
Thylacinus cynocephalus (Harris, 1808:174)

Thylacine, Tasmanian tiger, Marsupial wolf, etc.


NB: The Thylacine Archive contains far more information than is presented here. Please also note that this page is currently being rewritten and greatly expanded, and until this warning is removed the information presented here has not been fully vetted.


Taxonomy & Nomenclature

Homotypic synonyms:

Didelphis cynocephala Harris, 1808:174 (basionym); Didelphis cynocephalus Harris, 1808:174 (first used by Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1810; given as 'Geoffrey' by Guiler & Godard, 1998:15); Dasyurus cynocephalus Harris, 1808 [Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1810); Dasyrus cynocephalus Harris, 1808:174 [orth. error by Saint-Hilaire, 1810:301]; Thylacynus cynocephala Harris, 1808 [unwarranted emendation by Temminck, 1827]; Thylocinus cynocephalus Harris, 1808:174 (orth. error by Anon., 1868:6); Thylouinus Cynocephalus Harris, 1808:174 (orth. error used by "Our Own Reporter"., 1875:3); Mylacinos cynocepholus Harris, 1808:174 (orth. error by Anonymous, 1880); Thylacina (used by Anon., 1886); Peracyon Gray, 1825:340 or 344; Peracyon cynocephalus Harris, 1808 [Gray, 1843:xxii,212]; Paracyon Griffith, Smith & Pidgeon, 1827b:192; Paracyon cynocephalus Harris, 1808 [Gray, 1843:97]Peralöpex Gloger, 1842:xxx,82; Bidelphus cynocephala Harris, 1808:174 [orthographic error by Lord & Scott, 1924:264]; Lycaon Wagler, 1830 [Mahoney & Ride, 1988:11 state "non Lycaon Gray, 1825", should read "non Lycaon Brook[e]s, 1827"]; Thylacinus cyanocephalus (Harris, 1808:174) [orth. error used by Witter, 2007:23; Abbott, 2008:3,102; Cosgrove et al., 2014:179]


Heterotypic synonyms:

Thylacinus Harrisii Temminck, 1824:23-24 [Thylacynus Harisii Temminck, 1824 (orth. error used by McCulloch, 1849:217); Thylacinus Harrissii (orth error used by 'Author? (1830)'); Thylacinus harrisi Temminck, 1824 (orth. error used by Thomas, 1888:256)]; Thylacynus striatus Burnett, 1830:351 [the corrected Thylacinus striatus Burnett, 1830 first used by Warlow, 1833:97]; Dasyurus Lucocephalus Grant, 1831:177 [Dasyurus leucocephalus Grant, 1831 (orth. error used by Gray, 1843:97)]; Thylacinus spelaeus Owen, 1845:335; Thylacinus communis Anonymous, 1859:147; Thylacinus breviceps Krefft, 1868:296; Thylacinus major Owen, 1877:106,107; Thylacinus rostralis De Vis, 1893:v


Was the thylacine (Thylacinus cynocephalus) monotypic, or were there subspecies?

It has been noted that thylacine fossils from south-west WA are much smaller than those from Tasmania (Ride, 1964; Lowry, 1972), while specimens from New Guinea are "usually smaller than many Australian specimens (L. Dawson, pers. comm.)" (Mountain, 2023:39) and have, historically at least, been suggested to differ in their dentition too (van Deusen, 1963; Ride, 1964). While in eastern Australia, Richard Owen described T. spelaeus from the Wellington Caves (Middle–Late Pleistocene) as larger than T. cynocephalus (Owen, 1845; Ride, 1964), and decades later T. major, also from the Wellington Caves (Owen, 1877), but probably inadvertently (Lydekker, 1887:264), and therefore was likely the same as his earlier T. spelaeus and therefore invalid but it could not be proven (Mahoney & Ride, 1975:36). And De Vis (1893) described T. rostralis as fundamentally differing in its proportions from T. cynocephalus so that it could not have been the same as Owen's T. spelaeus which was merely larger than T. cynocephalus (Ride, 1964). De Vis' T. rostralis material is likely from the Darling Downs (Pleistocene) not Chinchilla Sands (Pliocene) as he reported (contra Ride, 1964; see Mackness et al., 2002:238).

Given this mix of known and claimed variation in size and proportions of Thylacinus spp. (sub)fossils from the Pleistocene of mainland Australia, several workers from the 1960's-1980's examined this fossil material from the mainland and subjected it to analyses to see whether it warranted erecting a new taxon (given that the locus typicus (type locality) is in Tasmania), and to test the validity of the other described Pleistocene thylacinids mentioned above (viz. Ride, 1964; Lowry, 1972; Dawson, 1982). The former two authorities (Ride, 1964; Lowry, 1972) looked at small thylacines from the western half of the continent, which seems to reflect that they were genetically distinct relative to the 'eastern population' (eastern mainland and Tasmania) (White et al., 2018a), but found no justification for erecting a new taxon.

Ride (1964) found even less difference between eastern mainland thylacines and those from Tasmania, and considered Owen's T. spelaeus to be a junior synonym of T. cynocephalus (Ibid., 105), but considered the status of T. rostralis as unresolved (Ibid., 108). Dawson (1982) also synonymised Owen's T. spelaeus with T. cynocephalus, and was the first to formally synonymise both T. major and T. rostralis with T. cynocephalus. And when Mahoney & Ride (1988:12) formally synonymised the long overlooked T. communis with T. cynocephalus, there was now only a single formally described species of Thylacinus known from the Pleistocene (see Table 1 below). However, a more recent consideration of the hypothesis of taxonomically significant variation in Pleistocene Thylacinus material indicated that a new taxon may need to be described in the future (Helgen & Veatch, 2015).


Table 1: Heterotypic synonyms of the thylacine, their authors and earliest formal synonymisations. It follows the taxonomic treatment of (Jackson & Groves, 2015:77), except for their "Thylacinus striatus Warlow, 1833: 97" due to two discoveries relating to that taxon made by myself (Branden Holmes) since publication of the cited volume, which have subsequently been accepted by Dr. Stephen Jackson and will appear in any second edition should it appear (S. Jackson, pers. comm. 28 March 2020). They have Thylacinus striatus as being authored by (Warlow, 1833), and first synonymised with T. cynocephalus by (Thomas, 1888:256). Whereas I have discovered that the taxon was actually introduced as Thylacynus (sic) striatus by (Burnett, 1830) three years earlier, and first synonymised by (Blyth, 1863:180) 25 years earlier.

Scientific Name Recent or fossil Authority First synonymised by
Thylacinus Harrisii Recent Temminck, Coenraad Jacob. (1824 [1824-1827]). Sur le genre Sarigue - Didelphis (Linn.), pp. 21-54, pls. 5-6. In: Monographies de Mammalogie, ou description de quelques genres de mammifères dont les espèces ont été observées dans lens différens musées de l'Europe. Ouvrage accompagné de planches d'Ostéologie, pouvant servir de suite et de complément aux notices sur les animaux vivans, publiées par M. le Baron G. Cuvier, dans ses recherches sur les ossemens fossiles. Paris: G. Dufour et E. D'Ocagne. Tome 1. [pp. 23-24]. Waterhouse, George Robert. (1841). Marsupialia, or Pouched Animals (Mammalia, vol. XI). In: Jardine, William (ser. ed.). The Naturalist's Library (vol. XXIV). Edinburgh: W.H. Lizars / London: Henry G. Bohn. xvi + 324 pp. [p. 123]

Thylacynus striatus Recent Burnett, Gilbert Thomas. (1830). Illustrations of the Quadrupeda, or Quadrupeds, being the arrangement of the true four-footed Beasts indicated in outline. Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature, and Art 28: 336-353. [p. 351] Blyth, Edward. (1863). Catalogue of the Mammalia in the Museum Asiatic Society. Calcutta: Savielle & Cranenburgh. [p. 180]

Dasyurus Lucocephalus Recent

Grant, J. E. (1831). Notice of the Van Diemen's Land tiger. Gleanings in Science 3(30): 175-177. [p. 177]

Thomas, Oldfield. (1888). Catalogue of the Marsupialia and Monotremata in the collection of the British Museum (Natural History). London: British Museum (Natural History). xiii + 401 pp. [p. 256]

Thylacinus spelaeus Fossil Owen, Richard. (1845). Descriptive and Illustrated Catalogue of the Fossil Organic Remains of Mammalia and Aves Contained in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. London: Richard and John E. Taylor. viii+ 391 pp, 10 pls. [p. 335] Lydekker, Richard. (1887). Catalogue of the fossil Mammalia in the British Museum (Natural History) Cromwell Road, S. W. Part 5. Containing the Group Tillodontia, the Orders Sirenia, Cetacea, Edentata, Marsupialia, Monotremata, and supplement. London, the Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History), xxxv, 345 pp. [p. 264]

Thylacinus communis Recent Anonymous. (1859). "Genus Thylacinus, Temm.". In: Anonymous. Descriptive Catalogue of the Specimens of Natural History in Spirit Contained in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Vertebrata: Pisces, Reptilia, Aves, Mammalia. London: Taylor and Francis. xxii + 148 pp. [p. 147] Mahoney, J. A. and Ride, W. D. L. (1988). Thylacinidae, pp. 11-13. In: Walton, D. W. (ed.). Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Vol. 5. Mammalia. Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service. [p. 12]

Thylacinus breviceps Recent Krefft, Gerard. (1868). Description of a new species of thylacine (Thylacinus breviceps). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (4), 2: 296-297. [p. 296] Thomas, Oldfield. (1888). Catalogue of the Marsupialia and Monotremata in the collection of the British Museum (Natural History). London: British Museum (Natural History). xiii + 401 pp. [p. 256]

Thylacinus major Fossil Owen, Richard. (1877). Researches on the Fossil Remains of the Extinct Mammals of Australia; with a notice of the extinct marsupials of England. (pp. 297-299 Phascolomys) Vol. 1. J. Erxleben: London. 522 pp. [p. 106,107] Dawson, Lyndall. (1982). Taxonomic status of fossil thylacines (Thylacinus, Thylacinidae, Marsupialia) from late Quaternary deposits in eastern Australia, pp 517-525. In: Archer, Michael (ed.). Carnivorous Marsupials. Mosman, N.S.W.: Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales. [p. 527,534]

Thylacinus rostralis Fossil De Vis, Charles W. (1893). A thylacine of the earlier nototherian period in Queensland. In Anonymous. Abstracts of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 29 November 1893. p. v. Dawson, Lyndall. (1982). Taxonomic status of fossil thylacines (Thylacinus, Thylacinidae, Marsupialia) from late Quaternary deposits in eastern Australia, pp 517-525. In: Archer, Michael (ed.). Carnivorous Marsupials. Mosman, N.S.W.: Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales. [p. 527,534]



Non-scientific names for the thylacine

The individual indigenous names given here have in many cases been transcribed by English-speaking authors from Aboriginal spoken word, and therefore may not perfectly reflect the original tongue in which they were spoken.


Palawa (Tasmanian Aboriginal) names:,, can.nen.ner, clin.ner, corrina, crimererrar, crīmerērrar, cri'mĕrērrăr, ka-nuna, ka-nunnah, kan.nen.ner, kān.nĕn.nĕr, kaparunina, kul.len.ner, lagunta, lagūnta, laoonana, larn.ter, launana, loarina, loarinna [orthographic error for 'loarinnah'?], loarinnah,,, lone.nin,, lowe.nin, lowerina, lowerinna, lowewinna, mar.mer.ner,, roun,, war.ter.noon.ner, wāthĕrrūngĭnnă


Mainland Aboriginal names:

djanggerrk, djanjerrg, djankerrk, djarnkerrk, djarnkelk, nawolbbolya, ngaliwan, wanambanangarri


English names:

Bulldog-tiger, cat tyger, dog-faced dasyuris, dog-faced dasyurus, dog-faced opossum, dog-faced wolf, Dog-head Thylacinus, Dog-headed Dasyure, Dog-headed Dasyurus, Dogheaded Opossum, dog-headed opossum, dog-headed opossum wolf, Dog-Headed Thylacine, Dog-headed Thylacinus, dog-tiger, Harris's opossum, Hyæna, Hyæna Opossum, Hyæna oppossum, Hyena, Hyena Opossum, hyena tiger, Hyœna opossum, marsupial tiger, marsupial wolf, native dog, Native hyæna, native Hyena, Native tiger, Native Tyger, native wolf, New Holland Dog, New South Wales Wolf (erroneous?), opossum, Opossum hyæna, Opposum-Hyena, pouched dog, Pouched Hyæna, Pouched Wolf, Short-headed thylacine, striped hyena, Striped wolf, Tasmanian dingo, Tasmanian Hyæna, Tasmanian Hyena, Tasmanian marsupial wolf, Tasmanian native tiger, Tasmanian Pouched Wolf, Tasmanian tiger, Tasmanian tiger-wolf, Tasmanian wolf, Tasmanian wolf thylacine, Tasmanian zebra wolf, Thylacine, thylacine wolf, tiger, Tiger Dog, Tiger wolf, Tiger-wolf, Tyger, Van Diemen land tiger (V.D.L. tiger), Van Diemen's Land Hyena, Van Diemen's Land Tiger, Van Diemonian tiger, Wolf Kangaroo, Zebra Opossum, Zebra Wolf, Zebra-Thylacyne, Zebrine Dasyurus


Palawa (Tasmanian Aboriginal)

Table 2. Palawa (Tasmanian aboriginal) names for the thylacine, with orthographic variations separated out.

NB: The names given here were transcribed by English-speaking authors from Palawa spoken word and therefore are not perfectly accurate.

Name Tribe Location Reference/s (unknown) east coast Plomley, Norman James Brian. (1976). A Word-list of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Languages. Launceston: Author in association with the Government of Tasmania. [p. 311] (unknown) east coast

George Augustus Robinson's journal entry for 31 August 1833.

Plomley, Norman James Brian. (1966). Friendly Mission: The Journals of George Augustus Robinson 1829-1834. Hobart: Tasmanian Historical Research Association. [p. 786]

Plomley, Norman James Brian. (1976). A Word-list of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Languages. Launceston: Author in association with the Government of Tasmania. [p. 311]

Plomley, Norman James Brian. (2008). Friendly Mission: The Journals of George Augustus Robinson 1829-1834 (second edition). Hobart: Quintus Publishing / Launceston: Tasmanian Historical Research Association. xviii + 1162 pp. [p. 822]

can.nen.ner Brune (Bruny) Bruny Island (south-east)

George Augustus Robinson's journal entry for 31 August 1833.

Plomley, Norman James Brian. (1966). Friendly Mission: The Journals of George Augustus Robinson 1829-1834. Hobart: Tasmanian Historical Research Association. [p. 786]

Plomley, Norman James Brian. (1976). A Word-list of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Languages. Launceston: Author in association with the Government of Tasmania. [p. 311]

Plomley, Norman James Brian. (2008). Friendly Mission: The Journals of George Augustus Robinson 1829-1834 (second edition). Hobart: Quintus Publishing / Launceston: Tasmanian Historical Research Association. xviii + 1162 pp. [p. 822]

clin.ner (unknown) north coast

George Augustus Robinson's journal entry for 31 August 1833.

Plomley, Norman James Brian. (1966). Friendly Mission: The Journals of George Augustus Robinson 1829-1834. Hobart: Tasmanian Historical Research Association. [p. 786]

Plomley, Norman James Brian. (1976). A Word-list of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Languages. Launceston: Author in association with the Government of Tasmania. [p. 311]

Plomley, Norman James Brian. (2008). Friendly Mission: The Journals of George Augustus Robinson 1829-1834 (second edition). Hobart: Quintus Publishing / Launceston: Tasmanian Historical Research Association. xviii + 1162 pp. [p. 822]

corrina   north-east Freeman, Carol J. (2005b). Figuring extinction: Visualizing the thylacine in zoological and natural history works 1808-1936, 2 volumes. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. University of Tasmania: Hobart, Australia. [p. 13 of volume 1]

crimererrar  (unknown)  (unknown) Norman, Rev. James. (1910). Aborigines of Tasmania - the Norman vocabulary. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania [1910]: 333-342. [p. 341]


Norman, Rev. James. (1890). Appendix A: Norman's Vocabulary, pp. i-vii. In: Roth, H. Ling. The Aborigines of Tasmania. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co. [p. v]

Norman, Rev. James. (1899). Appendix A: Norman's Vocabulary, pp. i-vii. In: Roth, H. Ling. The Aborigines of Tasmania, second edition. Halifax, England: F. King & Sons. [p. v or 294/403]

cri'mĕrērrăr     Plomley, Norman James Brian. (1976). A Word-list of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Languages. Launceston: Author in association with the Government of Tasmania. [p. 311]

ka-nuna     Roth, H. Ling. (1899). Appendix F: Tasmanian-English Vocabulary, pp. lii-lxxxiii. The Aborigines of Tasmania, second edition. Halifax, England: F. King & Sons. [p. liv or 343/403]

ka-nunnah (unknown) southern or south-eastern

Milligan, Joseph. (1859). Vocabulary of dialects of the Aboriginal tribes of Tasmania. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 3: 239-274. [p. 263 'Tiger, V.D.L., (Thylacinus cynocephalus)']

Milligan, Joseph. (1890). Appendix C, pp. xxi-lxvi. In: Roth, H. Ling. The Aborigines of Tasmania. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co. [p. liii]

Milligan, Joseph. (1899). Appendix C, pp. xix-xlvii. In: Roth, H. Ling. The Aborigines of Tasmania, second edition. Halifax, England: F. King & Sons. [p. xxxviii or 327/403]

Plomley, Norman James Brian. (1976). A Word-list of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Languages. Launceston: Author in association with the Government of Tasmania. [p. 311]

kan.nen.ner     Plomley, Norman James Brian. (1976). A Word-list of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Languages. Launceston: Author in association with the Government of Tasmania. [p. 311]

kān.nĕn.nĕr     Plomley, Norman James Brian. (1976). A Word-list of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Languages. Launceston: Author in association with the Government of Tasmania. [p. 311]

kaparunina not applicable (see next column) Island wide. This is the name used in the composite language pawala kani used throughout lutruwita (Tasmania)

kul.len.ner     Plomley, Norman James Brian. (1976). A Word-list of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Languages. Launceston: Author in association with the Government of Tasmania. [p. 311]

lagunta     Plomley, Norman James Brian. (1976). A Word-list of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Languages. Launceston: Author in association with the Government of Tasmania. [p. 311]

lagūnta "Tribes from Oyster Bay to Pitwater" "Tribes from Oyster Bay to Pitwater"

Milligan, Joseph. (1859). Vocabulary of dialects of the Aboriginal tribes of Tasmania. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 3: 239-274. [p. 263 'Tiger, V.D.L., (Thylacinus cynocephalus)']

Milligan, Joseph. (1890). Appendix C, pp. xxi-lxvi. In: Roth, H. Ling. The Aborigines of Tasmania. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co. [p. liii]

Milligan, Joseph. (1899). Appendix C, pp. xix-xlvii. In: Roth, H. Ling. The Aborigines of Tasmania, second edition. Halifax, England: F. King & Sons. [p. xxxviii or 327/403]

Roth, H. Ling. (1899). Appendix F: Tasmanian-English Vocabulary, pp. lii-lxxxiii. The Aborigines of Tasmania, second edition. Halifax, England: F. King & Sons. [p. lvi or 345/403]

Plomley, Norman James Brian. (1976). A Word-list of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Languages. Launceston: Author in association with the Government of Tasmania. [p. 311]

?langunta     Likely an orthographic error, used at the start of editions of the journal Kanunnah, e.g. volume 3 (1 October 2008):

laoonana (unknown) southern or south-eastern

Milligan, Joseph. (1859). Vocabulary of dialects of the Aboriginal tribes of Tasmania. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 3: 239-274. [p. 263 'Tiger, V.D.L., (Thylacinus cynocephalus)']

Milligan, Joseph. (1890). Appendix C, pp. xxi-lxvi. In: Roth, H. Ling. The Aborigines of Tasmania. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co. [p. liii]

Milligan, Joseph. (1899). Appendix C, pp. xix-xlvii. In: Roth, H. Ling. The Aborigines of Tasmania, second edition. Halifax, England: F. King & Sons. [p. xxxviii or 327/403]

Plomley, Norman James Brian. (1976). A Word-list of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Languages. Launceston: Author in association with the Government of Tasmania. [p. 311]

larn.ter (unknown) Oyster Bay (east coast)

George Augustus Robinson's journal entry for 31 August 1833.

Plomley, Norman James Brian. (1966). Friendly Mission: The Journals of George Augustus Robinson 1829-1834. Hobart: Tasmanian Historical Research Association. [p. 786]

Plomley, Norman James Brian. (1976). A Word-list of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Languages. Launceston: Author in association with the Government of Tasmania. [p. 311]

Plomley, Norman James Brian. (2008). Friendly Mission: The Journals of George Augustus Robinson 1829-1834 (second edition). Hobart: Quintus Publishing / Launceston: Tasmanian Historical Research Association. xviii + 1162 pp. [p. 822]

launana     Roth, H. Ling. (1899). Appendix F: Tasmanian-English Vocabulary, pp. lii-lxxxiii. The Aborigines of Tasmania, second edition. Halifax, England: F. King & Sons. [p. lvii or 346/403]


An orthographic error for lagūnta (Milligan, 1859) used by (Paddle, 2000:153,167, 2002:153,167):

Paddle, Robert N. (2000). The Last Tasmanian Tiger: the History and Extinction of the Thylacine. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [hardback]

Paddle, Robert N. (2002). The Last Tasmanian Tiger: The History and Extinction of the Thylacine. Oakleigh, Victoria: Cambridge University Press. [paperback]

loarina     Roth, H. Ling. (1899). Appendix F: Tasmanian-English Vocabulary, pp. lii-lxxxiii. The Aborigines of Tasmania, second edition. Halifax, England: F. King & Sons. [p. lix or 348/403]

?loarinna     Orthographic error for 'loarinnah'? No known reference apart from recent online sources that either give no reference, or the reference cited only uses 'loarinnah'.

loarinnah (unknown) north-western or western

Milligan, Joseph. (1859). Vocabulary of dialects of the Aboriginal tribes of Tasmania. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 3: 239-274. [p. 263 'Tiger, V.D.L., (Thylacinus cynocephalus)']

Milligan, Joseph. (1890). Appendix C, pp. xxi-lxvi. In: Roth, H. Ling. The Aborigines of Tasmania. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co. [p. liii]

Milligan, Joseph. (1899). Appendix C, pp. xix-xlvii. In: Roth, H. Ling. The Aborigines of Tasmania, second edition. Halifax, England: F. King & Sons. [p. xxxviii or 327/403]

Plomley, Norman James Brian. (1976). A Word-list of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Languages. Launceston: Author in association with the Government of Tasmania. [p. 311]     Plomley, Norman James Brian. (1976). A Word-list of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Languages. Launceston: Author in association with the Government of Tasmania. [p. 311]     Plomley, Norman James Brian. (1976). A Word-list of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Languages. Launceston: Author in association with the Government of Tasmania. [p. 311]

lone.nin     Plomley, Norman James Brian. (1976). A Word-list of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Languages. Launceston: Author in association with the Government of Tasmania. [p. 312]     Plomley, Norman James Brian. (1976). A Word-list of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Languages. Launceston: Author in association with the Government of Tasmania. [p. 311]

lowe.nin (unknown) Cape Grim (north-west)

George Augustus Robinson's journal entry for 31 August 1833.

Plomley, Norman James Brian. (1966). Friendly Mission: The Journals of George Augustus Robinson 1829-1834. Hobart: Tasmanian Historical Research Association. [p. 786]

Plomley, Norman James Brian. (1976). A Word-list of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Languages. Launceston: Author in association with the Government of Tasmania. [p. 312]

Plomley, Norman James Brian. (2008). Friendly Mission: The Journals of George Augustus Robinson 1829-1834 (second edition). Hobart: Quintus Publishing / Launceston: Tasmanian Historical Research Association. xviii + 1162 pp. [p. 822]

lowerina     Roth, H. Ling. (1899). Appendix F: Tasmanian-English Vocabulary, pp. lii-lxxxiii. The Aborigines of Tasmania, second edition. Halifax, England: F. King & Sons. [p. lx or 349/403]

lowerinna (unknown) northern

Anonymous. (1842). Aboriginal languages of Tasmania. Tasmanian Journal of Natural Science, Agriculture, Statistics, &c. 1(4): 308-318. [p. 318]

Roth, H. Ling. (1899). Appendix B: Vocabularies, pp. vii-xviii. In: The Aborigines of Tasmania, second edition. Halifax, England: F. King & Sons. [pp. xvii or 306/403]

Plomley, Norman James Brian. (1976). A Word-list of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Languages. Launceston: Author in association with the Government of Tasmania. [p. 312]


Roth, H. Ling. (1890). Appendix B: Vocabularies, pp. viii-xix. In: The Aborigines of Tasmania. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co. [p. xviii]

Plomley, Norman James Brian. (1976). A Word-list of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Languages. Launceston: Author in association with the Government of Tasmania. [p. 312]

mar.mer.ner     Plomley, Norman James Brian. (1976). A Word-list of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Languages. Launceston: Author in association with the Government of Tasmania. [p. 312]     Plomley, Norman James Brian. (1976). A Word-list of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Languages. Launceston: Author in association with the Government of Tasmania. [p. 312]

roun     Plomley, Norman James Brian. (1976). A Word-list of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Languages. Launceston: Author in association with the Government of Tasmania. [p. 312]     Plomley, Norman James Brian. (1976). A Word-list of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Languages. Launceston: Author in association with the Government of Tasmania. [p. 312]

war.ter.noon.ner (unknown) Cape Portland (north-east)

George Augustus Robinson's journal entry for 31 August 1833.

Plomley, Norman James Brian. (1966). Friendly Mission: The Journals of George Augustus Robinson 1829-1834. Hobart: Tasmanian Historical Research Association. [p. 786]

Plomley, Norman James Brian. (1976). A Word-list of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Languages. Launceston: Author in association with the Government of Tasmania. [p. 312]

Plomley, Norman James Brian. (2008). Friendly Mission: The Journals of George Augustus Robinson 1829-1834 (second edition). Hobart: Quintus Publishing / Launceston: Tasmanian Historical Research Association. xviii + 1162 pp. [p. 822]

wāthĕrrūngĭnnă "various Tribes" (unknown)

The journal entry (for 15 October 1832?) of George Washington Walker.

Walker, George Washington and Walker, James Backhouse. (1898). Notes on the aborigines of Tasmania, extracted from the manuscript journals of George Washington Walker, with an introduction by James B. Walker, F.R.G.S. Papers & Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 1897: 145-175.

Walker, George Washington. (1899). Appendix E, pp. xlix-lii. In: Roth, H. Ling. The Aborigines of Tasmania, second edition. Halifax, England: F. King & Sons. [p. li or 340/403]

Walker, James Backhouse. (1902). Early Tasmania: Papers read before the Royal Society of Tasmania during the years 1888 to 1899. Hobart, Tasmania: John Vail, Government Printer. [the son of George Washington Walker]


Mainland Aboriginal

Table 31. Mainland Aboriginal names for the thylacine. See (Glaskin, 2021, 2023 and references therein) for detailed discussions of mainland aboriginal beliefs and names.

NB: The individual names given here may have been transcribed by English-speaking authors from Aboriginal spoken word and therefore may not be perfectly accurate.

Name Tribe Location Reference/s
?akngwelye Arrernte Alice springs and surrounding areas, Northern Territory

Although traditionally interpreted as relating to the dingo, some Arrernte people have recently (post-2010) interpreted the name to refer to the thylacine. See Glaskin (2021) for a discussion of this, including the possibility that it may have originally referred to the thylacine before its extinction caused its replacement by the dingo in the story of a fight between akngwelye and a 'stranger dog', as happened to other extinct species in the Flinders Ranges (Tunbridge, 1991; Glaskin, 2021).

Glaskin, Katie. (2021). Extinction, inscription and the Dreaming: Exploring a thylacine connection. Anthropological Forum 31(2): 165-185.

djanggerrk Kunwinjku Western Arhem Land, Northern Territory Chaloupka, George. (1993). Journey in Time. Chatswood: Reed. [p. 50]

djanjerrg Kunwinjku Western Arhem Land, Northern Territory Chaloupka, George and Murray, Peter. (1986). Dreamtime or reality? Reply to Lewis. Archaeology in Oceania 21(2): 145-147. [p. 146]

djankerrk Kunwinjku Western Arhem Land, Northern Territory

Nabarlambarl, S. P., Nabarlambarl, E. D. and Dangbunala, B. (2018). Djankerrk. Thylacine Story.
Darwin: Warddeken Land Management.

djarnkerrk Kunwinjku  Western Arhem Land, Northern Territory

Garde, Murray. (2011). Bininj Kunwok Lexicon (unpublished ms).

Glaskin, Katie. (2021). Extinction, inscription and the Dreaming: Exploring a thylacine connection. Anthropological Forum 31(2): 165-185.

djarnkelk Kunwinjku  Western Arhem Land, Northern Territory Garde, Murray. (1997). Bawinanga Rock Art Recording Project: 1997 Field Season Report. MS3700,
AIATSIS. Maningrida: Maningrida Arts and Culture.

?marrakurli Adnyamathanha northern Flinders Ranges, South Australia

An orthographic error for marrukurli used by (Glaskin, 2021):

Glaskin, Katie. (2021). Extinction, inscription and the Dreaming: Exploring a thylacine connection. Anthropological Forum 31(2): 165-185.

?marrukurli Adnyamathanha northern Flinders Ranges, South Australia

"There is no certainty that the term marrukurli refers to the striped carnivorous mammal, the Thylacine (Tasmanian Tiger), but we place the two together here because several Adnyamathanha elders have believed them to be identical, and we think there is nothing to be lost by considering the possibility." (Tunbridge, 1991:48)

"Tunbridge hypothesises that the physical description of the mammals in the second marrakurli (sic) story may have come to resemble dingoes following the thylacine’s disappearance, as it was described to successive generations ‘in terms of the Dingo’, raising the possibility that through such ‘mythologising’, knowledge of an extinct animal can be ‘retained in the corporate memory’ (1991, 48)." (Glaskin, 2021)

Tunbridge, Dorothy. (1991). The Story of the Flinders Ranges Mammals. Kenthurst: Kangaroo Press. 96 pp.

Glaskin, Katie. (2021). Extinction, inscription and the Dreaming: Exploring a thylacine connection. Anthropological Forum 31(2): 165-185.

?mawolbbolya ?Kunwinjku Western Arhem Land, Northern Territory

An orthographic error for nawolbbolya used by (Glaskin, 2023):

Glaskin, Katie. (2023). Extinction, inscription and Dreamings: some mainland thylacine connections, pp. 54-55. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmania. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

NB: as a co-editor of the volume in which the chapter was published, and having supplied the author with the films (Grose & Hohnen, 2014a,b) in which the name appears, I take full responsibility for the error.

nawolbbolya ?Kunwinjku Western Arhem Land, Northern Territory

Grose, Mark and Hohnen, Michael (producers). (2014a). Thylacine & Red Kangaroo (Kunwinjku version), motion picture. Directed by Paul Williams, written and narrated by Terrah Guymala. Skinnyfish Music.

Grose, Mark and Hohnen, Michael (producers). (2014b). Thylacine & Red Kangaroo (English version), motion picture. Directed by Paul Williams, written and narrated by Terrah Guymala. Skinnyfish Music.

ngaliwan Wunambal Gaambera Kimberley region, Western Australia

Mangglamarra, Geoffrey, Burbidge, Andrew A. and Fuller, Phil J. (1991). Wunambal words for rainforest and other Kimberley plants and animals, pp. 413-421. In: McKenzie, N. L., Johnston, R. B. and Kendrick, P. G. (eds.). Kimberley Rainforests of Australia. Sydney: Surrey Beatty and Sons.

Wunambal Gaambera Aboriginal Corporation. (2010). Wunambal Gaambera Healthy Country Plan – Looking after Wunambal Gaambera Country 2010 – 2020. Wunambal Gaambera Aboriginal Corporation. [p. 52]

Burbidge, Andrew. (2023). Aboriginal knowledge of rare and extinct mammals, including of the thylacine in the Kimberley, pp. 57-58. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmania. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

wanambanangarri Wunambal Gaambera Kimberley region, Western Australia

Wunambal Gaambera Aboriginal Corporation. (2010). Wunambal Gaambera Healthy Country Plan – Looking after Wunambal Gaambera Country 2010 – 2020. Wunambal Gaambera Aboriginal Corporation. [p. 52]

1 No indigenous names for the species are known from south-west WA (fide Abbott, 2008).


European (English)

Table 41. List of European non-scientific names in English for the thylacine, including those of its taxonomic synonyms. Entries are organised by first recorded instance of each name currently known to the present author, somewhat following (Guiler & Godard, 1998:15). Further searching of Trove and other sources will undoubtedly uncover earlier usages of, and further, common names.

NB: Where no scientific name is mentioned in the text, it is regarded by default as referring to T. cynocephalus. This is especially true of Knopwood's 18 June 1805 journal entry, which predates the original scientific description of the species. There are also possible pre-1805 records of the species that are not included at present; I'm currently conducting research on the early thylacine literature.

Year Name Species Reference/s



[T. cynocephalus]

Rev. Robert Knopwood's diary entry for 18 June 1805

Lord, Clive Errol. (1927). Notes on the Diary of the Reverend Robert Knopwood, 1805-1808. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 61: 78-154.

Knopwood, Robert (1946). The diary of the Rev. Robert Knopwood, 1805-1808. pt.1. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania [1946]: 51-125.

Nicholls, Mary (ed.). (1977). The Diary of the Reverend Robert Knopwood, 1803-1838: First Chaplain of Van Diemen's Land. Hobart: Tasmanian Historical Research Association.


Zebra Opossum

T. cynocephalus [Didelphis cynocephala]

Harris, George Prideaux. (1808). Description of two new species of Didelphis from Van Diemen's Land. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 1(9): 174-178.

1808 Zebra Wolf T. cynocephalus [Didelphis cynocephala] Harris, George Prideaux. (1808). Description of two new species of Didelphis from Van Diemen's Land. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 1(9): 174-178.


Hyæna Opossum

T. cynocephalus

Oxley, John. (1810). Account of the settlement of Port Dalrymple, 1810, pp. 758-773. In: Watson, F. (ed.). Historical Records of Australia, Series III. Despatches and Papers Relating to the Settlement of the States. Volume 1. (1921). Sydney: Library Committee of the Commonwealth Parliament.



[T. cynocephalus]

Anonymous. (1817a). [No title]. The Hobart Town Gazette and Southern Reporter (Tas. : 1816 - 1821) Saturday 6 December, p. 2.

Anonymous. (1817b). [No title]. The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842) Saturday 20 December, p. 2. [reprinted from Hobart Town Gazette, December 6, pp. 2]

Note: Not listed by Guiler & Godard (1998:15) in their list of common names for the thylacine. It's absence from said list was discovered by myself.


cat tyger


Anonymous. (1819). [Untitled]. The Hobart Town Gazette and Southern Reporter, Saturday, 24 July, p. 1. [thylacine killed by dogs after returning to its kill at Kangaroo Point]




Jeffreys, C. H. (1820). Geographical and Descriptive Delineations of the Island of Van Diemen's Land. London: Richardson.


Hyena Opossum

[T. cynocephalus]

Anonymous. (1820). ["A young female Hyena Opossum"]. The Hobart Town Gazette and Southern Reporter, Saturday, 24 June. p. 2.

Anonymous. (1820). ["A young female hyena opossum"]. The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser, Saturday, 15 July, p. 2. [reprinted from Hobart Town Gazette and Southern Reporter, 24 June, pp. 2]



[T. cynocephalus]

Anonymous. (1821). ["A very large Hyena"]. Supplement to the Hobart Town Gazette. Hobart Town Gazette and Van Diemen's Land Advertiser, Saturday, 27 January, p. 2.


Native Tyger

[T. cynocephalus]

Anonymous. (1821). Native Tyger, or Hyena. Hobart Town Gazette and Van Diemen’s Land Advertiser, Saturday, 3 November, p. 2.


Opossum hyæna


Evans, George William. (1822). A Geographical, Historical, and Topographical Description of Van Diemen's Land, with Important Hints to Emigrants, and Useful Information Respecting the Application for Grants of Land ; Together with a List of the Most Necessary Articles for Persons to Take Out. Embellished by a Correct View of Hobart Town ; also, a Large Chart of the Island, Thirty Inches by twenty-four, with the Soundings of the Harbours and RIvers, and in which the Various Grants of Land are Accurately Laid Down. London: John Souter.




Map of Van Diemen's Land published in London by Belch and Phelps on March 11, 1822.


hyena tiger

[T. cynocephalus]

Anonymous. (1823). ["A few nights ago, a hyena tiger"]. Hobart Town Gazette and Van Diemen's Land Advertiser, Saturday, 2 August, p. 2.



[T. Harrisii]

Temminck, Coenraad J. (1824-1827). Monographies de Mammalogie, ou description de quelques genres de mammifères dont les espèces ont été observées dans lens différens musées de l'Europe. Ouvrage accompagné de planches d'Ostéologie, pouvant servir de suite et de complément aux notices sur les animaux vivans, publiées par M. le Baron G. Cuvier, dans ses recherches sur les ossemens fossiles. Paris: G. Dufour et E. D'Ocagne Tom. 1

Note: Guiler & Godard (1998:15) give the earliest usage of thylacine as (Krefft, 1868). However, the term was clearly used by Coenraad Temminck in one of the very earliest of all thylacine publications.


Hyœna opossum

Thylacinus cynocephalus

Anonymous. (1826). A Glossary of the most common Productions in the Natural History of New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land. The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser, Saturday, 28 January, p. 3.

1826 tiger [T. cynocephalus]

Letter from Adam Amos (Oyster Bay), dated 20 April 1826. Quoted in (Barrett, 1944):

Barrett, Charles. (1944). Isle of Mountains: Roaming Through Tasmania. Melbourne: Cassell & Company. [p. 132]


Earliest published source is (Widowson, 1829):

Widowson, Henry. (1829). Present State of Van Diemen's Land: Comprising an Account of its Agricultural Capabilities With Observations on the Present State of Farming, &c. &c. London: S. Robinson, W. Joy, J. Cross and J. Birdsall.


dog-faced dasyurus


Cunningham, P. (1827). Two Years in New South Wales; a Series of Letters, comprising Sketches of the actual State of Society in that Colony; of its peculiar Advantages to Emigrants; of its Topography, Natural History, &c. &c., pp. 219-244. In: The Westminster Review. Volume VIII. London: Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy. [p. 229]


Dog-headed Dasyurus

T. cynocephalus

Griffith, Edward, Smith, Charles Hamilton and Pidgeon, Edward. (1827). The Animal Kingdom...Volume II. The Class Mammalia. London: Geo B. Whittaker. [p. 67]


dog-faced dasyuris


Mudie, R. (1829). The picture of Australia: exhibiting New Holland, Van Diemen’s Land and all the settlements from the first at Sydney to the last at Swan River. London: Whittaker, Treacher. 370 pp.


Harris's opossum

Thylacinus cynocephalus

Anonymous. (1829). Catalogue of the Animals Preserved in the Museum of the Zoological Society, September 1829. London: Richard Taylor. 40 pp. [p. 11]


Zebrine Dasyurus


Cuvier, Georges [Jean Léopold Nicolas Frédéric, Baron Cuvier]. (1829). The Animal Kingdom... vol. 3. London: Geo B. Whittaker. [pp. 36-37]


Van Diemen's Land Tiger

T. cynocephalus

Letter from John Henderson to Colonel Dumaresq (Private Secretary to the Governor, Sydney), dated 1 July 1830.

Published in:

Henderson, John. (1832). Observations on the Colonies of New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land. Calcutta: Baptist Mission Press. [pp. 109-126; figs. between pp. 112-133]


Native hyæna, native Hyena


Ross, J. (1830). The Hobart Town Almanack. Hobart: Self published.
Note: First name listed in Guiler & Godard, 1998:15. Second name, presumably from the same volume, quoted by Grant, 1831 (see directly below). Also, second name incorrectly attributed by G&G to first use as Launceston Advertiser, 23 May, 1844, because even if Grant's (1831) quotation is wrong (i.e. not really in preceding Hobart Town Almanack), the name therefore first appears in (Grant) 1831.


Native tiger

T. cynocephalus

Anonymous. (1830). [No title]. The Hobart Town Courier, Saturday, 17 April, p. 2.



Thylacinus striatus

Burnett, Gilbert Thomas. (1830). Illustrations of the Quadrupeda, or Quadrupeds, being the arrangement of the true four-footed Beasts indicated in outline. Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature, and Art 28: 336-353. [p. 351]


Van Diemen's Land Hyena

Thylacinus Lucocephalus [as Dasyurus Lucocephalus]

Grant, J. E. (1831). Notice of the Van Diemen's Land tiger. Gleanings in Science 3(30): 175-177.


Hyæna oppossum

Thylacinus cynocephalus

Goodrige, Charles Medyett. (1832). Narrative of a Voyage to the South Seas,... London: Hamilton and Adams. [p. 291]



T. cynocephalus

Anonymous. (1832). ['On the 23rd July,...']. The Hobart Town Courier, Friday, 14 December, p. 2.


Van Diemen land tiger (V.D.L. tiger)


Henderson, John. (1832). Observations on the Colonies of New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land. Calcutta: Baptist Mission Press.

Note: accepted by Guiler & Godard, 1998. However, probably subsumable under Henderson's 1830 name.


dog-faced opossum


Swainson, W. (1834). The dog-faced opossum. In: Murray, H., Wallace, W., Jameson, R., Hooker, W. J. and Swainson, W. An Encyclopædia of Geography... London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green and Longman.

Note: Not listed by Guiler & Godard (1998:15) in their list of common names for the thylacine. It's absence from said list was discovered by myself.

c.1835 New South Wales Wolf - Bicknell, William I. (c.1835). The natural history of the sacred scriptures, and Guide to general zoology, volume 1. London: John Tallis.

This entry is largely erroneous as the illustration depicts a hybrid between a dingo and a thylacine, and the accompanying text clearly refers to a dingo.


Dog-headed Thylacinus

T. cynocephalus

Waterhouse, George Robert. (1838). Catalogue of the Mammalia Preserved in the Museum of the Zoological Society of London, 2nd edition. London. [p. 64]


native dog

T. cynocephalus

Anonymous. (1840). Lecture on the natural history of South Australia [summarises 'Dr.' Litchfield's lecture]. South Australian Record and Australasian Chronicle, Saturday, 21 March, pp. 4-5.

The only other usage of this name known to the present author is more than a century later:

"Peregrine" [Sharland, Michael S. R.]. (1943). Tasmanian Tiger Still Roams Mountain Wilderness (Peregrine's Nature Notes). The Mercury, Saturday, 9 October, p. 13.


dog-headed opossum

T. cynocephalus

Owen, Richard. (1842). Account of a Thylacinus, the great dog-headed opossum, one of the rarest and largest of the Marsupiate family of animals. Report of the Eleventh Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science; held at Plymouth in July 1841. London: John Murray.


Tasmanian tiger


Backhouse, James. (1843). A Narrative of a Visit to the Australian Colonies. London: Hamilton, Adams.


Tasmanian wolf

T. cynocephalus

Gray, John Edward. (1843). List of the specimens of Mammalia in the collection of the British Museum. London: The Trustees, British Museum. xxviii + 216 pp.

Note: Guiler & Godard (1995:15) give the first use of 'Tasmanian wolf' as 'Anderson 1905'. However, in the course of normal research I discovered that (Gray, 1843) predates this by more than 60 years.

1845 Dogheaded Opossum T. cynocephalus Owen, Richard. (1845). Odontography; or, A treatise on the comparative anatomy of the teeth; their physiological relations, mode of development, and microscopic structure, in the vertebrate animals. London: H. Baillière. [p. 373]


Dog-headed Dasyure

T. cynocephalus

South, J. F. (1845). Dasyurus, pp. 569. In: Smedley, Edward, Rose, Hugh James and Rose, Henry John (eds.). Encyclopædia Metropolitana; or, Universal Dictionary of Knowledge... Vol. 17. London: [various].

NB: this is probably a rather late usage.


Dog-head Thylacinus

T. cynocephalus

Knight, Charles. (1849). Sketches in Natural History: History of the Mammalia. Vol. 1. Order—Carnivora: Families—Felidæ and Ursidæ. Order: Marsupialia. London: C. Cox.

1851 Dog-Headed Thylacine T. cynocephalus Anonymous. (1851). Reports of the council and auditors of the Zoological Society of London. London. [p. 18]


Pouched Hyæna

T. cynocephalus

Owen, Richard. (1853). Descriptive Catalogue of the Osteological Series Contained in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Volume 1. Pisces, Reptilia, Aves, Marsupialia. London: Taylor and Francis.

1854 Tasmanian Hyæna T. cynocephalus Anonymous. (1854). Report of the Government Botanist. Geelong Advertiser and Intelligencer, Tuesday, 31 October, p. 7.



T. cynocephalus

Anonymous. (1855). The Tiger-wolf. (Thylacinus cynocephalus.). Excelsior: Helps to Progress in Religion, Science, and Literature, Volume 3: 246-249.


Pouched Wolf

T. cynocephalus

The Circle of the Sciences: A Cyclopaedia of Experimental, Chemical, Mathematical & Mechanical Philosophy, and Natural History, Volume 8

1859 Tasmanian marsupial wolf T. cynocephalus

Anonymous. (1859). The university museums. The Age, Tuesday, 15 February, p. 5.

Anonymous. (1859). Museums. The Argus, Tuesday 15 February 1859, p. 5.


New Holland Dog

T. communis

Anonymous. (1859). "Genus Thylacinus, Temm.", p. 147. In: Anonymous. Descriptive Catalogue of the Specimens of Natural History in Spirit Contained in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Vertebrata: Pisces, Reptilia, Aves, Mammalia. London: Taylor and Francis. xxii + 148 pp.


Tiger wolf


Angas, G. F. (1862). Narrative of Australia: a popular account. London: Society for Promotion of Christian Knowledge.


Van Diemonian tiger


Lloyd, George Thomas. (1862). Thirty-three years in Tasmania and Victoria, being the actual experience of the author interspersed with historic jottings, narratives and counsel to emigrants. London: Houlston and Wright. [p. 76]


dog-headed opossum wolf

T. cynocephalus

Anonymous. (1864). Notes On The Fauna Of Victoria, With The Australian Alliances. No. IV. The Australasian, Saturday, 3 December, p. 9.

1864 native wolf T. cynocephalus Anonymous. (1864). The mammals of Australia. Empire (Sydney), Thursday, 17 March, p. 2.



T. breviceps

Krefft, Gerard. (1868a). Description of a new species of thylacine (Thylacinus breviceps). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (4), 2: 296-297.


Tiger Dog

T. cynocephalus

Anonymous. (1870). A Large Tiger Dog. The Tasmanian Times, Monday, 8 August, p. 2.


Short-headed thylacine

T. breviceps

Krefft, Gerard. (1871). The Mammals of Australia, Illustrated by Harriett Scott and Helena Forde for the Council of Education ; With a Short Account of All the Species Hitherto Described. Sydney: Thomas Richards, Government Printer.


marsupial wolf

T. cynocephalus

Anonymous. (1880). The Australian Fur Trade. The Argus, Thursday, 9 December, p. 52.


Tasmanian Hyena

T. cynocephalus

Anonymous. (1882). Fight with a Tasmanian hyena. Evening Star, 7 August, issue 6054.

1885 Tasmanian tiger-wolf T. cynocephalus Anonymous. (1885). Circular Head. (From our own correspondent.). Launceston Examiner, Saturday, 5 December 1885, p. 1S.


Tasmanian dingo


"Our Own Reportess". (1886). Parliament. Daily Telegraph, Friday, 1 October, p. 3 |1|.

Parliament. Launceston Examiner, 1 October 1886, p. 3.

1886 Tasmanian native tiger T. cynocephalus "Our Own Correspondent". (1886). Our Melbourne letter. Daily Telegraph, Friday, 9 July, p. 3.


marsupial tiger

T. cynocephalus

Gnuyang. (1888). Exhibition Wanderings (The Naturalist). The Australasian, Saturday, 6 October, p. 51.


Striped wolf


Wright, E. P. (1892). Family LXXII - The Dasyures. In: Concise Natural History. London: Cassells.


Tasmanian wolf thylacine

T. cynocephalus

Thompson, L. Beatrice. (1902). Who's Who at the Zoo. London: Gay and Bird.


Tasmanian zebra wolf

T. cynocephalus

Anonymous. (1906). Tantanoola tiger. Euroa Advertiser, Friday, 16 February, p. 4.


Tasmanian Pouched Wolf

T. cynocephalus

Wood, Theodore. (1909). The Animal World: A Book of Natural History. New York: The University Society Inc.


Wolf Kangaroo

T. cynocephalus

Anonymous. (1926). Queer New Faces at the Zoo. The Sphere, 27 March, p. 27.

1930 thylacine wolf T. cynocephalus Mann, William M. (1930). Wild Animals In and Out of the Zoo. Smithsonian Scientific Series, volume 6. New York: Smithsonian Institution Series Inc. 362 pp.

1930 Tasmanian wolf dog T. cynocephalus Secrets of Nature — Hold all (1930), a British Instructional Films Ltd production


dog-faced wolf

T. cynocephalus

Anonymous. (1942). Questions And Answers. Advocate (Burnie), Friday, 18 December, p. 2.

1 English common names without known first usage: pouched dog (Lydekker & Specht, c. 1886?); striped hyena (Paddle, 2000:85).


Conservation Status

Extinct (Burbidge & Woinarski, 2016)

Last record (wild): between 2 and 9 August 1930 (Anonymous, 1930), or, February–April 1931 (Sleightholme et al, 2020), or, 1938 (Mooney, 2023)

Last record (captivity): 7 September 1936 (Smith, 1981)

IUCN RedList status: Extinct


Table 5. IUCN conservation category over time (1964-2012).

Year Conservation Status Hard Copy/Online Reference
1964 Rare Hard Copy Anonymous. (1964). A preliminary list of rare mammals including those believed to be rare but concerning which detailed information is still lacking. IUCN Bulletin 11(Special Supplement): 4 pp.

1965 "Very rare and believed to be decreasing in numbers" Hard Copy Burbidge, A. A. and Woinarski, J. (2016). Thylacinus cynocephalus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T21866A21949291. Downloaded on 03 March 2019.

1966   Hard Copy Anonymous. (1966b). Thylacine. IUCN Bulletin New Series 20: 4.

1968 Idiosyncratic status system used (0000-0-+11) Hard Copy Joslin, Paul and Maryanka, Daphne. (1968). Endangered Mammals of the World: Report on Status and Action Treatment. IUCN Publications, New Series, Supplementary Paper No. 13: 34 pp.

1972   Hard Copy IUCN. (1972). Thylacine. Sheet Code 2.14.11. Red Data Book. Vol. I, Mammalia. Switzerland: IUCN.

1982 Extinct Hard Copy Archer, Michael. (1982). Thylacinus cynocephalus (Harris, 1808), pp. 91-93. In: Thornback, Jane and Jenkins, Martin (compilers).The IUCN Mammal Red Data Book. Part 1: Threatened Mammalian Taxa of the Americas and the Australasian Zoogeographic Region (Excluding Cetacea). Gland, Switzerland: IUCN. 516 pp.

1986 Extinct Hard Copy IUCN Conservation Monitoring Centre. (1986). 1986 IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. x + 105 pp.

1988 Extinct Hard Copy IUCN Conservation Monitoring Centre. (1988). IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. xviii + 154 pp.

1990 Extinct Hard Copy IUCN. (1990). IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK. 228 pp.

1994 Extinct Hard Copy Groombridge, B. (ed.). (1994). 1994 IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK.

1996 Extinct Hard Copy Baillie, J. and Groombridge, B. (eds). (1996). 1996 IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals. International Union for Conservation of Nature, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK.

2008 Extinct Online McKnight, M. (2008). Thylacinus cynocephalus. In: IUCN 2011. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2011.1. ( Downloaded on 25 September 2011.

2012 Extinct Online Burbidge, A. A. and Woinarski, J. (2016). Thylacinus cynocephalus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T21866A21949291. Downloaded on 03 March 2019.


Pre-European genetic loss: chronology

The thylacine is believed to have been restricted to lutruwita (Tasmania) at the time of European contact in 1606, having already experienced its first extinction on the mainland (White, 2023), and possibly even earlier disappearance from New Guinea. The latest known occurrence from New Guinea being a specimen from Nombe rock shelter in the highland Chimbu (=Simbu) Province that has been dated to <5651 cal. BP (i.e. 5650 cal. BP-present) (Mountain, 2023), while the latest secure directly dated specimen from mainland Australia is 3290 ± 49 years BP from Kelly Cave on the WA side of the Nullarbor Plain (White et al., 2016, 2018b). Though a specimen (right third metatarsal) from Caladenia Cave between Guilderton and Gingin 1 hour north of Perth (WA) has an associated charcoal age of 3254-2925 cal. BP, and thus may represent the youngest mainland specimen (Thorn et al., 2017; Thorn, 2023: 41, pl. 8 [131]) and therefore the youngest specimen outside Tasmania (see Table 6 below). It is also important to point out that these last records, particularly for mainland Australia, are not arbitrary dates isolated in space and time, but rather the termination of a long series of dates that preceded them before they cease suddenly (White et al., 2018b).

A study of mtDNA from 51 thylacines originating from mainland Australia and Tasmania showed that mainland thylacines had separated into two distinct populations before the Last Glacial Maximum (c. 25,000 yr BP), with the older and genetically more diverse of the two being the western population (White et al., 2018a), which has been noted to have been physically smaller (Ride, 1964; Lowry, 1972). The historical Tasmanian population therefore being a relict of the eastern population with its lower genetic diversity (White et al., 2018a). Mainland Tasmanian devils also had at least six alleles (gene variants) that are not present in historical Tasmanian genetic samples (Morris et al., 2013; Brüniche-Olsen et al., 2018), meaning that both the thylacine and Tasmanian devil lost genetic diversity when they went extinct on the mainland roughly 3,200 years ago.

But Tasmanian thylacines and devils were not entirely immune from the loss of genetic diversity either, even given their isolation and insulation from the dingo. Roughly coincident with their mainland extinctions, both species suffered genetic bottlenecks in Tasmania around 3000 years ago, or close after their last mainland records c.3250 years ago (Brüniche-Olsen et al., 2018; White et al., 2018a; White, 2023). In the case of the thylacine, this involved the loss of a number of haplotypes, that is, an entire section of a chromosome, including multiple genes, that is inherited together, and thus functions as a single hereditary unit like a gene. So when Europeans invaded Tasmania the thylacine as a species had undergone two significant reductions in genetic diversity within 4000 years, leaving it with genuinely low genetic diversity (Menzies et al., 2012; Feigin et al., 2018; White et al., 2018a; Feigin et al., 2022; Menzies, 2023; White, 2023). It must be noted, however, that at least some indigenous people from the mainland believe that the species still exists there: "A colleague [Kim McCaul] who works in the region told me he knew some Kuyani people in the Flinders Ranges who insist there are still thylacines in that area" (Glaskin, 2021).


Table 6. Accepted and rejected last records for the thylacine in the wild by geographical area/region.

Area/Region Latest Date Accepted Younger Dates Not Accepted Reference/s
New Guinea 5650 cal. BP to present (Mountain, 2023) x Mountain, Mary-Jane. (2023). Thylacine from Nombe and Kiowa rock shelters, Papua New Guinea, pp. 39-41. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmania. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

New Guinea x <c.5000 cal. BP (Sutton et al., 2009) Sutton, Alice, Mountain, Mary-Jane, Aplin, Ken, Bulmer, Susan and Denham, Tim. (2009). Archaeozoological records for the highlands of New Guinea: a review of current evidence. Australian Archaeology 69: 41-58.

Mainland Australia 3290±49 years BP (White et al., 2018b) x White, Lauren C., Saltré, Frédérik, Bradshaw, Corey J. A. and Austin, Jeremy J. (2018b). High-quality fossil dates support a synchronous, Late Holocene extinction of devils and thylacines in mainland Australia. Biology Letters 14: 20170642.

Mainland Australia x 3030±60 BP (associated) (McDowell, 1997) McDowell, M. C. (1997). Taphonomy and palaeoenvironmental interpretation of a late Holocene deposit from Black’s Point Sinkhole, Venus Bay, SA. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 117: 79-95.

Mainland Australia x 3254-2925 cal. BP (associated) (Thorn et al., 2017)  Thorn, Kailah M. et al. (2017). Fossil mammals of Caladenia Cave, northern Swan Coastal Plain, south-western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum 32(2): 217-236.

Mainland Australia x CE 1840's (Paddle, 2000, 2002)

Paddle, Robert N. (2000). The Last Tasmanian Tiger: the History and Extinction of the Thylacine. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [hardback]

Paddle, Robert N. (2002). The Last Tasmanian Tiger: The History and Extinction of the Thylacine. Oakleigh, Victoria: Cambridge University Press. [paperback]

Mainland Australia x 0 ± 80 yBP (bone in same deposit) (Archer, 1974)   Archer, Michael. (1974). New information about the Quaternary distribution of the Thylacine (Marsupialia: Thylacinidae) in Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 57(2): 43-50. 

Tasmania between 2 and 9 August 1930 (Anonymous, 1930) x Anonymous. (1930). Rare Catch (Waratah.). The Advocate (Burnie, Tas.), Monday, 11 August, p. 6. 

Tasmania x February to April 1931 (Sleightholme et al., 2020) Sleightholme, Stephen R., Gordon, Tammy J. and Campbell, Cameron R. (2020). The Kaine capture - questioning the history of the last Thylacine in captivity. Australian Zoologist 41(1): 1-11. 

Tasmania  x 1933 (Smith, 1981; Paddle, 2000, 2002)

Smith, Steven J. (1981). The Tasmanian Tiger - 1980: A report on an investigation of the current status of thylacine Thylacinus cynocephalus, funded by The World Wildlife Fund Australia. Wildt. Division Tech. Rep. 81/1. Hobart, Australia: National Parks and Wildlife Service. 133 pp.

Paddle, Robert N. (2000). The Last Tasmanian Tiger: the History and Extinction of the Thylacine. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [hardback]

Paddle, Robert N. (2002). The Last Tasmanian Tiger: The History and Extinction of the Thylacine. Oakleigh, Victoria: Cambridge University Press. [paperback]

Tasmania [1938? (Mooney, 2023)] x Mooney, Nick. (2023). Review of footprints from the 1938 Jane River expedition, pp. 139-142. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmanian Tiger. Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.


Pre-European genetic loss: cause/s

The balance of the evidence points to the concurrent disappearance of the thylacine, Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii) and Tasmanian native hen (Tribonyx mortierii) from the mainland 3000-3200 years ago (Baird, 1991; Johnson & Wroe, 2003; White et al., 2018b, 2023), and genetic bottlenecks in the Tasmanian populations of the thylacine and Tasmanian devil 3000 years ago. Given that the last securely dated mainland record of the thylacine (3290±49 yBP) almost certainly does not represent the last individual, the population may well have survived substantially longer, potentially bridging the theoretical temporal gap between the two events. But given that dingoes have, as far back as 1841, been suggested to have played a role in the thylacine's mainland demise (Ogilby, 1841), and have historically been agreed to have always been absent from Tasmania, it would not be surprising if mainland extinction preceded the botteneck by some decades or even centuries. Yet this naturally raises the question of the cause, or causes, of this dual genetic loss. Three main candidate extinction causes are discussed and debated: competition from the introduced dingo (Fillios et al., 2012; Letnic et al., 2012), a climatic shift to a more drought-prone system [Brown, 2006; Donders et al., 2007), and human intensification (increased population size, technological advancements and increased resource use) (Lourandos, 1997; Johnson & Wroe, 2003). At least two further, though clearly related, hypotheses have been put forward: the introduction of the dingo may have introduced a pathogen (Corbett, 1995; fide Morris et al., 2013), and the introduction of the dingo may have introduced a parasite (Freeland, 1993; fide Abbott, 2008). All three main candidate hypotheses (dingoes, climate, humans) have significant explanatory efficacy/power, not least because they are each thought to have been either much less severe in Tasmania (climate and humans) or non-existent (dingoes) (White et al., 2023). But the relative degree to which each actually contributed to the species' mainland extinction may never be largely known.

As for New Guinea, the New Guinea singing dog (NGSD) and human intensification are the prevailing candidates, with canids presumably having been introduced to the island before they reached Australia (even though the earliest known record from Australia precedes that from New Guinea), and therefore having had a negative impact on the thylacine population there for longer than on the mainland. While the differential faunal composition may also be of some significance, given that there are more prey species in the thylacine's prey size range in Australia than New Guinea. But with very few fossil specimens known from New Guinea, and therefore a much looser extinction chronology at present, caution must be eased when trying to extrapolate from the limited data currently available.


Evolution & Palaeontology

Thylacinus spp. during the Late Miocene (11.6–5.332 Ma) to Pliocene (5.332–2.588 Ma)

The Powerful thylacine (Thylacinus potens) was described by (Woodburne, 1967) from the Alcoota Local Fauna, Alcoota Station, Northern Territory, based upon 11 museum accessions (Woodburne, 1967; but see Rovinsky et al., 2019:Table S1), with only (Yates, 2014) reporting any further material (6 accessions) (see Rovinsky et al., 2019:Table S1). The site has been estimated to date to the Late Miocene (8.5–5.5 Ma) (Rovinsky et al., 2019), and therefore the species may have survived into the Early Pliocene (5.3–3.6 Ma) as the paucity of dated material cannot currently constrain the species to the Miocene. Previous body mass estimates, based upon different methods, of 38.7 kg (Wroe, 2001) and 40.9–120.6 kg (Yates, 2014) for adults have been superseded by the estimate of 28.3–55.0 kg by (Rovinsky et al., 2019), making it one of the two largest thylacinids known along with T. megiriani (49.1kg) (Ibid.).

Thylacinus megiriani was described from the Ongeva Local Fauna of central Australia (Murray, 1997), with two further specimens since reported from the same locality (Yates, 2015), which has been conservatively dated as Late Miocene-Early Pliocene (7.5–4.5 Ma) (Rovinsky et al., 2019). It has been estimated to weigh 57.3 kg (Wroe, 2001) and 49.1 kg (Rovinsky et al., 2019) as an adult using different methods.

Thylacinus yorkellus was described as the sister species to T. cynocephalus by (Yates, 2015), known only from a partial mandible and isolated molar of Pliocene age (Pledge, 1992; Yates, 2015), and was found in Cora-Lynn Cave, South Australia, dubbed the Curramulka Local Fauna which was considered to be "Late Miocene or, more likely, early Pliocene in age" (Ibid.). It is considered to date to the Early Pliocene (~5.3–3.6 Ma) by (Rovinsky et al., 2019). The scientific description of the species includes an adult body mass estimate of 16–18 kg (Yates, 2015), while Rovinsky et al. (2019) estimate that it weighed 14.5–17.8 kg, which are consistent with each other, especially given the variance that sexual dimorphism would add, as evidenced by a similar body mass estimate for of its sister species, T. cynocephalus, of a mean 16.7kg (mean 19.7kg for males; mean 13.7kg for females) (Rovinsky et al., 2021).

Other undiagnostic material of Thylacinus spp. is known of Pliocene age from both mainland Australia and New Guinea. Plane (1976) reported a partial P2 from the Awe Local Fauna (New Guinea) which has been broadly dated to 3.3–2.4 Ma using K/Ar radiometric dating (Hoch & Holm, 1986). Dawson et al. (1999) reported a partial left dentary from the Big Sink Local Fauna, from the Wellington Caves complex, New South Wales, which can be dated to around ~4.2–3.6 Ma (Rovinsky et al., 2019). Mackness et al. (2002) reported a partial right dentary, and Louys & Price (2015) a partial right maxilla and partial right dentary, with all three coming from the Chinchilla Local Fauna of the Chinchilla Sands in the western Darling Downs, south-east Queensland, which dated to around ~4.2–3.6 Ma (Rovinsky et al., 2019). The clear absence of any known Pliocene age material of Thylacinus spp. from Tasmania may have a natural explanation.


Anatomy & Morphology


Table 8. Detailed values for various elements of the different parts of the thylacine's body.

Part of body Element Value/s Reference/s
Skull relationship between the amount of over-eruption and skull length (CBL [= condylobasal length])


Slope ± SE=0.065 ± 0.036


Smallest condylobasal length = 184.9 (Predicted
over-eruption ± SE = 4.18 ± 1.58)

Largest condylobasal length = 252.7 (Predicted
over-eruption ± SE = 8.56 ± 1.39)

Jones, Menna Elizabeth. (2023b). Over-eruption in marsupial carnivore teeth: compensation for a constraint. BioRxiv preprint.


"Parameter estimates of the differences among species (species by body size interaction) in the slope of the relationship between canine tooth dimensions (length, anteroposterior and medio-lateral diameters) and body size (jaw length) for museum specimens of four species of marsupial carnivores"

Canine length


Slope = -1.079

SE = 0.274

t test = -3.945

p = <0.001***

Jones, Menna Elizabeth. (2023b). Over-eruption in marsupial carnivore teeth: compensation for a constraint. BioRxiv preprint.


"Parameter estimates of the differences among species (species by body size interaction) in the slope of the relationship between canine tooth dimensions (length, anteroposterior and medio-lateral diameters) and body size (jaw length) for museum specimens of four species of marsupial carnivores"

Antero-posterior diameter


Slope = -0.538

SE = 0.204

t test = -2.638

p = 0.01**

Jones, Menna Elizabeth. (2023b). Over-eruption in marsupial carnivore teeth: compensation for a constraint. BioRxiv preprint.


"Parameter estimates of the differences among species (species by body size interaction) in the slope of the relationship between canine tooth dimensions (length, anteroposterior and medio-lateral diameters) and body size (jaw length) for museum specimens of four species of marsupial carnivores"

Medio-lateral diameter


Slope = -0.213

SE = 0.222

t test = -0.956

p = 0.342 

Jones, Menna Elizabeth. (2023b). Over-eruption in marsupial carnivore teeth: compensation for a constraint. BioRxiv preprint.


"Coefficients for the linear trends of the relationship between a) molar over-eruption and b) molar height and jaw length for each tooth, M1 to M4, across the molar tooth row"

Molar over-eruption and jaw length

 NIS = 88

Linear trend = -0.01076

SE = 0.004421

t test = -2.43459

p = 0.017135

Radj = 0.821568

Jones, Menna Elizabeth. (2023b). Over-eruption in marsupial carnivore teeth: compensation for a constraint. BioRxiv preprint.


"Coefficients for the linear trends of the relationship between a) molar over-eruption and b) molar height and jaw length for each tooth, M1 to M4, across the molar tooth row"

Molar height and jaw length

NIS = 84

Linear trend = 0.02278

SE = 0.007481

t test = 3.045123

p = 0.003195

Radj = 0.830572

Jones, Menna Elizabeth. (2023b). Over-eruption in marsupial carnivore teeth: compensation for a constraint. BioRxiv preprint.

Skull Orbital frontation 55.2° Gaillard, Charlène, MacPhee, Ross D. E. and Forasiepi, Analía M. (2023). Seeing through the eyes of the sabertooth Thylacosmilus atrox (Metatheria, Sparassodonta). Communications Biology 6: 257.

Skull Orbitotemporal angle 123.7° Gaillard, Charlène, MacPhee, Ross D. E. and Forasiepi, Analía M. (2023). Seeing through the eyes of the sabertooth Thylacosmilus atrox (Metatheria, Sparassodonta). Communications Biology 6: 257.

Skull Orbitolabyrinth angle 71.7° Gaillard, Charlène, MacPhee, Ross D. E. and Forasiepi, Analía M. (2023). Seeing through the eyes of the sabertooth Thylacosmilus atrox (Metatheria, Sparassodonta). Communications Biology 6: 257.




Biology & Ecology

The species was strongly sexually dimorphic (Ride, 1964; Lowry, 1972:24; Rovinsky et al., 2020), and probably functionally so (Rovinsky et al., 2020; Rovinsky, 2023a), meaning that the two sexes likely had different ecologies (Rovinsky et al., 2020; Rovinsky, 2023a).



Diet (excluding claims of domestic predation):

"The thylacines hunt the kangaroos and bandicoots, and also attack the echidnas, which they succeed in strangling and devouring despite the spines that constitute the defensive armor of these singular mammals. It is even asserted that formerly, while they were as yet wandering upon the sea shore, they fed greedily upon the remains of seals, decayed fish and molluscs cast up by the waves"

Source: Anonymous. (1890). The dog-headed opossum. Leader (Melbourne), Saturday, 26 April, p. 8.


Interspecific (interspecies) aggression

Attacks on humans:

Reported thylacine attacks on humans are extremely rare. In all cases, either the animal was severely incapacitated, or it is too difficult to conclude who the true aggressor was. See (Paddle, 2000:92-93) for an extended discussion of reported thylacine attacks.


"A curious circumstance happened at Mr. Blinkworth's, Jerusalem, the other day. A native tiger, as it is called, boldly entered his cottage, where his family was assembled, and seized one of the little children by the hair, but fortunately missed its bite. Mr. Blinkworth who was confined to the house with a lame hand, alertly seized the animal by the tail and dashing it on the ground speedily killed it."

Source: Hobart Town Courier, Saturday, 17 April, 1830


The Sydney Morning Herald (22 May, 1872) reported that a Mr James Jones was approached by a tiger coming out of the scrub (quoted by Whitley, 1973).



Tasmania (historically), mainland Australia (pre-historically) & New Guinea (pre-historically). I have begun to compile a separate list of fossil sites containing the thylacine.

Type locality: "Neighbourhood of the highest mountainous parts of Van Diemen's Land (Tasmania, Australia)" (Jackson & Groves, 2015:77)


The species has been reported as absent from King Island off Tasmania (Campbell, 1888:164; Emu Bay Times and North West and West Coast Advocate 24.ix.1898:3; Marshall & Hope, 1973). 




Historical preserved specimens that have been lost

Lost specimens

While we might have lost the thylacine, there are many specimens in both museum and private collections. However, many of these have been lost, twice in a sense:

"A total of 46 specimens are noted as having been destroyed, the majority lost in bombing raids during the Second World War." (Sleightholme & Campbell, 2018:508)


Paterson's reproductive organs

Sleightholme, Stephen R. and Campbell, Cameron R. (2018). The International Thylacine Specimen Database (6th Revision - Project Summary & Final Report). Australian Zoologist 39(3): 480-512. [Abstract]


Harris' type specimen

Measured 5ft 10in (Harris, 1808), which (Sleightholme & Campbell, 2018) puzzlingly describe as a "juvenile male". Hardly so. Described as "whereabouts unknown" by (Mahoney & Ride, 1988:12) and "assumed to be lost or destroyed" by (Sleightholme & Campbell, 2018).


Mahoney, J. A. and Ride, W. D. L. (1988). Thylacinidae, pp. 11-13. In: Walton, D. W. (ed.). Zoological Catalogue of Australia. Vol. 5. Mammalia. Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service.

Renshaw, Graham. (1905). More Natural History Essays. London: Sherratt and Hughes.

Renshaw, Graham. (1938). The Thylacine. Journal of the Society for the Preservation of the Fauna of the Empire 35: 47-49.

Sleightholme, Stephen R. and Campbell, Cameron R. (2018). The International Thylacine Specimen Database (6th Revision - Project Summary & Final Report). Australian Zoologist 39(3): 480-512. [Abstract]


Bullock Museum specimen

Acquired sometime between 1808 and 1812. Measured 5ft 3in (Bullock, 1812,1813,1816). Described by Bullock in 1812 as the only preserved specimen in existence, supporting the possibility that Harris' type specimen was never preserved.



Bullock, William. (1813). A companion to the London Museum and Pantherion : containing a brief description of upwards of fifteen thousand natural and foreign curiosities, antiquities, and productions of the fine arts now open for public inspection in the Egyptian Temple, Piccadilly, London. London: Printed for the proprietor by Whittingham and Rowland. xii + 151 pp. [pp. 130-131]

Temminck, Coenraad J. (1824). Sur le genre Sarigue - Didelphis (Linn.). and Sur les mammifères du genre Dasyure, et sur deux genres voisins, les Thylacynes et les Phascogales, pp. 21-54, pls. 5-6 and pp. 55-72, pls. 7-8 in Temminck, Coenraad J. (1824-1827). Monographies de Mammalogie, ou description de quelques genres de mammifères dont les espèces ont été observées dans lens différens musées de l'Europe. Ouvrage accompagné de planches d'Ostéologie, pouvant servir de suite et de complément aux notices sur les animaux vivans, publiées par M. le Baron G. Cuvier, dans ses recherches sur les ossemens fossiles. Paris: G. Dufour et E. D'Ocagne Tom. 1 [23, 60].


"M. Brocks" specimen


Temminck, Coenraad Jacob. (1824). Sur le genre Sarigue - Didelphis (Linn.). and Sur les mammifères du genre Dasyure, et sur deux genres voisins, les Thylacynes et les Phascogales, pp. 21-54, pls. 5-6 and pp. 55-72, pls. 7-8 in Temminck, Coenraad J. (1824-1827). Monographies de Mammalogie, ou description de quelques genres de mammifères dont les espèces ont été observées dans lens différens musées de l'Europe. Ouvrage accompagné de planches d'Ostéologie, pouvant servir de suite et de complément aux notices sur les animaux vivans, publiées par M. le Baron G. Cuvier, dans ses recherches sur les ossemens fossiles. Paris: G. Dufour et E. D'Ocagne Tom. 1 [23, 60].

Renshaw, Graham. (1905). More Natural History Essays. London: Sherratt and Hughes.


Lost taxidermy specimen

An 1876 Romain Talbot magic lantern slide depicts a taxidermied thylacine, but does not match any of the 102 taxidermy specimens known to survive (Dr. Stephen Sleightholme, pers. comm. 2 December 2022) and thus almost certainly depicts a specimen that has since been lost.


International Collections

The Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard

These are the only specimens that I am aware of the museum having:

MCZ 6014 (mounted skeleton; sex unspecified)
MCZ 6349 (mounted skin; sex unspecified)
MCZ 36797 (most elements present; sex unspecified)


Carnegie Museum

CM 20975 (juvenile) (Wible et al., 2021)


Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali of Torino, Italy

MZUT T480 (352) (Ghiraldi et al., 2021)

MZUT T480 (MACUT 331) (Ghiraldi et al., 2021)


Natural History Museum, London

BMNH 1887.5.18.9 (pouch young; Sleightholme & Campbell, 2018)


Leeds Museum

1 taxidermy and 5 skulls (Anonymous. (2017). Leeds Specimens Help Solve Mystery Of Tasmanian Tiger's Tale. Yorkshire Reporter 2017(November): 25.)


Natural History Museum Vienna

NMW ST 132 (Zachos, 2020)


Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle

MNHP 2000-153 (Sleightholme & Campbell, 2018)

MNHN 1884-262 (Sleightholme & Campbell, 2018)


University Museum Of Zoology, Cambridge University

Phys. Cat. 390D (dried stomach) (Sleightholme & Campbell, 2018)

UMZC A6.7/5 (Beck et al., 2022:SM16)

UMZC A6.7/7 (Beck et al., 2022:SM16)

UMZC A6.7/10 (Beck et al., 2022:SM16)

UMZC A6.7/14 (Beck et al., 2022:SM16)

UMZC A6.7/19 (Beck et al., 2022:SM16)


Zoological Museum of the University (Heidelberg)

ZMUH31 (Sleightholme & Campbell, 2018)


Forschungsinstitut & Schaumuseum Senckenberg

SMF6675 (juvenile) (Sleightholme & Campbell, 2018)


University of California Museum of Paleontology

UCMP 45183 (Dawson, 1985:65)


National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.

USNM 124662 (skin, adult female which died at Washington Zoo in 1904; from same individual as 49723; Miller et al., 2009:supplement;

USNM 125345 (skin, adult male; son of USNM 124662/49723; same individual as 49724 died at Washington Zoo in 1905) (Miller et al., 2009:supplement)

USNM 155387 (Senter & Moch, 2015)

USNM 155407 (skull;

USNM 155408 (flat skin; Sleightholme & Campbell, 2018)

USNM 238801 (Senter & Moch, 2015)

USNM 49723 (skull, adult female which died at Washington Zoo in 1904; from same individual as 124662; Miller et al., 2009:supplement)

USNM 49724 (skull, adult male; son of USNM 124662/49723; same individual as 125345; died at Washington Zoo in 1905) (Miller et al., 2009:supplement; Senter & Moch, 2015)

AMNH 160248 (van Deusen, 1963:280)

AMNH 35866 (Mittelbach & Crewdson, 2006)

AMNH 77701 (van Deusen, 1963:280)


Field Museum of Natural History (Chicago)

FMNH 81522 (head skin) (Sleightholme & Campbell, 2018)


Museum of Vertebrates, Cornell University (New York)



Merseyside County Museums, Liverpool

These are the only specimens that I am aware of the museum having:

MCM 26.9.1910 (ss and limb bones) (Fisher, 1984:208)

MCM 1979.21 (sk) (Fisher, 1984:208)


The Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery, University of Glasgow, Scotland

These are the only specimens that I am aware of the museum having:

GLAHM Z503 (mount, sex not specified, see here)

GLAHM Z1358 (skull, juvenile female, see here)


The Grant Museum of Zoology, London

These are the only specimens that I am aware of the museum having:

UCLZ 87 (skull, lacking lower mandible; female)

UCLZ 88 (skull and mandible)

UCLZ 89 (mounted skeleton)

UCLZ 90 (skull and lower mandible)

UCLZ 1479 (skull and mandible; male)

UCLZ 1653 (four fluid body part specimens of torso; Sleightholme & Campbell, 2018)


National Museums of Scotland

NMSZ 1980.67 (adult female) (McOrist et al., 1993)
NMSZ 1868.30.1 (adult male) (McOrist et al., 1993)


Swedish Museum of Natural History (Stockholm)

NRM 566599/NRM A56 6599 (adult female, ethanol "wet" specimen; displayed at London Zoo from 14 November 1884, died in 2 April 1893; Flower, 1931(?); Miller et al., 2009:supplement; Sleightholme & Campbell, 2018)
NRM 592206 (mounted skin, adult male, collected in 1870) (Miller et al., 2009:supplement)


Zoology Museum, Ghent University (Belgium)

Has one specimen, probably from the collection of C. J. Temminck (Verschelde & Adriaens, n.d.).


Charles University, Prague

DZCU 8021.1 ["~1.5 week old individual from a litter of four preserved pouch young" (Newton et al., 2018b)]


The Natural History Museum, Dublin

The museum has four specimens (source)

NH:1917.25.1 (source)
NH:1917.25.1 (source)


Oxford University Museum of Natural History

OUM 5292 (adult female, headless, ethanol "wet" specimen; Sleightholme & Campbell, 2018)

OUM 7942 (adult female, head skin, wet specimen; London Zoo's last thylacine (displayed 26 January 1926 to 9 August 1931) Sleightholme & Campbell, 2018)

OUM 8091 (juvenile male, partially dissected, ethanol "wet" specimen; Sleightholme & Campbell, 2018)


New Zealand Collections


Otago Museum

OMNZ VT2607 (collection date: 1870's?; source)


Whanganui Regional Museum, New Zealand

WRM 1805.61 (taxidermy mount; acquired 1891, see here)

The Whanganui Regional Museum, North Island, New Zealand formerly had another specimen (sourcesource).


Australian Collections


Tasmanian Collections


Queen Victoria Museum & Art Gallery

QVM.2013.H.0023 (Maynard & Gordon, 2014:27)


QVM: OLD: 1:2004 (juvenile) (Sleightholme & Campbell, 2018)


Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (TMAG) (Hobart)

TMAG A930 ["~9 week old preserved pouch young" (Newton et al., 2018b)]
TMAG A931 ["~5.25 week old individual from a litter of two preserved pouch young" (Newton et al., 2018b)]
TMAG A934 [non-thylacine dasyurid, misidentified; see (Newton et al., 2018a,b)] [thylacine jawbone pincushion]

TMAG A1299 (juvenile) (Sleightholme & Campbell, 2018)
TMAG P2008.33 [thylacine jawbone pincushion]

"Internal transfer: Emily Ferrar (Tasmania) thylacine jawbone pincushion, c.1900 Registration transferred from the TMAG Zoology Department P2008.33" (source)

Marchweil skin (source)


Mainland Australian Collections


Australian Museum (Sydney)

AMS P762 ["~12 week old preserved pouch young" (Newton et al., 2018b)]

AMS 1646

AM F18660 (Dawson, 1985:65)

AM M606 (study skin; Sleightholme & Campbell, 2018)

AM M1129 (Beck et al., 2022:SM16)

AM 767 (Beck et al., 2022:SM16)

AM 5403 (Beck et al., 2022:SM16)

AM M8331 (possible syntype of T. breviceps) (Parnaby et al., 2017:300; Beck et al., 2022:SM16)

AM P778 (possible syntype of T. breviceps) (Parnaby et al., 2017:300; Beck et al., 2022:SM16)

AM PA.774 (syntype of T. breviceps) (Parnaby et al., 2017:300; Beck et al., 2022:SM16)


National Museum of Australia (Canberra)

Many specimens can be seen here.

NMA 1984.0010.0021 (intestinal tract; Sleightholme & Campbell, 2018)

NMA 1984.0010.0690 (liver and gall bladder of young female thylacine; Sleightholme & Campbell, 2018)

NMA 1984.0010.0692 (heart; Sleightholme & Campbell, 2018)

NMA 1984.0010.0694 (reproductive tract, female; Sleightholme & Campbell, 2018)

NMA 1984.0010.0704 (spleen; Sleightholme & Campbell, 2018)

NMA 1984.0010.0705 (kidneys & adrenal gland; Sleightholme & Campbell, 2018)

NMA 1984.0010.0706 (preserved pouch and scrotal sac) (Sleightholme, 2011:954)

NMA 1984.0010.0714 (adult male, partially skinned, ethanol "wet" specimen; Sleightholme & Campbell, 2018)


Queensland Museum

QM F44643 ("I1")
QM F726 in part (Mackness et al. 2002:238; Louys & Price, 201X:21)
QM F3744 (Louys & Price, 201X:21)


South Australian Museum

SAM M95 (rolled skin and skeleton, adult male; Sleightholme & Campbell, 2018; Warburton et al., 2019; Beck et al., 2022:SM16)

SAM M608 (Sleightholme & Campbell, 2018)

SAM M611 (juvenile) (Sleightholme & Campbell, 2018)

SAM M612 (juvenile) (Sleightholme & Campbell, 2018)

SAM M665/001 (mounted skeleton; Warburton et al., 2019)

SAM M922 (Beck et al., 2022:SM16)

SAM M1952 (Beck et al., 2022:SM16)

SAM M1953 (Beck et al., 2022:SM16)

SAM M1954 (Beck et al., 2022:SM16)

SAM M1955 (Beck et al., 2022:SM16)

SAM M1956 (Beck et al., 2022:SM16)

SAM M1957 (Beck et al., 2022:SM16)

SAM M1958 (Beck et al., 2022:SM16)

SAM M1959 (Beck et al., 2022:SM16)

SAM M1960 (inc. skeleton; Warburton et al., 2019; Beck et al., 2022:SM16)


National Museum of Victoria, Melbourne (now Museums Victoria?)

NMV C5747
NMV C5748
NMV C5752 (alcohol-preserved skull)
NMV C5755 ["~4.5 week old individual from a litter of three preserved pouch young" (Newton et al., 2018b)]
NMV P187757


Western Australian Museum

WAM F6353

WAM F6358

WA M33 (Kitchener & Vicker, 1981:156)

WA M195 (mounted skeleton, sex unknown) (Kitchener & Vicker, 1981:156; Warburton et al., 2019)

WA M3318 (Kitchener & Vicker, 1981:156)

WA M17189 (skin and damaged skull, juvenile female) (Kitchener & Vicker, 1981:156; Warburton et al., 2019)


Robert O’Hara Burke Memorial Museum (Beechworth, Victoria)

Adult taxidermy (Sleightholme & Campbell, 2018c). Collected in 1870:


Tiegs Zoology Museum, University of Melbourne

3 skulls with matching lower mandibles (source)


The International Thylacine Specimen Database (ITSD)

The ITSD is a database of most known preserved thylacine specimens (subfossils are not included at present) held in museum collections around the world; and in 9 further instances, in private collections as well. The 5th edition the database is available as a CD (as were previous versions); however, they are only available to scientists and thus the public is deprived of much valuable information. But a basic breakdown of the database can be found online. A sixth revision was published in 2017 (Sleightholme & Ayliffe, 2017; Sleightholme & Campbell, 2018).







I have compiled an exhaustive list of over 40 documentaries and television segments on the thylacine.

All but one (the Randall Stewart film) of the historical films of thylacines can be viewed at the Thylacine Museum.



Above: a digital drawing by artist Isabell Homes. Reproduced with Permission. ©2022 Isabell Holmes.



Above: A rough sketch by my good friend Nicole "Niquoll" Dyble, a Tasmanian-based marsupial carnivore keeper and artist.



Thylacine researchers Dr. Stephen Sleightholme and Cameron Campbell have compiled the Thylacine Image Registry (TIR) of all known photographs of living or recently killed individuals, totalling 111 photographs and 2 film stills from a lost film (Sleightholme & Campbell, 2021a). Since then, the lost Randall Stewart film was rediscovered by researcher Andrew Vamvatsikos, thereby removing the two film stills from the registry, while several other photographs have since been discovered. A revised paper collating these changes is planned by Dr. Sleightholme.


Sleightholme, Stephen R. and Campbell, Cameron R. (2021a). A Catalogue of the Thylacine captured on film. Australian Zoologist 41(2): 143-178.



Above: An alleged thylacine den/lair, photographed by Dudley Le Souef c.1900-1911. A thylacine is said to have been extracted from here and sent to Melbourne Zoo (Paddle, 1992). The site was rediscovered in 2001 and proved too shallow and otherwise unsuitable to have been a permanent thylacine lair (Medlock, 2023).


Photographs in Museum Collections

Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (TMAG) (Hobart)

Q2015.8 (c.1923, Brian Oxer)

Q2015.9 (c.1923, Brian Oxer)

Source: Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery. (2015). TMAG Annual Report 2014-15. Hobart: Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery.


Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery (QVMAG)

QVM:1983:P:1943 (“View of a Thylacine at the Domain Zoo Hobart Tasmania, 1927-1929”)



"Photograph, skeleton of Tasmanian tiger, Sold to W Australian Museum by A.J.T. [A J Taylor?] for £25.0.0, 1914, collected Mr David Hansen"

Source: Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery. (2004). TMAG Annual Report 2003-04. Hobart: Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery.


Other Media

Ned Terry's 2005 book, Tasmanian tiger: Thylacinus cynocephalus: alive & well, had an audio CD associated with it that contains interviews conducted post-1980 with post-1936 witnesses.


"White CD-ROM in white paper CD envelope. The CD-ROM contains an oral history between Simon Townsend and Bernie Mason on Thylacines."




Original scientific description:

Harris, George Prideaux. (1808). Description of two new species of Didelphis from Van Diemen's Land. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 9(1): 174-178.


Other references:

Abbott, Ian. (2008). Historical perspectives of the ecology of some conspicuous vertebrate species in south-west Western Australia. Conservation Science Western Australia 6(3): 1-214.

Adams, S. J., McDowell, M. C. and Prideaux, G. J. (2016). Understanding accumulation bias in the ecological interpretation of archaeological and paleontological sites on Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 7: 715-729. [Abstract]

Adam-Smith, Patricia Jean "Patsy". (1968). Tiger Country. [Sydney?]: Rigby Ltd.

Adam-Smith, Patricia Jean "Patsy". (1970). Tiger Country. Adelaide, South Australia: Rigby Ltd. (Seal Books imprint).

Adam-Smith, Patricia Jean "Patsy". (1975). Tiger Country. Adelaid, Rigby Ltd. (Seal Books imprint).

Aflalo, Frederick G. (1896). A Sketch of the Natural History of Australia: With Some Notes on Sport. London: MacMillan and Co. [Chapter five: The Dasyures, pp. 65-71; lists T. breviceps as extant]

Agnelli, Paolo, Nistri, Annamaria and Vanni, Stefano. (2009). Le collezioni dei Vertebrati / The vertebrate collections, pp. 173-211. In: Barsanti, Giulio and Chelazzi, Guido (eds.). Il Museo di Storia Naturale dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze. Le collezioni della Specola : zoologia e cere anatomiche / The Museum of Natural History of the University of Florence: The Collections of La Specola. Zoology and Anatomical Waxes. Firenze University Press.

Ahlstone, Daisy M. (2019). Thylacine Dreams: The Vernacular Resurrection of an Extinct Marsupial. Master's thesis, Utah State University.

Ahlstone, Daisy M. (2023a). Giving Life to Legends: Material Representation of Ostensive Behavior. Western Folklore 82(1): 37-59.

Ahlstone, Daisy M. (2023b). Narrating perseverance: an overview of thylacines in fiction, pp. 175-176. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmania. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

Ahlstone, Daisy M. (2023c). Gaming extinction: representation of the thylacine in video games, pp. 176-180. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmania. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

Alldis, Jim. (1973). Animals as Friends: A Head Keeper Remembers London Zoo. Newton Abbot: David & Charles. 127 pp.

Allen, Blake. (2017). Constituting the Australian environment: the transition of political responsibility for the environment in Australia from state to federal government, 1974-1983. MA thesis, the College of Graduate Studies, University of British Columbia.

Allen, Harry, Karstens, Sarah and Littleton, Judith. (2023). Legacy archaeology: Aboriginal subsistence response to Holocene environmental changes using faunal evidence from archaeological sites on the Lower Murray, South Australia. The Holocene 33(4): 432-445.

Allport, Morton. (1868). Remarks on Mr. Krefft’s “Notes on the Fauna of Tasmania”. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania [1868]: 33-36.

Anderson, Alistair. (2016). Exploring the Affective (After)Lives of Digital Archives. Bristol Society and Space (blog), 1 June, available at:

Anderson, H. H. (1905). A Geography of Tasmania. Sydney: William Brooks.

Andrew, Deborah L. (2005). Ecology of the tiger quoll Dasyurus maculatus maculatus in coastal New South Wales. MSc thesis, School of Biological Sciences, University of Wollongong. [automatic download]

Andrews, A. P. (c.1975). Thylacine Thylacinus cynocephalus (Tasmanian tiger, marsupial wolf). Education Leaflet No. 8. Hobart: Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery.

Andrews, A. P. (1985). Thylacine. Thylacinus cynocephalus. Pamphlet produced by the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Macquarie Street, Hobart, Tasmania.

Angas, G. F. (1862). Narrative of Australia: a popular account. London: Society for Promotion of Christian Knowledge.

Anonymous. (1829). Catalogue of the Animals Preserved in the Museum of the Zoological Society, September 1829. London: Richard Taylor. 40 pp. [p. 11]

Anonymous. (1842). Aboriginal languages of Tasmania. Tasmanian Journal of Natural Science, Agriculture, Statistics, &c. 1(4): 308-318. [page 308]

Anonymous. (1855). The Tiger-wolf. (Thylacinus cynocephalus.). Excelsior: Helps to Progress in Religion, Science, and Literature, Volume 3: 246-249. [includes illustration]

Anonymous. (1858). The British Association.—Meeting at Leeds. The Sydney Morning Herald, Saturday, 25 December, p. 3.

Anonymous. (1859). "Genus Thylacinus, Temm.", p. 147. In: Anonymous. Descriptive Catalogue of the Specimens of Natural History in Spirit Contained in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Vertebrata: Pisces, Reptilia, Aves, Mammalia. London: Taylor and Francis. xxii + 148 pp.

Anonymous. (1867). Intercolonial Exhibition of Australasia, Melbourne, 1866-67: Official Record, containing Introduction, Catalogues, Reports and Awards of the Jurors, and Essays and Statistics on the Social and Economic Resources of the Australasian Colonies. Melbourne: Blundell & Co. [p. 57; 19th century thylacine photo of skeleton]

Anonymous. (1868). The Australian Museum. II. Sydney Mail, Saturday, 10 October, p. 6.

Anonymous. (1874). Stock aquired during the year 1873-4, by purchase or exchange. Proceedings of the Zoological and Acclimatisation Society of Victoria, and the Report of the Annual Meeting of the Society 3: 31.

Anonymous. (1880). The North-West Coast. The Mercury, Monday, 9 August, p. 3.

Anonymous. (1886). Additions To The Museum. South Australian Register, Wednesday, 10 November, p. 3.

Anonymous. (1909). Annual Report. The Tasmanian Naturalist 2(2): 21-24. [p. 23]

Anonymous. (1917). Tasmanian Tigers. Scientific Australian 22(3): 60.

Anonymous. (1921). Proclamation relating to the exportation of certain mammals and the skins thereof. Commonwealth of Australia Gazette 15 December, p. 2293.

Anonymous. (1930). Rare Catch (Waratah.). The Advocate (Burnie, Tas.), Monday, 11 August, p. 6.

Anonymous. (1934). The Weekly Times Wild Nature Book (Melbourne Centenary Souvenir). Melbourne: Herald and Weekly Times. [entry on the thylacine in the present tense, including reproduction of Gould's famous illustration of two thylacines facing left]

Anonymous. (1938). The Tasmanian Tiger. Journal of the Society for the Preservation of the Fauna of the Empire 34: 87-88.

Anonymous. (1963). Animal in Danger. Animals 2(2): pagination?. [J. H. Calaby: "Photograph inside front cover and note on Thylacinus"]

Anonymous. (1964). A preliminary list of rare mammals including those believed to be rare but concerning which detailed information is still lacking. IUCN Bulletin 11(Special Supplement): 4 pp.

Anonymous. (1965). Thylacine. The Tasmanian Naturalist 1966(4): 2. [general discussion of recent thylacine reports in the 'back country']

Anonymous. (1966a). Thylacine in Western Australia. Monthly Service Bulletin 15: 118. [some kind of publication authored by a staff member of CALM, the predecessor of the DEC]

Anonymous. (1966b). Thylacine. IUCN Bulletin New Series 20: 4.

Anonymous. (1966). Thylacine. The Tasmanian Naturalist (new series) 4: 2. [last record of the species c.1936]

Anonymous. (1969). The Thylacine or "Tasmanian Wolf". Leaflet (Australian Museum), no. 49. Sydney: Australian Museum.

Anonymous. (1970). The rare thylacine. Nature Walkabout 6(2): 5-7.

Anonymous. (1971). Reader remembers the "hyenas". Burnie Advocate, 8 May.

Anonymous. (1973a). Another strange beast sighted on Tableland. Cairns Post, 17 Jan.

Anonymous. (1973b). Aloomba woman reports seeing Tableland beast. Cairns Post, 18 Jan.

Anonymous. (1974a). Paintings of Tas. Tiger found in NT. Sydney Morning Herald, 27 April.

Anonymous. (1974b). The Northern Territory's prehistoric monster (tiger?). Sydney Morning Herald, 6 May.

Anonymous. (1977a). Thylacine. 6: 94-95 in The Australian Encyclopaedia. Vol. 4. Grolier Society of Australia : Sydney 3rd edn.

Anonymous. (1977b). 'Tiger' now in baby mystery. Sunday Telegraph (Sydney), 27 March, p. 46.

Anonymous. (1977c). 'Extinct' Tiger seen claim two. Sunday Telegraph (Sydney), 21 August.

Anonymous. (1978). Thylacine. Mammals No. 9. In Australian Endangered Species. Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service.

Anonymous. (1979a). Submission to CITES Secretariat Unpublished. 4 pp. [cited by (Thornback & Jenkins, 1982:91)]

Anonymous. (1979b). Naturalists hunt extinct tiger in Tasmania. The Times (London), 16 November.

Anonymous. (1979c). "The Mercury" (6/12/77), p. 3, Hobart.

Anonymous. (1980a). Melbourne Sun, 2 January.

Anonymous. (1980b). Tasmanian tiger sought in Australia. Washington Post, 29 May.

Anonymous. (1980c). Tasmanian Tiger eludes search. Hong Kong Standard, 21 September.

Anonymous. (1981). Search on for tiger with a pouch. Pretoria News, 24 October, p. 8.

Anonymous. (1982a). Advocate (Coffs Harbour, NSW), 9 March [January 1979 sighting by married couple at night]

Anonymous. (1982b). Eighty-year-old Tasmanian Tiger dissected. Omega Science Digest 1982(July/August): 27.

Anonymous. (1984a). Last gape of the Tasmanian tiger. Nature 307: 411.

Anonymous. (1984b). Last gape of the Tasmanian tiger, p.76-77. In: Beyond Vision. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Anonymous. (1984c). Tassie tiger's tale. [publication?] 7(4): 4-5.

Anonymous. (1988). Where's that tiger? National Geographic World 152: 34.

Anonymous. (2001). The Mainland Thylacine: An overview, pp. 82-83. In: Cropper, Paul (ed.). Myths & Monsters 2001 Conference Papers. Unpublished?

Anonymous. (2002a). The Mercury, 2 June 2002.

Anonymous. (2002b). Thylacine reborn? Earth Island Journal 17(3): 18-19.

Anonymous. (2003). Thyla seen near CBD? Sydney Morning Herald, 18 August.

Anonymous. (2013). Tassie tigers in the area? Casey Weekly Cranbourne, 27 January. [a previous story asked for new sightings to be reported to Michael Moss]

Anonymous. (2014a). Novel take on 'extinct' tiger. The Herald (Scotland), Friday 8 August. [author of a thylacine novel to search for the animal in Tasmania]

Anonymous. (2014b). An interview with Carol Freeman. Australian Animal Studies Group News Bulletin 25: 18-20.

Archer, Michael "Mike". (1971). A re-evaluation of the Fromm's Landing Thylacine tooth. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 84: 229-234. [NB: you may need to change the URL from "https" to "http"]

Archer, Michael "Mike". (1972). Nullarbor 1969. Western Caver 12: 17-24.

Archer, Michael "Mike". (1974). New information about the Quaternary distribution of the Thylacine (Marsupialia: Thylacinidae) in Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 57(2): 43-50. [published 1975 according to (Merrilees, 1979b)]

Archer, Michael "Mike". (1976). The dasyurid dentition and its relationships to that of didelphids, thylacinids, borhyaenids, (Marsupicarnivora) and peramelids (Peramelina; Marsupialia). Australian Journal of Zoology, Supplementary Series 24(39): 1-34. [Abstract]

Archer, Michael "Mike". (1978). Quaternary vertebrate faunas from the Texas Caves of southeastern Queensland. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 19(1): 61-109.

Archer, Michael "Mike". (1979). The status of Australian dasyurids, thylacinids and myrmecobiids, pp. 29-43. In: Tyler, M.J. (ed.). The Status of Endangered Australasian Wildlife. Adelaide: Proceedings of the Centenary Symposium of Royal Zoological Society of South Australia. [pagination is taken from the 1980 reprint, may actually be pp. 23-42?]

Archer, Michael. (1982). Thylacinus cynocephalus (Harris, 1808), pp. 91-93. In: Thornback, Jane and Jenkins, Martin (compilers).The IUCN Mammal Red Data Book. Part 1: Threatened Mammalian Taxa of the Americas and the Australasian Zoogeographic Region (Excluding Cetacea). Gland, Switzerland: IUCN. 516 pp.

Archer, Michael "Mike". (1984a). The status of Australian dasyurids, thylacinids and myrmecobiids, pp. 1015-21. In Archer, M. and Clayton, G. (eds) Vertebrate zoogeography and evolution in Australasia (Animals in space and time). Carlisle, Western Australia: Hesperian Press.

Archer, Michael. (1984b). Effects of humans on the Australian vertebrate fauna, pp. 151-161. In: Archer, M. and Clayton, G. (eds). Vertebrate zoogeography and evolution in Australasia (Animals in Space and Time). Carlisle, Western Australia: Hesperian Press.

Archer, Michael. (1984c). Letters: Doubts on Thylacine. Australian Natural History 21(6): 263.

Archer, Michael. (1987). A wolf in kangaroo's clothing. Pp. 70-72 in "The Antipodean ark" ed S. Hand, M. Archer. Angus & Robertson Publishers: Sydney. [relevant citation?]

Archer, Michael. (1997). Tiger, tiger out of sight. Nature Australia 25(8): 70-71.

Archer, Michael. (2003). Cloning the Thylacine: the “yes” case. 40° South Tasmania 28: 19-20.

Archer, Michael "Mike". (2005). Not dead, just stuffed. The Bulletin 123(6463): 13 or 22.

Archer, Michael, Clayton, G. and Hand, S. J. (1984). A checklist of Australasian fossil mammals, pp. 1027-1087. In: Archer, M and Clayton, G. (eds.). Vertebrate Zoogeography and Evolution in Australasia: (Animals in space and time). Carlisle, Western Australian: Hesperian Press.

Archer, Michael, Hand, S. J. and Godthelp, Hank. (1991). Riversleigh: The Story of Animals in Ancient Rainforests of Inland Australia. Sydney: Reed Books.

Armstrong, J. R. (1995). A History of Sussex, with Maps and Pictures. London: Blandford. [mention of possible living thylacines on New Guinea]

Arredondo, Oscar. (1981). Reemplazo de Paracyon por Indocyon (Carnivora: Canidae). Misc. Zool. Acad. Cien. Cuba 12: 4. [relevant reference?]

Ashby, Jack. (2023). How collections and reputation were built out of Tasmanian violence: thylacines (Thylacinus cynocephalus) and Aboriginal remains from Morton Allport (1830–1878). Archives of Natural History 50(2): 244-264.

Ashwell, K. W. (2008). Encephalization of Australian and New Guinean Marsupials. Brain, Behavior and Evolution 71(3): 181-199. [Abstract]

Attard, Marie Rosanna Gabrielle. (2012). Unveiling the mysteries of the Tasmanian Tiger. The conversation.

Attard, Marie Rosanna Gabrielle. (2013). Who’s on the menu: Marsupial carnivore feeding ecology and extinction risk. Ph.D. thesis. Biological Sciences, School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of New South Wales, Australia.

Attard, Marie Rosanna Gabrielle, Chamoli, U. Ferrara, T. L. Rogers, T. L. Wroe, S. (2011). Skull mechanics and implications for feeding behaviour in a large marsupial carnivore guild: the thylacine, Tasmanian devil and spotted-tailed quoll. Journal of Zoology 285(4): 292-300.

Attard, Marie Rosanna Gabrielle, Parr, W. C. H., Wilson, L. A. B., Archer, M., Hand, S. J. et al. (2014). Virtual Reconstruction and Prey Size Preference in the Mid Cenozoic Thylacinid, Nimbacinus dicksoni (Thylacinidae, Marsupialia). PLoS ONE 9(4): e93088.

Attard, Marie Rosanna Gabrielle and Wroe, Stephen. (2012). The Thylacine Myth. Australasian Science 33(5): 19-22.

Attard, Marie Rosanna Gabrielle and Wroe, Stephen. (2023). Were thylacines wrongly persecuted? Truth behind the jaws, pp. 20-23. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmania. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

Attard, Marie Rosanna Gabrielle, Wroe, Stephen and Rogers, Tracey L. (2012). The thylacine myth: stable isotopes and skull biomechanics reveal their actual diet and extinction risk, p. 198. In: Program & Abstracts for the Ecological Society of Australia 2012 Annual Conference, Melbourne, Australia.

Attard, Marie Rosanna Gabrielle, Wroe, Stephen and Rogers, Tracey L. (In prep) Who’s on the menu? Stable isotopes reveal the thylacine’s diet and potential for competition.

Augee, Michael L. “Tasmanian Tiger.” World Book Encyclopedia. 2003.

Australian Geographic. (2017). Australia Gone Wild. Sydney: Australian Geographic. [Available from Andrew Isles NHB]

Australian Museum. (1964). The Thylacine or 'Tasmanian Wolf'. Leaflet No. 49. Sydney: V. C. N. Blight.

Australian Museum. (1991). Catalogue of Thylacine Specimens. Mammal Department. Sydney: Australian Museum.

Australian Museum. (2000). The Australian Museum Rheuben Griffiths Trust Thylacine Project. Sydney : The Australian Museum. 14 pp. ill.

Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service. (1978). Thylacine, Thylacinus cynocephalus. Rare and Endangered Species Leaflet. Mammals No. 9. Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service.

Author?. (1880). Guide alle Gallerie del Museo Zoologico e di Anatomia Comparata di Torino. Torino: Stamperia Reale di Torino. Small 8vo, 30pp, ads [44].

Author?. (1997). Here, There Everywhere! The Australian Magazine 1997(November 15-16): 12-18.

Author?. (2016). The Thylacine — or Tasmanian Tiger. Cryptid Culture 3: 50-53.

Author? (year?). Tiger, tiger burning bright–but not a single one in sight. [Magazine article?]

Author?. (year?). Fortean Times 25: 36. [a pack of thylacine-like animals seen on the Vic/NSW border in 1977]

Author?. (year?). Thylacine Reports Persist After 50 years. ISC Newsletter 4(4): 1-5.

Ayliffe, L. K., G. J. Prideaux, M. I. Bird, R. Grün, R. G. Roberts, G. A. Gully, R. Jones, L. K. Fifield, and R. G. Cresswell. 2008. Age constraints on Pleistocene megafauna at Tight Entrance Cave in southwestern Australia. Quaternary Science Reviews 27: 1784-1788.

B. A. N. I. (1946). Puzzle of the Tasmanian tiger. Country Life, 23 August, p. 355.

Backhouse, James. (1843). A Narrative of a Visit to the Australian Colonies. London: Hamilton, Adams.

Bagust, Phil. (2006). Vampire Dogs and Marsupial Hyenas: Fear, Myth, and the Tasmanian Tiger’s Extinction, pp. 93-105. In: Day, Peter (ed.). Vampires: Myths and Metaphors of Enduring Evil. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi.

Bailey, Col. (2001). Tiger Tales: Stories of the Tasmanian Tiger. Sydney: HarperCollins. xii + 164 pp.

Bailey, Col. (2009). In: "Tigerman". Magnificent Survivor: Continued Existence of the Tasmanian Tiger. e-Book.

Bailey, Col. (2013). Shadow of the Thylacine: One Man's Epic Search for the Tasmanian Tiger. Scoresby: Five Mile Press. 295 pp.

Bailey, Col. (2014). The Case for an Extant Thylacine Population in Tasmania, pp. 19-26. In: In: Lang, Rebecca (ed.). The Tasmanian Tiger: Extinct or Extant? Hazelbrook, NSW: Strange Nation Publishing. 186 pp.

Bailey, Col. (2016). Lure of the Thylacine: True Stories and Legendary Tales of the Tasmanian Tiger. Echo Publishing. 227 pp.

Bailey, Col. (2023a). A brief glance at the Tasmanian fur trapper's effect on thylacines after 1909, pp. 86-88. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmanian Tiger. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

Bailey, Col. (2023b). What the future holds for the thylacine, pp. 172-173. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmania. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

Baillie, J. and Groombridge, B. (eds). (1996). 1996 IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals. International Union for Conservation of Nature, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK.

Baird, Robert F. (1991). The Dingo as a Possible Factor in the Disappearance of Gallinula mortierii from the Australian Mainland. Emu 91: 121-122.

Baker, Andrew and Dickman, Chris. (2018). Secret Lives of Carnivorous Marsupials. CSIRO Publishing. [repeats the myth that "Benjamin" died of exposure; see text accompanying fig. 5.1]

Balkwill, Francis Hancock. (1873). A Difficulty for Darwinists, pp. 3581-3591. In: Newman, Edward (ed.). The Zoologist: A Popular Miscellany of Natural History, second series, vol. 8. London: John Van Voorst. [thylacine teeth]

Balme, J. M., Merrilees, D. and Porter, J. K. (1978). Late Quaternary mammal remains, spanning about 30 000 years, from excavations in Devil’s Lair, Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 61: 33-65.

Bank of New South Wales, The. (1968). Some Australian Animals.

Banks, Peter B. and Hochuli, Dieter F. (2017). Extinction, de-extinction and conservation: a dangerous mix of ideas. Australian Zoologist 38(3): 390-394. [Abstract]

Banks, Peter B. and Hochuli, Dieter F. (2023). The thylacine: wanted dead, or alive?, pp. 168-170. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmania. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

Barbeliuk, Anne. (1999a). A tiger by the tail. The Mercury, Hobart, 9 September, p. 19.

Barbeliuk, Anne. (1999b). Thylacine cloning hit as mission impossible. The Mercury, 10 September, p. 9.

Barbeliuk, Anne. (1999c). Ethical issues may halt tiger cloning. The Mercury, 21 September.

Barbeliuk, Anne. (2001). Expert’s fears as vote favors tiger cloning. The Mercury, Hobart, 30 October, p. 5.

Barnett, Ross and Lorenzen, Eline. (2018). Thylacine tales. Nature Ecology & Evolution 2: 7-8.

Barrett, Charles. (1935?). Australia's Wonder Animals. Melbourne: Sun News-Pictorial. 42 pp.

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Barrett, Charles. (1954). Wonder Animals of Australia: Fascinating Facts About Australia's Unique World of Animals. Melbourne: Colorgravure. 77 pp.

Barrington, George. (1810). The History of New South Wales, including Botany Bay, Port Jackson, Parramatta, Sydney, and all its Dependancies, from the Original Discovery of the Island; with the Customs and Manners of the Natives; and an account of The English Colony from its Foundation to the Present Time, 2nd edition. London: Sherwood, Neely and Jones.

Barrow, M. V. (2012). Framing the Thylacine. Society and Animals 20(1): 109-110.

Bartholomai, Alan. (1977). The fossil vertebrate fauna from Pleistocene deposits at Cement Mills, Gore, Southeastern Queensland. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 18(1): 41-51.

Bartosch, Roman. (2016). Ghostly Presences: Tracing the Animal in Julia Leigh’s The Hunter, pp. 259-275. In: Herman, David (ed.). Creatural Fictions (Palgrave Studies in Animals and Literature series). US: Palgrave Macmillan US. [Abstract]

Barzilai, Shuli. (2008). Unfabulating a Fable, or Two Readings of ‘Thylacine Ragout’, pp. 127-150. In: Appleton, Sarah A. (ed.). Once Upon a Time: Myth, Fairy Tales and Legends in Margaret Atwood’s Writings. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. [pp. 131-136]

Baudement, G. (1849). Thylacine. In: D'Orbigny, M. C. (ed.). Dictionnaire Universel D'Histoire Naturelle, Vol. 12. Paris: Renard, Martinet et Cie.

Baudement, G. (1861). Thylacine, pp. 567. In: D'Orbigny, M. C. (ed.). Dictionnaire Universel D'Histoire Naturelle, Vol. 12. Paris: [publisher?].

Baudement, G. (1867?).

Baynes, Alexander and Jones, Barbara. (1993). The mammals of Cape Range peninsula, Western Australia, pp. 207-226. In: Humphreys, W. F. (ed.). The Biogeography of Cape Range, Western Australia. Perth: Western Australian Museum.

Baynes, Alexander, Merrilees, D. and Porter, Jennifer K. (1975). Mammal remains from the upper levels of a late Pleistocene deposit in Devil's Lair, Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 58: 97-126.

BBC Online. (1999). Tasmanian tiger may growl again. Friday 14 May.

Beale, Bob. (2005). Bogus focus. The Bulletin with Newsweek 123(6464): 24-25. ["The image of a thylacine snaring a chicken in 1921 is one of the best-known photographs of the extinct species and was widely published in newspapers, books, magazines, and documentary films. However, a Tasmanian University researcher suggests that the famous 1921 snap is staged."]

Beck, Robin M. D. (2008). A dated phylogeny of marsupials using a molecular supermatrix and multiple fossil constraints. Journal of Mammalogy 89: 175-189.

Beck, Robin M. D. (2023). Family Thylacinidae, Thylacine, pp. 157. In: Strahan’s Mammals of Australia (4th ed.). Wahroonga, NSW: Reed New Holland Publishers. 848 pp.

Beck, Robin M. D., Voss, Robert S. and Jansa, Sharon A. (2022). Craniodental morphology and phylogeny of marsupials. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 457: 350 pp., 55 figures, 13 tables. [Supplemental Material]

Beddard, F. E. (1891). On the pouch and brain of the male Thylacine. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 59(1): 138-145.

Beddard, F. E. (1903). Exhibition of and remarks upon sections of the ovary of the thylacine. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1903: 116.

Beddard, F. E. (1907). On the Azygos veins in the Mammalia. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1907: 181-223.

Bell, E. A. (1965). Mrs Roberts and the Tasmanian tiger, pp. 103–110. In: An historic centenary. Roberts, Stewart S Co. Ltd. 1865–1965. Hobart: Mercury Press or Fuller's Book Shop. [According to Calaby: "History of a firm of wool brokers. Ch. 14 contains some interesting historical information and a photograph of a captive group of an adult female and three subadult thylacines. Mrs Roberts had a well-known private zoo"]

Bell, E. A. (1967). “Tigers” were her hobby. Australian Women’s Weekly, 10/5/1967, pp 12-13.

Bell, E. A. (1975). Thylacine. Archives Office of Tasmania.

Bell, E. A., ms paper NS 463/2, Archives Office of Tasmania.

Bell, E. A., Thylacine Reports--Queen Victoria Museum--Launceston, unpublished ms, Archives Office of Tasmania NS 896/1-39.

Bennett, David. (2003). Often crude and quaint: some Australian conceptions of nature, ecology, and rock-art. Before Farming 2003(4): 1-11. [Abstract]

Bensley, B. A. (1903). On the evolution of the Australian Marsupialia; with remarks on the relationships of the marsupials in general. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. 9: 83-218.

Benson, S. (1999a). Tiger cloning project begins. The Mercury, Hobart, 8 September, p. 7.

Benson, S. (1999b) Test tube tiger: extinct thylacine to be cloned. The Daily Telegraph, 8 September.

Benson, S. (2000). Tasmanian tiger may live again. The Daily Telegraph, 5 May, p. 6.

Benson, S. (2001). Tickling tiger to life: Thylacine clone bid. The Mercury, 28 March, p. 36.

Beolens, Bo, Watkins, Michael and Grayson, Michael. (2009). The Eponym Dictionary of Mammals. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. xiii + 574 pp. [p. 178]

Beresford, Quentin. (1985). Tragedy of the Tasmanian tiger. The Islander 1985: 12-14.

Beresford, Quentin and Bailey, Garry. (1981). Search for the Tasmanian Tiger. Hobart, Tasmania: Blubber Head Press. 54 pp.

Berns, Gregory S. (2017). What It's Like to Be a Dog: And Other Adventures in Animal Neuroscience. Basic Books. 320 pp.

Berns, Gregory S. (2018). What It's Like to Be a Dog: And Other Adventures in Animal Neuroscience. London: Oneworld Publications.

Berns, Gregory S. and Ashwell, Ken W. S. (2017). Reconstruction of the Cortical Maps of the Tasmanian Tiger and Comparison to the Tasmanian Devil. PLoS ONE 12(1): e0168993.

Berns, Gregory S. and Ashwell, Ken W. S. (2023). The brain and behaviour of the thylacine, pp. 9-10. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmanian Tiger. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

Berry, Colin. (1997). The Tasmanian Tiger Trail. Wynyard, Tasmania: Self published. 14 pp.

Bertrand, Pauline. (2019). Le Thylacine du Muséum-Aquarium de Nancy. Unpublished?

Binks, C.J. 1980. Explorers of Western Tasmania. Launceston: Mary Fisher Bookshop.

Black, Anthony and Linnard, Gareth. (2023). The last known photograph of the Tasmanian tiger, pp. 113-115. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmanian Tiger. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

Blake, Philip and Blake, Mary. (2002). Secret Tasmania. NSW: New Holland Publishers. 208 pp. ISBN 10: 1864367350 / ISBN 13: 9781864367355

Block, Erik. (2017). The History of the Thylacine in Captivity. Zoo Grapevine & International Zoo News 44: 29-33.

Blyth, Edward. (1863). Catalogue of the Mammalia in the Museum Asiatic Society. Calcutta: Savielle & Cranenburgh. [p. 180]

Boardman, W. (1945). Some points on the external morphology of pouch young of the Marsupial, Thylacinus cynocephalus Harris. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 70: 1-8.

Boroughs, D. (2000). Stripes and shadows. Timbila: Magazine of the South African National Parks, 2 (1), np. [irrelevant reference?]

Borrell, Sally. (2009). Challenging humanism: human-animal relations in recent postcolonial novels. PhD thesis, Middlesex University.

Bowdler, Sandra. (1984). Hunter Hill, Hunter Island. Terra Australis 8: xv + 148 pp. [a single thylacine molar tooth was found, dated to roughly 15,400 BP from Cave Bay Cave; still the only known record of the species from the Bass Strait islands as far as I am aware]

Boyce, (Peter) James. (2006a). Canine revolution: The social and environmental impact of the introduction of the dog to Tasmania. Environment History 11(1): 102-129.

Boyce, (Peter) James. (2006b). An environmental history of British settlement in Van Diemen's Land: The making of a distinct people, 1798-1831. Doctoral dissertation, University of Tasmania.

Boyce, (Peter) James. (2008). Return to Eden: Van Diemen's Land and the early British settlement of Australia. Environment and History 14(2): 289-307. [Europeans dogs much faster than thylacines; thylacines seem to have retreated because of the dog to less open country]

Brandl, E. J. (1972). Thylacine designs in Arnhem Land rock paintings. Archaeology and Physical Anthopology in Oceania 7(1): 24-30.

Brandl, E. J. (1973). Australian Aboriginal paintings in western and central Arnhem Land. Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, Canberra. [rock art depictions of Thylacines]

Braun, M. J. (1992). Phylogenetic relationships of the thylacine (Mammalia: Thylacinidae) among dasyuroid. In Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B (Vol. 250, pp. 19-27).

Brazenor, C. W. (1950). The Mammals of Victoria: and the Dental Characteristics of Monotremes and Australian Marsupials (National Museum of Victoria Australia Handbook No. 1). Melbourne: Brown, Prior, Anderson. [p. 96 (illustration of whole animal), 100 (text and illustrations of skull and of teeth)]

Brehm, Alfred Edmund. (1895). Tierleben (Life of Animals). Chicago, Illinois: A. N. Marquis & Co. Publishers.

Breton, W. H. (1834). Excursions in N.S.W., W.A., and Van Diemen's Land. pp. 356-357.

Breton, W. H. (1846). Excursion to the Western Range. Tasmanian Journal 2: 125-126. ["The thylacine is far more common in some parts of the Colony than in others, and commits occasionally great havoc among the lambs"]

Breton, W. H. (1847). Description of a large specimen of Thylacinus harrisii. Tasmanian Journal 3: 125-126. [correct title?: Exhibit of a large specimen of Thylacinus Harrisii]

Bridge, Peter. (1963a). Trip report. The Western Caver 3(1): 2-3.

Bridge, Peter. (1963b). Trip report. The Western Caver 3(2): 23, 26.

Bridges, William. (1948). The Illustrated Book of Wild Animals of the World. Garden City, New York: Garden City Books. c.160 pp.

Bristow, Mila. (2012). Tracking down rock art records of thylacines and sailing ships. Australian Forest Grower 35(3): 19. [Abstract]

Brodie, Jedediah F. et al. (2017). Crossing the (Wallace) line: local abundance and distribution of mammals across biogeographic barriers. Biotropica. DOI: 10.1111/btp.12485 [Abstract]

Brogden, Stanley. (1948). Tasmanian Journey. Melbourne: Morris & Walker for Pioneer Tours.

Brook, Barry W., Sleightholme, Stephen R., Campbell, Cameron R. and Buettel, Jessie C. (2018). Deficiencies in estimating the extinction date of the thylacine with mixed certainty data. Conservation Biology. DOI: 10.1111/cobi.13186

Brook, Barry W., Sleightholme, Stephen R., Campbell, Cameron R., Jarić, Ivan and Buettel, Jessie C. (2021a). Extinction of the Thylacine. bioRxiv preprint. [First version of preprint; directly below is second version]

Brook, Barry W., Sleightholme, Stephen R., Campbell, Cameron R., Jarić, Ivan and Buettel, Jessie C. (2021b). Resolving when (and where) the Thylacine went extinct. bioRxiv preprint. [Second version of preprint; directly above is first version]

Brook, Barry W., Sleightholme, Stephen R., Campbell, Cameron R., Jarić, Ivan and Buettel, Jessie C. (2023). Resolving when (and where) the Thylacine went extinct. Science of The Total Environment 877: 162878.

Brook, Barry W., Sleightholme, Stephen R., Campbell, Cameron R., Jarić, Ivan and Buettel, Jessie C. (2024). The Tasmanian Thylacine Sighting Record Database (TTSRD): 1,223 quality-rated and geo-located Thylacine observations from 1910 to 2019. Australian Zoologist 43(3): 419-435.

Brook, S. (2000). Thylacine clone no longer just a paper tiger. The Australian, 5 May, p. 1.

Broom, R. (1896). Report on a bone brec[c]ia near Wombeyan Caves, N. S. W. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. 21: 48-61.

Brown, O. F. F. (2006). Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii) extinction on the Australian mainland in the mid-Holocene: multicausality and ENSO intensification. Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology 30, 49–57. doi:10.1080/03115510609506855

Brown, Robert ("Bob"). (1972). The Tasmanian tiger. Skyline 1972: 29-31.

Brown, Robert ("Bob"). (1973). Has the thylacine really vanished? Animals 15(9): 416-419.

Brown, Robert ("Bob"). (1983). Has the last thylacine gone to ground there hope for our tiger? Tasmanian Mail, 16 August, p. 8.

Brown, Steven P. and Wells, Roderick T. (2000). A middle Pleistocene vertebrate fossil assemblage from Cathedral Cave, Naracoorte, South Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 124(2): 91-104.

Brüniche-Olsen, A, Jones, ME, Burridge, CP, Murchison, EP, Holland, BR, et al. (2018). Ancient DNA tracks the mainland extinction and island survival of the Tasmanian devil. Journal of Biogeography 45: 963-976. doi:10.1111/jbi.13214

Bryant, Sally L. and Jackson, J. (1999). Tasmania's Threatened Fauna Handbook: What, Where and How to Protect Tasmania's Threatened Animals. Threatened Species Unit, DPIWE, Hobart. [p. 191-193]

Bryant, Sally (author) and Squires, Tim (illustrator). (2009). Animals of Tasmania: Wildlife of an Incredible Island. Quintus Publishing. 80 pp.

Buettel, Jessie C. et al. (2021). Modelling the habitat suitability of the Thylacine. Unpublished.

Bullock, William. (1812). A Companion to Mr. Bullock's London Museum and Pantherion ; containg a brief description of upward of fifteen thousand nayural and foreign curiosities, antiquities, and productions of the fine arts, Collected during Seventeen Years of arduous Research, and at an Expense of thirty thousand pounds ; And now open for Public Inspection in the Egyptian Temple, just erected for its reception, in Piccadilly, London, opposite the end of Bond-Street. London: Printed for the proprietor. xii + 136 pp. [p. 30-31]

Bullock, William. (1813). A companion to the London Museum and Pantherion ; containing a brief description of upwards of fifteen thousand natural and foreign curiosities, antiquities, and productions of the fine arts now open for public inspection in the Egyptian Temple, Piccadilly, London. London: Printed for the proprietor by Whittingham and Rowland. xii + 151 pp.

Bullock, William. (1816). A companion to the London Museum and Pantherion, containing a brief description of upwards of fifteen thousand natural and foreign curiosities, antiquities, and productions of the fine arts now open for public inspection in the Egyptian Temple, Piccadilly, London. London: Printed for the proprietor by Whittingham and Rowland. xii + 140 pp.

Bulmer, Susan E. (1964). Radio Carbon dates from New Guinea. Journal of the Polynesian Society 73(3): 327-328.

Bulmer, Susan E. (1966). The prehistory of the New Guinea Highlands: a discussion of archaeological field survey and excavations, 1959–60. MA thesis. University of Auckland, Auckland. [Microfiche edition produced 1977 with new introduction]

Bulmer, Susan E. (1974). Working paper in Anthropology & Archaeology. Linguistics and Maori Studies No. 30, Archaeology. Unpublished Report, Department of Anthropology, University of Auckland.

Bulmer, Susan E. (1979). Archaeological Evidence of Prehistoric Faunal Change in Highland Papua New Guinea. Unpublished paper to Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science Congress, Section 25A. Auckland.

Bund, R. (2024). Resurrecting the Past to Save the Future? Mobile Afterlives of the Thylacine. In D. Atanasova, R. Bund, D. Buschmann, R. Diniega, J. Donat, B. Gföllner, & N. Kopf (Eds.), Entangled Future Im/Mobilities: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Mobility Studies from the Humanities and Social Sciences Transcript Verlag.

Bulte, E. H., Horan, R. D. and Shogren, J. F. (2003). Is the Tasmanian Tiger extinct? A biological-economics re-evaluation. Ecological Economics 45(2): 273-281. [Abstract]

Bunk, Steve. (1985). Just how extinct is Tasmania's tiger. International Wildlife 15(4): 36-39. [July/August]

Burbidge, Andrew A. (2023). Aboriginal knowledge of rare and extinct mammals, including of the thylacine in the Kimberley, pp. 57-58. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmania. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

Burbidge, Andrew A. and Woinarski, J. (2016). Thylacinus cynocephalus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T21866A21949291. Downloaded on 13 October 2018.

Burbury, Alfred. (2000). Alfred Burbury Memories from the Chronicles of the Burbury Family. Oatlands District Historical Society Chronicle 1: 29. [ "when the dogs had gone [during the second half of the nineteenth century], native tigers took over, notably in the east and around Tooms Lake."]

Burbury, F. (1953). Letter to Eric Guiler, 1953.

Bürgin, Luc. (2006). Tasmanischer Tiger fotografiert. Mysteries 4: 8-10.

Burrell, Harry. (1921). The Tasmanian Tiger or Wolf (photo). Australian Museum Magazine 1(3): 62.

Buttrose, Larry. (1987). Yowies and Thylacines Alive: One Man's Vision. The Living Australia Magazine 1987(May): [pagination?].

Cabrera, Angel. (1919). Genera mammalium: montremata [and] marsupialia. Madrid: Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales. [pp. 70-73 + pl. VI]

Calaby, J. H. (1983). Thylacine, 10: 52–53. Australian Encyclopaedia, 4th ed.

Calaby, J. H. and White, C. (1967). The Tasmanian Devil (Sarcophilus harrisii) in northern Australia in recent times. Aust. J. Sci. 49: 473-475. [relevant reference?]

Cambrian. (1855a). Notes on the natural history of Australasia, letter first. Melbourne Monthly Magazine 1(2): 95-101.

Cambrian. (1855b). Notes on the natural history of Australasia, letter second. Melbourne Monthly Magazine 1(3): 164-169.

Cambrian. (1855c). Notes on the natural history of Australasia, letter third. Melbourne Monthly Magazine 1(6): 360-362.

Camens, Aaron. (2023). Thylacine footprints in the fossil record, pp. 36-37. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmania. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

Camens, Aaron B., Carey, Stephen P. and Arnold, Lee J. (2017). Vertebrate trace fossils from the Late Pleistocene of Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Ichnos: A Journal for Plant and Animal Traces. [Abstract]

Campbell A (1888) Field Naturalists' Club of Victoria: Expedition to King Island, November, 1887 Vic Nat 4:129-164.

Campbell, Cameron R. (2023). James Harrison: the last of the tiger men, pp. 88-89. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmanian Tiger. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

Canfield, Paul J. and Cunningham, Andrew A. (1993). Disease and Mortality in Australasian Marsupials Held at London Zoo, 1872-1972. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 24(2): 158-167. [Abstract]

Carlos, Colin J., Bond, Alexander L. and Burgio, Kevin R. (Preprint, 2017). Estimating the extinction date of the thylacine accounting for unconfirmed sightings. bioRxiv 123331. doi:

Carlson, Colin J., Bond, Alexander, L. and Burgio, Kevin R. (2018a). Estimating the extinction date of the thylacine with mixed certainty data. Conservation Biology 32(2): 477-483.

Carlson, Colin J., Bond, Alexander L. and Burgio, Kevin R. (2018b). Reevaluating sighting models and moving beyond them to test and contextualize the extinction of the thylacine. Conservation Biology 32(5): 1198-1199.

Cartmill, Matt, Brown, K., Atkinson, C., Cartmill, E. A., Findley, E., Gonzalez‐Socoloske, D., … Mueller, J. (2019). The gaits of marsupials and the evolution of diagonal‐sequence walking in primates. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. doi:10.1002/ajpa.23959 [Abstract]

Cartmill, Matt, Atkinson, Christopher, Brown, Kaye, Cartmill, Erica A., Gonzalez‐Socoloske, Daniel and Hartstone-Rose, Adam. (2023). How thylacines walked, pp. 14-17. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmanian Tiger. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

Case, Judd A. (1985). Differences in prey utilisation by Pleistocene marsupial carnivores, Thylacoleo carnifex (Thylacoleonidae) and Thylacinus cynocephalus (Thylacinidae). Australian Journal of Mammalogy 8(1-2): 45-52.

Chaloupka, G. (1975). Fallen emblem – or lingering star? EZ Review (1):2-4. [possible rock art depcitions of Thylacinus]

Chaloupka, George. (1977). Aspects of the chronology and schematisation of two prehistoric sites on the Arnhem Land Plateau. In P.J. Ucko (ed.), Form in indigenous art: schematisation in the art of Aboriginal Australia and prehistoric Europe, pp. 243-59. Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, Canberra.

Chaloupka, G. (1993). Journey in Time: The World’s Longest Continuing Art Tradition. Chatswood, NSW: Reed. [possible rock art depcitions of Thylacinus]

Chapple, Peter. (2001). The Quest for the Thylacine, pp. 75-81. In: Cropper, Paul (ed.). Myths & Monsters 2001 Conference Papers. Unpublished?

Chapple, Peter. (2014). The Quest for the Thylacine, pp. 101-109. In: Lang, Rebecca (ed.). The Tasmanian Tiger: Extinct or Extant? Hazelbrook, NSW: Strange Nation Publishing. 186 pp. [a reprint of the above publication; on p. 109 Chapple's death is incorrectly listed as "2001", when it is actually 26 August 2002]

Chare, Nicholas. (2018). After the Thylacine: In Pursuit of Cinematic and Literary Improvised Encounters with the Extinct. Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies 14(1): 124-168.

Charlemagne, M. (1927). Mammals. In: Charlemagne, M., Tatarko, K. Names of Vertebrates. State Publishing House of Ukraine, Kyiv, 9–67. (Glossary of Zoological Nomenclature, Part 2). (In Ukrainian)

Christie's Australia. (1998). Historic Australia: Books, Manuscripts, Furniture, Silver. Sydney, Monday, 17 August 1998. Sydney: Christie's Australia. 208 pp. [the skin of a thylacine up for auction]

Churcher, C.S. (1985). Dental functional morphology in the marsupial sabre-tooth Thylacosmilus atrox (Thylacosmilidae) compared to that of felid sabre-tooths. Australian Mammalogy 8: 201–220. [J. H. Calaby: "[has] information on Thylacinus"]

Churchill, Timothy J., Archer, Michael and Hand, Suzanne J. (2024). Three new thylacinids (Marsupialia, Thylacinidae) from late Oligocene deposits of the Riversleigh World Heritage Area, northwestern Queensland. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology [2024]: e2384595.

Cininas, Jazmina. (2008). Antipodean Bestiary: Reconstructions of Native Fauna and National Identity in the Work of Eleven Contemporary Australian Artists. PAN: Philosophy Activism Nature 5: 21-39. [automatic download]

Clark, Tim W.; Reading, Richard P.; Wallace, Richard L.; Wilson, Barbara A. (2002). If the Tasmanian Tiger Were Found, What Should We Do? An Interdisciplinary Guide to Endangered Species Recovery. Endangered Species Update 19(4): 194-200.

Clark, Jerome. (2013). Thylacines, pp. 198-208. Unexplained!: Strange Sightings, Incredible Occurrences, and Puzzling Physical Phenomena, third edition. Canton, Michigan: Visible Ink Press. [does the second edition have the Thylacine chapter?]

Clark, W. E. Le Gros. (1936). Evolutionary parallelism and human phylogeny. Man: a monthly record of Anthropological Science 34: 4-8.

Clarkson C et al (2017) Human occupation of northern Australia by 65,000 years ago. Nature 547:306–310. [fig. 2, an "impacted molar"; however, "this is [actually] a fragment of the maxillary, not the dentary" (McMenamin, 2018) [Zealanditherians. In: Deep Time Analysis, pp 215-237]

Claude, Cäsar. (1996). Der Beutelwolf. Thylacinus cynocephalus Harris, 1808. Leben und Sterben einer Tierart. Zurich: Zoologisches Museum der Universität Zürich.

Claybourne, Anna. (2022). Extinction Planet. Franklin Watts. 48 pp.

Clegg, J. (1978). Pictures of striped animals: which ones are thylacines? Archaeology and Physical Anthropology in Oceania 13(1): 19-29.

Clucas, E. (1978). Tracing the Decline of the Thylacine. Tasmaniana Library. 9 pp.

Cochrane, Peter. (undated). Bizarria: Tasmanian Tiger - Vampire Dog? Available at:

Colbron-Pearse, D. (1968). Tame tiger. Walkabout 1968(December): 8.

Coleman, Loren and Clark, Jerome (1999). Cryptozoology A To Z: The Encyclopedia of Loch Monsters, Sasquatch, Chupacabras, and Other Authentic Mysteries of Nature. Touchstone (original edition), Simon & Schuster. [pp. 238-239]

Coleman, R. (1976). There's a strange, strange beastie out there. Melbourne Herald, 20 March, p. 29.

Colgan, Don. (2002). Thylacine cloning is a long shot. Australasian Science 23(6): 15. [Abstract]

Colgan, Don and Archer, Michael. (2000). The Thylacine Project. Australasian Science 21(1): 21. ["Don Colgan and Mike Archer respond to criticisms of plans to clone the extinct Tasmanian tiger."]

Collins, L. R. (1973). Monotremes and marsupials. A reference for zoological institutions. Washington D.C.: Smithsonian Institute Press. v + 323 pp.

Colliver, F. S. (1938). Cave hunting in Victoria. The Victorian Naturalist 54(10): 152-155.

Cook, D. L. (1963). Thylacinus and Sarcophilus from the Nullabor Plain. Western Australian Naturalist 9(2): 47-48. [Thylacine molar found in Tasmanian devil coprolite]

Corbett, L. K. (1995). The Dingo in Australia and Asia. Sydney: University of NSW Press.

Corbett, L. K. (2001). The Dingo in Australia and Asia. Adelaide: J. B. Books.

"Correspondent". (1924). ["article on the killing of a tiger at Waratah by C. Penny" according to (Guiler & Godard, 1998:242)]. Weekly Courier, 17 January, pp. 26-46.

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Dyble, Nicole. (2023). A day in the life of a thylacine keeper, pp. 180-181. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmania. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

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Edmonds, Penny and Stark, Hannah. (2018b). The hunt for London's thylacines shows a greater truth about Australian extinction. ABC News, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Australia, 6 April 2018. [reprint of (Edmonds & Stark, 2018a)]

Edmonds, Penny and Stark, Hannah. (2018c). The London thylacines: Interview with Melanie Tait, Evenings with Melanie Tait, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Hobart, Tasmania, 17 April 2018 (2018) [Media Interview]

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Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th edition, volume 17. Article: 'Marsupialia'.

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Faith, Daniel P. (1990b). Search for the thylacine’s sister. Australian Natural History 23(7): 547-553. [p. 546 is a photograph]

Feigin, Charles Y. (2023). The thylacine genome and the genetic basis of adaptive evolution, pp. 42-44. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmania. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

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Fleay, David. (1946c). On the trail of the Marsupial Wolf: Part III. The Victorian Naturalist 63(8): 174-177.

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Flynn, Theodore Thomson. (1914). The Mammalian Fauna of Tasmania. Brit. Asoc. Adv. Sci. Handb. pp. 48-53.

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Foxon, Floe. (Due 2025). Folklore and Zoology. CRC Press. 121 pp.

Frank, R. (1969). The Clastic Sediments of Douglas Cave, Stuart Town, New South Wales. Helictite 7(1): 3-13. [as T. spelaeus]

Fraser, Rebecca A. and Wells, Roderick T. (2006). The palaeontological excavation and taphonomic investigation of a late Pleistocene fossil deposit in Grant Hall, Naracoorte, South Australia. Alcheringa Special Issue 1, 2006: 147-161.

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Frauca, Harry. (1963). Encounters with Australian Animals. Melbourne: Heinemann.

Freeland, W. J. (1993). Parasites, pathogens and the impacts of introduced organisms on the balance of nature in Australia, pp. 171-180. In: Moritz, C. and Kikkawa, J. (eds.). Conservation Biology in Australia and Oceania. Chipping Norton, N.S.W.: Surrey Beatty and Sons. [proposes that the arrival of the dingo may have introduced a parasite to the mainland which exterminated the thylacine there; fide (Abbott, 2008)]

Freeman, Carol. (2003). Rew Hanks: Tiger Tales, Redfern & Hobart, Legge Gallery & Bett Gallery.

Freeman, Carol J. (2004a). ‘Crying Wolf: Visualising the Thylacine in Zoological Works’, School of Geography and Environmental Studies 2004 Conference, October, 2004, Hobart, pp. 5-5. (2004) [Conference Extract]

Freeman, Carol J. (2004b). ‘Figuring Extinction: Disclosure and Revision in Photographs of the Thylacine 1900-1936’, Colonialism and Its Aftermath - An Interdisciplinary Conference 23-25 June, 2004 Conference Handbook, June 2004, Hobart, Tasmania, pp. 20-20. (2004) [Conference Extract]

Freeman, Carol J. (2004c). ‘Figuring Extinction: The First Illustration of a Thylacine (Tasmanian tiger) in a Scientific Work’, Cross Fertilisations: Literature, Science and Nature. An Interdisciplinary Conference July 16-18 2004 Programme, July 2004, Chichester, UK, pp. 3-4. (2004) [Conference Extract]

Freeman, Carol J. (2005a). Is this picture worth a thousand words? An analysis of Harry Burrell's photograph of a thylacine with a chicken. Australian Zoologist 33(1): 1-16.

Freeman, Carol J. (2005b). Figuring extinction: Visualizing the thylacine in zoological and natural history works 1808-1936. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. University of Tasmania: Hobart, Australia.

Freeman, Carol J. (2005c). The Abject Thylacine: interactions between the real and the representation. Animals & Society: Inaugral Conference of the Animals & Society (Australia) Study Group, July 2005, Crawley, WA, pp. 36-36. [Conference Extract]

Freeman, Carol J. (2005d). From Tasmania to Knowsley: John Gould's Thylacines. Stanley Estates Newsletter, Earl of Derby, Liverpool, 17, August. [Internal Newsletter]

Freeman, Carol J. (2006). Tasmania and the thylacine: Wild(er)ness, beer and the ubiquitous souvenir. 'Senses of Place' Conference Handbook, April, Hobart, pp. 50. [Conference Extract]

Freeman, Carol J. (2007a). Imaging Extinction: Disclosure and Revision in Photographs of the Thylacine (Tasmanian tiger). Society and Animals 15(3): 241-256.

Freeman, Carol J. (2007b). 'In every respect new': European impressions of the thylacine, 1808-1855. reCollections 2(1): [unpaginated].

Freeman, Carol J. (2007c). Curiouser and Curiouser! The Case of the Thylacine in The Naturalists Library. In: Imperial Curiosity: Objects, Representations, Knowledges. A conference held at the University of Tasmania 27-29 June 2007, June, Hobart, pp. 25-26. [Conference Extract]

Freeman, Carol J. (2007d). Imaging the Thylacine from Trap to Laboratory, University of Tasmania,, 1 EJ (2007) [Curated Exhibition]

Freeman, Carol J. (2008). On seeing the big picture: A reply to Paddle (2008). Australian Zoologist 34(4): 471-475.

Freeman, Carol. (2009). Ending Extinction: The Quagga, the Thylacine, and the Smart Human, pp. 235-256. Leonardo's Choice: Genetic Technologies and Animals. Ed. Carol Gigliotti. Dordrecht: Springer. [relevant apart from the title?]

Freeman, Carol J. (2010). Paper Tiger: A Visual History of the Thylacine. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill Academic Publishers. [Google Books]

Freeman, Carol J. (2014). Paper Tiger: How Pictures Shaped the Thylacine (revised edition). Hobart: Forty South Publishing. 224 pp. [Available from Andrew Isles Natural History Books]

Freeman, Carol J. (2015). ["See my article about Peter Clayfield's collection of Thylacine images on pp 24-30 of the latest 40 SOUTH magazine." (comment written 25 June 2015)]

Freeman, Carol J. (2016). The thylacine: Gone is gone. 40 [degrees] South 83: 14-19. [Abstract]

Freeman, Carol J. (2017). 'A Mere Memory: The Scandalous Extinction of the Thylacine', Scandals and Disasters in Tasmanian and Australian History, 18 November, Hobart (2017) [Conference Extract]

Freeman C, 'A misunderstood animal', Weekendavisen, Weekendavisen A/, Copenhagen, 9 May, pp. 12-13. (2018) [Media Interview]

Freeman C, 'Fake or real? This photo of the thylacine has caused a lot of controversy: Interview with Carol Freeman', Australian Geographic, Australian Geographic Pty Ltd., Sydney, 10 January (2018) [Media Interview]

Freeman CJ, 'The Thylacine: Gone is Gone', Tasmania 40 South, Forty South Publishing, Hobart, Tasmania, 83, pp. 12-17. (2019) [Magazine Article]

Freeman, Carol J. and Bevilacqua, S. (2003). An emblem's pounce from the past. The Sunday Tasmanian, Davies Brothers (News Limited), Hobart, September 7. [media interview]

Freeman, Carol J. and Bevilacqua, S. (2006). Thylacine not as bad as it's painted. The Sunday Tasmanian, Davies Brothers (News Limited), Hobart, August 27. [media interview]

Freeman C, Borrell S, 'Mercy Killing: Julia Leigh's The Hunter as Film', Animal Death Symposium, 12-13 July, University of Sydney (2012) [Conference Extract]

Freeman, Richard. (1999). The case of the British thylacine. Animals & Men 19: 16-18.

Freeman, Richard. (2005). In Search of the Thylacine. Phenomena [Magazine]. 10 May 2005.

Freeman, Richard. (2015). Tasmanian Wolf at the Door. Animals & Men 52: 47-61.

Freeman, Richard. (2023). Why I think the Tasmanian wolf is still extant, pp. 150-152. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmania. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

French, Ray. (2018). One Man's Story. Turners Beach, Tasmania: self published. 106 pp.

Frenz, Lothar. (2000). Riesenkraken und Tigerwölfe. [relevant reference?]

Freyer, C. (1999). Die regio ethmoidalis in der Ontogenese von Monodelphis domestica (Didelphidae: Marsupialia): Ein Beitrag zur Rekonstruktion des Grundbauplans der Marsupialia. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Diplomarbeit.

Frith, H. J. (1979). Wildlife Conservation, revised edition. Angus & Robertson. xiv + 416 pp. [p. 8 (outcompeted by the dingo), p. 31 (subfamily Thylacininae of family Dasyuridae), p. 140 (outcompeted by dingo), pl. 33 (museum taxidermy (in SAM?)) (between p. 258/259), p. 298 (table), p. 340-341 (species account)]

Frost, Warwick. (1998). European Farming, Australian Pests: Agricultural Settlement and Environmental Disruption in Australia, 1800-1920. Environment and History 4(2): 129-143.

Fuller, Errol. (2013). Lost Animals: Extinction and the Photographic Record. London: Bloomsbury Publishing. 256 pp. [Available from Andrew Isles Natural History Books]

Gaschk, Joshua Luke et al. (2023). Chapter 4: Convergent Carnivores or Divergent Dasyurids? Inferring Predation and Locomotor Strategies of Extent and Extinct Carnivorous Marsupials from Locomotor Shape, pp. 97-125. In: Gaschk, Joshua Luke. Understanding the impact of locomotor performance on the success of invasive predators in Australian ecosystems. PhD thesis, University of the Sunshine Coast.

Gerdtz, W. D. and Archbold, N. W. (2003). An early occurrence of Sarcophilus laniarius harrisii (Marsupialia, Dasyuridae) from the Early Pleistocene of Nelson Bay, Victoria. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 115: 45-54.

Gervais, Paul. (1844). Atlas de zoologie: ou collection de 100 planches. Paris: Germer Bailliere. [pl. 10]

Gervais, Paul [Gervaise, François Louis Paul]. (1855). Histoire naturelle des mammifères, avec l'indication de leurs moeurs, et de leurs... Paris: L. Curmer.

Ghiraldi, Luca et al. (2021). Revised catalogue of monotremes and marsupials in the historic mammal collection housed at Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali of Torino, Italy. Bonn zoological Bulletin 70(1): 1-14.

Giglioli, E. H. (1874). I Tasmaniani... Milan. [illustration on p. 109]

Gill, Anton and West, Alex. (2001). Extinct. London: Macmillan. [pp. 212-213]

Gill, Edmund Dwen. (1953). Distribution of the Tasmanian Devil, the Tasmanian Wolf, and the Dingo in Southeast Australia in Quaternary time. The Victorian Naturalist 70: 86-90.

Gill, Edmund Dwen. (1964). The age and origin of the Gisborne Cave. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 77: 532-533.

Gill, Edmund Dwen. (1968). Aboriginal bone implement from fossil bone bed, Tasmania. Records Queen Victoria Museum & Art Gallery, New Series, 31: 1-4. [pp. 1-5?]

Gillespie, D. (1983). The rock art sites of Kakadu National Park: some preliminary research findings for their conservation and management. Canberra: Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service Special Publication 10. [relevant citation?]

Gillespie, R. Horton, D. R., Ladd, P. R., Macumber, P. G., Rich, T. H., Thorne, R. and Wright, R. V. S. (1978). Lancefield Swamp and the extinction of the Australian megafauna. Science 200: 1044-1048.

Gilroy, Rex. (1976). Australian monsters. Psychic Australian [1976]: pagination?.

Gilroy, Rex. (1995). Mysterious Australia. Mapleton, Queensland, Australia: Nexus Publishing. [pp. 67-76 or 194-227]

Gilroy, Rex. (2011). The Search for Living Thylacines – Results of the Gilroy 2011 expedition. Mysterious Australia 1(12): 2-22.

Gilroy, Rex and Gilroy, Heather. (2017). The Thylacine - Its History and Sightings. Uru Publications. 216 pp. [Available from Lulu]

Glaskin, Katie. (2021). Extinction, inscription and the Dreaming: Exploring a thylacine connection. Anthropological Forum 31(2): 165-185.

Glaskin, Katie. (2023). Extinction, inscription and Dreamings: some mainland thylacine connections, pp. 54-55. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmania. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

Glauert, Ludwig. (1914). The Mammoth Cave (continued). Records of the Western Australian Museum 1(3): 244-251.

Glauert, L. G. (1926 "1925"). A list of Western Australian fossils. Supplement no.1. West. Aust. Geol. Surv. Bull. 88: 36-71. [Thylacinus spelaeus and T. cynocephalus]

Glauert, Ludwig. (1948). The cave fossils of the South-West. Western Australian Naturalist 1: 100-104.

Glen, A. S. and Dickman, C. R. (2005). Complex interac-tions among mammalian carnivores in Australia, and their implications for wildlife management. Biological Reviews 80: 387-401.

Glen, A. S. and Dickman, C. R. (eds.). (2014). Carnivores of Australia: Past, Present and Future. Collingwood, Victoria: CSIRO Publishing.

Golding, Harry. (1933?). The Wonder Book of Empire. London: Ward Lock & Co. 264 pp. [p. 135] (

Goodwin, Harry A. and Goodwin, J. M. (1973). List of mammals which have become extinct or are possibly extinct since 1600. Int. Union Conserv. Nat. Occas. Pap. 8: 1-20.

Gordon, Tammy. (2023). Dilger's tiger, pp. 82-84. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmanian Tiger. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

Goss, Michael. (1983). Tracking Tasmania's Mystery Beast. Fate 36(July): 34-43.

Gossage, C. (1966). Tiger may become a "bunyip". Launceston Examiner, 20 August.

Gould, John. (1851). The Mammals of Australia. Volume 1, Part iii. London: Self published; printed by Taylor and Francis.

Gould, John. (1863). The Mammals of Australia. Volume 1. London: Self published; printed by Taylor and Francis.

Grace, Robyn “U.S. researchers on board to clone thylacine,”. AAP General News (Australia) 10/12/2005.

Grainger, Margaret, Gunn, Emma and Watts, Dave. (1987). Tasmanian Mammals: A Field Guide. Hobart: Tasmanian Conservation Trust. 111 pp.

Grant, J. E. (1831). Notice of the Van Diemen's Land tiger. Gleanings in Science 3(30): 175-177.

Grant, J. E. (1846). Thylacinus harisii. Tasmanian Journal of Natural Science, Agriculture, Statistics &c. Hobart 2: 311.

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Gray, James. (1885). Eagles and native tigers; Petition for power to levy rate for destruction of, from Municipality of Spring Bay. Tasmania. Journals and Papers of Parliament 6(100): 1-3.

Gray, John Edward. (1825:340 or 344) [first use of genus Peracyon?] [Guiler & Godard give date of Peracyon as 1825; Gunn (1852b), Mahoney & Ride (1988) give first use of Peracyon as Gray, 1843:xxii,212]

Gray, John Edward. (1843). List of the specimens of Mammalia in the collection of the British Museum. London: The Trustees, British Museum. xxviii + 216 pp. [Peracyon: xxii,212; Paracyon:97]

Gregory, Ron. (2013). Mt Donaldson EL36/2010 Annual Report for period 24th November 2011 to 24th February 2013. Unpublished report prepared March 2013 by Ron Gregory Prospecting. [Thomas Bather Moore diary entry and studio portrait]

Green, L. R. (c. 1975). Tasmania's Unique 'Tigers'. Queen Victoria Museum.

Green, R. H. (1973). [the first edition of the two publications listed directly below this one]

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Green, R. H. (2007). The fauna of Tasmania: mammals. Launceston, Tasmania: Potoroo Publishing. 56 pp.

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Greenwell, J. R. (1994). Who's seen the thylacine. BBC Wildlife July 1994: 48. [According to J. H. Callaby: "Alleged sightings of thylacines in Western Australia, written by a "cryptozoologist" who wants to believe it"]

Greer, Allen. (2009). Cloning the thylacine: Not quite a showpiece of Australian science. Quadrant 53(7-8): 28-39. [Abstract]

Griffith, Edward, Smith, Charles Hamilton and Pidgeon, Edward. (1827a). The Animal Kingdom...Volume II. The Class Mammalia. London: Geo B. Whittaker. [p. 67]

Griffith, Edward, Smith, Charles Hamilton and Pidgeon, Edward. (1827b). The Animal Kingdom...Volume V. The Class Mammalia. London: Geo B. Whittaker. [p. 192]

Griffith, J. (1972). The search for the Tasmanian Tiger: Do the continuing reports of sightings mean that this primitive carnivore is not extinct? Natural History 81(10): 70-77.

Griffith, J. (1973). The thylacine on the Central Plateau, pp. 119-124. In: Banks, M. (ed.). The Lake Country. Royal Society of Tasmania.

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Griffiths, Tom. (1996). Hunters and Collectors: The Antiquarian Imagination in Australia. Cambridge, Melbourne & New York: Cambridge University Press. [p. 49]

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Grueber, Catherine. (2023). Analysing scat samples to learn about elusive animals, pp. 163-164. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmania. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

Grzimek, Bernard. (1967). Four-legged Australians. Adventures with Animals and Men in Australia. London & Sydney: Collins. Translated by J. M. Brown-John.

Guiler, Eric Rowland. (1958a). Thylacine Bounty: Details of claims Compiled from Lands Department Accounts for years 1888–1912. Private paper.

Guiler, Eric Rowland. (1958b). The Thylacine. Australian Museum Magazine 12: 352-354.

Guiler, Eric. (1960). Marsupials of Tasmania. Hobart: Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery. 32 pp.

Guiler, Eric Rowland. (1961a) The former distribution and decline of the Thylacine. Australian Journal of Science 23: 207–210.

Guiler, Eric Rowland. (1961b). Breeding season of the Thylacine. J. Mammal. 42: 396-397.

Guiler, Eric Rowland. (1966). In Pursuit of the Thylacine. Oryx 8: 307-310.

Guiler, Eric Rowland. (1967). The thlyacine, pp. 61-64. In: McMichael, D. F. (ed.). A Treasury of Australian Wildlife. London: Ure Smith Pty. Ltd. 354 pp.

Guiler, Eric Rowland. (1973). Some thoughts on man and mammals in the Central Plateau, pp.125-33. In: Banks, M. (ed.). The Lake Country. Royal Society of Tasmania. [Includes a table of "Thylacine captures by families in the Dee Bridge-Bronte-Derwent Bridge areas, 1888-1910"]

Guiler, Eric Rowland. (1980). The thylacine–an unsolved case. Australian Natural History 20(2): 69-70.

Guiler, Eric Rowland. (1982). Temporal and spatial distribution of the Tasmanian devil, Sarcophilus harrisi (Dasyuridae: Marsupialia). Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 116: 153-163.

Guiler, Eric Rowland. (1985). Thylacine: The Tragedy of the Tasmanian Tiger. Melbourne: Oxford University Press.

Guiler, Eric Rowland. (1986). The Beaumaris Zoo in Hobart. Papers and Proceedings of the Tasmanian Historical Research Association 33(4): 121-171.

Guiler, Eric Rowland. (1991). The Tasmanian Tiger in Pictures. Hobart, Tasmania: St David's Park Publishing.

Guiler, Eric Rowland. (1993). The Tasmanian Tiger in Pictures, second edition. Hobart, Tasmania: St David's Park Publishing. 28 pp.

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Gunn, Ronald Campbell. (1849/1850). Letter to D. W. Mitchell, Esq., Secretary of the Zoological Society of London, 29/12/1849. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1850: 90-91.

Gunn, Ronald Campbell. (1850). Letter to John Gould, 12/11/1850. Reproduced in: Gould, John. (1851). The Mammals of Australia. Volume 1. Part 3. London: Taylor and Francis.

Gunn, Ronald Campbell. (1852a). Zoology. In: West, John (ed.). The History of Tasmania, Volume 1. Launceston: Henry Dowling. 336 pp. [one of the first warnings of the thylacine's path towards extinction]

Gunn, Ronald Campbell. (1852b). A list of the mammals indigenous to Tasmania. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 2(1): 77-90.

Gunn, Ronald Campbell. (1852c). Notes on natural history. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 2(1): 156-157. ["My living Thylacine is becoming tamer : it seems very far from being a vicious animal at its worst, and the name Tiger or Hyaena gives a most unjust idea of its fierceness."]

Gunn, Ronald Campbell. (1852d). Thylacinus cynocephalus. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Van Diemen's Land 2(1): 184.

Gunn, Ronald Campbell. (1863). Letter announcing the shipment of living Thylacines, with remarks on their habits. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 31: 103-104.

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Gunn, R.G. (2002). Mudgegonga-2 and the rock art of northeast Victoria. Rock Art Research 19:117-132.

Haines, Elizabeth et al. (2023). Clade-specific forebrain cytoarchitectures of the extinct Tasmanian tiger. PNAS 120(32): e2306516120.

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Harman, I. (1949). Tasmania's wolf and devil. Zoo Life 4(3): 87.

Harper, Anthony. (2023). Studying dental development in an extinct marsupial, pp. 10-13. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmanian Tiger. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

Harris, A. (1984). Thylacines are no joke, says Sid. West Australian, 23 January 1984, p. 12.

Harris, Samela. (1968). Hold that tiger! Walkabout 34(6): 28-31. [According to J. H. Callaby: "About sightings of alleged thylacines in South-eastern South Australia"]

Haswell, W. A. (1926). Tasmanian wolf. In: Jose, A. W. and Carter, H. J. (eds.). The Australian Encyclopædia. Volume II. Sydney: Angus and Robertson.

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Haygarth, Nic. (2003). The 'Father of Tasmania'?: Measuring the Legend of James 'Philosopher' Smith. PhD thesis, University of Tasmania.

Haygarth, Nic. (2012). An ‘Island’ Within an Island: the Maritime/Riverine Culture of Tasmania’s Pieman River Goldfield 1877–85. Journal of Australasian Mining History 10: 55-71. [Thomas Bather Moore photo]

Haygarth, Nic. (2017). The myth of the dedicated thylacine hunter: Stockman-hunter culture and the decline of the thylacine (Tasmanian tiger) in Tasmania during the late Nineteenth and early Twentieth centuries. Papers and Proceedings: Tasmanian Historical Research Association 64(2): 30-45. [Abstract]

Haygarth, Nic. (2019a). The Passing of the 'Tigerman'. In: The Van Diemen Anthology 2019. Forty South Publishing.

Haygarth, Nic. (2019b). The digger and the tiger: the part of mining in the demise of the thylacine (Tasmanian tiger), pp. 28. In: "In the Footsteps of Moffatt", Proceedings of of the 25th Annual Conference, Australasian Mining History Association, Atherton 7-14 July 2019. [Abstract only]

Haygarth, Nic. (2022). Why Churchills Hut wasn't: The mythology of 'the last tiger hunter' Elias Churchill. Papers and Proceedings: Tasmanian Historical Research Association 69(3): 6-20. [Abstract]

Haygarth, Nic. (2023a). The 'Philosopher' and the thylacine, pp. 68-70. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmania. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

Haygarth, Nic. (2023b). The myths of the thylacine hunter and of a successful campaign of extirmination waged against the thylacine, pp. 74-78. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmanian Tiger. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

Hazkani-Covo, Einat. (2022). A Burst of Numt Insertion in the Dasyuridae Family During Marsupial Evolution. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10: 844443. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2022.844443

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Healy, Tony and Cropper, Paul. (1994). The Tasmanian Tiger, pp. 1-20. Out of the Shadows: Mystery Animals of Australia. Chippendale, New South Wales: Ironbark Pan Macmillan. ii + 200 pp.

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Healy, Tony and Cropper, Paul. (2014). Mainland Thylacines, pp. 51-86. In: Lang, Rebecca (ed.). The Tasmanian Tiger: Extinct or Extant? Hazelbrook, NSW: Strange Nation Publishing. 186 pp. [a reprint of the above publication]

Heath, Alan. (2014). Thylacine: Confirming Tasmanian Tigers Still Exist. Fremantle, Western Australia: Vivid Publishing. 124 pp. [Available from Amazon] [2015 edition with 115 pp.?]

Heath, Alan. (2019). Thylacine: Confirming Tasmanian Tigers Still Exist (Ebook, revised edition). Fremantle, WA: Vivid Publishing.

Heberle, Greg. (1977). Reports of alleged thylacine sightings in Western Australia (w). Sunday Telegraph [Sydney], 27 March, p. 46.

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Henderson, Keith, Pantinople, Jess, McCabe, Kyle, Richards, Hazel L. and Milne, Nick. (2017). Forelimb bone curvature in terrestrial and arboreal mammals. PeerJ 5: e3229.

Helgen, K. M. and Veatch, E. G. (2015). Recently extinct Australian marsupials and monotremes, pp. 17-31. In: Wilson, D. E. and Mittermeier, R. A. (eds.). Handbook of the Mammals of the World, volume 5. Monotremes and Marsupials. Barcelona: Lynx Edicions.

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Heráň, I. (1968). Savci. Katalog k exposici zoologického oddělení Národního muzea v Praze [Mammals. Exhibition catalogue of the Department of Zoology, National Museum Prague]. – Praha: Národní muzeum, 55 pp. [In Czech.]

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Hibberd, R. A. (2005). The Thylacine. In: Alexander, A. (ed.). The Companion to Tasmanian History. Hobart: Centre for Tasmanian Historical Studies. [363 pp.?]

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Hoare, Philip. (2014). The Sea Inside. London: Harper Collins Publishers.

Hobart City Council. (2003). Beaumaris Zoo. Hobart, Tasmania: Hobart City Council.

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Hocknull, Scott A. (2005a). Ecological succession during the late Cainozoic of central eastern Queensland: extinction of adiverse rainforest community. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 51(1): 39-122. [automatic download]

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Holmes, Branden Keith. (2023a). A brief taxonomic history of the thylacine, pp. 49-50. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmania. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

Holmes, Branden Keith. (2023b). The 1819 Kangaroo Point sheep killer: natural instinct, opportunism or desperation?, pp. 62-63. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmania. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

Holmes, Branden Keith. (2023c). Lamb-enting a killer: the farm of Edward Abbott 'jnr', pp. 64-65. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmania. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

Holmes, Branden Keith. (2023d). Merino sheep and scapegoats: a bounty of human ignorance, pp. 67-68. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmania. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

Holmes, Branden Keith. (2023e). Never far apart: picturing Paris's pair of pouched predators, pp. 73-74. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmanian Tiger. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

Holmes, Branden Keith. (2023f). The ghost of Huon Valley: did the Tasmanian tiger briefly haunt the south-west?, pp. 142-143. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmanian Tiger. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

Holmes, Branden Keith and Lee, Chris. (2023). Paterson's enigmatic female and other early European records of the thylacine, pp. 59-61. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmania. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

Holmes, Branden Keith and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). (2023). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmanian Tiger. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp. [Order from the publisher]

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Howes, Jim, Smyth, Chris and Beckett, Alexis (illustrator). (c1994). The Edge of Extinction: Australia's Threatened Wildlife. Moorabbin, Vic.: Gould League of Victoria. 40 pp.

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Howlett, Roger M. (2012). Discovery and Exploration of Thylacine Cave, Nullarbor WA.  Caves Australia 189: 17-19.

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Hughes, R. Leon. (1981). Observations on the female reproductive system of the extinct Marsupial Wolf Thylacinus cynocephalus. Abstracts of the Scientic Meeting of the Australian Mammal Society, 1981, pp. 38-39.

Hughes, R. Leon. (1982). Tasmanian Tigers - Extinct but still around. Scientific Australian 6(3): 13-14.

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Jan, Giorgio. (1857). Cenni sul Museo Civico di Milano ed Indice sistematico dei Rettili ed Anfibi. Milano: Giacomo Pirola. 61 pp. [the museum had/has a thylacine specimen]

Janis, Christine M. and Figueirido, Borja. (2014). Forelimb anatomy and the discrimination of the predatory behavior of carnivorous mammals: The thylacine as a case study. Journal of Morphology 275(12): 1321-1338.

Janis, Christine M. and Figueirido, Borja. (2023). The likely hunting behaviour of the thylacine, as deduced from its forelimb anatomy, pp. 17-18. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmanian Tiger. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

Jankowski, N. R., Gully, G. A., Jacobs, Z., Roberts, R. G. and Prideaux, G. J. (2016). A late Quaternary vertebrate deposit in Kudjal Yolgah Cave, south‐western Australia: refining regional late Pleistocene extinctions. Journal of Quaternary Science 31(5): 538-550.

Jeffreys, C. H. (1820). Geographical and Descriptive Delineations of the Island of Van Diemen's Land. London: Richardson. [first known usage of 'Hyæna' to refer to the thylacine; possibly the source for Guiler & Godard (1998): "In 1820 it was even stated that only four thylacines had been seen"]

Jenkins, Marie M. (1975).  Kangaroos, Opossums, and Other Marsupials. New York: Holiday House.

Johnson, Chris N. (2006). Australia's Mammal Extinctions: A 50 000 Year History. Port Melbourne, Victoria: Cambridge University Press. x + 278 pp. [pl. 17 (rock art), pl. 29, p. 153-162, p. 169 (body mass estimate 30,000gm), p. 179, p. 194-197]

Johnson, C. N. and Wroe, S. (2003). Causes of extinction of vertebrates during the Holocene of mainland Australia: arrival of the dingo, or human impact? [i]The Holocene[/i] [b]13(6)[/b]: 941-948.

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Jones, Menna Elizabeth. (1995). Guild structure of the large marsupial carnivores in Tasmania. Doctoral dissertation, University of Tasmania.

Jones, Menna Elizabeth. (1997). Character displacement in Australian dasyurid carnivores: size relationships and prey size patterns. Ecology 78(8): 2569-2587.[2569:cdiadc];2

Jones, Menna Elizabeth. (2003). Convergence in ecomorphology and guild structure among marsupial and placental carnivores, pp. 269-285. In: Jones, M. E., Dickman, C. and Archer, Michael (eds.). Predators with Pouches: The Biology of Carnivorous Marsupials. Collingwood: CSIRO Publishing.

Jones, Menna Elizabeth. (2023a). Introduction: The thylacine in Australian ecosystems, pp. xxv-xxviii. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmania. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

Jones, Menna Elizabeth. (2023b). Over-eruption in marsupial carnivore teeth: compensation for a constraint. BioRxiv preprint.

Jones, Menna Elizabeth and Barmuta, L. A. (1998). Diet overlap and abundance of sympatric dasyurid carnivores: a hypothesis of competition? J Anim Ecol 67: 410-421. [relevant citation?]

Jones, Menna Elizabeth, Menkhorst, Peter and Wilson, Barbara. (2022). Marsupials of Australia’s Temperate and Subtropical Forests, Woodlands and Heathlands: Diversity, Endemism and Conservation. In: Cáceres, Nilton C. and Dickman, Christopher R. (eds.). American and Australasian Marsupials: An Evolutionary, Biogeographical, and Ecological Approach. Springer Cham. XX + 500 pp.

Jones, Menna Elizabeth and Stoddart, D. Michael. (1998). Reconstruction of the predatory behaviour of the extinct marsupial thylacine (Thylacinus cynocephalus). J. Zool. (Lond.) 246(2): 239-246. [Abstract]

Jones, Neil. (2003). The Kenilworth dasyuroid: the Tasmanian Tiger has relatives spotted in Queensland. Kenilworth, Queensland: Self published. 16 pp.

Jones, Rhys. (1970). Tasmanian Aborigines and dogs. Mankind 7: 256-271. [First page]

Jordan, Adye M. (1987). The Tiger Man, The Thylacine - Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow; My Study and Findings. Hobart, Tasmania: Wordswork Express, 95 pp. [published in Perth?]

Jørgensen, Dolly. (2017). Presence of absence, absence of presence, and extinction narratives, pp. 45-58. In: Head, Lesley, Saltzman, Katarina, Setten, Gunhild and Stenseke, Marie (eds.). Nature, Temporality and Environmental Management Scandinavian and Australian Perspectives on Peoples and Landscapes. Routledge. xiii + 228 pp. ["I took up the issue of dating the thylacine’s extinction" (blogpost)]

Joslin, Paul and Maryanka, Daphne. (1968). Endangered Mammals of the World: Report on Status and Action Treatment. IUCN Publications, New Series, Supplementary Paper No. 13: 34 pp.

Kealy, Shimona and Beck, Robin. (2017). Total evidence phylogeny and evolutionary timescale for Australian faunivorous marsupials (Dasyuromorphia). BMC Evolutionary Biology 17: 240.

Kealy, Shimona and Beck, Robin. (2023). Evolutionary relationships of Australia's carnivorous marsupials (order Dasyuromorphia), pp. 33-34. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmania. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

Kearney, Nicole. (2023). Celebrating BHL Australia through the Eye of the (Tasmanian) Tiger. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 7: e112352.

Keast, A. (1982). The Thylacine (Thylacinidae, Marsupialia): how good a pursuit carnivore?, pp. 675-684. In: Archer, Michael (ed.). Carnivorous Marsupials. Sydney: Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales.

Kellett, Mark. (2006). Tyger, tyger burnt out: The demise of the thylacine. Australian Heritage 2006: 73-78.

Kendrick, George W. and Porter, Jennifer K. (1973). Remains of a Thylacine (Marsupialia: Dasyuroidea) and other fauna from caves in the Cape Range, Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 56(4): 116-122. [first known record of the thylacine from north-west WA; cites (Wright, 1968, 1972) as possible NW WA thylacine rock art images]

Kennedy, Michael (gen. ed.). (1990). Australia's Endangered Species: The Extinction Dilemma. Brookvale, N.S.W.: Simon & Schuster Australia. 192 pp. [Cover title: A complete reference to Australia's endangered species]

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Knight, Charles and Knight, A. H. (1903). The Tasmanian Wolf. The Century Illus. Monthly Mag LXVI(1): 112-115.

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Knights, Tessa and Langley, Michelle C. (2023). Archaeological evidence for the Indigenous use of thylacine-based materials, pp. 56-57. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmania. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

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Kowalczyk, Iwona. (year?). How science supports fiction, or to which extent technologies have advanced the progress towards the vision of de – extinction. Unpublished?

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Krefft, Gerard. (1868a). Description of a new species of thylacine (Thylacinus breviceps). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (4), 2: 296-297. [T. breviceps is now considered to be a synonym of T. cynocephalus]

Krefft, Gerard. (1868b). Appendix 6, List of specimens collected by Mr George Masters, assistant curator, from December, 1866 to March 1867. In: Report of the Trustee’s for the year ending 31 of December, 1867, Australian Museum, pp. 9-10. Sydney, NSW: Thomas Richards, Government Printer.

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Rich, T. H. 1991. Monotremes, placentals, and marsupials: their record in Australia and its biases, pp. 893-1070. In: P. Vickers-Rich, J. M. Monaghan, R. F. Baird, and T. H. Rich, eds. Vertebrate Palaeontology of Australasia. Pioneer Design Studio and Monash University, Melbourne.

Richards, Robert G. (2014). A Pardon for the Dingo. Science 343(6167): 142-143. [Abstract]

Richards SM, Hovhannisyan N, Gilliham M, Ingram J, Skadhauge B, Heiniger H, et al. (2019) Low-cost cross-taxon enrichment of mitochondrial DNA using in-house synthesised RNA probes. PLoS ONE 14(2): e0209499. 

Richardson, Benjamin J. (2023). Norman Laird (1915–1978): pioneering Tasmanian flmmaker, writer and naturalist. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 157: 27-39.

Rickard, Bob. (1987). The return of the tiger? Fortean Times 49: 5-7. [unseen by the present author; said to criticize the Kevin Cameron photos published in (Douglas, 1986)]

Ride, W. D. L. (1960). The fossil mammalian fauna of the Burramys parvus breccia from the Wombeyan Caves, New South Wales. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 43: 74-80.

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Roberts, Mary Grant. (1910). Letter to A. Lowe, 25/2/1910. Wellington City Council Archives, Wellington, New Zealand.

Roberts, Mary Grant. (1911). Diary, 1/1/1910 – 4/7/1911. Privately held family papers, Mr. Gerald Roberts, Norwood, Tasmania.

Roberts, Mary Grant. (1912). Diary, 1/7/1911 – 26/12/1912. Roberts collection, State Archives Office, Hobart.

Roberts, Mary Grant. (1915). Letter to the Secretary, National Museum of Victoria, 11/3/1915. Correspondence files, archives of the Museum of Victoria.

Roberts, Mary Grant. (c.1915). Beaumaris, Mrs. H. L. Roberts' private zoological collection at Battery Point. Hobart: [H. L. Roberts]: (Cox, Sons and Kay, Printers). 4 pp.

Roberts, Mary Grant. (1919). Letter to H.A. Longman, 27/3/1919. Archives collection, Queensland Museum, Brisbane.

Roberts, Mary Grant. (1921a). Diary, 27/4/1913 – 15/9/1921. Privately held family papers, Mr. Gerald Roberts, Norwood, Tasmania.

Roberts, Mary Grant. (1921b). Account Book, 1/1/1912 – 5/9/1921. Privately held family papers, Mr. Gerald Roberts, Norwood, Tasmania.

Roberts, Mary Grant. (1921c). Visitors’ Book, 23/11/1904 – 15/11/1921. Roberts collection, State Archives Office, Hobart.

Robin, Libby. (2009). Dead museum animals: Natural order or cultural chaos? reCollections 4(2): [pagination?].

Robinson, Grant. (2014). The Wonthaggi Monster, Thylacines and Other Creatures, [pagination?]. Great Gippsland Mysteries. Chatswood, NSW: Griffin Press. 160 pp. [Available from FDHS] [the first chapter in the book]

Robovský J., Andera M. & Benda P., 2010: Revise catalogue of ceratomorph ungulates in the collection of the National museum Prague and several other collections in the Czech Republic (Perissodactyla: Rhinocerotidae, Tapiridae). – Lynx (n.s.) 41: 237-294.

Robovský, Jan, Sleightholme, Stephen R., Vohralík, Vladimír and Benda, Petr. (2015). Specimens of Thylacinus cynocephalus in collections of the Czech Republic (Mammalia: Thylacinidae). Journal of the National Museum (Prague), Natural History Series 184(2): 43-50.

Robson, S. K. and Young, W. G. (1990). A comparison of tooth microwear between an extinct marsupial predator, the Tasmanian tiger Thylacinus cynocephalus (Thylacynidae) and an extant scavenger, the Tasmanian devil Sarcophilus harrisii (Dasyuridae: Marsupialia). Australian Journal of Zoology 37(5): 575-589.

Roe, Michael. (2021). Van Diemen’s Land and the Great Exhibition of 1851. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 155(2): 21-36. [p. 28]

Rolland, Will. (1997). The Tasmanian Tiger: The Elusive Thylacine (Picture Roo Book Series). Kenthurst: Kangaroo Press.

Rolland, Will. (2002). (Rev. ed.). The Tasmanian Tiger: The Elusive Thylacine. Howrah, Tasmania: Book Agencies of Tasmania.

Rose, D. (2000). Tiger cloning project delayed by TV deal. The Mercury, 30 March, p. 7.

Rosenfeld, A. (1993). A review of the evidence for the emergence of rock art in Australia. In Sahul in Review: Pleistocene Archaeology in Australia, New Guinea and Island Melanesia M.A. Smith, M. Spriggs, & B. Fankhauser, eds., Department of Prehistory, Research School of Pacific Studies, ANU, 71-80.

Ross, J. (1830). The Hobart Town Almanack. Hobart: Self published.

Roth, H. L. (1891). Crozet's Voyage to Tasmania, New Zealand, etc...1771-1772. London: Truslove and Shirley.

Rouette, Georgia. (2002). Thylacinus cynocephalus: lessons from art. World of Antiques and Art 63: 140-144.

Rounsevell, D. E. (1983). Thylacine. Thylacinus cynocephalus, pp. 82-83. In: Strahan, Ronald (ed.). The Australian Museum Complete Book of Australian Mammals. Sydney: Angus and Robertson.

Rounsevell, D. E. and Mooney, N. (1995). Thylacine, Thylacinus cynocephalus, pp. 164-165. In: Strahan, Ronald (ed.). The Mammals of Australia. Chatswood, N.S.W.: Reed Books. 756 pp.

Rounsevell, D. E. and Smith, S. J. (1982). Recent alleged sightings of the Thylacine (Marsupialia, Thylacinidae) in Tasmania, pp. 233-236. In: Archer, Michael (ed.). Carnivorous Marsupials, Volume 1. Sydney, N. S. W.: Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales.

Rounsevell, D. E., Taylor, R. J. and Hocking, G. J. (1991). Distribution records of native terrestrial mammals in Tasmania. Wildlife Research 18(6): 699-717. [Abstract] [relevant reference?]

Roux, J. (1772). Journal of the voyage made on the King's ship, the Mascarin, commanded by M. Marion Knight of the Royal and Military Order of St Louis Fireship Captain accompanied by the flute, the Marquis de Castries, commissioned to make a voyage to the island of Tahiti or Cythea and to expore the Southern Lands, thence proceeding to New Holland, to New Zealand etc .etc. (Maryse Duyker, Trans.). In E. Duyker (Ed.), The Discovery of Tasmania: journal extracts from the expeditions of Abel Janszoon Tasman and Marc-Joseph Marion Dufresne 1642 and 1772 (1992 ed., pp. 38-43). Hobart: St David's Park Publishing. [possibly the first reported thylacine sighting by Europeans: “We have not seen any quadrupeds other than a little tiger [qu’un petit Tigre] which ran away when we pursued the savages in the woods” (p. 42)]

Rovinsky, Douglass S. (2020). The evolutionary context and functional ecology of the thylacine (Thylacinus cynocephalus). PhD thesis, Monash University. [Abstract]

Rovinsky, Douglass S. (2023a). Weighty implications of the thylacine's body mass, pp. 18-20. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmania. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

Rovinsky, Douglass S. (2023b). The search for the thylacine's beginnings: fossil relatives and evolutionary history, pp. 34-36. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmania. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

Rovinsky, Douglass S., Evans, A. R. and Adams, J. W. (2019). The pre-Pleistocene fossil thylacinids (Dasyuromorphia: Thylacinidae) and the evolutionary context of the modern thylacine. PeerJ 7:e7457.

Rovinsky, Douglass S., Evans, A. R. and Adams, J. W. (2021a). Who's afraid of the marsupial wolf?, p. 69. In: Conference Programme & Abstract List for the 67th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian Mammal Society Virtual, 28 September to 1 October, Perth, WA, 2021. [automatic download]

Rovinsky, Douglass S., Evans, A. R. and Adams, J. W. (2021b). Functional ecological convergence between the thylacine and small prey-focused canids. BMC Ecology and Evolution 21: 58.

Rovinsky, Douglass S., Evans, A. R., Martin, Damir G. and Adams, J. W. (2020). Did the thylacine violate the costs of carnivory? Body mass and sexual dimorphism of an iconic Australian marsupial. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 287(1933): 20201537.

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Sayer, Luke. (2002). The Mercury, 2 June 2002.

Sayles, J. (1980). Stalking the Tasmanian tiger. Animal Kingdom 82(6): 35-40. [Paddle (2000) gives the publication date as 1980 while giving the issue period as "December 1979/January 1980", which implies that physical publication was delayed until early 1980]

Schrire, C. 1982. The Alligator Rivers: Prehistory and Ecology in Western Arnhem Land. Terra Australis 7. Canberra: Department of Prehistory, ANU. [relevant citation?]

Sclater, Philip Lutley. (1891). Guide to the Gardens of the Zoological Society of London. London: Bradbury, Agnew, & Co. [relevant pages]

Sclater, P. L. (1904a). Rare living animals in London. Knowledge and Scientific News 1904: 59-60.

Sclater, P. L. (1904b). The thylacine. (Thylacinus cynocephalus). Scientific American Supplement, (1488), 9 July, 23845.

Schlunke, K. and Stark, H. (2019). Zoological Gardens, Austerity, and Staging the Extinction of the 'Last' Thylacine, pp. 87-105. In: Milthorpe, N. (ed.). The Poetics and Politics of Gardening in Hard Times. London: Lextington Books. [Abstract]

Scott, Peter (ed.). (1965). Section XIII. Preliminary List of Rare Mammals and Birds, pp. 155-237. In: The Launching of a New Ark. First Report of the President and Trustees of the World Wildlife Fund. An International Foundation for saving the world's wildlife and wild places 1961-1964. London: Collins.

Scott, Rebecca. (2008). Genetics Triumph. A world first – Tasmanian Tiger genes succeed in a mouse, pp. 6-7. In: Dropulich, Silvia (ed.). Research Review (The University of Melbourne). The University of Melbourne, Victoria: "Published by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) through the Marketing and Communications Office". [HTML version]

Scott, Thomas. (1829). From the descriptive itinerary of Van Diemen's Land, now preparing for publication. —Excursion of his Excellency to the west. Hobart Town Courier, Saturday, 28 February, pp. 2-3.

Scott, Thomas. (1830a). Sketch of a Tyger Trap intended for Mount Morriston, 1823. p. 18 in 'Sketches in Early Van Diemen's Land (Ed.) K. R. Von Stieglitz (Published 1966). [reproduced in (Paddle, 2000:95)]

Scott, Thomas. (1830b). Excursion to the westward, of his excellency Lieutenant Governor Arthur in January 1829. In: Ross, James (ed.). The Hobart Town Almanack for the Year 1830: Hobart: self published.

Scott, William Berryman. (1913). A History of Land Mammals in the Western Hemisphere. New York: Macmillan Press. 786 pp. [p. 632-633; photo]

Scott, W. J. (1872). Letter, addressed to the Secretary, respecting the supposed "native tiger" of Queensland. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1872: 355.

Seddon, Philip J., Moehrenschlager, Axel and Ewen, John. (2014). Reintroducing resurrected species: selecting DeExtinction candidates. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 29(3): 140-147. [Abstract]

Senter, P. and Moch, J. G. (2015). A critical survey of vestigial structures in the postcranial skeletons of extant mammals. PeerJ 3: e1439.

Shakespeare, Nicholas. (2004). In Tasmania. Knopf. ISBN 10: 1740512715 / ISBN 13: 9781740512718

Sharland, Michael S. R. (1937). Tasmanian Tiger. Marsupial's Stand. Sydney Morning Herald, 20 February, p. 13.

Sharland. Michael S. R. (1938). In Search of the Thylacine. Society’s Interest in the Preservation of a Unique Marsupial. Proceedings of the Royal Society of NSW 1938-1939: 20-38. [automatic download]

Sharland, Michael S. R. (1939). Tracking the Thylacine. Wild Life 1(8): 7-9.

Sharland, Michael S. R. (1941). Tasmania's rare "tiger". Bulletin of the New York Zoological Society 44(3): 84-88.

Sharland, Michael S. R. (1956). Farm hands paid to snare tiger. Hobart Mercury, 9 June.

Sharland, Michael S. R. (1957a). Tiger secrets need probing. Hobart Mercury, 12 January, p. 17.

Sharland, Michael S. R. (1957b). In search of the vanished "tiger". People, 3 April, p. 25-26.

Sharland, Michael S. R. (1960). Hunting the thylacine. Hemisphere (Commonwealth Office of Education, Sydney) 4(5): 7-11.

Sharland, Michael S. R. (1962). Tasmanian Wild Life: A Popular Account of the Furred Land Mammals, Snakes and Introduced Mammals of Tasmania. Parkerville, Victoria: Melbourne University Press.

Sharland, Michael S. R. (1971a). Bream Creek's tiger toll was heavy. Hobart Mercury, 13 February, p. 6.

Sharland, Michael S. R. (1971b). Gone, but not forgotten. Hobart Mercury, 6 March.

Sharland, Michael S. R. (1971c). A Pocketful of Nature. An anthology of notes and articles by the natural history columnist of The Mercury, Hobart, “Peregrine” (Michael Sharland) during the past half-century. Hobart: Mercury.

Sharland, Michael S. R. (1980). Has the thylacine "evolved" into the tiger cat? Hobart Mercury, 29 March, p. 6.

Shaw, S. (1972). Man who caught that tiger. Burnie Advocate (Weekender), 15 April.

Sherborn, Charles Davies. (1902). Index Animalium. London. [section 2, part 7, p. 1760 (five entries); section 2, part 12, p. 2918 (one entry); section 2, part 24, p. 6054 (one entry); section 2, part 26, p. 6505 (two entries)]

Shillinglaw, John J. (ed.). (1879). Historical Records of Port Phillip: The First Annals of the Colony of Victoria. By Authority: John Ferres, Government Printer, Melbourne. [Rev. Robert Knopwood's diary entry for 20 August 1803]

Short, Jeff and Calaby, John H. (2001). The status of Australian mammals in 1922 – collections and field notes of museum collector Charles Hoy. Australian Zoologist 31(4): 533-562.

Shuker, Karl P. N. (1993). The Lost Ark. London: HarperCollins. [Purported rediscovery of the thylacine on pp. 99-102]

Shuker, Karl P. N. (1996). ["The beast of Buderim – is Australian cryptozoology's star in stripes a mainland thylacine"]. Wild About Animals [volume?]: [pagination?]. [the link is an online reprint on Dr. Shuker's famous blog, with original title?]

Shuker, Karl P. N. (2013, 8 May). The New Guinea thylacine – crying wolf in Irian Jaya? Blog post, available at:

Shuker, Karl P. N. (2014). Foreword: Is the Thylacine truly extinct, or merely evanescent?, pp. 11-12. In: Lang, Rebecca (ed.). The Tasmanian Tiger: Extinct or Extant? Hazelbrook, NSW: Strange Nation Publishing. 186 pp.

Simpson, George Gaylord. (1941). The affinities of the borhyaenidae. American Museum Novitates 1118: 1-6.

Simpson, S. (1980). Chasing our elusive tiger with a computer printout. Hobart Mercury, 28 January, p. 5.

Sinclair, W. J. (1906). Mammalia of the Santa Cruz Beds. Vol. IV, Paleontology. Part III, Marsupialia. In Reports of the Princeton University Expeditions to Patagonia, 1896–1899 (W.B. Scott, ed.), pp. 333–460. Stuttgart: Princeton University Press/E. Schweizerbart’sche Verlagshandlung (E. Nägele).

Siversson, Mikael. (2023). The Mundrabilla mummy: conservation and exhibition, pp. 144-146. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmania. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

Skatssoon, J. (2005). Thylacine cloning project dumped. ABC Science Online, 15 February.

SKYLINE, no 4. Annual Magazine, year 1953, by LAUNCESTON Walking Club [presumably contains an article about the thylacine footprints found and cast]

Slack, M., Fillios, M. and Fullagar, R. 2009. Aboriginal settlement during the LGM at Brockman,Pilbara Region, Western Australia. Archaeology in Oceania 44, Supplement: 32-39. [relevant citation?]

Slee, Sid. (1987). The Haunt of the Marsupial Wolf. Bunbury, WA: South West Printing and Publishing Company. [multiple printings; unknown if any textual revisions]

Sleightholme, Stephen R. (2011). Confirmation of the gender of the last captive Thylacine. Australian Zoologist 35(4): 953-956.

Sleightholme, Stephen R. (2023a). The International Thylacine Specimen Database, pp. 1-2. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmanian Tiger. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

Sleightholme, Stephen R. (2023b). Sir Colin MacKenzie's remarkable legacy, pp. 2-3. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmanian Tiger. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

Sleightholme, Stephen R. (2023c). William Bullock's thylacine, pp. 61-62. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmania. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

Sleightholme, Stephen R. (2023d). Is the thylacine extinct?, pp. 154-155. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmania. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

Sleightholme, Stephen R. and Ayliffe, Nicholas P. (2005). International Thylacine Specimen Database. CD-Rom. Master Copy: Zoological Society, London.

Sleightholme, Stephen R. and Ayliffe, Nicholas P. (2006). International Thylacine Specimen Database. DVD. London. Master Copy: Zoological Society, London.

Sleightholme, Stephen R. and Ayliffe, Nicholas P. (2009). International Thylacine Specimen Database. London.

Sleightholme, Stephen R. and Ayliffe, Nicholas P. (2011). International Thylacine Specimen Database, Fourth Revision, DVD-Rom; Master Copy: Zoological Society of London.

Sleightholme, Stephen R. and Ayliffe, Nicholas P. (2013). The International Thylacine Specimen Database: 5th Revision. [DVD].

Sleightholme, Stephen R. and Ayliffe, Nicholas P. (2017). The International Thylacine Specimen Database. CD-Rom. Master Copy: Zoological Society, London (6th Rev).

Sleightholme, Stephen R. and Campbell, Cameron R. (2014). A retrospective review of the breeding season of the thylacine; Guiler revisited. Australian Zoologist 37(2): 238-244.

Sleightholme, Stephen R. and Campbell, Cameron R. (2015). The earliest motion picture footage of the last captive thylacine? Australian Zoologist 37(3): 282-287.

Sleightholme, Stephen R. and Campbell, Cameron R. (2016). A retrospective assessment of 20th century thylacine populations. Australian Zoologist 38(1): 102-129.

Sleightholme, Stephen R. and Campbell, Cameron R. (2018). The International Thylacine Specimen Database (6th Revision - Project Summary & Final Report). Australian Zoologist 39(3): 480-512.

Sleightholme, Stephen R. and Campbell, Cameron R. (2019a). Stripe pattern variation in the coat of the Thylacine (Thylacinus cynocephalus). Australian Zoologist 40(2): 290-307.

Sleightholme, Stephen R. and Campbell, Cameron R. (2019b). Two recently discovered photographs of a thylacine (Thylacinus cynocephalus) at the London Zoo. Australian Zoologist 40(2): 308-313.

Sleightholme, Stephen R. and Campbell, Cameron R. (2019c). Correction for the paper: Stephen R. Sleightholme and Cameron R. Campbell (2018) The International Thylacine Specimen Database (6 Revision - Project Summary & Final Report). Australian Zoologist 39(3):480-512. Australian Zoologist 40(2): 362.

Sleightholme, Stephen R. and Campbell, Cameron R. (2020). Reverend George H. Judd's Thylacines. Australian Zoologist 41(1): 74-79.

Sleightholme, Stephen R. and Campbell, Cameron R. (2021a). A Catalogue of the Thylacine captured on film. Australian Zoologist 41(2): 143-178.

Sleightholme, Stephen R. and Campbell, Cameron R. (2021b). A catalogue of the motion picture films of the Thylacine (Thylacinus cynocephalus). Australian Zoologist 41(4): 778-793.

Sleightholme, Stephen R. and Campbell, Cameron R. (2023a). The fate of London Zoo's last thylacine, pp. 3-6. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmanian Tiger. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

Sleightholme, Stephen R. and Campbell, Cameron R. (2023b). Thylacines in European zoos, pp. 70-73. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmanian Tiger. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

Sleightholme, Stephen R. and Campbell, Cameron R. (2023c). The Thylacine - A Wolf in Name Only, pp. 231-236. In: Convery, Ian, Nevin, Owen, van Maanen, Erwin, Davis, Peter and Lloyd, Karen (eds.). The Wolf: Culture, Nature, Heritage. Boydell Press.

Sleightholme, Stephen R. and Campbell, Cameron R. (in review). Thylacinus cynocephalus (Harris, 1808) – investigating sex by characters of the skull. Australian Zoologist.

Sleightholme, Stephen R., Campbell, Cameron R. and Kitchener, Andrew C. (2016). Frank Haes' thylacine. Australian Zoologist 38(2): 203-211.

Sleightholme, Stephen R., Gordon, Tammy J. and Campbell, Cameron R. (2020). The Kaine capture - questioning the history of the last Thylacine in captivity. Australian Zoologist 41(1): 1-11.

Sleightholme, Stephen R., Robovský, Jan and Vohralík, Vladimír. (2012). Description of four newly discovered Thylacine pouch young and a comparison with Boardman (1945). Australian Zoologist 36(2): 232-238.

Smaill, Belinda. (2015). Tasmanian tigers and polar bears: The documentary moving image and (species) loss. NECSUS 4(1): 145-162.

Small, Mary. (1985). Tasmanian tiger mystery. Is this creature extinct, or has it learnt from harsh experience to avoid successfully its worst enemy - man? This Australia 5(1): 6-11.

Smith, David. (1990). Continent in Crisis. Penguin Books. 201 pp.

Smith, Deborah. (2011). Tasmanian tiger's bark worse than its bite, study shows. The Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney, Australia), 1 Sept, p. 3.

Smith, G. Elliot. (1902). On a peculiarity of the cerebral commissures in certain Marsupialia, not hitherto recognised as a distinctive feature or the Diprotodontia. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. 70: 226-231.

Smith, Geoffrey Watkins. (1909). A Naturalist in Tasmania. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 151 pp.

Smith, J. (1862). Tasmanian tigers. Launceston Examiner, 22 November, p. 2.

Smith, K. F., Sax, D. F., and Lafferty, K. D. (2006). Evidence for the role of infectious disease in species extinction and endangerment. Conservation Biology 20 (5): 1349-1357. [table 1 [p. 1352] only]

Smith, M. A. (1977). Devon Downs Reconsidered: An Exercise in Bioarchaeology. Unpublished B.A. (Hons) thesis, Australian National University. [report of Thylacinus cynocephalus from Ngaut Ngaut, South Australia]

Smith, M.A. (1982). Devon Downs reconsidered: changes in site use at a lower Murray Valley rockshelter. Archaeology in Oceania, 17: 109-116.

Smith, Malcolm. (1982). Review of the Thylacine (Marsupialia, Thylacinidae), pp. 237-253. In: Carnivorous Marsupials. Archer, Michael (ed). R. Zool. Soc. N. S. W. Sydney.

Smith, Malcolm. (1996). Bunyips and Bigfoots: In Search of Australia’s Mystery Animals. Alexandria, N.S.W.: Millennium. 214 pp. [pp. 94-114]

Smith, Malcolm. (1982). Review of the Thylacine (Marsupialia, Thylacinidae), pp. 237-253. In: Carnivorous Marsupials. Archer, Michael (ed). R. Zool. Soc. N. S. W. Sydney.

Smith, Malcolm. (2014). Thylacine Sightings Outside Tasmania, pp. 89-99. In: Lang, Rebecca (ed.). The Tasmanian Tiger: Extinct or Extant? Hazelbrook, NSW: Strange Nation Publishing. 186 pp.

Smith, Meredith J. (1972). Small fossil vertebrates from Victoria Cave, Naracoorte. South Australia. II. Peramelidae, Thylacinidae and Dasyuridae (Marsupialia). Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 96(3): 125-137.

Smith, Nicholas. (2012). The return of the living dead: unsettlement and the Tasmanian tiger. Journal of Australian Studies 36(3): 269-289. [Abstract]

Smith, Steven J. (1981). The Tasmanian Tiger - 1980: A report on an investigation of the current status of thylacine Thylacinus cynocephalus, funded by The World Wildlife Fund Australia. Wildt. Division Tech. Rep. 81/1. Hobart, Australia: National Parks and Wildlife Service. 133 pp.

Spencer, C. (1944). Tasmanian Tiger reappears. Vic. Nat. 61: 44.

Spoutil, F., Herdina, A. N., Prochazka, J., Sedlacek, R. and Knitlova, M. (2017). The Youngest Tasmanian Wolf: Scanned. Micro-CT User Meeting 2017, pp. 101-102.

Sprent, J. F. A. (1971). A new genus and species of ascaridoid nematode from the marsupial wolf (Thylacinus cynocephalus). Parasitology 63: 37-43. [Abstract]

Sprent, J. F. A. (1972). Cotylascaris thylacini: a synonym of Ascaridia columbae. Parasitology 64: 331-332. [Abstract]

Spurling, Stephen. (1943). The Tasmanian Tiger or Marsupial Wolf: Thylacinus cynocephalus. Journal of the Bengal Natural History Society 18(2): 55-59. [at Stanley in 1902 witnessed cattlemen arrive at local Police station with two sacks containing around 20 thylacine heads; source:]

Squires, Nick. (2004). Scientists lobby for reserve for future Tasmanian tiger clone. The South China Morning Post, 26 March.

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Stephenson, N. G. (1963). Growth gradients among fossil monotremes and marsupials. Palaeontology 6(4): 615-624.

Stevenson, G. (1941). Thylacine papers, (21 Oct 1941), Queen Victoria Museum, Launceston.

Stevenson, R[obert?]. (1928). Letter to the editor: the Tasmanian wolf. Hobart Mercury, 20 July, p. 3.

Stevenson, Robert. (1937). The native tiger. Examiner, Wednesday 3 March, p. 1. [A farmer claims thylacine predation on his sheep]

Stewart, H.W. 1919. Aboriginalities. Bulletin, 11/11/1919: 20.

Stivens, D. (1973). The thylacine mystery. Animal Kingdom 76(3): 18-23.

Stobo-Wilson, Alyson M. et al. (2021). Sharing meals: Predation on Australian mammals by the introduced European red fox compounds and complements predation by feral cats. Biological Conservation 261: 109284. ["Relative likelihood of cat predation (95% CI)...0.02 (0.00-0.07)"]

Stocker, Fiona and Thurrowgood, David. (2020). Burning bright: 'A thylacine comes home'. Forty South Tasmania, No. 97, Winter 2020: 12-17. [Abstract]

Stott, Ken Jnr. (1944). Conspicuous Mammals of the South Pacific. Bulletins of the Zoological Society of San Diego 20: 3-39.

Strachan, L. (1977). Tasmanian Tiger sighted. Australian, 23 August.

Strahan, Ronald. (1986). Photographic memory (letter to the editor). New Scientist, 26 June, p. 82. [cited by (Douglas, 1986b), but otherwise unmentioned as far as I'm aware]

Stubbs, B. (2002). Tiger clone hope burning bright. The Mercury, 29 May, p. 3.

Susac, R. A. J. (2007). A Literature Review & Report of Karst Biodiversity, Palaeontology & Hydrology in the Northern Agricultural Region, Western Australia. Unpublished report to the Department of Environment and Conservation. 82 pp.

Sutherland, Struan K. and Nolch, Guy. (2000). Dangerous Australian Animals. Flemington, Victoria: Hyland House. vi + 201 pp.

Sutton, Alice, Mountain, Mary-Jane, Aplin, Ken, Bulmer, Susan and Denham, Tim. (2009). Archaeozoological records for the highlands of New Guinea: a review of current evidence. Australian Archaeology 69: 41-58.

Svitil, Kathy A. (2003). Bringing the Tasmanian tiger back from the dead. Discover 24(10): 16.

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Swainson, W. (1846). The dog-faced opossum. In: Murray, H., Wallace, W., Jameson, R., Hooker, W. J. and Swainson, W. An Encyclopædia of Geography... (revised edition). London: Longmans, Green and Co.

Szalay, Frederick S. (1994). Evolutionary History of the Marsupialia and an Analysis of Osteological Characters, Cambridge University Press,New York pp. 1-455.

Taçon, Paul S. C., Brennan, Wayne and Lamilami, Ronald. (2011). Changing Perspectives in Australian Archaeology, part XI. Rare and curious thylacine depictions from Wollemi National Park, New South Wales and Arnhem Land, Northern Territory. Technical Reports of the Australian Museum (online) 23(11): 165-174.

Taçon, Paul S. C., May, Sally K. et al. (2020). Maliwawa figures—a previously undescribed Arnhem Land rock art style. Australian Archaeology.

Taçon, Paul S. C. et al. (2022). Extraordinary Back-to-Back Human and Animal Figures in the Art of Western Arnhem Land, Australia: One of the World’s Largest Assemblages. Cambridge Archaeological Journal. doi:10.1017/S0959774322000129

Taggert, Stewart. (2002). Will Tasmanian tiger clone work?., 6 October, available at:

Tangey, Chris. (2023). Finding a marsupial ghost, pp. 146-148. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmania. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

Tasman, A. J. (1642). Journal of a Voyage to the Unknown Southland in the Year 1642 (Herman Duyker, Trans.). In E. Dyker (Ed.), The Discovery of Tasmania: journal extracts from the expeditions of Abel Janszoon Tasman and Marc-Joseph Marion Dufresne 1642 and 1772 (1992 ed., pp. 9-16). Hobart: St David's Park Publishing.

Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery. 1917. Museum Trustees Minute Book, 7/7/1913 – 20/6/1917. Archives collection, Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Hobart.

Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery. 1928. Museum Trustees Minute Book, 28/1/1918 – 2/4/1928. Archives collection, Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Hobart.

Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery. (2015). TMAG Annual Report 2014-15. Hobart: Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery. [two donated photos, taken c.1923 by Brian Oxer; several donated paintings by Christine Simons]

Tate, G. H. H. (1947). Results of the Archbold Expeditions. No. 56. On the anatomy and classification of the Dasyuridae (Marsupialia). Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 88: 101-155.

Taylor, Robert J. (1985). Identification of the hair of Tasmanian mammals. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 119: 69-82.

Tedford, Richard H. (1967). The fossil Macropodiae from Lake Menindee, New South Wales. Univ. Calif. Publ. Geol. Sci. 64: 1-156.

Temminck, Coenraad J. (1824). Sur le genre Sarigue - Didelphis (Linn.). and Sur les mammifères du genre Dasyure, et sur deux genres voisins, les Thylacynes et les Phascogales, pp. 21-54, pls. 5-6 and pp. 55-72, pls. 7-8 in Temminck, Coenraad J. (1824-1827). Monographies de Mammalogie, ou description de quelques genres de mammifères dont les espèces ont été observées dans lens différens musées de l'Europe. Ouvrage accompagné de planches d'Ostéologie, pouvant servir de suite et de complément aux notices sur les animaux vivans, publiées par M. le Baron G. Cuvier, dans ses recherches sur les ossemens fossiles. Paris: G. Dufour et E. D'Ocagne Tom. 1 [23, 60].

Temminck, Coenraad J. (1827). Tableau méthodique des mammifères, répartis en ordres, genres et sections, avec une énumération approximative des espèces comprises dans les groupes, suivant le relevé le plus récent dans cette classe du règne animal. and Table des chapitres du premier volume. pp. xiii-xxxii and pp. 266-268 in Temminck, Coenraad J. (1824-1827). Monographies de Mammalogie, ou description de quelques genres de mammifères dont les espèces ont été observées dans lens différens musées de l'Europe. Ouvrage accompagné de planches d'Ostéologie, pouvant servir de suite et de complément aux notices sur les animaux vivans, publiées par M. le Baron G. Cuvier, dans ses recherches sur les ossemens fossiles. Paris: G. Dufour et E. D'Ocagne Tom. 1 [xxii, 267].

Tent, Jan. (2023). Historic placenames as a source in identifying bygone faunal distributions: A double-edged sword. Preprint.

Terry, Edward "Ned" Vincent. (2005a). Tasmanian tiger: Thylacinus cynocephalus: alive & well. Dairy Plains, Tasmania: Self published. ix + 142 pp. [there seems to be a CD that supplements the book, which includes interviews conducted post-1980]

Terry, Edward "Ned" Vincent. (2005b). Identities and History of Tasmania's High Country. Dairy Plains, Tasmania: Self published. ix + 189 pp.

Terry, Edward "Ned" Vincent. (2007). Pioneers and Their Memories of Tasmania's High Country. Dairy Plains, Tasmania: Self published.

Terry, Edward "Ned" Vincent. (2009). Experiences From the Past. In: "Tigerman". Magnificent Survivor: Continued Existence of the Tasmanian Tiger. e-Book,

Terry, Edward "Ned" Vincent. (2014). Experiences From the Past, pp. 29-35. In: Lang, Rebecca (ed.). The Tasmanian Tiger: Extinct or Extant? Hazelbrook, NSW: Strange Nation Publishing. 186 pp. [a reprint of the above publication]

The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser. Vol. 3. (1966). Public Library of New South Wales and Angus and Robertson: Sydney. [According to J. H. Callaby: "Facsimile reproduction of vol. 3 of Australia's first newspaper; from March 3, 1805 to March 9, 1806. The issue for April 21, 1805 contains what is probably the first description of a thylacine"]

The Sydney Morning Herald, 29 July, 1986, "Colour Photos of Tasmanian Tiger Doubted" [contains an interview with Athol Douglas; fide (Williams, 2014:136)]

Theden-Ringl, Fenja. (2018). Common cores in the high country: The archaeology and environmental history of the Namadgi Ranges. PhD thesis, Australian National University (ANU). [chapter 6, reprint of Theden-Ringl et al., 2018]

Theden-Ringl, Fenja, Hislop, K., Aplin, Kenneth et al. (2018). The chronology and environmental context of a cave deposit and associated faunal assemblage including megafauna teeth near Wee Jasper, southeastern Australia. Holocene 28(9): 1467-1482.

Theden-Ringl, Fenja et al. (2020). Characterizing Environmental Change and Species’ Histories from Stratified Faunal Records in Southeastern Australia: A Regional Review and a Case Study for the Early to Middle Holocene. Records of the Australian Museum 72(5): 207-223.

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Thomas, R. H.; Schaffner, W.; Wilson, A. C., and Pääbo, S. (1989). DNA phylogeny of the extinct marsupial wolf. Nature 340(6233): 465-467. [Abstract]

Thomas, R. W. (1996). Tasmanian tiger photograph. South Australian Naturalist 71(1-2): 18-19.

Thompson, Angus. (2012). Author reveals ‘Tasmanian tiger' spotting. Herald Sun, 26 April. [story about author Col Bailey's 1995 sighting of a thylacine]

Thompson, L. Beatrice. (1902). Who's Who at the Zoo. London: Gay and Bird.

Thorn, Kailah M. (2023). Pups of the Swan Coastal Plain, pp. 41-42. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmania. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

Thorn, Kailah M. et al. (2017). Fossil mammals of Caladenia Cave, northern Swan Coastal Plain, south-western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum 32(2): 217-236.

Tomes, Charles S. (1906). On the minute structure of the teeth of creodonts, with especial reference to their suggested resemblance to marsupials. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1906: 45-58 [49-50].

Tomes, John. (1849). On the Structure of the Dental Tissues of Marsupial Animals, and More Especially of the Enamel. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 139: 403-412.

Tozer, Noel. (2018). Snips & Snaps: The Frith Family: a Nineteenth Century Family of Portraitists, Miniaturists, Caricaturists and Photographic Artists. Self published: Edmund & Alexander. [p. 124, an 1858 newspaper article indicates that Frederick Frith took the earliest photo taken, though it's whereabouts is a mystery]

Traynor, M. and Kelly, K. (1980). A Method of Reconstructing Furred Mammals both Living and Extinct. The Victorian Naturalist 97(2): 76-78.

Triggs, Barbara. (1996). Tracks, Scats and Other Traces: A Field Guide to Australian Mammals. Oxford University Press. 352 pp.

Triggs, Barbara. (2004). Tracks, Scats and Other Traces: A Field Guide to Australian Mammals, revised edition. Oxford University Press. 348 or 352 pp.

Troughton, Ellis Le Geyt. (1941). Furred Animals of Australia. Sydney: Angus & Robertson.

Troughton, Ellis Le Geyt. (1948). Furred Animals of Australia, 3rd edition. Sydney: Angus & Robertson.

Troughton, Ellis Le Geyt. (1957). Furred Animals of Australia, 6th edition. Sydney: Angus & Robertson.

Troughton, Ellis Le Geyt. (1965). Furred Animals of Australia, 8th edition. Sydney: Angus & Robertson, 376 pp. [According to J. H. Calaby: "Another important addition refers to the discovery in 1960 of the left half of the mandible of a thylacine at about 5,000 ft. in the Central Highlands of New Guinea"]

Troughton, Elias Le Geyt. (1967). Furred Animals of Australia, 9th edition. Sydney: Angus & Robertson. ["There are reports of Australian [thylacines] eating echidnas (Troughton 1967)" (Mountain, 1991:8.7)]

Troughton, Ellis Le Geyt. (1973). Furred Animals of Australia, revised and abridged 9th edition. Sydney: Angus and Robertson. ["This revised and abridged edition first published in 1973"]

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Turner, Stephanie S. (2007). Open-Ended Stories: Extinction Narratives in Genome Time. Literature and Medicine 26(1): 55-82. [Abstract]

Turner, Stephanie S. (2009). Negotiating Nostalgia: The Rhetoricity of Thylacine Representation in Tasmanian Tourism. Society and Animals 17(2): 97-114.

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Turvey, Samuel T. and Cooper, Joanne H. (2009). The past is another country: is evidence for prehistoric, historical, and present-day extinction really comparable?, pp. 193-212. In: Turvey, Samuel T. (ed.). Holocene Extinctions. Oxford, UK & New York, USA: Oxford University Press. xii + 352 pp.

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Vanderpool, Daniel D. et al. (2024). Simultaneous species detection and discovery with environmental DNA metabarcoding: A freshwater mollusk case study. Ecology and Evolution 14: e11020.

Varney, Denise. (2015). ‘Beauty Tigress Queen’: Staging the Thylacine in a Theatre of Species. Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature 15(2): [pagination?].

Vaughan, H.M. 1914. An Australian Wander-Year. London: Martin Seeker.

Vaughan, H.M. 1946. The Tasmanian tiger. Country Life, 13/9/1946: 495-496.

Vechtmann, N. (1980). Hoe "uitgestorven" os Tasmaanse buidelwolf? Het Vrije Volk, 13 June.

Veitch, A. (1979). $1 million...if you catch a tiger. Australasian Post, 17 May, p. 10-11.

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Vickers, Michelle. (2023). Thylacine eyewitnesses: the psychology of sightings, pp. 152-154. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmania. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

Von Stieglitz, Karl. (1950). A Short History of Deloraine, With Some Notes on the Surrounding District. Evandale: Karl von Stieglitz. [p. 7 at least]

Vowles, Gill. (2014). Eye on the tiger. The Mercury, loose insert, pp. 14-15.

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Wait, Liana F. (2023). A second extinction: was a host-specific parasite lost too?, pp. 156-157. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmania. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

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Wallace, Lennie. (2004). Cape York Peninsula: A History of Unlauded Heroes 1845-2003. Rockhampton, Queensland: Central Queensland University Press. x + 166 p. ill., maps, ports. [contains information on the thylacine according to (Heath, 2014)]

Warburton, Natalie M. (2023). Thylacine: the skeleton of a cursorial marsupial, pp. 13-14.In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmanian Tiger. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

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Waterhouse, Jaxon and Mitchell, Chantelle. (2021). ‘Has Anybody Seen a Tasmanian Tiger Lately?’: Ethical and Ontological Considerations of Thylacine De-Extinction. Green Letters.

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Waterhouse, George Robert. (1846). A Natural History of the Mammalia. Volume 1, containing the Order Marsupiata or pouched animals. London: Hippolyte Baillière. 553 pp + 20 pls.

Waterhouse, George Robert. (1855). Mammalia. Marsupialia or Pouched Animals. Edinburgh: W. H. Lizars / London: Henry G. Bohn. [p. 121f, Pl. 5, p. 123-128]

Watson, Catherine. (2012a). Tasmanian Tiger: The ghost of a chance. Casey Weekly Cranbourne, 5 August.

Watson, Catherine. (2012b). Tasmanian tiger: Glimpses of a beast. Casey Weekly Crabourne, 12 August. [Two new sightings reported as a result of a story the previous week] [deadlink]

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Webb, Joan. (2003). The Botanical Endeavour: Journey Towards a Flora of Australia. Chipping Norton, NSW: Surrey Betty & Sons. 289 pp. ["There is a very detailed description by Paterson of the Tasmanian wolf ("accurate" according to John Oxley), including a comment on its stomach contents and the remark, "from its Interior construction it must be peculiarly quick of digestion"" (p.82)]

Webb, S. (1999). Thylacine cloning is "big time Dreamtime". Australasian Science 20(8): 19-21.

Webster, Matt. (1986). Tasmanian tigers. New Scientist, 15 May, 1508: 76.

Wehner, Kirsten. (2022). Encountering thylacine: feeling kin. SEI magazine 7: 26-29.

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Weinzierl, Michael and Domack, Eugene. (2014). Applied Cryptozoology - Using Leeches to Locate the Thylacine. Tasmanian Geographic, online magazine.

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Wentworth, Blaine. (2006). Reconstructing Growth Curves for the Thylacine (Thylacine Cynocephalus): Examining the Breeding Biology of an Extinct Marsupial. University of Tasmania. Thesis. 96 pp.

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Westerman, Michael et al. (2016). Phylogenetic relationships of dasyuromorphian marsupials revisited. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 176(3): 686-701.

Whelan, Barbara. (2007). The extinction of the Thylacine (Thylacinus cynocephalus): Quantifying the effects of competition, hunting, disease and habitat alteration. Thesis. 121 pp.

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White, Lauren C., Mitchell, Kieren J. and Austin, Jeremy J. (2018a). Ancient mitochondrial genomes reveal the demographic history and phylogeography of the extinct, enigmatic thylacine (Thylacinus cynocephalus). Journal of Biogeography 45(1): 1-13.

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Williams, Louise. (1997). Tassie tiger sighting claim in Irian Jaya. The Sydney Morning Herald, 15 April.

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Williams, Michael and Lang, Rebecca. (2010). Australian Big Cats: An Unnatural History of Panthers. Hazelbrook, NSW: Strange Nation Publishing. [St Leon circus acquired four Tasmanian tigers in the 1880's which they claimed to be "the first and only ever known to be alive in captivity", p. 13]

Williams, Michael and Lang, Rebecca. (2023). Using technology in the pursuit of evidence, pp. 165-168. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmania. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

Wilson, A. ca1922w. Notes on the Tiger. Unpublished manuscript, Archie Wilson collection, Tasmanian Library, State Library of Tasmania, Hobart.

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Woinarski, John C. Z., Braby, M. F., Burbidge, A. A., Coates, D., Garnett, S. T., Fensham, R. J., Legge, S. M., McKenzie, N. L., Silcock, J L. and Murphy, B. P. (2019). Reading the black book: The number, timing, distribution and causes of listed extinctions in Australia. Biological Conservation 239: 108261.

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Wood Jones, Frederic. (1923). The Mammals of South Australia. Part I. The Monotremes and the Carnivorous Marsupials (The Ornithodelphia and didactylous Didelphia). Adelaide: Government Printer. 131 pp. [5 April 1923] [p. 10 (illustration of dorsal view of skull), p. 11 (illustration of ventral view of skull), p. 56 + 77 (mention of loin banding/barred flank), p. 63 (illustration of left half lower jaw), p. 64 (lack of epipubic bone), p. 83 + 84 (taxonomy), p. 122 (family Thylacinidae, including illustration)]

Woodburne, M. O. (1967). The Alcoota Fauna, central Australia. Bulletin of the Bureau of Mineral Resources Geology and Geophysics, Australia 87: 1-187.

Woodford, Luke. (2015). The earliest known camera trapping in Australia: a record from Victoria. The Victorian Naturalist 132(6): 171-176.

Woods, Greg. (2023). Prologue, pp. xxii-xxiv. In: Holmes, Branden and Linnard, Gareth (eds.). Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmanian Tiger. Clayton South, Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. xxxiv + 205 pp.

Woolley, P. A. (1987). The seminiferous tubules, rete testis and efferent ducts in didelphid, caenolestid and microbiotheriid marsupials, pp. 217-227. In: Archer, Michael (ed.). Possums and Opossums: Studies in Evolution. Sydney, N.S.W.: Surrey Beatty & Sons / Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales.

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Wroe, Stephen. (2001). Maximucinus muirheadae, gen. et sp. nov. (Thylacinidae: Marsupialia), from the Miocene of Riversleigh, north–western Queensland, with estimates of body weights for fossil thylacinids. Australian Journal of Zoology 49: 603-614.

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Wroe, S., Clausen, P., McHenry, C., & Moreno, K. (2007). Finite element modeling of feeding behavior in the thylacine and wolf: A novel test for convergence. In JOURNAL OF VERTEBRATE PALEONTOLOGY (Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 169A-169A).

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Yates, Adam M. (2015). Thylacinus (Marsupialia: Thylacinidae) from the Mio-Pliocene boundary and the diversity of Late Neogene thylacinids in Australia. PeerJ 3: e931.

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Zieger, Michael and Springer, Steffen. (2020). Thylacine and Tasmanian devil: between hope and reality – a lesson to be learnt from Google Trends search data. Australian Journal of Zoology 67(4): 221-225. [Abstract]

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Incomplete references:

The Imperial Natural History Picture Book New York & London: George Routledge and Sons, 1886, 64 pp.

Explorer's Journal, June 1980, USA: The Explorer's Club. ["Devils, Quolis, Dunnarts and Thylacines - a survey of Tasmanian mammals"]

Nature, Temporality and Environmental Management: Scandinavian and Australia Perspectives on Peoples and Landscapes. [p. 50-54]

Mohr, M. (Producer). (2000, May 4). Bringing the Tasmanian tiger back to life. In ABC Online: 7.30 Report.



The tragedy and myth of the Tasmanian Tiger. (2001). CD-ROM. Hobart, Tasmania: Roar Film & Screen Tasmania. ["Tells the story of the Tasmanian Tiger by drawing on primary source material and using science to understand the species and its behaviour." (source)

Tasmanian tiger: Thylacinus cynocephalus: alive & well : new taped interviews of genuine sightings since 1980. (2004). Terry, Edward "Ned" Vincent. CD Audiobook. Dairy Plains, Tasmania: Self Published. [alternative title: "Tasmanian Tiger: Alive & Well"; published in 1999?]

Save the Tassie tiger! (2000). Developed by R3 Interactive. Adelaide, South Australia: EcoTigers Support Group. + 1 booklet (18 pp.).

Tasmanian tiger, Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th Edition;Feb2013, p1


Internet links: [Murray McAllister's website];storyMediaBox [research project] [Some of Col Bailey's "Tiger Tales" newspaper column articles] [photograph of Elias Churchill's hut, capturer of the last known wild thylacine in the Florentine Valley in 1933] (Ubirr rock art site contains depiction of thylacine) [endocast]
["To mark the day, the Macleay Museum will bring out its thylacine (Tasmanian Tiger) specimen for one day only."]"The%20amazing%20Tasmanian%20Devil."$002f$002fSD_ILS$002f0$002fSD_ILS:673381/one,-London-Zoo-exhibited-20-Thylacines-between-1850-and1931.-.html,-or-Thylacine,-1914-.html


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