Alismatales (Arrowhead, Pondweed, Seagrasses, etc.)
Family: Aponogetonaceae (Cape-pondweed family, Aponogeton family)
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Aponogeton cordatus |
Jum. (1922) | - | 1912 | Madagascar | Missing | Access |
Aponogeton dioecus | Bosser (1966) | - | 1963 | Ankaratra Mountains, Central Highlands, Madagascar | Missing | Access |
Aponogeton elongatus fluitans | Hellq. & S.W.L.Jacobs (1998) | Queensland lace | 7 February 1977 | near Petrie, Queensland, Australia | Missing | Access |
Family: Araceae (Arum family)
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Amorphophallus carnosus
Engl. (1911) | - | (rediscovered) | Andaman Islands, India | Rediscovered | Access |
Amorphophallus lewallei |
Malaisse & Bamps (1993) | - | 1972 | Rusizi Plain, western Burundi | Possibly Extinct in the Wild | Access |
Amorphophallus longiconnectivus | Bogner (1995) | - | (rediscovered) | Madhya Pradesh & Maharashtra, India | Rediscovered | Access |
Amorphophallus longispathaceus | Engl. & Gehrm. (1911) | - | (rediscovered) | Luzon & Mindanao, Philippines | Rediscovered | Access |
Amorphophallus longistylus | Kurz ex Hook.f. (1893) | - | (rediscovered) | South Andaman & Middle Andaman, India | Rediscovered | Access |
Amorphophallus mildbraedii |
K.Krause (1924) | - | 1914 | Cameroon | Missing | Access |
Anthurium albidum
Sodiro (1905) | - | 1904 | Guallupe, Imbabura province, Ecuador | Missing if valid | Access |
Anthurium albispatha | Sodiro (1905) | - | 1904 | Playa Rica, Esmeraldas province, Ecuador | Missing if valid | Access |
Anthurium anceps | Sodiro (1903) | - | 1903 | Guayas province, Ecuador | Missing if valid | Access |
Anthurium atroviride | Sodiro (1903) | - | 1901 | Cerro Atacazo, near Quito, Ecuador | Missing if valid | Access |
Anthurium bimarginatum | Sodiro (1908) | - | 1903 | Pululahua-Yanahurco, Ecuador | Missing | Access |
Anthurium brittonianum | Sodiro (1907) | - | 1906 | Pangua area, Cotopaxi province, Ecuador | Missing | Access |
Anthurium cachabianum | Sodiro (1905) | - | 1904 | Esmeraldas province, Ecuador | Missing | Access |
Anthurium camposii | Sodiro (1905) | - | 1905 | Río Masfa, Napo province, Ecuador | Missing | Access |
Anthurium canaliculatum | Sodiro (1905) | - | 1905 | Tungurahua volcano, Ecuador | Missing | Access |
Anthurium candolleanum | Sodiro (1908) | - | 1908 | Río Pilatón, Pichincha province, Ecuador | Missing | Access |
Anthurium chamberlainii | Mast. (1888) | - | (rediscovered) | Merida state, Venezuela | Rediscovered | Access |
Anthurium clathratum | Sodiro (1903) | - | 1903 or before | Pichincha Province, Ecuador | Missing | Access |
Anthurium leuconeurum | Lem. (1862) | - | c.1860 | southern Mexico | Extinct in the Wild | Access |
Anthurium linguifolium | Engl. (1905) | - | (rediscovered) | Ecuador | Rediscovered | Access |
Anthurium nitens | Sodiro (1905) | - | June 1904 | Alto Tambo-Cachabí, Esmeraldas province, Ecuador | Missing | Access |
Anthurium vestitum |
Sodiro (1905) | - | pre-1905 | north-west Ecuador | Extinct | Access |
Arisaema attenuatum | E.Barnes & C.E.C.Fisch. (1936) | - | (rediscovered) | Kerala & Tamil Nadu, India | Rediscovered | Access |
Arisaema candidissimum
W. W. Sm. (1917) | - | (rediscovered) | Yunnan Province, China | Rediscovered in the Wild | Access |
Arisaema constrictum | E.Barnes (1936) | - | ? | Sri Lanka | Missing or Extinct | Access |
Arisaema pierreanum | Engl. (1920) | - | (rediscovered) | Vietnam | Rediscovered | Access |
Arisaema psittacus | E.Barnes (1940) | - | (rediscovered) | Idukki District, Kerala, India | Rediscovered | Access |
Arisaema sarracenioides | E.Barnes & C.E.C.Fisch. (1936) | - | (rediscovered) | Western Ghats (southern), India | Rediscovered | Access |
Arisaema serratum suwoense |
(Nakai) H.Ohashi & J.Murata (1980) | - | (rediscovered) | Yamaguchi Prefecture, Honshu, Japan | Rediscovered | Access |
Arisaema translucens | C.E.C.Fisch. (1933) | Translucent cobra lilly | - | Nilgiris, India | Rediscovered | Access |
Chlorospatha kressii | Grayum (1991) | - | February 1989 or later | southeast of Quibdó, Chocó Department, western Colombia | Extinct | Access |
Colocasia mannii | Hook.f. (1893) | - | (rediscovered) | Arunachal Pradesh & Assam, India | Rediscovered | Access |
Cryptocoryne cognata
Schott (1857) | - | (rediscovered) | Goa & Maharashtra, India | Rediscovered | Access |
Cryptocoryne cruddasiana | Prain (1900) | - | (rediscovered) | Kachin state, northern Myanmar (=Burma) | Rediscovered | Access |
Cryptocoryne elliptica | N.E.Br. (1893) | - | (rediscovered) | Peninsula Malaysia | Rediscovered | Access |
Cryptocoryne tortuosa |
Blatt. & McCann (1931) | - | 1931 or before | Mahabaleshwar, Maharashtra, India | Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Cryptocoryne vietnamensis | I.Hertel & H.Mühlberg (1994) | Mai Dam Viet Nam | (rediscovered) | Viet Nam | Rediscovered | Access |
Cryptocoryne villosa | N.Jacobsen (1980) | - | (rediscovered) | Sumatra, Indonesia | Rediscovered | Access |
Cryptocoryne waseri |
Bastmeijer, Babics & Kettner (2012) | - | 1990 | south-west Sri Lanka | Possibly Extinct in the Wild | Access |
Cryptocoryne sp. nov. 'Kota Tinggi' | - | - | before 2011 | old oil palm plantation, Kota Tinggi, Johor state, Peninsula Malaysia | Possibly Extinct in the Wild | Access |
Gearum brasiliense |
N.E.Br. (1882) | cobreiro | (rediscovered) | Mato Grosso & Tocantins, Brazil | Rediscovered | Access |
Hapaline appendiculata | Ridl. (1908 "1907") | - | (rediscovered) | Sarawak (Kapit Division & Kuching Division), Malaysian Borneo | Rediscovered | Access |
Lagenandra erosa | de Wit (1978) | - | ? | Sri Lanka | Missing or Extinct | Access |
Lagenandra gomezii | (Schott) Bogner & N. Jacobsen (1987) | - | 1828 | Bangladesh | Missing | Access |
Philodendron balaoanum | Engl. (1899) | - | 1891 | Ecuador | Missing | Access |
Philodendron clementis | C.Wright (1866) | - | ? | Cuba | Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Philodendron serpens |
Hook.f (1878) | - | 1800's | Colombia | Possibly Extinct in the Wild | Access |
Pseudohydrosme bogneri |
Cheek & Moxon-Holt (2021) | - | ? | Libreville area, Gabon | Possibly Extinct in the Wild | Access |
Pseudohydrosme buettneri |
Engl. (1892) | - | September 1884 | Libreville, Estuaire Province, Gabon | Missing | Access |
Rhodospatha picta | G.Nicholson (1886) | - | ? | Central or South America | Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Spathiphyllum wallisii |
Regel (1877) | - | 1874 | Colombia (& Venezuela?) | Extinct in the Wild | Access |
Typhonium incurvatum |
Blatt. & McCann (1931) | - | ? | Maharashtra, India | Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Typhonium inopinatum | Prain (1898) | - | (rediscovered) | India (incl. Madhya Pradesh & West Bengal) | Rediscovered | Access |
Xanthosoma eggersii | (Engl.) Engl. (1920) | - | - | Ecuador | Rediscovered? | Access |
Zomicarpella maculata | N.E.Br. (1881) | - | (rediscovered) | Colombia & Peru | Rediscovered | Access |
Family: Cymodoceaceae (Manatee-grass family)
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Halodule bermudensis | Hartog (1964) | - | 1964 | Harrington Sound, Bermuda | Extinct | Access |
Family: Hydrocharitaceae (Frog's-bit family)
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Elodea brandegeeae | H.St.John (1962) | - | ? | North America | Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Elodea linearis | (Rydb.) H.St.John (1965) | - | ? | North America | Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Elodea nevadensis | H.St.John (1962) | - | ? | North America | Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Elodea schweinitzii | Casp. (1857) | Schweinitz’s waterweed | ? | New York & Philadelphia, USA | Extinct or Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Najas caespitosa | (Maguire) Reveal (1975) | - | ? | ? | Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Najas madagascariensis | Rendle (1899) | - | 1930 | Madagascar | Missing? | Access |
Najas pseudogracillima |
L.Triest (1988) | Hong Kong water nymph | ? | Hong Kong | Extinct in the Wild | Access |
Family: Potamogetonaceae (Pondweed family)
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Potamogeton berchtoldii clystocarpus | (Fernald) Les & Tippery (2009) | Little aguja pondweed | 1989 | a single stream in Little Aguja Canyon, West Texas, Texas, USA | Missing | Access |
Potamogeton × floridanus | Small (1903) | Small Florida pondweed | (rediscovered) | Alabama & Florida, USA | Rediscovered | Access |
Potamogeton sukaczevii | Wieliczk. (year?) | - | Late Pleistocene | Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, western Russia & U.K. | Extinct | Access |
Appendix 1: Status uncertain, may warrant inclusion above
—No taxa
Appendix 2: Type locality has been lost, but probably still survives
Cryptocoryne zukalii (Araceae)
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Detailed presentation
Family: Alismataceae (Water-plantains) [18 genera; 122 species]
–No subordinate taxa
Family: Aponogetonaceae (Cape-pondweed family, Aponogeton family) [1 genus; 60 species]
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Aponogeton cordatus |
Jum. (1922) | - | 1912 | Madagascar | Missing | Access |
Aponogeton dioecus | Bosser (1966) | - | 1963 | Ankaratra Mountains, Central Highlands, Madagascar | Missing | Access |
Aponogeton elongatus fluitans | Hellq. & S.W.L.Jacobs (1998) | Queensland lace | 7 February 1977 | near Petrie, Queensland, Australia | Missing | Access |
Family: Araceae (Arum family) [147 genera; 4,538 species]
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Amorphophallus carnosus
Engl. (1911) | - | (rediscovered) | Andaman Islands, India | Rediscovered | Access |
Amorphophallus lewallei |
Malaisse & Bamps (1993) | - | 1972 | Rusizi Plain, western Burundi | Possibly Extinct in the Wild | Access |
Amorphophallus longiconnectivus | Bogner (1995) | - | (rediscovered) | Madhya Pradesh & Maharashtra, India | Rediscovered | Access |
Amorphophallus longispathaceus | Engl. & Gehrm. (1911) | - | (rediscovered) | Luzon & Mindanao, Philippines | Rediscovered | Access |
Amorphophallus longistylus | Kurz ex Hook.f. (1893) | - | (rediscovered) | South Andaman & Middle Andaman, India | Rediscovered | Access |
Amorphophallus mildbraedii |
K.Krause (1924) | - | 1914 | Cameroon | Missing | Access |
Anthurium albidum
Sodiro (1905) | - | 1904 | Guallupe, Imbabura province, Ecuador | Missing if valid | Access |
Anthurium albispatha | Sodiro (1905) | - | 1904 | Playa Rica, Esmeraldas province, Ecuador | Missing if valid | Access |
Anthurium anceps | Sodiro (1903) | - | 1903 | Guayas province, Ecuador | Missing if valid | Access |
Anthurium atroviride | Sodiro (1903) | - | 1901 | Cerro Atacazo, near Quito, Ecuador | Missing if valid | Access |
Anthurium bimarginatum | Sodiro (1908) | - | 1903 | Pululahua-Yanahurco, Ecuador | Missing | Access |
Anthurium brittonianum | Sodiro (1907) | - | 1906 | Pangua area, Cotopaxi province, Ecuador | Missing | Access |
Anthurium cachabianum | Sodiro (1905) | - | 1904 | Esmeraldas province, Ecuador | Missing | Access |
Anthurium camposii | Sodiro (1905) | - | 1905 | Río Masfa, Napo province, Ecuador | Missing | Access |
Anthurium canaliculatum | Sodiro (1905) | - | 1905 | Tungurahua volcano, Ecuador | Missing | Access |
Anthurium candolleanum | Sodiro (1908) | - | 1908 | Río Pilatón, Pichincha province, Ecuador | Missing | Access |
Anthurium chamberlainii | Mast. (1888) | - | (rediscovered) | Merida state, Venezuela | Rediscovered | Access |
Anthurium clathratum | Sodiro (1903) | - | 1903 or before | Pichincha Province, Ecuador | Missing | Access |
Anthurium leuconeurum | Lem. (1862) | - | c.1860 | southern Mexico | Extinct in the Wild | Access |
Anthurium linguifolium | Engl. (1905) | - | (rediscovered) | Ecuador | Rediscovered | Access |
Anthurium nitens | Sodiro (1905) | - | June 1904 | Alto Tambo-Cachabí, Esmeraldas province, Ecuador | Missing | Access |
Anthurium vestitum |
Sodiro (1905) | - | pre-1905 | north-west Ecuador | Extinct | Access |
Arisaema attenuatum | E.Barnes & C.E.C.Fisch. (1936) | - | (rediscovered) | Kerala & Tamil Nadu, India | Rediscovered | Access |
Arisaema candidissimum
W. W. Sm. (1917) | - | (rediscovered) | Yunnan Province, China | Rediscovered in the Wild | Access |
Arisaema constrictum | E.Barnes (1936) | - | ? | Sri Lanka | Missing or Extinct | Access |
Arisaema pierreanum | Engl. (1920) | - | (rediscovered) | Vietnam | Rediscovered | Access |
Arisaema psittacus | E.Barnes (1940) | - | (rediscovered) | Idukki District, Kerala, India | Rediscovered | Access |
Arisaema sarracenioides | E.Barnes & C.E.C.Fisch. (1936) | - | (rediscovered) | Western Ghats (southern), India | Rediscovered | Access |
Arisaema serratum suwoense |
(Nakai) H.Ohashi & J.Murata (1980) | - | (rediscovered) | Yamaguchi Prefecture, Honshu, Japan | Rediscovered | Access |
Arisaema translucens | C.E.C.Fisch. (1933) | Translucent cobra lilly | - | Nilgiris, India | Rediscovered | Access |
Chlorospatha kressii | Grayum (1991) | - | February 1989 or later | southeast of Quibdó, Chocó Department, western Colombia | Extinct | Access |
Colocasia mannii | Hook.f. (1893) | - | (rediscovered) | Arunachal Pradesh & Assam, India | Rediscovered | Access |
Cryptocoryne cognata
Schott (1857) | - | (rediscovered) | Goa & Maharashtra, India | Rediscovered | Access |
Cryptocoryne cruddasiana | Prain (1900) | - | (rediscovered) | Kachin state, northern Myanmar (=Burma) | Rediscovered | Access |
Cryptocoryne elliptica | N.E.Br. (1893) | - | (rediscovered) | Peninsula Malaysia | Rediscovered | Access |
Cryptocoryne tortuosa |
Blatt. & McCann (1931) | - | 1931 or before | Mahabaleshwar, Maharashtra, India | Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Cryptocoryne vietnamensis | I.Hertel & H.Mühlberg (1994) | Mai Dam Viet Nam | (rediscovered) | Viet Nam | Rediscovered | Access |
Cryptocoryne villosa | N.Jacobsen (1980) | - | (rediscovered) | Sumatra, Indonesia | Rediscovered | Access |
Cryptocoryne waseri |
Bastmeijer, Babics & Kettner (2012) | - | 1990 | south-west Sri Lanka | Possibly Extinct in the Wild | Access |
Cryptocoryne sp. nov. 'Kota Tinggi' | - | - | before 2011 | old oil palm plantation, Kota Tinggi, Johor state, Peninsula Malaysia | Possibly Extinct in the Wild | Access |
Gearum brasiliense |
N.E.Br. (1882) | cobreiro | (rediscovered) | Mato Grosso & Tocantins, Brazil | Rediscovered | Access |
Hapaline appendiculata | Ridl. (1908 "1907") | - | (rediscovered) | Sarawak (Kapit Division & Kuching Division), Malaysian Borneo | Rediscovered | Access |
Lagenandra erosa | de Wit (1978) | - | ? | Sri Lanka | Missing or Extinct | Access |
Lagenandra gomezii | (Schott) Bogner & N. Jacobsen (1987) | - | 1828 | Bangladesh | Missing | Access |
Philodendron balaoanum | Engl. (1899) | - | 1891 | Ecuador | Missing | Access |
Philodendron clementis | C.Wright (1866) | - | ? | Cuba | Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Philodendron serpens |
Hook.f (1878) | - | 1800's | Colombia | Possibly Extinct in the Wild | Access |
Pseudohydrosme bogneri |
Cheek & Moxon-Holt (2021) | - | ? | Libreville area, Gabon | Possibly Extinct in the Wild | Access |
Pseudohydrosme buettneri |
Engl. (1892) | - | September 1884 | Libreville, Estuaire Province, Gabon | Missing | Access |
Rhodospatha picta | G.Nicholson (1886) | - | ? | Central or South America | Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Spathiphyllum wallisii |
Regel (1877) | - | 1874 | Colombia (& Venezuela?) | Extinct in the Wild | Access |
Typhonium incurvatum |
Blatt. & McCann (1931) | - | ? | Maharashtra, India | Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Typhonium inopinatum | Prain (1898) | - | (rediscovered) | India (incl. Madhya Pradesh & West Bengal) | Rediscovered | Access |
Xanthosoma eggersii | (Engl.) Engl. (1920) | - | - | Ecuador | Rediscovered? | Access |
Zomicarpella maculata | N.E.Br. (1881) | - | (rediscovered) | Colombia & Peru | Rediscovered | Access |
Family: Butomaceae (Flowering-rush family) [1 genus; 2 species]
–No subordinate taxa
Family: Cymodoceaceae (Manatee-grass family) [6 genera; 19 species]
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Halodule bermudensis | Hartog (1964) | - | 1964 | Harrington Sound, Bermuda | Extinct | Access |
Family: Hydrocharitaceae (Frog's-bit family) [14 genera; 141 species]
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Elodea brandegeeae | H.St.John (1962) | - | ? | North America | Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Elodea linearis | (Rydb.) H.St.John (1965) | - | ? | North America | Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Elodea nevadensis | H.St.John (1962) | - | ? | North America | Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Elodea schweinitzii | Casp. (1857) | Schweinitz’s waterweed | ? | New York & Philadelphia, USA | Extinct or Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Najas caespitosa | (Maguire) Reveal (1975) | - | ? | ? | Invalid (synonym) | Access |
Najas madagascariensis | Rendle (1899) | - | 1930 | Madagascar | Missing? | Access |
Najas pseudogracillima |
L.Triest (1988) | Hong Kong water nymph | ? | Hong Kong | Extinct in the Wild | Access |
Family: Juncaginaceae (Arrowgrass family) [3 genera; 36 species]
–No subordinate taxa
Family: Maundiaceae (Maundia family) [1 genus; 1 species]
–No subordinate taxa
Family: Posidoniaceae (Posidonia family) [1 genus; 9 species]
–No subordinate taxa
Family: Potamogetonaceae (Pondweed family) [5 genera; 194 species]
Scientific Name | Author/s | Common Name | Last Record | Distribution | Status | Taxon Profile |
Potamogeton berchtoldii clystocarpus | (Fernald) Les & Tippery (2009) | Little aguja pondweed | 1989 | a single stream in Little Aguja Canyon, West Texas, Texas, USA | Missing | Access |
Potamogeton × floridanus | Small (1903) | Small Florida pondweed | (rediscovered) | Alabama & Florida, USA | Rediscovered | Access |
Potamogeton sukaczevii | Wieliczk. (year?) | - | Late Pleistocene | Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, western Russia & U.K. | Extinct | Access |
Family: Ruppiaceae (Widgeonweed family) [1 genus; 11 species]
–No subordinate taxa
Family: Scheuchzeriaceae (Pod-grass family) [1 genus; 1 species]
–No subordinate taxa
Family: Tofieldiaceae (Tofieldia family) [4 genera; 30 species]
–No subordinate taxa
Family: Zosteraceae (Eel-grass family) [2 genera; 22 species]
–No subordinate taxa
Conservation status | Number of species | |
Extinct | 4 (5.797%) | |
Missing | 16 (23.188%) | |
Extinct in the Wild | 3 (4.347%) | |
Possibly Extinct in the Wild | 5 (7.246%) | |
Globally Rediscovered | 24 (34.782%) | |
Rediscovered in the Wild | 1 (1.449%) | |
Hypothetical | 0 (0%) | |
Invalid | 8 (11.594%) | |
Erroneously listed | 0 (0%) | |
Uncertain status | 8 (11.594%) | |
Total | 69 (100%) |