
Acanthaeschna victoria Martin, 1901

Thylacine darner, Thylacine dragonfly



Taxonomy & Nomenclature

The origin of the common name lies in (Theischinger, 2000b:238):

"As the publication of a field guide, to the Australian Odonata is forthcoming and as it is supposed to include vernacular dragonfly names, this paper is probably as good a place as any to start production. "Thylacine Dragonfly" appears appropriate for a more or less cream-coloured species with prominent black lateral stripes and with a recent history not unlike that of the Tasmanian Tiger but hopefully with a happier ending."


Conservation Status




New South Wales & Victoria, Australia


Biology & Ecology










Hawking, J. H., Smith, L. M. and LeBusque, K. (editors). (2013). Identification and Ecology of Australian Freshwater Invertebrates. Murray-Darling Freshwater Research Centre.

Peters, G. and Theischinger, G. (2007). Die gondwanischen Aeshniden Australiens (Odonata: Telephlebiidae und Brachytronidae). Denisia 20, zugleich Katalog der oberösterreichischen Landesmuseen, N.S. 66: 517-574.

Theischinger, G. (2000a). Update on: “Dragonfly larvae (Odonata) A guide to the identification of larvae of Australian families and to the identification and ecology of larvae from New South Wales.” Cooperative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology, Thurgoona (NSW) and Australian Water Technologies Pty Ltd, West Ryde (NSW).

Theischinger, G. (2000b). The Acanthaeschna Story. Linzer Biologische Beiträge 32: 235-240.

Theischinger, G. (2002). Preliminary keys for the identification of larvae of the Australian Petaluridae, Archipetaliidae, Austropetaliidae, Telephlebiidae and Aeshnidae (Odonata). Cooperative Research Centre for Freshwater Ecology, Thurgoona: (NSW).

Theischinger, G. (2008). Notable Range Extensions of Dragonflies in New South Wales- More Species in Victoria? Victorian Entomologist 38: 59-65.

Theischinger, G. and Endersby, I. (2009). Identification Guide to the Australian Odonata. Department of Environment, Climate Change & Water NSW: Sydney.

Theischinger, G. and Endersby, I. (2014). Australian Dragonfly (Odonata) Larvae: Descriptive history and identification. Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria 72: 73-120.

Theischinger, G. and Hawking, J. H. (2006). The Complete Field Guide to Dragonflies of Australia. CSIRO Publishing: Collingwood.

Theischinger, G. and Jacobs, S. (2012). Surprise rediscovery of Acanthaeschna victoria, a key taxon in dragonfly evolution (Odonata, Aeshnoidea, Telephlebiidae. Agrion 16(1): 4-9.


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