botanic Gardens Conservation International. 128 pp.
United States National Herbarium (2003) A Checklist of the Trees, Shrubs, Herbs, and Climbers of Myanmar. Contributions from the United States National Herbarium. 45: 1-590. [Search tool here: http://botany.si.edu/myanmar/checklistNames.cfm]