Rhinoceros sinensis Owen, 1870
Chinese rhino(ceros)
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Synonym/s: Diceros sinensis Owen, 1870; Rhinoceros plicidens Koken, 1885; Rhinoceros simplicidens Koken, 1885
Conservation Status
Last record: c. 66,000 BC (Louys, 2007).
Biology & Ecology
Original scientific description:
Owen, Richard. (1870). On fossil remains of mammals found in china. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. London 26: 417-434.
Other references:
Louys, Julien. (2007). Limited effect of the Quaternary’s largest super-eruption (Toba) on land mammals from Southeast Asia. Quaternary Science Reviews 26: 3108-3117.
Miller-Antonio, S., Schepartz, L. A. and Bakken, D. (2000). Raw material selection and evidence for rhinoceros tooth tools at Dadong Cave, southern China. Antiquity 74: 372-379. [tools made from R. sinensis teeth]
Osborn, Henry Fairfield. (1903). The extinct rhinoceroses. Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History 1(3): 75-164.
Schepartz, L. A, and Miller-Antonio, S. (2008). Taphonomy, life history, and human exploitation of Rhinoceros sinensis at the Middle Pleistocene site of Panxian Dadong, Guizhou, China. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, published online DOI: 10.1002/oa.
Tong, Haowen and Moigne, Anne-Marie. (2000). Quaternary Rhinoceros of China. Acta Anthropologica Sinica 19: 257-263.
Xuan-Hua, Nei. (2015). The distribution and transition of Rhinoceros sinensis in the perspective of environmental history. Journal of Wenshan Teachers College 28 (2): 68-73.