
Coelodonta antiquitatis antiquitatis Blumenbach, 1799

Woolly rhino(ceros)



Taxonomy & Nomenclature

Synonym/s: Coelodonta antiguitatis Blumenbach, 1799 [orth. error used by (Dong et al., 1999:130)]; Rhinoceros tichorhinus Cuvier, 1812; Rhinoceros manchuricus Ishijima, 1939; Gryphus antiquitatus Blumenbach, 1799; Coelodonta jacuticus Russanov, 1968; Coelodonta antiquitatis pristinus; Coelodonta antiquitatis humilis


Conservation Status


Last record: Late Pleistocene





An isolated record from the Holocene of China exists (Chia & Wei, 1980). However, it has not been widely accepted.


Biology & Ecology




UHMP 43 (nasal horn)






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