Physaria pallida (Torr. & A.Gray) O’Kane & Al-Shehbaz (2002:326)
White bladderpod
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Synonyms: Vesicaria grandiflora var. pallida Torr. & A.Gray in Fl. N. Amer. 1: 101 (1838); Vesicaria pallida (Torr. & A.Gray) Torr. & A.Gray in Fl. N. Amer. 1: 668 (1840); Lesquerella pallida S.Watson in Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 23: 253 (1888)
Conservation Status
Last (and only) records: 1830's (Nixon et al., 1983:167)
Rediscovered in: 1981 (specimen); 1981-1983 (confirmation) (both Nixon et al., 1983:167)
San Augustine County, Texas, USA
Biology & Ecology
Al-Shehbaz, I. A., and O'Kane, S. L. (2002). Lesquerella is united with Physaria (Brassicaceae). Novon 12(3): 319-329.
Flora of North America Editorial Committee. (2010). Flora of North America North of Mexico. Vol. 7. Magnoliophyta: Salicaceae to Brassicaceae. Oxford University Press, New York. xxii + 797 pp.
Kartesz, J. T. (1994). A synonymized checklist of the vascular flora of the United States, Canada, and Greenland. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Timber Press, Portland, OR.
Li, Shiyou and Adair, Kent T. (1997). Species Pools of Seed Plants in Eastern Asia and North America. Nacogdoches, Texas: AIthur Temple College of Forestry. [chapter 8: Species extinction, pp. 121-131]
Nixon, Elray S., Ward, John R. and Lipscomb, Barney L. (1983). Rediscover of Lesquerella pallida (Cruciferae). SIDA, Contributions to Botany 10(2): 167-175. [Abstract]
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. (1986). Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; propsed endangered status for Lesquerella pallida (white bladderpod). Federal Register. 51(68):12184-12187.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). (1987). Determination of endangered status for Lesquerella pallida (white bladderpod). Federal Register 52(47): 7424-7426.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). September/October 1994. Endangered Species Technical Bulletin. Vol. XlX No. 5.