Pezoporus occidentalis (Gould, 1861:100)
Night parrot, Spinifex parrot, Porcupine parrot, Night parakeet (archaic), Ground-parakeet (archaic), tnokkapaltara (Arunta people, central Australia), myrrlumbing (ethnography uncertain)
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Conservation Status
Between 1912 and 1990 there were many alleged records of this species (e.g. Ives, 1971; Storr, 1960; Blyth, 1996 and references therein). One such unconfirmed report was of an adult and five young in a nest under a large spinifex bush near south-eastern shore of Lake Ballard, south-eastern Western Australia in April 1937 (Ford, 1957; Storr, 1986:28). A flurry of reports originated from Cloncurry, Queensland in the early 1990's (Garnett et al., 1993). The sighting by Shane Parker in 1979 is possibly the most reputable pre-rediscovery sighting.
Biology & Ecology
First known specimen:
The first known specimen collected was by John McDouall Stuart in 1845 (Cleland, 1936).
"The only authentic record [from the Gascoyne region] is the collecting of the holotype by the Austin expedition in September 1854; the locality was fixed by H.M. Wilson (1937, Emu 37: 80) as 13 km SE Mt Farmer near the west end of Lake Austin. There are a few unconfirmed reports from the north-east of the region: on the upper Ashburton, at Nichol Springs and Chalk Springs (both on the Ethel River), and at Bolgers Soak, the head of Neds Creek and Pinyerinya Pool (all north of Lake Gregory)."
(Storr, 1985:36)
The specimen is recorded in the original journal of the expedition (Austin, 1855).
Other collections:
Western Australia, 1896 (North, 1898)

Original scientific description:
Gould, John. (1861). On a new genus and species of parakeet from Western Australia. Proceedings of the Royal Zoological Society of London 1861: 100-101.
Other references:
Andrews, F. W. (1883). Notes on the night parrot (Geopsittacus occidentalis). Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 6: 29-30.
Anonymous. (1917). Have you ever seen the Night Parrot? Geelong Advertiser, Tuesday 11 September 1917, page 2.
Anonymous. (1933). Inland Tour. The Courier-Mail. Tuesday 3 October 1933, page 7.
Anonymous. (1940). Night parrot is a rare bird. The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.), 13 April. Available at:
Anonymous. (1964). List of rare birds, including those thought to be so but of which detailed information is still lacking. IUCN Bulletin 10(Special Supplement): 4 pp.
Anonymous. (1968). The elusive night parrot. Nature Walkabout 4(2): 39-41.
Ashby, E. (1924). Notes on extinct or rare Australian birds, with suggestions as to some of the causes of their disappearance. Part 1. Emu 23(3): 178-183.
Austin, R. (1855). Journal…expedition…interior of Western Australia, north and east of the settled districts… Perth, W.A.: Government Printer.
Australian Geographic. (Due October, 2017). Australia Gone Wild. Sydney: Australian Geographic.
Bamford, M. J. and Metcalf, B. M. (2005). Fortescue Metals Group management plan for the Night Parrot [i]Pezoporus occidentalis[/i] in the vicinity of the Fortescue Marshes. Unpublished report by Bamford Consulting Ecologists to Fortescue Metals Group, Perth.
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Black, Andrew B. (2012). Collection localities of the Night Parrot Pezoporus (Geopsittacus) occidentalis (Gould, 1861). Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 132(4): 277-282.
Blakers, M., Davies, S. J. J. F. and Reilly, P. N. (1984). The Atlas of Australian Birds. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press.
Blyth, John D. (1996). Night Parrot (Pezoporus occidentalis) Interim Recovery Plan for Western Australia, 1996 to 1998. In: Pryde, J., Brown, A. and Burbidge, A. A. (eds.). Interim Recovery Plans 4-16 for Western Australian Critically Endangered Plants and Animals. Perth: Department of Conservation and Land Management.
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Boles, Walter E. and Longmore, N. Wayne. (2014). A 'new' night parrot specimen? Australian Field Ornithology 31(3): 141-149.
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Boles, W. E., Longmore, N. W. and Thompson, M. C. (1994). A recent specimen of the Night Parrot Geopsittacus occidentalis. Emu 94(1): 37-40. [Abstract]
Bransbury, John. (1984). Bird report, 1977-1981. South Australian Ornithologist 29: 121-168.
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Burbidge, A. (2013) Night Parrot sightings at Lorna Glen, WA. In 'Night Parrot Workshop, Department of Parks and Wildlife.' Kensington, WA)
Burgio, Kevin R. (2021). Night Parrot: Australia’s Most Elusive Bird. Ornithological Applications 123(1): duaa070. doi: [Abstract]
Butchart, Stuart H. M., Stattersfield, A. J. and Brooks, T. M. (2006). Going or gone: defining ‘Possibly Extinct’ species to give a truer picture of recent extinctions. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 126A: 7-24.
Cage and Aviary Birds, October 1993.
Cage and Aviary Birds, 18 June 1994.
Cameron 1932, Emu 32:104
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Campbell, A.J. 1898. Some Australian Birds. The Parrot Family (concluded). The Australasian, Saturday 27 August 1898, page 31.
Campbell, A. J. (1900). Night Parakeet in Nests and eggs of Australian birds. The author, Melbourne.
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Campbell, A. J. (1915). Missing Birds. Emu 19: 167-168.
Chisholm, A. H. (1958). The diaries of S.W. Jackson. Emu 58: 101-123.
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Cleland, J. B. (1937). The history of ornithology in South Australia. Emu 36: 197-221.
Croll, Robert Henderson. (1937a). Wide Horizons: Wanderings in Central Australia, 2nd ed. Sydney: Angus & Robertson Limited. 158 pp.
Croll, Robert Henderson. (1937b). Hastening slowly: Off the Beaten Track in the Inland. The Argus, Saturday, 18 September, p. 32. [failed to flush any Tnokkapaltara (=Night parrot)]
Crowley, G. M. (ed.). (2008). Management Guidelines for the Threatened Species of the Northern Territory. Version 1. Tropical Savannas CRC, Darwin.Generated from on 9th September, 2008.
Cupitt, Robert and Cupitt, Sue. (2008). Another Recent Specimen of the Night Parrot Pezoporus occidentalis from Western Queensland. Australian Field Ornithology 25(2): 69-75.
Curry, Peter, Nicholson, Charles and Wykes, Boyd. (2021). Night Parrots Pezoporus occidentalis at the Ethel River, Western Australia: Continuing opportunities for conserving habitats around rare permanent springs. Australian Field Ornithology 38: 164-171.
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Iwaniuk, Andrew N. et al. (2020). The endocast of the Night Parrot (Pezoporus occidentalis) reveals insights into its sensory ecology and the evolution of nocturnality in birds. Scientific Reports 10: 9258.
Nigel Jackett, Bruce Greatwich, George Swann, Adrian Boyle. (2017). A nesting record and vocalisations of the Night Parrot Pezoporus occidentalis from the East Murchison, Western Australia. Australian Field Ornithology 34: 144-150. [Abstract]
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Jordan, R. (1996). A search for the Night Parrot in the Devoncourt area near Cloncurry. Unpublished report to Conservation Strategy Branch, Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage, Brisbane.
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Joseph, L., Toon, A., Schirtzinger, E. E., and Wright, T. F. (2011). Molecular systematics of two enigmatic genera Psittacella and Pezoporus illuminate the ecological radiation of Australo-Papuan parrots (Aves: Psittaciformes). Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 59(3): 675-684.
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Keast, Allen. (1952). Adventures with the Centralian birds. The Australian Museum Magazine 10(12): 385-390. [title often given in error as "Adventures with Central Australian birds", e.g. (Olsen, 2018)]
Kershaw, J. A. (1943). Concerning a rare parrot. Victorian Naturalist 59: 196.
Kutt, Alex S. et al. (2023). Untangling two complementary camera trapping data sets to identify patterns in feral cat activity around a known night parrot population in western Queensland. Australian Mammalogy 45(3): 285-292.
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Leeton, P. R., Christidis, L., Westerman, M. and Boles, W. E. (1994). Molecular phylogenetic affinities of the night parrot (Geopsittacus occidentalis) and the ground parrot (Pezoporus wallicus). The Auk 111(4): 833-843.
Leseberg, Nicholas P. (2022). Conservation Biogeography of the Night Parrot (Pezoporus occidentalis). PhD thesis, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, The University of Queensland.
Leseberg, Nicholas P., Kutt, Alex et al. (2023). Establishing effective conservation management strategies for a poorly known endangered species: a case study using Australia’s Night Parrot (Pezoporus occidentalis). Biodiversity and Conservation 32: 2869-2891.
Leseberg, Nicholas P., Murphy, Stephen A., Jackett, Nigel A., Greatwich, Bruce R., Brown, Jamie, Hamilton, Neil, Joseph, Leo and Watson, James E. M. (2019). Descriptions of known vocalisations of the Night Parrot Pezoporus occidentalis. Australian Field Ornithology 36: 79-88. [Abstract]
Leseberg, Nicholas P. et al. (2020). Using intrinsic and contextual information associated with automated signal detections to improve call recognizer performance: A case study using the cryptic and critically endangered Night Parrot Pezoporus occidentalis. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 11(11): 1520-1530. [Abstract]
Leseberg, Nicholas P. et al. (2021). Using anecdotal reports to clarify the distribution and status of a near mythical species: Australia’s Night Parrot (Pezoporus occidentalis). Emu. [Abstract]
Leseberg, Nicholas P. et al. (2022). Accounting for both automated recording unit detection space and signal recognition performance in acoustic surveys: A protocol applied to the cryptic and critically endangered Night Parrot (Pezoporus occidentalis). Austral Ecology 47(2): 440-455.
Lindsay, Malcolm et al. (2024). Aboriginal rangers co-lead night parrot conservation: background, survey effort and success in Western Australia 2017–2023. Wildlife Research 51: WR24094.
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MacGillivray 1920, Emu 20: 94
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