Family: Akaniaceae (Turnipwood family)
–No subordinate taxa
Family: Bataceae
–No subordinate taxa
Family: Brassicaceae
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Alyssum paniculatum |
Desf. (1808) | - | 1700? | Crete, Greece | Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Arabidopsis brevicaulis |
(Jafri) Jafri (1973) |
- |
5 July 1939 |
Pakistan |
Missing or Invalid (synonym) |
Arabis serpentinicola |
Rollins (1973) |
- |
26 June 1972 |
Oregon, USA |
Invalid (synonym) |
Ballantinia antipoda |
(F.Muell.) E.A. Shaw (1974) |
Southern shepherd's purse, Southern ballantine, Ballantine |
(rediscovered) |
Tasmania & Leanganook (Mt Alexander), Victorian Midlands, central Victoria, Australia |
Rediscovered |
Barbarea auriculata |
Hausskn. ex Bornm. (1931) |
(rediscovered) |
Turkey |
Rediscovered |
Barbarea australis |
Hook.f. (1852) |
Riverbed wintercress |
(rediscovered) |
Tasmania, Australia |
Rediscovered |
Boechera fructicosa
(A.Nelson) Al-Shehbaz (2003) | Fruit rockcress | 1899 | near Undine Falls, Park County, Wyoming | Missing or Extinct | Access |
Boechera gunnisoniana | (Rollins) W.A.Weber (1982) | Gunnison's rockcress | (rediscovered) | Colorado & Utah, USA | Rediscovered | Access |
Boechera hastatula | (Greene) Al-Shehbaz (2003) | Eared rockcress, Hell's Canyon rockcress | (rediscovered) | Hells Canyon area, Wallowa County, Oregon, USA | Rediscovered | Access |
Boechera hoffmannii |
(Munz) Al-Shehbaz (2003) | - | (rediscovered) | Channel Islands, California, USA | Rediscovered | Access |
Boechera horizontalis | (Greene) Windham & Al-Shehbaz (2007) | Creeping woody rock cress, Horizontal woody rockcress | (rediscovered) | Oregon, USA | Rediscovered | Access |
Brassica bourgeaui | (Webb ex Christ) Kuntze (1891) | - | (rediscovered) | El Hierro, La Gomera, La Palma & Tenerife, Canary Islands, Macaronesia | Rediscovered | Access |
Brassica procumbens |
(Poir.) O.E.Schulz (1916) |
- |
Italy |
Erroneously listed as Rediscovered |
Braya pilosa |
Hook. (1830) |
Pilose braya, Hairy braya |
(rediscovered) |
Cape Bathurst Peninsula, Northwest Territories, Canada |
Rediscovered |
Capsella tasmanica | (Hook.) F.Muell. (1882) | Highland purse | November 1848 | near Arthur’s Lake, Tasmania, Australia | Extinct or Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Cardamine micranthera |
Rollins (1940) |
Small-anther bittercress |
(rediscovered) |
North Carolina & Virginia, USA |
Rediscovered |
Cochlearia polonica | A.Fröhl. (1936) | - | c.1994 | Poland | Extinct in the Wild | Access |
Coincya monensis puberula |
(Pau) Leadlay (1990) | - | (rediscovered) | Portugal & Saniján, Galicia, Spain | Rediscovered in the Wild | Access |
Diplotaxis siettiana | Maire (1933) | Alboran wall-rocket, Jaramago de Alborán | - | Alborán island, Spain | Reintroduced to the Wild | Access |
Draba incerta peasei |
(Fernald) Rollins (1993) |
Yellowstone draba, Yellowstone whitlow-grass, Yellowstone whitlowgrass |
1936 |
Mount Saint Alban, Forillon National Park, Gaspèsie, Canada |
Invalid (synonym) |
Draba thlaspiformis | (Phil.) Al-Shehbaz (1990) | - | ? | Chile | Extinct | Access |
Fibigia heterophylla | Rech.f. (1960) | - | 1911 | Lebanon-Syria | Extinct | Access |
Heliophila pusilla lanceolata |
(Adamson) Marais (1966) | - | (rediscovered) | Cape Peninsula, Western Cape Province, South Africa | Rediscovered | Access |
Heliophila tabularis |
Wolley-Dod (1901) |
- |
1970 |
Cape Province, South Africa |
Missing |
Isatis arnoldiana | N.Busch (1930) | - | ? | Transcaucasus | Extinct | Access |
Ivania juncalensis | Al-Shehbaz (2010) | - | (rediscovered) | Chile | Rediscovered | Access |
Lepidium amissum |
de Lange & Heenan (2013) |
Waitakere scurvy grass |
January 1917 |
Cliffs between Karekare and Manukau Heads, North Island, New Zealand |
Extinct |
Lepidium bidentatum remyi | (Drake) Fosberg (1969) | Remy's pepperweed | 1855 or 1949 | Hawaii (=Big Island), Hawaiian Islands, USA | Missing or Extinct | Access |
Lepidium capense |
Thunb. (1800) |
- |
? |
Western Cape Province, South Africa |
Missing if distinct |
Lepidium drummondii |
Thell. (1906) |
Drummond's lepidium |
1846 |
Darling Ranges, Western Australia, Australia |
Missing or Extinct |
Lepidium merrallii | F.Muell. (1890) | - | (rediscovered) | Western Australia, Australia | Rediscovered | Access |
Lepidium obtusatum |
Kirk (1892 "1891") |
- |
1951 |
North Island, New Zealand |
Extinct |
Lepidium peregrinum |
Thell. (1913 "1912") |
Wandering pepper-cress, Pilgrim pepper-cress |
(rediscovered) |
New South Wales & Queensland, Australia |
Rediscovered |
Lepidium sagittatum | (Kar. & Kir.) Al-Shehbaz (2002) | - | ? | Kazakhstan | Extinct | Access |
Menkea draboides |
(Hook.) Benth. (1863) |
- |
(rediscovered) |
Western Australia, Australia |
Rediscovered |
Nevada holmgrenii | (Rollins) N.H.Holmgren (2004) | (rediscovered) | Nevada, USA | Rediscovered | Access | |
Paysonia lyrata |
(Rollins) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz (2002) | Lyrate bladderpod | (rediscovered) | Alabama, USA | Rediscovered | Access |
Phlegmatospermum drummondii |
(Benth.) O.E.Schulz (1933) |
Drummond’s phlegmatospermum |
(rediscovered) |
Western Australia, Australia |
Rediscovered |
Phlegmatospermum richardsii | (F.Muell.) E.A.Shaw (1974) | - | (rediscovered) | Western Australia & South Australia, Australia | Rediscovered | Access |
Physaria grahamii |
C.V.Morton (1937) |
Graham's twinpod |
(rediscovered) |
Utah, USA |
Rediscovered |
Physaria lata |
(Wooton & Standl.) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz (2002) | Lincoln County bladderpod | (rediscovered) | Lincoln County & Otero County, New Mexico, USA | Rediscovered | Access |
Physaria macrocarpa | (A.Nelson) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz (2002) | Large-fruited bladderpod | (rediscovered) | Wyoming, USA | Rediscovered | Access |
Physaria pallida |
(Torr. & A.Gray) O’Kane & Al-Shehbaz (2002) |
White bladderpod |
(rediscovered) |
San Augustine County, Texas, USA |
Rediscovered |
Rorippa coloradensis |
Stuckey (1973) |
- |
1875 |
Colorado, USA |
Extinct or Invalid (synonym) |
Sibara filifolia |
(Greene) Greene (1896) |
Santa Cruz Island winged rockcress, Santa Cruz Island rockcress |
(rediscovered) |
Channel Islands, California, USA |
Rediscovered |
Solms-laubachia mirabilis | (Pamp.) J.P.Yue, Al-Shehbaz & H.Sun (2008) | - | (rediscovered) | China, Pakistan & Tadzhikistan (Tajikistan) | Rediscovered (taxonomically) | Access |
Streptanthus glandulosus hoffmanii |
Kruckeb. (1958) |
Hoffman's jewelflower, Hoffman jewelflower, Secund jewelflower |
(rediscovered) |
Sonoma County, California, USA |
Rediscovered |
Streptanthus lemmonii |
S. Watson (1890) |
1984 |
Santa Catalina Mountains, Arizona, USA |
Extinct or Invalid (synonym) |
Thelypodium tenue |
Rollins (1957) |
(rediscovered) |
Presidio County, Texas |
Rediscovered or Invalid (synonym) |
Tropidocarpum capparideum |
Greene (1888) |
Caper fruited tropidocarpum, Caperfruit tropidocarpum |
(rediscovered) |
California, USA |
Rediscovered |
Family: Capparaceae
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Cadaba parvula | Polhill (1963) | - | ? | Meru District, Kenya | Extinct | Access |
Capparis fusifera |
Dunn (1914) | - | (rediscovered) | Kerala & Tamil Nadu, India | Rediscovered | Access |
Capparis grandidieri | Baill. (1885) | - | 1885 | Madagascar | Missing | Access |
Capparis lucens | Hauman (1950) | 1933 | Rwanda | Missing or Invalid (synonym) | Access | |
Morisonia urbani | (Eggers) Christenh. & Byng (2018) | 1980's | Ecuador | Missing | Access | |
Ritchiea afzelii | Gilg (1903) | 1899 | Guinea | Missing | Access |
Family: Caricaceae
–No subordinate taxa
Family: Cleomaceae
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Cleome sandwicensis |
A.Gray (1854) |
- |
? |
Hawaiian Islands, USA |
Invalid (synonym) |
Family: Emblingiaceae
–No subordinate taxa
Family: Gyrostemonaceae
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Gyrostemon reticulatus |
A.S.George (1982) |
Net-veined gyrostemon |
(rediscovered) |
Western Australia, Australia |
Rediscovered |
Gyrostemon sp. nov. 'Bolgart' |
- | - | 1947 | Western Australia, Australia | Missing | Access |
Family: Koeberliniaceae
–No subordinate taxa
Family: Limnanthaceae
–No subordinate taxa
Family: Moringaceae
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Moringa hildebrandtii |
Engl. (1904) |
Hildebrandt's moringa, hazomaroseranana |
(rediscovered) |
Madagascar (southwestern) |
Rediscovered in the Wild |
Family: Pentadiplandraceae
–No subordinate taxa
Family: Resedaceae
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Forchhammeria haitiensis | (Urb. & Ekman) Alain (1968) | 1927 | Massif du Nord, Haiti, Hispaniola | Missing | Access | |
Reseda balansae |
Müll.Arg. (1857) |
(rediscovered) |
İçel province, southern Turkey |
Rediscovered |
Family: Salvadoraceae
–No subordinate taxa
Family: Setchellanthaceae
–No subordinate taxa
Family: Tovariaceae
–No subordinate taxa
Family: Tropaeolaceae
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Tropaeolum umbellatum |
Hook. (1847) |
- |
c.1846 |
Ecuador |
Missing |