
Thylacine Documentaries and Television Programs

According to Nick Mooney there have been at least 40 documentaries and television shows on the thylacine, of which he has featured in at least 15 of them1. If you can add to the list below please let me know.


Documentaries and Television Programs

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Year  Details Watch/Link
1964 Tasmanian Archive and Heritage Office: TASMANIAN TIGER (1964) - (sound, colour) 8 minutes 21 seconds (Reference: AB869/1/2944)

1973 The Big Country, series? episode? "Tiger Country" (features Jeremy Griffiths, James Malley, Eric Guiler etc.)

1973 Tasmanian Wild Life, c.25 min duration, only archival film footage, produced for the Hydro Electric Commission Tasmania

1973-93 Find the Tiger - Tasmanian Tiger Sightings, produced by Nine Network, year unknown (between 1973 and 1993), duration unknown LINC item

1975 On the Track of Unknown Animals, 53 mins, Gordon Glenn (producer/director)

Excerpt only:

197X The Search for the Tasmanian Tiger, Ned Terry and Alec le Fevre  

197X-198X Ask the Leyland Brothers, episode 8, 

1980 "Short interview with Bazil Stears about his experiences with Thylacines/Tasmanian tigers, then the 1980 documentary "The Paddocks" about his life in the wilds of Tasmania as a trapper."


Rex & Heather Gilroy, filmed June 1984, aired 1984? A Big Country, episode?

source: Gilroy, Rex. (1985). Trailing a Tiger. Australasian Post, 31 January.

1987 Animals of Australia in Close Up, narrated by Dr. Michael Archer, 52 mins  

1989 Tiga, a film by Lucinda Clutterbuck ; animated by Lucinda Clutterbuck &​ Elsa Argemio. ["Various people recount their feelings when they saw, or thought they saw, a Tasmanian tiger"]  

1994 ABC Video (1994). Clash of The Carnivores. Natural History Unit.  

1994 Mysterious Universe, season 1?, episode?, On the Trail of the Big Cats

1995/96 Lost Animals, episode? "Thylacine", David Day

1996 Kratt's Creatures, season 1, episode 5, In Search of the Tasmanian Tiger, originally aired 7 June 1996, 27 mins

1996 Wild South - Tasmania the Last Refuge, 46:05 mins

1996 Wellington, Craig. (1996). The Tasmanian Tiger. The Definitive Documentary, (videotape). Hobart: Winning Post Productions.

1997 Animal X, series 1, episode 11, "Yeti, hypnotising dog, Thylacine [Russian Bigfoot, Hypno Dog, Thylacine]", Storyteller Productions


The Thylacine


1998 The Crocodile Hunter, season 2, episode 7, "Where Devils Run Wild"

Part 1:

Part 2:


The X Creatures, season 1, episode 6, "Beyond the Jaws of Extinction", Chris Packham (host), originally aired 30 September 1998.

Features: Dr. Eric Guiler, unnamed male eyewitness, Nick Mooney, Dr. Bob Green, Ned Terry, Col Bailey, Gillian or Jillian Sandra-Seger (eyewitness), Dr. David Lindenmeyer and Dr. Tim Flannery.

Part 1:

Part 2:

2001 Extinct, season 1, episode 6, The Tasmanian Tiger, originally aired 30 October 2001 (UK), 30 mins  

2002 O‘Neill, Patrick. (Producer/Director/Writer). (2002). End of Extinction: Cloning of the Tasmanian Tiger. Silver Spring, MD: Discovery Channel/TLC.

2002 Animal X, season 2, episode 7, "Incredible dog journeys, thylacine, Swedish lake monster", Storyteller Productions/Discovery Channel

Each video contains unique footage not included in the other:

2003 Killer Instinct with Rob Bredl, season 4, episode 17: "Devil's Island" aired 25 August  

2004 Animal X: Natural Mystery Unit, episode 3, "The Mystery of the Thylacine", Storyteller Productions/Discovery Channel

2005 Phenomena Magazine. Secrets of Science - The Resurrection of the Tasmanian Tiger (Documentary, F 2005)  

2009 MonsterQuest, season 3, episode 13, Isle of the Lost Tiger, originally aired 13 May, 2008 on History Channel

2011 Stranger Than Nature, season 2, episode 9, "Tasmanian Tiger Terror", featuring Murray McAllister, c.15 minutes

2012 Wild Case Files, season 2, episode 7, Tasmanian Tiger Terror, Tigress Productions, originally aired 7 September 2012 (USA), IMDB:  

2013 Ray Mears' Close Encounters, episode 2 of 2, Tasmanian Devil, originally aired on ITV, Wednesday 24 July, 60 minutes  

2013 "Timid Devils and Ghost Tigers"

2015 Boogeymen. (aired 16 November 2015). Season 2, Episode 9: Beast of Buderim. "A strange creature believed to be related to the Tasmanian Tiger is spotlighted". source:

2015 Hunt for the Tasmanian Tiger, 2 part special, originally aired Monday 14 & Tuesday 15 December at 9:30pm on Animal Planet.  

2016 Extinct or Alive: Tasmanian Tiger, produced by Hot Snakes Media, originally aired 31 May 2016, 42 mins  

2016 Strange World - episode 7, Tasmanian Tiger presented by Alex Hannaford  

 2017 Expedition Unknown, season 3, episode 12, Tracking Tasmania's Tiger, originally aired 25 January 2017 (USA), 42 mins, IMDB:  

2017/18 LIVING: The Thylacine Dream, produced by John Maguire and Neil Waters, approx. 80 mins

2017/18 Thylacine Road Trip, 12 web episodes, produced by Truly Wild Films.

2021 Australiana S1 E6, Did This Man Find The Extinct Tasmanian Tiger?, Vice Documentaries

2023 Lost Beasts S1 E6, Secrets of the Tasmanian Tiger, 50 mins

Unknown year "Thylacine/Tasmanian tiger - The Midday Show" (includes appearances by Ned Terry (twice: start and end), Dr. Bob Green, Tony Jarvis (eyewitness; taxi driver), David Blackburn (eyewitness; stock and station agent))


Fictional Shows, Programs, Telemovies etc.

Year Details Link
2000 The Legend of Dogwoman, telemovie, produced by Beyond Simpson Le Mesurier, approx. 98 minutes, originally aired Channel Nine (Australia), Sunday July 302
2014 Wild Kratts, season 3, episode 26, Back in Creature Time, Part 2: Tasmanian Tiger, 7 July 2014
2016 Out of the Shadows, web series, 8 episodes



I asked him this question as part of a special Q&A organised by members of 'The Thylacine Open Discussion and Debate Page' Facebook Group. The group is private, so that you will need to be accepted before being able to see the questions and answers. However, Chris Rehberg has kindly reproduced them on his Where Light Meets Dark website for all to see.

2 Overview: