A catalogue of fossil sites containing the thylacine (Thylacinus cynocephalus)
The putative extinction of the thylacine (or Tasmanian tiger) means that no further historical specimens are likely to be available to science, with the obvious exception of the potential for newly discovered specimens1. Unless the species is rediscovered, or cloning is both a) successful and b) produces animals that are not taxonomically distinct from the Tasmanian type population. Both of which are extremely unlikely. On the other hand fossil and subfossil material is both abundant and still waiting to be collected. Moreover, favourable preservation conditions mean that further soft tissue specimens potentially await discovery. At present at least three such specimens have been discovered. The first being a small patch of dried skin attached to the humerus and clavicle of a mostly complete skeleton found in Murra-El-Elevyn Cave in December 1963 or January 1964 by Mr N. Campbell (Partridge, 1967). The second being a complete mummified animal ("Old Hairy") found on 23 October 1966 by Jacky and David Lowry in what would later be known as Thylacine Hole (Lowry & Lowry, 1967). Lastly, a mummified head was found in Murra-El-Elevyn Cave in 1990, the site of the first discovery of dried thylacine tissue.
1 The most recent such find is a remarkably well preserved skin exported to New Zealand and lain unrecognized for decades. It has now been purchased by the National Museum of Australia (press release).
Lowry, David C. and Lowry, Jacoba W. J. (1967). Discovery of a Thylacine (Tasmanian Tiger) carcase in a cave near Eucla, Western Australia. Helictite 5(2): 25-29.
Partridge, Jeanette. (1967). A 3,300 year old thylacine (Marsupialia: Thylacinidae) from the Nullabor Plain, Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 50(2): 57-59.
The catalogue
Important caveats
1. The radiocarbon dates given are those reported at the time in the literature cited. Many of these older dates are unreliable and are therefore only given for historical reasons. This includes those dates repeated through citation by later authors past the date at which radiocarbon dates became more reliable (viz. fixation of the carbon curve).
2. The catalogue itself is very incomplete, and is very much a work in progress. The reference list at the end is almost complete for 20th-21st century publications, but I have yet to go through every paper and add the relevant information regarding fossil sites, their location, number and age of specimens, etc.
Australian Capital Territory
New Guinea
Kiowa Rockshelter
References: van Deusen, 1963; Bulmer, 1964; Mountain, 2023
Nombe Rockshelter
References: Mountain, 1990, 1991, (1993?), 2023; Prideaux et al., 2022
New South Wales
Lake Menindee
References: Woodburne, 1967
Wee Jasper 99 (WJ99)
References: Cathles et al., 2008; Theden-Ringl, 2018; Theden-Ringl et al., 2018
Wellington Caves
Specimens: BMNH Geol. M/10800, BMNH Geol. M/10801 (type specimens of T. spelaeus)
References: Ride, 1964
References: Mulvaney, 1975 (cited by Howlett, 2012)
Yarrangobilly or Cooleman
References: Spate, 2006 (cited in Spate & Baker, 2018)
Northern Territory
Specimens: QM F.730 (type specimen of T. rostralis)
References: Ride, 1964
Gowrie Creek
Specimens: BMNH 35973 (previously attributed to T. rostralis?)
References: Ride, 1964
King's Creek, Clifton
Specimens: QM F.3742 (previously attributed to T. rostralis?)
References: Ride, 1964
South Australia
Allen's Cave
References: Walshe, 1994
Black’s Point Sinkhole, Venus Bay
Age: 3030±60 BP (associated) (McDowell, 1997)
References: Medlin, 1996; McDowell, 1997
Devon Downs Shelter
References: Smith, 1982
Fromm's Landing
References: Macintosh, 1964; Macintosh & Mahoney, 1964; Mulvaney et al., 1964; Wakefield, 1964b; Archer, 1971
Kangaroo Island
135.4 ± 5.9 kya (Boar Beach locality), fossilized footprints [Camens et al., 2017]
≥ 28.2±2.7 kya (Rocky River homestead locality), osteological specimen [Wells et al., 2006]
14.25-13.8 kya (Kelly Hill Cave K1-P2 L7E locality), osteological specimen [Adams et al., 2016]
Central Highlands
Warragarra rockshelter
References: McWilliams et al. (1999)
Cave system near Lune River:
Anonymous. (1985). Tasmanian Tiger bones 'fully protected'. The Canberra Times, Friday, 14 June, p. 6.
Bass Strait islands
Cave Bay Cave (Hunter Island)
Specimens: a single thylacine molar tooth
Age: dated to roughly 15,400 BP (Bowdler, 1984)
Notes: As far as I am aware, this single tooth is the only record, prehistoric or modern, of the thylacine on the Bass Strait islands
References: Bowdler, 1984
Cloggs Cave
References: Flood, 1973, 1974; Delannoy et al., 2020
McEachern's Cave
References: Wakefield, 1967
Nelson Bay
References: Gerdtz & Archbold, 2003; Piper, 2007
Western Australia
Avon Region
Eucla Division
Capstan Cave (N50)
Specimens: WAM 67.11.37
References: Lowry, 1972
Horseshoe Cave
Specimens: WAM 72.1.512; WAM 72.1.307 (Archer, 1974)
References: Archer, 1974 (+ 1972?)
Murra-El-Elevyn Cave (N47)1
Specimens: WAM 64.8.1 (soft tissue present around humerus and clavicle); mummified head discovered in 1990 [citation?]
Age: WAM 64.8.1 (3,280 ± 90 yBP (Partridge, 1967))
Notes: 1 Formerly known as Cocklebiddy Three Mile Cave
References: Gasking, 1965; Partridge, 1967
Roaches Rest Cave (N58)
Specimens: WAM 67.3.21 (Juvenile)
Age: no dating seems to have occurred.
References: Lowry, 1972
Thylacine Hole (N63)
Specimens: WAM F6353 (nearly complete skeleton); F6354 (nearly complete skeleton); F6355 (nearly complete skeleton); F6356 (partial skeleton, lacks teeth); F6357 (old animal, nearly complete skeleton); F6358 (juvenile; nearly complete skeleton); F63601 (pelvis and part of vertebral column only); F6364 (mummified carcass) (see Lowry, 1972).
Age: WAM F6364 (4,650 ± 104 yBP, 4,550 ± 112, 4,650 ± 153 yBP; all dates from (Lowry & Merrilees, 1969))
A mummified dingo found roughly 200 feet closer to the entrace was dated at 2,200 ± 96 yBP (Lowry & Merrilees, 1969). A rabbit carcass was subsequently dated at 180 ± 76 yBP as a "check" on the two previously mentioned dated specimens (Merrilees, 1970).
Vegetation: see (Ingram, 1969)
Comments: All individuals appear to have fallen about 12 metres to the cave floor, although only one individual (F6355) has broken bones, possibly postmortem injuries.
Notes: 1 Disturbed by water wash (Lowry, 1972), which might explain paucity of remains.
References: Dunkley & Wigley, 1967; Lowry & Lowry, 1967; Lowry & Merrilees, 1969; Merrilees, 1970; Lowry, 1972
Webbs Cave (N132)
Specimens: WAM 70.7.52 (Cook, 1963)
Comments: Found in a Tasmanian devil coprolite
References: Cook, 1963,1966; Lowry, 1972
Unknown caves
References: Milner et al., 2017
Gascoyne Region
Mandu Mandu Creek Rockshelter
Comments: "The jaws of a thylacine...at the base of Square C1"
References: Morse, 1993a; Baynes & Jones, 1993
Monajee Cave (CR21/C-21) [ex. WAM Cave 6]
Specimens: "several vertebrae and a single calcanum" (Kendrick & Porter, 1973)
References: Kendrick & Porter, 1973
Pilgonaman Creek Rockshelter
References: Morse, 1993b
Kimberley Division
Tunnel Creek Cave
Specimens: Archer, 1974: WA 71.12.119 (proximal end, humerus)
Age: 0±80 14C BP (Archer, 1974; since rejected), 4074±80 14C BP, 4100±67 14C BP
References: Archer, 1974; Gale, 2009
Widgingarri Shelter 1
Specimens: two fragments
References: O'Connor, 1999:90
Windjana Gorge Water Tank Shelter
Specimens: partial molar from Spit 16
References: O'Connor et al., 2008:78
Northern Agricultural Region
Geographical extent
"The NAR runs from Gingin in the south to Kalbarri in the north, east to Mullewa, Perenjori and Kalannie along the Local Government Area (LGA) boundaries." (source)
"...a skull was collected recently in a Moore River cave, north of Perth (W.A.)."
(Troughton, 1973:44)
Fossil sites
Caladenia Cave
"Three specimens of Thylacinus cynocephalus were recovered from the excavation, each at different depths. The chronologically youngest specimen, a right metatarsal III of Thylacinus cynocephalus (WA Museum vertebrate palaeontological collection catalogue number 13.11.364) has an associated charcoal age of 3254–2925 cal. BP. All Thylacinus specimens were originally identifed by Merrilees and confirmed by Thorn with Museum comparative material." (Thorn et al., 2017)
Mystery Cave (J-6)
"Thylacine bones {(Thylacinus cynocephalus; 2 individual) jaw found; P. Adamson, August 1986 [L. Hatcher, 1986] & remaining skeleton plus second incomplete skeleton; M. Simpson & L. Hatcher, October 1986 [L. Hatcher, conf.; A. Baynes]} have been recorded from this cave (Hatcher, Unpublished records)." (Susac, 2007:26)
Pretty Cave (SH-9)
Wedges Cave (SH-14)
Molar (Bridge, 1963a)
Yellabidde Cave (E-30)
(Monks, 2016; Monks et al., 2016; Monks, 2018)
"Four Thylacinus specimens were identified, including one adult molar and molars from two young juveniles (one of which was probably pouch young), all in sediments dating to >5,000 years BP. The presence of the remains of juvenile as well as adult thylacinesin the site suggests that Yellabidde Cave was occasionally used as a den site." (p. 154)
"Thylacine cranial and dental material was recovered from YC...and included edentulous dentary fragments and isolated molars, including one apparently unerupted molar (M1) cap from a juvenile animal, possibly pouch young." (p. 280)
(both quotes: Monks, 2018)
Unknown cave (near Stockyard Cave (E-3))
Bones found by Harry Butler (Bridge, 1963b).
Need to find relevant caves
Specimens: WAM 61.2.19-23; WAM 63.7.7 (both mentioned by Lowry, 1972)
Perth Region
Rottnest Island
"In 2011 we surveyed the Tamala Limestone on Rottnest Island that revealed vertebrate trace fossils at 45 different locations around the edge of the island. Traces were exposed on fallen slabs as moulds, on underhangs as casts and in cliff faces as cross-sections... A wide variety of other traces indicate a fauna potentially including larger macropodids, quolls, Tasmanian devils, thylacines, wombats, rodents, emus, oystercatchers and invertebrates... OSL dating of the host sediments at four locations suggests that most of the sediments were deposited during the Last Glacial Maximum (17–24 ka). This is of particular interest as the coast would have been 15–20 km west at this time, indicating extensive dunefields extending > 20 km inland." (Camens et al., 2021:13)
Thylacine Cave1 (YN-52/Yn52)
Specimens: WA 72.1.1148
Age: 3090±90 14C BP (Archer, 1974)
References: Archer, 1974; Murray, 1998
1 Formerly called Murray's Cave (see Murray, 1998), then Murray Cave (Archer, 1974).
Unknown cave (now destroyed) (near Lake Neerabup)
"And in this, at the base of this solution pipe we found a Thylacine skull laying on the surface outside. So it obviously had been in that cave before they destroyed the cave."
(Murray, 1998)
Pilbara Region
Barrow Island
Montebello Islands
Morgan's Cave (Campbell Island)
References: Piper & Veth, 2021
South West Corner
I take this to encompass Mandurah in the north, southeast to Albany. An idiosyncratic but useful delineation.
Devil's Lair
Seven teeth from 5 individuals (Balme et al., 1978)
Jewel Cave
At least one skeleton, plus footprints (source; source)
Madura Cave
References: Milham & Thompson, 1976; Lundelius & Turnbull, 1989:tbl. 21
Mammoth Cave
Specimens: WAM 61.2.26, 61.2.27, 61.2.28 (all Lowry, 1972)
References: Lundelius, 1960; Merrilees, 1968; Lowry, 1972
Skull Cave
Age: c.17,500yBP (Porter, 1979)
References: Howlett, 1960, 2012; Porter, 1979
Yallingup Cave
References: Merrilees, 1979a
Adams, S. J., McDowell, M. C. and Prideaux, G. J. (2016). Understanding accumulation bias in the ecological interpretation of archaeological and paleontological sites on Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 7: 715-729. [Abstract]
Allen, Harry, Karstens, Sarah and Littleton, Judith. (2023). Legacy archaeology: Aboriginal subsistence response to Holocene environmental changes using faunal evidence from archaeological sites on the Lower Murray, South Australia. The Holocene 33(4): 432-445. https://doi.org/10.1177/09596836221145384
Archer, Michael. (1971). A re-evaluation of the Fromm's Landing Thylacine tooth. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 84: 229-234. [NB: you may need to change the URL from "https" to "http"]
Archer, Michael. (1972). Nullarbor 1969. Western Caver 12: 17-24.
Archer, Michael. (1974). New information about the Quaternary distribution of the Thylacine (Marsupialia: Thylacinidae) in Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 57(2): 43-50.
Archer, Michael. (1978). Quaternary vertebrate faunas from the Texas Caves of southeastern Queensland. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 19(1): 61-109.
Ayliffe, L. K., G. J. Prideaux, M. I. Bird, R. Grün, R. G. Roberts, G. A. Gully, R. Jones, L. K. Fifield, and R. G. Cresswell. (2008). Age constraints on Pleistocene megafauna at Tight Entrance Cave in southwestern Australia. Quaternary Science Reviews 27: 1784-1788.
Balme, J. M., Merrilees, D. and Porter, J. K. (1978). Late Quaternary mammal remains, spanning about 30 000 years, from excavations in Devil’s Lair, Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 61(2): 33-65.
Bartholomai, Alan. (1977). The fossil vertebrate fauna from Pleistocene deposits at Cement Mills, Gore, Southeastern Queensland. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 18(1): 41-51.
Baynes, Alexander and Jones, Barbara. (1993). The mammals of Cape Range peninsula, Western Australia, pp. 207-226. In: Humphreys, W. F. (ed.). The Biogeography of Cape Range, Western Australia. Perth: Western Australian Museum.
Baynes, Alexander, Merrilees, D. and Porter, Jennifer K. (1975). Mammal remains from the upper levels of a late Pleistocene deposit in Devil's Lair, Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 58: 97-126.
Bowdler, Sandra. (1984). Hunter Hill, Hunter Island. Terra Australis 8: xv + 148 pp.
Bridge, Peter. (1963a). Trip report. The Western Caver 3(1): 2-3.
Bridge, Peter. (1963b). Trip report. The Western Caver 3(2): 23, 26.
Broom, R. (1896). Report on a bone brec[c]ia near Wombeyan Caves, N. S. W. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. 21: 48-61.
Brown, Steven P. and Wells, Roderick T. (2000). A middle Pleistocene vertebrate fossil assemblage from Cathedral Cave, Naracoorte, South Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 124(2): 91-104.
Bulmer, Susan E. (1964). Radio Carbon dates from New Guinea. Journal of the Polynesian Society 73(3): 327-328.
Bulmer, Susan E. (1966/76). The Prehistory of the New Guinea Highlands. Unpublished MA thesis, Auckland: University of Auckland. Microfiche edition produced 1977 with new introduction.
Bulmer, Susan E. (1974). Working paper in Anthropology & Archaeology. Linguistics and Maori Studies No. 30, Archaeology. Unpublished Report, Department of Anthropology, University of Auckland.
Bulmer, Susan E. (1979). Archaeological Evidence of Prehistoric Faunal Change in Highland Papua New Guinea. Unpublished paper to Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science Congress, Section 25A. Auckland.
Camens, Aaron B., Carey, Stephen P. and Arnold, Lee J. (2017). Vertebrate trace fossils from the Late Pleistocene of Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Ichnos: A Journal for Plant and Animal Traces. https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10420940.2017.1337633 [Abstract]
Camens, Aaron B., Sherwood, J., Carey, S. and Cupper, M. (2021). Fossil footprints indicate Rottnest Island, SW Western Australia, was a Quaternary Quokka bastion, p. 13. In: Conference Programme &
Abstract List for the 67th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian Mammal Society Virtual, 28 September to 1 October, Perth, WA, 2021. [automatic download]
Case, Judd A. (1985). Differences in prey utilisation by Pleistocene marsupial carnivores, Thylacoleo carnifex (Thylacoleonidae) and Thylacinus cynocephalus (Thylacinidae). Australian Journal of Mammalogy 8(1-2): 45-52.
Cathles, Helen, Cathles, Ian, Kell, Geoff and Spate, Andy. (2008). Geotourism in a small and remote rural community. ACKMA Journal 73: 6pp.
Clarkson C et al (2017) Human occupation of northern Australia by 65,000 years ago. Nature 547:306–310. [fig. 2, an "impacted molar"; however, "this is [actually] a fragment of the maxillary, not the dentary" (McMenamin, 2018) [Zealanditherians. In: Deep Time Analysis, pp 215-237]
Colliver, F. S. (1938). Cave hunting in Victoria. The Victorian Naturalist 54(10): 152-155.
Cook, D. L. (1963). Thylacinus and Sarcophilus from the Nullabor Plain. Western Australian Naturalist 9(2): 47-48.
Cook, D. L. (1966). Tasmanian Tiger's Haunts (Mail Bag). Walkabout 32(3): 6.
Dawson, Lyndall. (1982). Taxonomic status of fossil thylacines (Thylacinus, Thylacinidae, Marsupialia) from late Quaternary deposits in eastern Australia, pp 517-525. In: Archer, Michael (ed.). Carnivorous Marsupials. Mosman, N.S.W.: Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales.
Dawson, Lyndall. (1985). Marsupial fossils from Wellington Caves, New South Wales; the historic and scientific significance of the collections in the Australia Museum, Sydney. Records of the Australian Museum 37(2): 55-69.
Dawson, Lyndall and Augee, M. L. (1997). The late Quaternary sediments and fossil cave vertebrate fauna from Cathedral Cave, Wellington Caves, New South Wales. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 117: 51-78.
De Vis, Charles W. [In. Anon.] (1893). A thylacine of the earlier nototherian period in Queensland. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales (Abstract) 29th November, 1893. [Republished 1894, Zool. Anz. 17 : 47.]
De Vis, Charles W. (1894). A thylacine of the earlier nototherian period in Queensland. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales (second series) 8: 443-447.
Delannoy, Jean-Jacques et al. (2020). Geomorphological context and formation history of Cloggs Cave: What was the cave like when people inhabited it? Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 33: 102461.
Dodson, John et al. (1993). Humans and megafauna in a late Pleistocene environment from Cuddie Springs, north western New South Wales. Archaeology in Oceania 28(2): 94-99.
Dunkley, l. R. and Wigley, T. M. L. (eds.). (1967). Caves of the Nullarbor: a review of speleological investigations in the Nullarbor Plain, Southern Australia. Sydney, Australia: Speleological Research Council Ltd. vii + 61 pp.
Errey, K. and Flannery, Timothy F. (1978). The neglected megafaunal sites of the Colongulac region, western Victoria. The Artefact 3: 101-106. [Fossil record from western Victoria]
Etheridge, Robert. (1878). A Catalogue of Australian Fossils (Including Tasmania and the Island of Timor) Stratigraphically and Zoologically Arranged. London: Cambridge University Press.
Flannery, Timothy F., Mountain, Mary-Jane and Aplin, Ken. (1983). Quaternary kangaroos (Macropodidae: Marsupialia) from Nombe rock shelter, Papua New Guinea, with comments on the nature of megafaunal extinction in the New Guinea highlands. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 107(2): 75-97.
Flood, Josephine. (1973). The Moth-Hunters; Investigations towards a prehistory of the south-eastern highlands of Australia. Unpublished PhD thesis, Australian National University. https://doi.org/10.25911/5d7785922a1a7
Flood, Josephine. (1974). Pleistocene man at Cloggs Cave: his took kit and environment. Mankind 9: 175-188.
Forbes MS, Bestland EA, Wells RT. (2004). Preliminary 14C dates on bulk soil organic matter from the Black Creek Megafauna Fossil site, Rocky River, Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Radiocarbon 46: 437-443.
Frank, R. (1969). The Clastic Sediments of Douglas Cave, Stuart Town, New South Wales. Helictite 7(1): 3-13. [as T. spelaeus]
Fraser, Rebecca A. and Wells, Roderick T. (2006). The palaeontological excavation and taphonomic investigation of a late Pleistocene fossil deposit in Grant Hall, Naracoorte, South Australia. Alcheringa Special Issue 1, 2006: 147-161.
Gale, S. J. (2009). Event chronostratigraphy: A high-resolution tool for dating the recent past. Quaternary Geochronology 4(5): 391-399. [Abstract]
Gasking, Ian. (1965). Underworld of the Nullarbor. Walkabout 31(11): 18-22.
Gerdtz, W. D. and Archbold, N. W. (2003). An early occurrence of Sarcophilus laniarius harrisii (Marsupialia, Dasyuridae) from the Early Pleistocene of Nelson Bay, Victoria. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 115: 45-54.
Gill, Edmund Dwen. (1953). Distribution of the Tasmanian Devil, the Tasmanian Wolf, and the Dingo in Southeast Australia in Quaternary time. Victorian Naturalist 70: 86-90.
Gill, Edmund Dwen. (1964). The age and origin of the Gisborne Cave. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 77: 532-533.
Gill, Edmund Dwen. (1968). Aboriginal bone implement from fossil bone bed, Tasmania. Records Queen Victoria Museum & Art Gallery, New Series, 31: 1-4. [pp. 1-5?]
Gillespie, R. Horton, D. R., Ladd, P. R., Macumber, P. G., Rich, T. H., Thorne, R. and Wright, R. V. S. (1978). Lancefield Swamp and the extinction of the Australian megafauna. Science 200: 1044-1048.
Glauert, Ludwig. (1914). The Mammoth Cave (continued). Records of the Western Australian Museum 1(3): 244-251.
Glauert, L. G. (1926 "1925"). A list of Western Australian fossils. Supplement no.1. West. Aust. Geol. Surv. Bull. 88: 36-71. [Thylacinus spelaeus and T. cynocephalus]
Glauert, Ludwig. (1948). The cave fossils of the South-West. Western Australian Naturalist 1: 100-104.
Hocknull, Scott A. (2005). Ecological succession during the late Cainozoic of central eastern Queensland: extinction of adiverse rainforest community. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 51(1): 39-122. [automatic download]
Hocknull SA, J-X Zhao, Y-X Feng, GE Webb. (2007). Responses of Quaternary rainforest vertebrates to climate change in Australia. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 264: 317-331.
Hope, Jeanette H. (1974). Palaeoecological reconstruction from small mammal faunas in the Buchan area, Victoria. Paper presented at the 15th General Meeting of the Australian Mammal Society, Monash University: Melbourne. May 1974.
Hope, J. H. and Wilkinson, H. E. (1982). Warendja wakefieldi, a new genus of wombat (Maruspialia, Vombatidae) from Pleistocene sediments in McEacherns Cave, western Victoria. Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria 43:109-120.
Horton, D. R. and Wright, R.V.S. (1981). Cuts on Lancefield bones: carnivorous Thylacoleo, not humans the cause. Archaeology and Physical Anthropology in Oceania 16: 73-80.
Howlett, Roger M. (1960). A further discovery of Thylacinus at Augusta, Western Australia. Western Australian Naturalist 7(5): 136.
Howlett, Roger M. (2012). Discovery and Exploration of Thylacine Cave, Nullarbor WA. Caves Australia 189: 17-19.
Ingram, B. S. (1969). Sporomorphs From The Dessicated Carcases of Mammals From Thylacine Hole, Western Australia. Helictite 7(3): 62-66.
Jankowski, N. R., Gully, G. A., Jacobs, Z., Roberts, R. G. and Prideaux, G. J. (2016). A late Quaternary vertebrate deposit in Kudjal Yolgah Cave, south‐western Australia: refining regional late Pleistocene extinctions. Journal of Quaternary Science 31(5): 538-550.
Kendrick, George W. and Porter, Jennifer K. (1973). Remains of a Thylacine (Marsupialia: Dasyuroidea) and other fauna from caves in the Cape Range, Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 56(4): 116-122.
Kiernan, Kevin. (1988). The geomorphology of the Jenolan Caves area. Helictite 26(2): 6-21.
Knights, Tessa and Langley, Michelle C. (2021). Invisible or ignored: investigating the lack of thylacine‐based material culture in the Australian archaeological record. Archaeology in Oceania. doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/arco.5227 [Abstract]
Krefft, Gerard. (1867). Fossil Remains Found In the Caves of Wellington Valley. The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954), Thursday 3 January 1867, pp. 3.
Krefft, Gerard. (1868). Appendix 6, List of specimens collected by Mr George Masters, assistant curator, from December, 1866 to March 1867. In: Report of the Trustee’s for the year ending 31 of December, 1867, Australian Museum, pp. 9-10. Sydney, NSW: Thomas Richards, Government Printer.
Letnic M, M Fillios, MS Crowther. (2012). Could direct killing by larger dingoes have caused the extinction of the thylacine from Mainland Australia? PLoS ONE 7(5): e34877.
Louys, Julien and Price, Gilbert J. (2015). The Chinchilla Local Fauna: an exceptionally rich and well-preserved Pliocene vertebrate assemblage from fluviatile deposits of south-eastern Queensland, Australia. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 60(3): 551-572. https://doi.org/10.4202/app.00042.2013
Lowry, David C. and Lowry, Jacoba W. J. (1967). Discovery of a Thylacine (Tasmanian Tiger) carcase in a cave near Eucla, Western Australia. Helictite 5(2): 25-29.
Lowry, Jacoba W. J. (1972). The taxonomic status of small fossil Thylacines (Marsupialia; Thylacinidae), from Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 55(1): 19-29.
Lowry, Jacoba W. J. and Merrilees, D. (1969). Age of the desiccated carcase of a Thylacine (Marsupialia, Dasyuroidea) from Thylacine Hole, Nullabor region, Western Australia. Helictite 7(1): 15-16.
Luckett, W. Patrick, Hong Luckett, Nancy and Harper, Tony. (2019). Microscopic analysis of the developing dentition in the pouch young of the extinct marsupial Thylacinus cynocephalus, with an assessment of other developmental stages and eruption. Memoirs of Museum Victoria 78: 1-21.
Lundelius, Ernest L. Jr. (1960). Post Pleistocene faunal succession in Western Australia and its climatic interpretation. Report of the International Geological Congress, XXI Session, Norden 1960 Pt. IV Chronology and climatology of the Quaternary, pp. 142-153.
Lundelius, Ernest L. Jr. and Turnbull, W. D. (1978). The mammalian fauna of Madura Cave, Western Australia. Part III. Fieldiana Geology 38: 1-99, 29 tbls.
Lundelius, Ernest L. Jr. and Turnbull, W. D. (1989). The mammalian fauna of Madura Cave, Western Australia. Part VII: Macropodidae: Sthenurinae, Macropodinae, with a review of the marsupial portion of the fauna. Fieldiana, Geology, new series 17: 1-71.
Lydekker, Richard. (1887). Catalogue of the fossil Mammalia in the British Museum (Natural History) Cromwell Road, S. W. Part 5. Containing the Group Tillodontia, the Orders Sirenia, Cetacea, Edentata, Marsupialia, Monotremata, and supplement. London, the Trustees of the British Museum (Natural History), xxxv, 345 pp. ["states that specimen no. 48425, Sarcophilus from Queensland presented by Dr G. Bennett, 1877, is labelled by Owen "Thylacinus major" (Mahoney & Ride, 1975:37); see also (Stephenson, 1963:619) for the same basic conclusion]
Macintosh, N. W. G. (1964). 4 thousand year old thylacine tooth (dasyuridae ) + 3 thousand year old dingo skeleton from D J Mulvaneys archaeological excavations at Fromms Landing Lower Murray River. Journal of Anatomy 98(3): 491-495.
Macintosh, N. W. G. and Mahoney, J. A. (1964). A 4,000 years old thylacine tooth (Dasyuridae) from Shelter 2. Proc. R. Soc. Vic. 77: 507-516.
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Appendix 1: Publications that report a number of previous dates
Archer, Michael. (1974). New information about the Quaternary distribution of the Thylacine (Marsupialia: Thylacinidae) in Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 57(2): 43-50.
Gale, S. J. (2009). Event chronostratigraphy: A high-resolution tool for dating the recent past. Quaternary Geochronology 4(5): 391-399. [Abstract]
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