Santalum fernandezianum Phil. (1892:5)
Chile sandalwood
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Synonym/s: Mida fernandeziana (Phil.) Sprague & Summerh. in Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1927: 197 (1927)
Conservation Status
Extinct (Lucas & Synge, 1978:493; WCMC, 1998; Prebble & Dowe, 2008:2547; Baillie & Butcher, 2012:88; Humphreys et al., 2019; Albani Rocchetti et al., 2022; Christenhusz & Govaerts, 2024; POWO, 2024)
Last record: 1908 (Skottsberg, 1910; Lucas & Synge, 1978:493; Christenhusz & Govaerts, 2024)
IUCN RedList status: Extinct
Juan Fernández Island, Chile
Biology & Ecology
Photos of living individuals (still under copyright):
Original scientific description:
Philippi, F. (1892). En sándalo de Juan Fernandez. Anales del Museo Nacional Santiago de Chile, Secc. 2: 5-7.
Other references:
Albani Rocchetti, Giulia, Carta, Angelino, Mondoni, Andrea, Godefroid, Sandrine, Davis, Charles C., Caneva, Giulia, Albrecht, Matthew A., Alvarado, Karla, Bijmoer, Roxali, Borosova, Renata, Bräuchler, Christian, Breman, Elinor, Briggs, Marie, Buord, Stephane, Cave, Lynette H., Da Silva, Nílber Gonçalves, Davey, Alexandra H., Davies, Rachael M., Dickie, John B., Fabillo, Melodina, Fleischmann, Andreas, Franks, Andrew, Hall, Geoffrey, Kantvilas, Gintaras, Klak, Cornelia, Liu, Udayangani, Medina, Leopoldo, Reinhammar, Lars Gunnar, Sebola, Ramagwai J., Schönberger, Ines, Sweeney, Patrick, Voglmayr, Hermann, White, Adam, Wieringa, Jan J., Zippel, Elke Zippel and Abeli, Thomas. (2022). Selecting the best candidates for resurrecting extinct-in-the-wild plants from herbaria. Nature Plants 8: 1385-1393. [Supplementary Tables S1-S6]
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Christenhusz, Maarten J. M. and Govaerts, Rafaël. (2023). Uitgestorven. Op plantenjacht rond de wereld: 1-511. Sterck & De Vreese.
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Holmes, Branden. (2021). What's Lost and What Remains: The Sixth Extinction in 100 Accounts (eBook). Self published.
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