
New South Wales Thylacine (Tasmanian Tiger) Sighting Reports

Reports from other states and countries can be accessed here. Please note that I have taken the liberty of quoting liberally from all sources. This is only to make it easier for the reader to access these reports, which would otherwise be spread over many websites and other mediums (e.g. newspaper articles, books, CD's etc.). In all cases I have clearly cited the source.



An enigmatic report of an animal called a "hyena", which was one of the colonial names for the thylacine, killed in 1803:

"Two animals of the hyena kind were seen at Campbell's Island by hunting parties belonging to the Mary and Sally ;  from the description given of which they appear to have been of the same species with an animal killed at Port Phillip in 1803."

Source: Anonymous. (1811). ["Two animals of the hyena kind..."]. The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1803 - 1842),  Sat 30 Nov 1811, p. 2.



"Since the 19th century, there’s been claims of them living in the Jenolan range."

Source: Cronshaw, Damon. (2017). Does the Tasmanian tiger still exist? Rex Gilroy believes so. Newcastle Herald, 2 March.



"This led to Nulkaba’s Max Burke telling us a yarn about a trip to Pumpkin Gully, which he said was “in the wilds out from Singleton”.

Max was with his father on the trip. It was around the year 1948.

“The salted skin of a freshly shot tiger cat was pegged on the dunny door,” Max said.

“It had no spots, but it had stripes – just like the long-gone Tasmanian tiger.”

He recalled his father and “other old hands from the Pokolbin area”, saying there were two different types of native cat – the spotted quoll and the “rare striped tiger quoll”.

“These were able to hold their own in a fight with a dog and would attack if put under pressure. When we saw the skin pegged out, my father was surprised because he had not seen a live one for perhaps 40 years and believed there were none left alive.”"

Source: Cronshaw, Damon. (2017). Does the Tasmanian tiger still exist? Rex Gilroy believes so. Newcastle Herald, 2 March.



Dr. Paramanov saw a thylacine at 11am along the Bourke-Wanaaring Road, while collecting insects close to the road:

"During the CSIRO Entomological Expedition, November 1949, I had the good fortune of seeing the animal on the route from Bourke to Wanaaring, in an uninhabited area a few miles past the Warrego Rivers, where I was collecting on the right-hand side of the road, only a few yards from the road. It was 11 am, and I observed the animal for 1-2 minutes from a distance of about 15-20 metres; it ran along the sand which was covered with some very small bushes, the rest of the area being sandy.

I saw the animal from a somewhat oblique angle, and the head was not clearly visible. Its size was that of a medium-sized dog, and the body proportions were also dog-like; it was uniformly grey-brown, with short hair; the strange tail, extremely wide at the base, seemed to be a continuation of the hindquarters; the hind leg was strongly marked with almost black horizontal stripes.

Generally, although dog-like, it was not Canid, because of the structure of the hind part of the body. The most remarkable feature was the strange manner of running: although the animal was swinging regularly sideways, the hind part of the body made a kind of bobbing up and down movement; the impression was as if the animal was drunk, as I had never seen anything like it. I hoped to find some specific characteristics from the footprints, but the sandy soil did not show them up; they were of the size of a medium-sized dog's imprint.

I made all the observations with great care, hoping to discuss the animal with my colleagues, but they unfortunately had been collecting on the opposite side of the road, and had not seen it. Later, back in Canberra, I came across an illustration of the Tasmanian Tiger, and immediately recognised it as the animal I had observed on my trip.

The discovery of the carcase in the area of Eucla, and my observation of the live specimen, convinces me that the animal still exists on the mainland of Australia."

Source: Paramanov, Sergey Jacques. (1967). Is the Tasmanian Tiger (Thylacinus) extinct on the Australian mainland? Western Australian Naturalist 10(7): 171-172.




"Back in 1960 Mr Gordon Pereira [of whom more will be said anon] was a NSW Government Railways station assistant, driving his car home from work at Medlow Bath railway station about 10pm when, 1½ miles east of the [since demolished] Caltex depot on ‘Whipcord Hill’, on the Great Western Highway, an animal which he described as being about greyhound size with a large head, was caught in his headlights as it ran across the highway from the scrubland on the western [Megalong Valley] side to the railway lines, disappearing within seconds. According to Mr Pereira the animal’s body fur was a light brown colour with dark stripes along its body and it had a long thin strait tail which it did not wag."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2021). In search of mountain tigers. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30.


NSW. 1964.5.xx

A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"1964, May, Monday, 5 a.m. Whian Whian State Forest; Clive gave me a very detailed description of the animal observed twice in 1 week. He worked for 5 years with Standard Saw Mills of Lismore as a logger and often saw dingos. Clive said that there were no foxes up there in the Whian Whian Range. He only saw the Thylacine twice during the same week, approximately 3 years after he began working in those ranges. He was camped at the old army hut and was driving to the logging coup on the western side of Peach Mountain lookout at 5 am on a Monday morning when he observed a thylacine cross the road 3 metres in front of his car. It had distinctive stripes across its back & rump, which sloped down to a long kangaroo-like tail. It came from the left hand side up the slope, crossed the road & then leapt up the bank. He observed it again at 5 pm on the Friday afternoon of the same week whilst driving back from work at exactly the same place. This time it was coming down the slope from the right, jumped down the bank onto the road & continued down the slope as if it regularly used the same animal track. He never saw the animal again even though he drove those same roads for another 2 years."



NSW.1967.4.xx #1-2+

"During April 1967 sightings of a ‘tiger’ were being made at Putty Road farms, particularly in the Howes Valley area, where some poultry had been claimed snatched by one, perhaps two of these creatures. Efforts to track the animal or animals down were made, it is said but all failed due to the general inaccessibility of the forest country."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2021). In search of mountain tigers. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30.


NSW.1968.xx.xx #1-3

"During 1968 an old man told locals around Winmalee north of Springwood, that he had seen two Thylacines emerge together from a gully thereabouts that leads into the Grose Valley. This incident followed bad bushfires in the lower Blue Mountains-Grose Valley. What were probably the same pair were seen by Winmalee residents moving about in scrub behind St Columba's College. They were seen shortly after by a motorist driving on Hawkesbury Road through Winmalee about 9pm, when they crossed the road to be caught in his headlights."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2021). In search of mountain tigers. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30.



"Was it a tiger?

Reading your article (Walkabout, June) on the thylacine recalled a sighting made while driving with two companions on the unfrequented road between Adelong and Tumbarumba, N.S.W. We came to some wild, hilly country covered with scrub and rocks. Suddenly we saw sitting in the road ahead an animal which at first we took to be a dog.

This animal's head was dog-like, but its ears were shaped somewhat like a cat's. Its body was greyish-brown and when it got up we observed that it's hindquarters appeared "tucked in" and were marked with dark stripes. Its tail was long and straight, resembling that of a kangaroo or wallaby. We were within yards of it when it moved off the road into the scrub with a loping cat-like run. Whatever it was it most certainly was neither a dog nor a dingo.

I went back to England shortly afterwards but on my recent return to Australia the article by Samela Harris on the sightings of the thylacien and the resulting correspondence makes me wonder whether what we saw could have been a marsupial tiger or wolf.

Adelaide Lubbock,


Source: Lubbock, Adelaide. (1968). Was it a tiger? Walkabout 34(12): 8.


NSW.196X.xx.xx #1

A woman hounded out of Byron Bay for her reporting to have seen a thylacine.



NSW.196X.xx.xx #2

Two of the men who hounded the above woman out of town, who later saw it themselves.




"Further west beyond Blackheath lies the town of Mount Victoria, on the western edge of the Blue Mountains. Here during September 1970, a ‘tiger’ was seen and accurately described by a Mr Jim Neal, who spotted it as it ran across the Great Western Highway on the southern side of town."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2021). In search of mountain tigers. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30.


NSW.1970.xx.xx #1

"That same year a “Tasmanian Tiger-like animal”, was seen by Mr Bill Forbes [since deceased] after it had just killed one of the goats he bred on his Mt York Road farm."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2021). In search of mountain tigers. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30.


NSW.1970.xx.xx #2

A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"1970, Crabbes Creek; schoolteacher Mark was working on a banana farm during the school holidays and as they descended from a forested ridge top at the end of the day, the owner’s German Shepard dog began growling at something sheltering within an old, partly collapsed banana-packing shed overgrown with vines. The dog rushed in to attack the animal & Mark, the farm owner and several other workers were surprised to see the dog backing out of the shed with an animal almost as large covered with brown stripes across its back and a thick, stiff, kangaroo-like tail. The strange animal had a huge jaw that opened to an extent, greater than the dog, and it gave forth with a bizarre cry unlike anything that they had heard before.

The farm owner yelled out “It’s a monster, we will have to kill it” and picking up a stone, threw it at the strange animal. The stone missed its mark and the animal, looking up, saw the people and ran at great speed up the slope with a very unusual gait. The dog and the people chased the animal into a large hollow log where it crouched to stare at them. The owner remarked that they would have to kill the animal as he would not allow a monster to live on the farm. Then they all descended back through the bananas to head for home. The next day the farm owner brought up his rifle but the animal was gone and they never saw it again."



NSW.c1970.xx.xx #1-2+

"Meanwhile, in the Hartley Valley below Mt York, a striped-bodied dog-like creature was reported seen attacking sheep on more than one occasion about this same time. Mount Victoria locals were asking themselves if more than one ‘tiger’ was responsible for these killings."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2021). In search of mountain tigers. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30.






"Not long after this experience I learnt that, between December 1971 and throughout January 1972, there had been a spate of sightings of an animal, or animals, answering to the description of the Thylacine, near Blackheath along the Great Western Highway in the vicinity of our sighting. These were mostly reported by motorists."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2021). In search of mountain tigers. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30.



Rex (& Heather?) Gilroy's sighting:

"At 10.15 p.m. on Tuesday, February 22, 1972, a friend and I were driving along thee Great Western Highway just south of Blackheath towards Katoomba in the NSW Blue Mountains. As we passed thick roadside scrub, an animal almost the size of a full grown Alsatian dog, with fawn-coloured body fur and a row of blackish body stripes, ran across the highway in front of the car.

For a few seconds it stood there in the glare of the headlights before running off the road into the dense scrub, towards nearby Grose Valley. There is no doubt in my mind that the animal was a living thylacine. Its physical appearance matched that of stuffed specimen's preserved in government museums."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (1985). Trailing a Tiger. Australasian Post, 31 January.


"Rex claimed he saw a thylacine on Tuesday, February 22, 1972 at 10.15pm on the Great Western Highway, south of Blackheath. He said the creature had at least 19 black body stripes, extending from mid-back to tail-rump and was about 1.52 metres long from nose to tail-tip.

“The animal vanished off the highway into the darkness in seconds into roadside scrub. It was probably heading for the nearby Grose Valley,” he said."

Source: Cronshaw, Damon. (2017). Does the Tasmanian tiger still exist? Rex Gilroy believes so. Newcastle Herald, 2 March.


A fuller account of his sighting can be found on his website:

"On Tuesday 22nd February 1972 at 10.15 pm, a female companion and I were driving along the Great Western Highway just south of Blackheath toward Katoomba in the Blue Mountains of New South Wales. As we approached the left-hand turnoff to Evans Lookout, at the corner of the local council water catchment fence which encloses a vast area of dense scrubland, we saw in the glare of the car's headlights a strange animal.

It was dog-like and about the size of a full-grown Alsatian, with fawn coloured body fur and a row of blackish body stripes extending barrel-wise from mid-back to tail-rump. The animal had been walking across the highway (usually quiet thereabouts on a weeknight) when we saw it, forcing us to brake quickly. By this time our car was but a few feet from the animal which just stood there staring at our vehicle, mesmerised by the headlights' glare. In the few seconds before the animal dashed off the road into the darkness of the catchment scrub, we were able to get a good look at it.

Apart from its size, it was greyhound-like in appearance with narrowing flanks, its body sloping downward to a long, thin tail which followed the slope of the back and seemed kangaroo-like in that it did not appear to wag. The shape of the head, legs and body was unmistakable. It was a Tasmanian Tiger. Its physical appearance matched that of stuffed specimens preserved in government museums.

The creature had escaped into scrubland which extends eastward to a gully which drops down into the Grose Valley-where sightings of Thylacine-type animals continue to be reported by campers and bushwalkers to the present day."



"In a recent newsletter I wrote on the search for the Thylacine, particularly the researches being done by Heather and I. In that article I described my 1972 night-time encounter in a car being driven by a woman who was driving me to my [then] North Katoomba home. The date was Tuesday 22nd February 1972 at 10.15pm, when we were forced to stop, at the turnoff to Evans Lookout, on the Great Western Highway just south of Blackheath township. The animal quickly vanished off the road into the corner of the Katoomba Water Catchment property, a dense bushland-covered region that follows the highway to the outskirts of Katoomba. I believe the animal was heading for a gully that drops down into the Grose Valley, where other striped-bodied, dog-like animals [surely Thylacines] have been seen by people over many years."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2022). The continuing search for the thylacine on the Blue Mountains, NSW. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 2022(August): 5-14. [reprint of an article in a previous edition (2016) of the same newsletter]


"On the night of Tuesday 22nd February 1972 at 10.15pm, I was with a woman friend, being driven along the Great Western Highway just south of Blackheath to my home at Katoomba.

As we approached the turnoff to Evans Lookout, and on the corner of the local city council water catchment fence [left side of road going south] which encloses a vast area of scrubland, we saw in the glare of the car’s headlights a strange animal. It was dog-like and about the size of a full-grown Alsatian, with fawn-coloured short body hair and a row of blackish body stripes extending barrel-wise from mid-back to tail rump. The animal had been walking across the highway [usually quiet on a weeknight] when we saw it, forcing the woman to brake quickly. By this time the car was but a few metres from the animal, which just stood there staring at the vehicle, mesmerised by the headlights glare.

In the few seconds before the animal dashed off the road into the darkness of the catchment scrub, we were able to get a good look at it. Apart from its size, it was greyhound-like in appearance with narrowing flanks, its body sloping downward to a long thin tail, which followed the slope of the back and seemed kangaroo-like in that it did not appear to wag. The shape of the head, legs and body was unmistakable, it was an undoubted Thylacine.

The animal had escaped into scrubland that extends eastward to a gully, which drops down into the Grose Valley, where sightings of Thylacine-type animals continue to be reported seen by campers and bushwalkers to the present day."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2021). In search of mountain tigers. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30.


He has since co-authored a book on mainland thylacines with his wife:

Gilroy, Rex and Gilroy, Heather. (2017). The Thylacine - Its History and Sightings. Uru Publications. 216 pp. [Available from Lulu]


Rex's documentary on the species, starting with this sighting:



"Back in May 1972 a Sydney bushwalker, Mr Noel Wright, got the surprise of his life, when a Thylacine emerged from ferns to stand momentarily on the track between Ruined Castle and Mount Solitary. The animal, he said, was a good 6ft [1.83m] length from nose to tip of tail, and stood about 2ft off the ground on all fours. It had mousy-brown body fur, and blackish body stripes that extended from the mid-back to the rump of the tail on a greyhound-like [ie thin] body. He also noticed the body tended to slope downwards and the long tail followed the slope of the back. The animal then made a quick exit back into the ferns."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2021). In search of mountain tigers. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30.



"Mr Gordon Pereira [mentioned earlier] was puzzled as to what he could do about the mysterious dog-like animal that had been making repeated attacks on his chickens at his Wentworth Falls property during June 1972. Finally, he hit upon the idea of constructing a trap for the creature in the form of a chicken-wire cage. The trap was baited with meat, and Mr Pereira began a vigil. After several fruitless nights, however, he retired to bed on the evening of 14th June. Suddenly, at 5am he was woken by sounds coming from the direction of the cage, situated at the far end of his property on the edge of thick bushland. Leaping from his bed, Mr Pereira went torch in hand to investigate his trap.

The trap had apparently caught something, but by the time he reached the cage it was empty. Upon examining the cage, he found that the creature, whatever it was, had escaped by ripping through the chicken-wire covering, leaving a hole 8½ by 11½ inches in size. There was blood on the wire and wooden framework and a trail of paw prints led from there down a bush track. Mr Pereira also found a pile of excrement left by the animal. That morning he made plaster casts of the paw prints and also found two small teeth, apparently left by the animal.

Mr Pereira dispatched the casts along with the teeth and blood samples to university zoologists in Sydney, but received little response, other than the explanation that the creature was “probably a domestic dog”.

Other residents in the area, however, did not share this explanation. Sightings of a strange greyhound-like animal with black body stripes had been made by people in the Blaxland Road area of Wentworth Falls, where it had been raiding homes for food. Local naturalists were convinced from the general description, that the mystery carnivore was a Thylacine."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2021). In search of mountain tigers. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30.



Rex Gilroy:

"In 1986 the Gilroys were contacted by Mrs Patricia Marson, to say that, in October 1972, she was on a camping trip with the Sydney Bushwalkers Club at Mount Wilson, which like nearby Mount Irvine, overlooks the Wollemi National Park/Wollangambe Wilderness country, from out of which ‘tigers’ have been known to emerge to be seen hereabouts and at nearby Bilpin."

Patricia Marson:

"We were sitting around a campfire for a while, then climbed into our sleeping bags about 10.30pm as the fire turned to embers. There were nine of us in all, and about to sleep when, to our utter astonishment, a creature boldly emerged from bushes and walked up to our campfire remains. Then seeing us, turned and dashed off into the darkness. We all agreed, the animal looked like a Tasmanian Tiger, body stripes and all, and about the size of a large dog."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2021). In search of mountain tigers. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30.



"In March 1973 an animal answering to the description of the Thylacine was claimed by a Mrs Cummins to have raided her fowl yard at Wentworth Falls."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2021). In search of mountain tigers. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30.


NSW.1973.xx.xx #1

"The Minto Monster was back in the news again in 1973 when claims that a mysterious creature had been 'terrorising' East Minto residents with its blood curdling screams. The monster's screams, according to one local resident, were like "a woeful cough that goes on and on, like a human being on their death bed". One bounty hunter suggested it was a lost species of extinct Tasmanian Tiger. The Campbelltown-Ingleburn News of the day quoted the hunter about his warnings about approaching the tiger "otherwise someone is going to finish up inside the animal's stomach." A group of residents conducted an armed search of Myrtle Creek but found nothing."



NSW.1973.xx.xx #2

"Mr Turner told us that, in 1973, he was driving along the Great Western Highway from Katoomba to Blackheath late one night when, near the [now demolished] Katoomba Piggery at Bathurst Road, and opposite the railway lines bordering the water catchment, he saw in his headlights what he was certain was a Thylacine, as it ran from the railway lines across the highway in front of his car, heading in the direction of the Megalong Valley. The animal was so close that he almost hit it as it reached the other side of his vehicle.

He described it to us as a short greyish-furred animal, with narrow flanks and a drooping, long thin tail. The head, he observed, appeared too big for the body, and from the mid-back to the tail rump were faint black coloured body stripes."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2021). In search of mountain tigers. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30.



"In May 1984 I received a letter from a Mrs Julie Tonurist, a scientist, who informed me that, back in 1974, she lived at Springwood and travelled home from work on the FISH [a former Blue Mountains train service].

“On one occasion I saw an animal [from the train window] closely resembling a Tasmanian Tiger, on the south-western side of the railway line near Glenbrook. It was at the edge of the bush at the top of a small gully.

It was verging on dusk and the train was of course travelling quickly, but the unusual head and the tail shape and striped appearance were unmistakable. At the time, none of my friends believed me and so I took it no further”, she said."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2021). In search of mountain tigers. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30.



"In 1975, one Springwood farmer reported attacks on his fowlyard by a large striped, dog-like animal, and almost shot the creature one day as it escaped over a fence with a hen in its mouth."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (1985). Trailing a Tiger. Australasian Post, 31 January.



"In February 1977, in the Kanimbla Valley north of Megalong, Mr Kevin Cummings was driving out of the valley one day when, as his vehicle passed a tall embankment, he saw ahead of him, what he immediately recognised to be a Thylacine, run across the dirt road he was on and up the embankment. The striped-bodied animal was too large to have been anything else. Grabbing his camera Kevin leapt from his car and, as he said later, “tore up the embankment after it”!

“I could see it entering a stand of gums across a paddock about 200ft away, so gave chase. “Its body fur was a greyish-brown colour and the body stripes, a blackish-brown colour, when first observed, ran from the middle of the back onto the tail rump. It had a long thin tail about the length of its body. The length of the animal was something like 5ft from nose to tail tip. Its body was sloped and the tail followed the slope.

“I was already out of breath as I entered the trees, and soon realised the animal had given me the slip, so I walked back to the car. It would have been great if I had been able to get even one photo of the creature.”"

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2021). In search of mountain tigers. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30.


NSW.1977.xx.xx #1

"I was driving out west of nsw 60 km west of Balranald when I came upon a tassie tiger at 2am. I had slowed for a couple of hundred rabbits and was just starting up again in my old morris minor 1000 when I came at slow speed, 15mph in 1977 upon a second group and right in the middle was a young tasmanian tiger with a poined head, kangaroo like fur and a long thin tail it sat facing me mesmerized by the lights as were the rabbits. after a good few seonds it loped away. I had a magnificent view of it head on face to face sitting in the middle of the road not much more than 15 feet away. and again as it loped away in a carefree manner. It displayed no fear and was the gentlest sweetest creature I have ever seen. I think it was young about 12-13 inches from the ground to the top of its back.I didn't see any stripes and I don't think it had any but it was obviously a marsupial. I could tell by its fur."



NSW.1977.xx.xx #2

Rex Gilroy:

"In 1977 Mike said he saw a similar animal in Hartley Valley around 9pm one evening while driving to work."

Mike Davis:

"I was driving up the Gap Road at the time when it ran across the road ahead of me, so close that I almost ran over it. “At that time sheep were being killed and torn up in Hartley Valley by a Tasmanian Tiger-like beast, and that is what I believed ran in front of my car. Yet, when I went to the Lithgow Police Station to report my sighting, all they did was laugh at me and said I was crazy"

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2021). In search of mountain tigers. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30.




Author?. (year?). Fortean Times 25: 36. [a pack of thylacine-like animals seen on the Vic/NSW border in 1977]

Anonymous. (1977). 'Tiger' now in baby mystery. Sunday Telegraph (Sydney), 27 March, p. 46.


NSW.1978.xx.xx #1


" In 1978 one friday I had done a days work, come home packed the car, driven 60 km into the Barringtons, set up camp, drank 2 cans of beer, it was on the darker side of dusk when i went to have a close look at a tree just out side the head light beam of my car when I heard a noise, I turned my head and about 4 feet (1.3 m) from me in the light beam of my car a tasie tiger walked past me."



NSW.1978.xx.xx #2

An Ambulance officer related this story to a colleague sometime after 1998.

"In 1978, he was 7 or 8 at at the time and lived on a farm near Nundle NSW. The terrain was undulating wooded hillsides with ajoining farming valleys. The family set steel traps to catch rabbits/hares that were pests in the area. They checked them every few days also.

One particualr day they came upon a trap with a stange looking animal in it. It was about the size of a dingo but had a long staight tail with distinctive stripes down its back & sides. Her father realized that this was some unknown creature that they had never seen before.

The father and a neighbour got a hassion bag and threw it over the animal. The animal was growling aggressively at this time. With the bag over the animals head they were able to safely release it back into the wild. They never did see any sign of it again."




Rexy Gilroy:

"Mr John Gilmore phoned me in August 1986, to relate an experience he had back in August 1979, while driving along Putty Road towards Bulga."

John Gilmore:

“I was past Howes Valley near Howes Mountain, on a stretch of winding road. The time was 3am. Suddenly I caught sight of a large dog-like animal in the headlights just as I was turning a corner. It had already crossed the road heading west into gum forest, but stopped, standing side on as I approached about 100ft from it. It stood there looking towards my vehicle as I stopped to see if I could get a good look at it. The animal then bounded off up an embankment out of sight. However, I did get time to study the creature. It was dog-sized but not thin like a greyhound. Its buttocks were tapered toward the tail. The fur colour was light brown and there were dark stripes on the body that began at the neck base and extended to the tail rump. “The head looked Alsatian-like but had shorter, thicker ears than a greyhound. The snout was not longer than a greyhound and was more Alsatian-like. The front legs were longer than the back, but shorter than those of a greyhound. The back legs were also shorter than the front ones”."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2021). In search of mountain tigers. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30.



"On 3rd January 1980 I received a phone call from a Mr Roger Handly and his wife. They said that about five weeks before, on 27th November 1979, while photographing birds at Mount Mondilla, they found paw prints in mud that appeared to match those of the Thylacine. They said that the depth of impression of the tracks suggested an animal of at least 75 lb weight. The location was 40 miles south of Singleton on the Putty Road. The ‘tiger’ tracks were found in a ‘hanging swamp’ area which was part of a rain forest on the south side of the mountain. Roger Hardy also informed me that in the Mount Mondilla area are deep gorges. Early timber getters never entered this inaccessible area. Locals even today believe that Thylacines spotted near the mountain are coming from there."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2021). In search of mountain tigers. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30.


NSW.1979.xx.xx #1

Source: Anonymous. (1982). Advocate (Coffs Harbour, NSW), 9 March. [January 1979 sighting by married couple at night]


NSW.1979.xx.xx #2

A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"1979, Tyagarah; David saw a strange thylacine-like animal and it reminded him of the ‘Tyagarah Lion’ observations that people had talked about over the years."




"On 13th June 1982, Heather and I were phoned by Mr Sam Condon, a university mathematics student and farmer, who owned a farm on the eastern side of Mittagong on the Wollondilly River. Sam said that one night in June 1980 about 10.30pm, as he and his wife were driving up their dirt road toward their farmhouse, their headlights caught three Alsatian dog-size animals, yellowish-brown furred, with vertical black body stripes along their bodies, feeding upon a wallaby they had apparently just killed on the roadside.

“As our vehicle came closer they left their prey to dash into roadside scrub. There is no doubt in our minds that the creatures we saw were Tasmanian Tigers”, said Sam."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2021). In search of mountain tigers. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30.



Sighting by Dave R. Reid:

"In 1980 whilst hiking in the coolomon plain area, I entered a narrow section of open plain near the Coinbill turnoff on the Long Plain Road. The time was approximately 6.15 - 6.30 am and the sun had been up for about 30 minutes. My attention was caught by the movement of something about 60 meters away that at first glance I thought was a medium sized feral dog standing head down in short grass roughly 15 meters from the eucalypt scrub that borders the paddock like plains of the area.

The animal was a tan-caramel color with pronounced dark stripes from shoulders to rump and had a ridged "kangaroo like" tail. Quite suddenly the animal reared on it's hind legs, nose to the air, turned to the opposite direction than that it had been standing and raced into the vegetation at speed. The animal moved in a way that I had never encountered before. It appeared to bound away using its front and hind legs in unison reminding me of a wild boar in full flight but with much smoother and longer strides.

It was obvious that the animal had seen/smelt/heard or sensed my presence and simply vanished. The encounter lasted in full no more than 15 seconds. I walked to the spot were the animal had been and found a small dead wombat "gutted", a very strange sight for the plains. This was apparently the meal of the animal I had just seen.

I really did not think about it too much until about 10 years later when I saw pictures of the strange animal I encountered that day. There was no question about it, the animal I had seen was a Thylacine. (Thylacinus cynocephalus)"




"On the 25th January 1982, about 10pm, Mr Darryl Morris and his wife Carrol were driving to Mount Riverview.

“We were driving at 20mph speed, when, turning a corner I saw this strange dog-like animal as did Carrol, as it emerged from bushes on the right-hand side of the road. It then ran across the road as I pulled up. The headlights provided us with a good look at the creature. It was about 18 inches tall at the shoulders, 4ft in length from head to tail, and it had short body hair of light sandy colour, with a row of dark stripes arranged along the body beginning at the shoulders to the rump of the tail. It had a rigid tail.

Our sighting lasted only seconds before the animal vanished into roadside bushes”, said Darryl."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2021). In search of mountain tigers. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30.



"West of the Kanimbla-Megalong Valleys lies the Jenolan Road, where motorists and locals have been seeing ‘tigers’ for generations. Mr George Skinner, a maintenance painter who was working at Jenolan Caves back in the early 1980s, once told this author that he was driving home from work around 5pm one evening in March 1982. Passing the Titania Motel [Oberon] sign at the Oberon turnoff, he spotted an animal with black body stripes the size of a large dog, as it ran across the Jenolan road from left to right into bush. The animal’s body fur, he noticed, was a gingery brown, with a large head.

“The stripes appeared to extend from the nape of the neck, running barrel-wise down its back to the rump of its long tail. It ran almost 1ft off the ground on all fours. I remember it had pricked ears, but nothing else because the whole encounter was over in seconds”"

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2021). In search of mountain tigers. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30.



"Mr John Stalling was a 28 years old bushman in June 1982, when he gave me three experiences he had with Thylacines in the Glenbrook area.

His first experience took place in July 1982 when he saw one standing beneath a street light at 5.45am, as he was walking up a road. The animal retreated into bush at the top of a gully."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2021). In search of mountain tigers. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30.



"On the night of 6th October 1982, at 8.26pm, Mr John Galluzzi was driving toward Katoomba on the Great Western Highway, when, at the bottom of Boddington Hill, Wentworth Falls, “This creature appeared, cantering across the road from right to left. It tried to get through the armour rail on the highway, but couldn’t, so it ran parallel with it for five yards, then it went through the rail at a higher opening. It appeared greyish-brown, with dark stripes on the hind quarters, but none occurred up front. “It was 1½ft tall by 3½ft length from head to tail. The tail went downward toward the ground”, said John.

He had seen the animal in the glow of the car headlights when at a sharp bend. The animal was going for a gully that stands on the eastern side of the highway."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2021). In search of mountain tigers. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30.


NSW.1982.xx.xx #1

One witness, ranger Peter Simon. The sighting occurred on the NSW/Vic border, and so is listed twice in the respective state databases. The following quote is taken from a book, and does not include any direct quotes from the witness:

"Among those who say they have seen thylacines in the mountainous wilderness of the Namadgi-Kosciusco National Park along the New South Wales-Victorian border is ranger Peter Simon, who saw one for several seconds in broad daylight in 1982, from a distance of 100 feet." (p. 205)

Source: Clark, Jerome. (2013). Unexplained!: Strange Sightings, Incredible Occurrences, and Puzzling Physical Phenomena, third edition. Canton, Michigan: Visible Ink Press. [chapter title: Thylacines, pp. 198-208]


NSW.1982.xx.xx #2-6

A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"1982, Lake Ainsworth, Lennox Head, Grey’s Lane, Tyagarah, Uki and Terania Creek; “Rabbit” observed 5 times at 5 different locations as above, a thylacine-like animal with a striped rump, always around 4 a.m. when driving before first light on his delivery rounds."



NSW.1982.xx.xx #7

"In March 1982, a camper sighted a thylacine-like animal drinking from a creek in the Grose valley...The camper described the animal he saw as being two metres long, with greyish body fur {coloration can vary} displaying about a dozen blackish stripes extending down the body."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (1985). Trailing a Tiger. Australasian Post, 31 January.


NSW.1983.1.xx #1

"In January, 1983, a group of hikers were camped on a mountainside when they were awoken by strange cries from the nearby forest. later, one of the men spotted a striped dog-like animal standing near the camp in the dim glow of the dying campfire."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (1985). Trailing a Tiger. Australasian Post, 31 January.


NSW.1983.1.xx #2

"Mr John Stalling was a 28 years old bushman in June 1982, when he gave me three experiences he had with Thylacines in the Glenbrook area.

His second experience occurred in January 1983, when from his bedroom window he saw what may have been the same animal seen by him the previous July, or another one, as it moved beneath a street light in the early hours of the morning. It looked to be Alsatian dog-sized and he saw the familiar dark body stripes of a Thylacine. The creature then ran down the side of a house into scrub."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2021). In search of mountain tigers. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30.



"During April 1983 such an animal was reported making raids on a Kanimbla Valley farm."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (1985). Trailing a Tiger. Australasian Post, 31 January.


"On the morning of Thursday 24th March 1983, I received a phone call from Mr John Turner of Shipley, located on the west side of Blackheath close to the Kanimbla Valley cliffs. He informed me that on the previous night, ‘something’ had visited his farm [where he grew apples and raised poultry], leaving paw prints in mud around his dam, situated amid dense bush with a gully below it to the north, which led down into the Kanimbla Valley. He had only just found the tracks that morning and asked Heather and I to come and inspect them.

We wasted no time in driving to his property. When I saw the impressions I recognised them at once as those of a Thylacine, and immediately began making plaster casts of them. The tracks were situated beneath a small embankment close to the waters’ edge. We found wallaby tracks nearby and signs of a scuffle."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2021). In search of mountain tigers. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30.



"A week later, on Sunday 10th April we returned to Mr Turner’s property after he phoned us, to say that what might have been the same animal had returned the night before, leaving chew and scratch marks on his fowl house door, and more tracks around the area of the dam. It was obvious to us that the creature was visiting the farm from the Kanimbla Valley [which lies directly north of Megalong Valley] by moving up the gully. Another search of the farm and its surrounds failed to turn up anything new, and the creature did not return."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2021). In search of mountain tigers. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30.



Rex Gilroy:

"In September, 1983, I led a search into this region [i.e. north of Grose Valley] accompanied by expert bushmen Rod Gerney and Robert Ashworth and several assistants in a convoy of four-wheel drive vehicles.. While searching the muddy bank of a remote swamp for signs of animals, we came across tracks left by various marsupials. We also found two unusual sets of tracks. These superficially resembled those of a dog, but displayed marsupial features.

Plaster casts were made and later matched with others found in Tasmania in 1974 whose peculiar paw structure identified them as thylacine."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (1985). Trailing a Tiger. Australasian Post, 31 January.


"During September 1983, I organised a major search for evidence of living Thylacines in the Wollongambie Wilderness, east of Lithgow. There had been recent sightings claims by campers and others. The search was successful in that we found fresh paw prints in mud at a remote swampland location. While some of these tracks were indistinct amid small twig and leaf fragments, two were not, and I cast these."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2022). The continuing search for the thylacine on the Blue Mountains, NSW. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 2022(August): 5-14. [reprint of an article in a previous edition (2016) of the same newsletter]


"The Wollangambe Wilderness is a truly wild and remote region, situated north of the Grose Valley and north of the Bell-Bilpin Road. We began our expedition on Saturday 24th September 1983. During the course of our search we uncovered a sandstone shoal containing water pools with ancient Aboriginal stone axe grinding grooves, and a rock shelter containing surface stone flakes manufactured around 6,000 years ago. There was also a rock shelter some distance off the rough, 4-wheel drive trail we were on, where we came across pigmy-size ochre paintings. However, a more important discovery was “just around the corner” for us. Driving on deeper into the range we stopped to investigate an extensive tract of swampland, whose muddy shoreline contained paw prints of wombats, wallabies, bandicoots, possums and dingos. At one particular spot we came across paw prints unlike any of the others and certainly not those of any dog. I recognised them to be those of an undoubted Thylacine. Casts made from these tracks would later be successfully compared with Thylacine paw casts from Tasmania, found by another researcher in 1974.
The success of our expedition was publicised in the Lithgow Mercury newspaper"

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2021). In search of mountain tigers. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30.



"Freshly made paw prints of one or more of these creatures found by ourselves and colleagues at another Blue Mountains location in 1983 and 1984. These tracks were cast and later compared with others made from freshly-made paw prints in Tasmania with which they match up."




Patricia Marson

"If it was what I believe it was, this was not to be my only encounter with a creature of this description, for on Christmas Eve 1983, I was walking in bush near Govetts Leap with my son, David and his wife Kay in afternoon light, when we all spotted the same type of animal moving through bushes. We all believed we had seen a Tasmanian Tiger. In both cases the animals had brownish body fur and dark body stripes, and looked exactly like photos of the Thylacine in books"

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2021). In search of mountain tigers. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30.


NSW.1984.2.xx #1-2

Rex Gilroy, during an expedition north of the Grose Valley:

"We returned to the swamp last February, and found more evidence. The swamp is surrounded by dense scrub at the foot of a deep gully encased by steep cliffs. There is a maze of rock crevices and caverns in which any animals could live unseen, and it is into this gully that the 'tiger' tracks led.

About the edge of the swamp I found another set of "tiger" tracks. This animal had walked around the edge of before drinking, then retraced its steps back towards the gully. Later, above the gully, during a detailed search for more evidence we came across tracks of a full-grown animal, an apparent female, beside which were the smaller tracks of a young cub. These tracks were at least several hours old. However in the dense scrub we came across signs of a scuffle over a large area, between a wild pig and a thylacine, as indicated by thee dozens of tracks embedded in the soil.

These were only half-an-hour old and led deep into dense forest. Nearby we found a pile of day-old excrement containing pig bristles and crushed pig bone. Had it been left by a thylacine? It is obvious a colony of six to eight of these creatures exists in the gully."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (1985). Trailing a Tiger. Australasian Post, 31 January.


"in February 1984 we organised another expedition to this remote area with Rod Gurney and Robert Ashworth, and found more Thylacine paw prints in the swamp mud. These tracks were however barely half an hour old, and we were able to follow the movements of the Thylacine, observing how it had emerged from a nearby gully to move through foliage to the muddy shoreline, and walk along it for some metres, before stopping to drink at the water’s edge, then return the way it had come. The swamp is surrounded by dense scrub and situated at the foot of a deep gully encased by steep cliffs. There is a maze of crevices and caverns in which any animal could live unseen, and it was into this gully that the ‘tiger’ tracks led."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2021). In search of mountain tigers. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30.



"Freshly made paw prints of one or more of these creatures found by ourselves and colleagues at another Blue Mountains location in 1983 and 1984. These tracks were cast and later compared with others made from freshly-made paw prints in Tasmania with which they match up."




"Mr John Stalling was a 28 years old bushman in June 1982, when he gave me three experiences he had with Thylacines in the Glenbrook area.

John’s third sighting of a ‘tiger’ took place in March 1984 around 6.10am. “I was driving down Bruce Road at Glenbrook, when at a spot 20 yards from the location of my previous [January 1983] sighting, I saw either the same animal or another, eating some small animal, perhaps a possum, on the roadside. I was on my way to work at the time, heading for Glenbrook Railway Station and had no time to pursue it, when it ran off holding its prey in its mouth. I saw it dash up a 4ft embankment into scrub, a greyish-furred, black body-striped animal. I have no doubt that these animals are living somewhere out there in the Glenbrook National Park, from where they enter Glenbrook township’s fringes at times in search of food”, he said, in an interview with me in 1985."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2021). In search of mountain tigers. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30.



"One night during June 1984 Mr Cedrick Mansley was driving on the Jenolan Caves Road, when a striped-bodied animal ran across the road ahead of his vehicle, clearly visible in the glare of the headlights. He realised that only one species could answer the dog-like physical appearance of this strange animal, and that was a Tasmanian Tiger. “I have no doubt about what I saw. Before it vanished off the roadside I noticed its length, about 5ft, the body stripes were blackish and ran from the middle of the back to the rump of the tail upon reddish-brown coloured body fur”."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2021). In search of mountain tigers. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30.



A thylacine eating a rabbit on the side of a road.




Rex Gilroy:

"On Saturday night, 4th October 1986, Mr Mike Davis was driving from Lithgow past Mount Victoria township. Just outside the town was a small separate community called Brown Town by the locals. These few houses were situated on the east side of the Great Western Highway, with an oval across the road on the western side [the community no longer exists]. The time was 11.25pm, when, just past the houses and oval, Mike clearly saw a Thylacine [there was, he said, no mistaking the body stripes and other features] running onto the road from left to right ahead of his car, illuminated by his headlights.

Mike Davis

“It stopped for a second as I approached, looked towards me, then quickly left the road into scrub. It was about 5ft from head to tail tip and up to 1 ½ft tall. The body fur looked light grey or brownish in colour, with dark stripes situated about mid-way on the spine extending down towards the back legs, stopping about the rump. The tail was thicker at the base than at the tip and was about 1ft in length. Its body looked roundish and the head appeared out of proportion to the body with massive jaws.”"

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2021). In search of mountain tigers. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30.



User "SoulNavigator" reported in the comment section about a sighting they and a relative had while driving:

"20 years ago myself , my brother and his wife drove from Brisbane to melbourne via inland route. We came to the Pilliga. The largest remnant bushland in western NSW. The road is long and straight. My brothers wife and I were in the front. My brother was asleep in the back. We were driving along the road when a animal stepped out in front of use further down the highway. It stopped looked at us approaching then ran off in to the bushes.

Both at the same time - exactly the same time - my brothers wife and I yelled "Tasmanian Tiger". We could see the shape. The tapered tail and we could see the faint stripes. We were baffled.

Years later I mentioned it to locals in Wee Waa when I worked there as a doctor. All the patients I mentioned it to were not surprised. They said there have been sightings in the Pilliga in the past.

I believe we saw a Tasmanian Tiger."

Source: Hunt, Elle. (2016). Tasmanian tiger sightings: 'I represent 3,000 people who have been told they’re nuts'. The Guardian (Australia), Thursday 1 December.


NSW.1987.1.xx #1

"The same type of animal was seen killing a sheep in Megalong Valley in January 1987."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2021). In search of mountain tigers. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30.


NSW.1987.1.xx #2

"That month Mr Ron Perry was picnicking with his family in the valley around 3pm one day on the bank of the Cox River Picnic Ground. Before leaving they went for a walk along the river’s edge on a bush track. Suddenly a striped-bodied dog-like animal strode across the track just ahead of them then ran off out of sight."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2021). In search of mountain tigers. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30.



A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"1988, Cawongla near Kyogle; on the roadside at night, Len saw a thylacine-like animal showing distinct dark brown banding on the rump, hips, and legs and along the tail. The tail was thickly furred which reminded him of a photo of a numbat. The bands were about 2 cm wide & about 6 cm apart. The front paw was lifted up near the snout. The snout & the tail were held straight & the round ears were cocked up."



NSW.1989.xx.xx #1

A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"1989, Terania Creek Road, The Channon; running across the road at night in front of his car, Peter saw a thylacine-like animal showing distinct dark brown banding across the body. The tail was thickly furred. Following this animal were 3 smaller identical animals. This is the only report of a mother and it’s young."



NSW.1989.xx.xx #2

"14 years ago I was working as an assistant to a geophysicist during a large survey 30 or so miles out of Broken Hill when we began sighting a very strange creature almost on a daily basis, usually in the mornings as we’d arrive to begin our work. The first day we spooked it as we drove by a sheep carcass, which it seemed it was feeding on. We sighted it again a couple of days later from a distance, and finally on the third occasion I was fortunate enough to get an excellent view of it. All of these sightings occurred in a small valley we were crossing during this period of the survey, and on this final occassion I happened to be some distance from the others in the party, setting up some wires, when the others accidentally spooked the creature from a spot nearby where it had apparently been hiding – not realizing where I was it came tearing straight at me through the salt bush and blue bush and only veered away at the last minute when it sighted me. At worst, it couldn’t have been any more than 10 meters from me as it went tearing past, so I got a great view of it front on and in profile, and I tell you, it was one of the oddest creatures I’ve ever seen! We had all agreed that it was too large for a feral cat, and too odd in shape as well, and that was certainly true in a number of respects. It’s body was a bit chunkier, the legs shorter, the tail had nothing like the length of a cat’s and hung straight out, and the snout protruded out quite markedly from a head that seemed proportionally smaller than that of a cat. But what made the creature quite distinctive was the dark body with stripes on the sides, not too dissimilar in fact to the pattern of a Thylacine.

To say I was astonished would be an understatement. I wondered through my work day trying to figure out what the hell I had just sighted, and next day I went round to the local National Parks office to ask about it. The guy on duty looked at me as if I was some sort of crank who had just reported a Martian, but at least gave me a book to leaf through to see if I could recognize the species. The only thing I found that approximately resembled the creature were pictures of marsupial cats, with the obvious difference that the creature I sighted had dark stripes, not white spots. Rather excited about the whole thing I tried officially reporting it to the ranger, who showed absolutely no interest in the matter, as you might expect. Given that we were on a survey I was even able to give the guy the exact co-ordinates where the creature had been sighted, thinking this at least might inspire him to go out and take a look, but nothing ever happened. Can you believe that? This odd creature obviously seemed to reside in the valley we had found it in and the co-ordinates I gave specified exactly how to find it, yet they couldn't give a damn!"



NSW.1992.xx.xx #1

A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"1992 Ewingsdale; Tony saw a creature on a bright and sunny mid-morning 50 metres away that he was at a total loss to identify. It had a long thin straight tail, short sandy brown fur, a greyhound look to it and an odd gait. The animal was not concerned and it headed towards a large fig tree where friends let their chooks out most days. It disappeared behind the fig tree and did not re emerge. It never stopped and kept a constant pace. The area was open paddock with a ridge-line that the animal was moving along."



NSW.1992.xx.xx #2

A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"1992, 8.30 pm, Coopers Shoot Road, Bangalow; Vicki said that the weirdest animal appeared in the middle of the road. She had to slam the brakes on to prevent hitting it. The animal then snarled at us showing long pointed teeth, before disappearing into long grass. The color of this animal was light in appearance & there were no stripes. She and a work mate looked at each other in total disbelief & both said together “What in god’s name was that? She stated “We both knew that this was neither dog nor fox.” When explaining the incident later to family & friends she could best describe it as looking something like a Tasmanian tiger. Every one laughed at her and cried in disbelief “A Tasmanian tiger in Byron Bay!”"




Christian Kopp (11 at the time) and his father saw a thylacine when collecting firewood. From a newspaper article:

"“I’ve seen plenty of dingoes in my life and I’m educated quite well on animals and the bush,” he said.

What he saw was not a dingo.

“It popped out on this spot where we get wood, close to a creek,” he said.

“Dad was amazed.”

He vividly recalled his dad’s words: “You don’t see this every day, son”.

“He thought it couldn't be true,” Christian said of his dad, who he described as “your typical Australian bushy”.

Christian, who now lives at Seal Rocks, remembers the experience as “clear as day”.

He described the creature as having “black to faded stripes on its back-end and smaller than a dingo”.

“Dad always said it was [a Tasmanian tiger].”

They believed “there could be no doubt”."

Source: Cronshaw, Damon. (2017). Christian Kropp has seen two Tasmanian tigers in the Barrington Tops. Newcastle Herald, 8 March.

He had a second sighting in or around 2012 (NSW.c2012.xx.xx).



"In October 1995, Mr Bob Donaldson was driving friends to Blackheath from Katoomba around 1am. As they passed through Medlow Bath, and just past the Foy Avenue turnoff, which is a busy area, about 6.1 metres ahead of his vehicle, illuminated by the headlights and standing on the left of the highway near street lights, they all spotted a dog-like animal of Alsatian size. Its body fur was a mousy-brown colour with greyish stripes extending barrel-wise along the body. The animal, an obvious Thylacine, then began running along the edge of the highway to vanish into nearby bushes."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2021). In search of mountain tigers. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30.


NSW.1995.xx.xx #1

A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"1995, The Coast Road, between Byron Bay and Lennox Heads; Kate Mathews was driving south with a friend through the heathland when they saw a dog-like animal running towards them along the grassy verge. It was not a dog; it was larger than most dogs and had a barrel-shaped body and brown fur."



NSW.1995.xx.xx #2

A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"1995, Coopers Lane, Main Arm; Hayley observed a golden-fawn animal with a striped tail."




A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"A friend, Haley, told them that around about 1996 she had observed a large cat-like creature with a plain coloured body and a banded furred tail leap across Coopers Creek behind Durrumbul north of Mullumbimby in northeastern NSW."




A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"16th November, 1997, Sunday, 7-30 a.m. at Lennox Head; between Seven Mile Beach and Lake Ainsworth, near Camp Drew, Paul and his partner observed from their car, only 1 metre away, a dog-sized animal with black stripes down its back and rump with one stripe across the base of the tail. The tail was long and stuck straight out behind it. It was covered in short sandy fur, had a long thin head and face with upright ears. He was certain that it was not a cat, fox or dog. He phoned the national parks service, a local wildlife carer and some time later, the North Coast Local ABC radio station while I was broadcasting my Wildlife Talkback programme."




A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"18th November, 1997, 9 a.m. North Tumbulgum; Hogan’s Rainforest Nature NSW / Qld border, Jan and two other family members observed on their property a striped dog-like animal with a head almost like a kangaroo and stripes continuing onto the long stiff tail. They had previously observed it on two earlier separate occasions and enquiring of the neighbours, were told that all three families on adjoining properties had observed the animal going back at least ten years but had never bothered to report it. They phoned and spoke about their experience on my Wildlife Talkback programme."




A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"November 1997, Upper Durobby Creek; in the foothills of the Macpherson Ranges, Dennis, a neighbour of Jan, phoned my Wildlife Talkback programme to describe a similar animal. Of particular interest was that the animal that he saw had no stripes on the body, though it did have pale bands along the tail. It was greyhound-like, the head was like that of a kangaroo, particularly because of its kangaroo-like ears that stood straight up, the ribs were tucked up and the rump was uplifted.

The tail was thick at the base and as long as the body, was round in cross section and went to a point. It was shaped like a kangaroo’s tail, but held straight out behind instead of dragging on the ground. Its fur was very short, about 15 mm long, of a greyish to light brown colour and was not at all mangy. At the base of the tail there was an orange ring about 50 mm wide and it was followed by 6 to 8 yellow rings about 40 mm wide.

His wife was the first of the family to observe the animal, 3 months before while taking their child to the bus stop down their one kilometre long driveway. Two days later their teenage son observed it and described it as being a cross between a kangaroo and a greyhound. Two weeks later Dennis finally saw it sitting on the roadside while driving down their road to pick up their child from the bus stop at 4 pm. He watched it walk off from beside his car for one hundred metres. It walked like a dog and its unusual tail did not look out of proportion with its body. He stated that it didn’t look like some unusual hybrid but a species of carnivorous marsupial. His teenage son has since set up a large live animal trap in an attempt to capture it."



NSW.1997.xx.xx #1

A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"1997, Mt Warning; Heidi described her brother’s observation of a thylacine. He and his friend were quite close to the base of the mountain when they passed an odd looking animal. He said when they stopped it ran out onto the road behind them and froze for a moment also looking at them before dashing off into the forest. He said it looked exactly like the Tasmanian tigers he had seen pictures of in books except that it was a lot darker in colouring. He said it had stripes & a sloping back."



NSW.1997.xx.xx #2

A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"1997, 4am, Uki; Peter described his sighting of 1997 on the Murwillumbah Road to Uki near the intersection with Mount Warning Road at 4am when he observed what at first he thought was a fox on the side of the road. He immediately noticed that it had an unusual shuffling walk with the rear of the body sloping backwards & thought that it had a dislocated hip, which he had observed on an injured dog previously. He expected to catch up with the animal with ease because of its disability but was surprised that when it became aware of his cars’ approach, it raced off along the roadside with incredible speed. He accelerated up to it and observed that its back, rump & tail were covered with dark bands. He was sure that it definitely was not a fox or a dog, that its snout was not pointed like a fox and that it had distinctive rounded ears. It ran off into the vegetation adjacent the road."



NSW.1997.xx.xx #3

"In November of 1997, about 30 - 60km south of Broken Hill at 7.30am on the Silver City Hwy I too saw what can only be decribed as a Tassie Tiger, much to the 'joy' of all who I have told.

I was driving south about 20 min into a 9 hr drive home to Melbourne when a 'thing' with the strangest walk/run burst from the scrub straight across the road, in front of me & a White landcruiser ute travelling the other way. My mother in the passenger seat (who grew up in B/Hill) could only splutter "what is that?!" while I was speechless at what I saw. I slowed the car to a walk desperatly trying to follow its progress through the scrub. I then looked in the rearview mirrow to see the Landcruiser doing the same, confirming to me that what ever I saw was wierd!. To this day I wish I had have got out to speak to the driver of the 'cruiser, but my head was just spinning! After about 5 min I took off again south desperatly trying to get my head around what I had just seen 20 min south of Broken Hill!!

What did I see:
* It was the size of medium to large dog
* It moved like NOTHING else I had ever seen before.
*It had strong powerful hind legs
*smaller front legs
*A long stiff tail that pointed straight out. Far longer than any dogs tail & kinda looked like a kangaroo's tail.
* Its head was weird shaped with a long jaw/snout.
*Its colouring was a deep outback red. Anyone who has seen the earth around Broken Hill it was that colour.
* Im not sure I saw stripes across its back, but its colouring across the top of its rear 1/4 was darker than the rest.
*It's body was longer & out of proportion than all other animals.

What I am certain is it wasn't is a Dog, Cat, Fox, Kangaroo.

My best guess is that it could have been a Tassie Tiger, but I was 1200 km north of Tassie & they'd been extint for 60 years!............. or maybe they aint."




"In September 1999, Mr Phil Smith and his wife Kassi were driving from the west on the Great Western Highway at 60 to 70 km an hour, slowing down as they approached a fruit shop at Linden on the left-hand side of the road. The time was 11.30am.

At this moment they both saw “a greyhound-like animal”, long and skinny, run across the highway from the right-hand side [south] to the left [north]. They noticed that another passing motorist also saw it.

Phil described the animal as having body fur of a burnt colour [ie blacky-brown], with a row of orangey-brown stripes extending barrel-wise from about mid-body to tail rump. It stood half a metre tall and was about 1 metre in length from nose tip to tail.

“The animal appeared confused as it reached the middle of the highway, then dodging other traffic, it ran off under the roadside alcove and disappeared into bush”, said Phil."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2021). In search of mountain tigers. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30.


NSW.1999.xx.xx #1

A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"1999, Brunswick Heads; Jodi saw a striped animal cross the road between the fish co-op and the highway."



NSW.1999.xx.xx #2

A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"1999, Federal; Graham and Rosalind had a close view of a strange animal when driving between Whian Road and Bates Road near the old Dip when the headlights illuminated it. The size of a dog, it had a big distinctive head, brown fur and a stiff kangaroo-like tail. It had very obvious stripes across the back and the base of the tail which blended in with the brown fur so that the stripes would not be so visible from further away. It had a very unusual manner of walking quite unlike a dog. They decided that it could only be a Tasmanian tiger and phoned the national parks service to report the sighting and where most annoyed when they were not believed and told that they could not possibly have seen such an animal because it is extinct. Their daughter also saw it a year later and described the same animal. A friend, Eric, told them that he had seen the same kind of animal cross the road in front of his car near Wooyung and although he applied the breaks he hit the animal. He stopped and had a look but the animal had run off unhurt."




"On the night of Saturday 1st April 2000, 16-year-old Shannon Kus, his mother Marjorie and his mate Brad Miller, were walking home from the Wentworth Falls Country Club. The time was around midnight as they left the Country Club road into Cook Road, then turned into Banksia Road on their way home.

At this point they all saw, barely 4 metres away, a striped-backed animal, standing beneath a street light.

Shannon later described the animal to me as being about 1.5 metres in length from head to tail. Its fur was a tan colour, and the body stripes were blacky-brown. These extended from about the mid-back onto the tail rump. The tail, he noticed, was long and pointed, and followed the slope of the back. The head and everything else about it compared with pictures he had seen of Thylacines, and it was also a thin-bodied animal, which would surely make it a male [females being thicker set animals].

The animal had apparently appeared from out of nearby bush to stand under the street light. The creature, said Shannon, remained there for perhaps 2 to 5 minutes as they stood observing it. Then a car passed it and the animal ran off into the bush from where it had emerged."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2021). In search of mountain tigers. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30.


NSW.2000.xx.xx #1

The following short blog post was posted to the A.C.R.O. (The Australian Cryptozoology Research Organisation) website:

"We received a report from a former member of a zoo who believes that he had encountered a strange unknown animal while driving on Bells road in the Blue Mountains in 2000 at night time, while driving along this road he sighed the tail end of an unidentifiable animal about the same height as a Tasmanian Tiger or puma and the colouration also matched both Thylacines and pumas. He spotted moving along the cement wall on the side of the road."



NSW.2000.xx.xx #2

A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"2000, Maher’s Lane, Terranora; Don saw a long thin dog-like animal with stripes across its back & the base of its long thin tail in the evening as he drove down the road from his home through farmland. It was unconcerned by his approaching car and he was able to get a close look at it. Some years later he saw it again at the same time and place & then his wife saw it in similar circumstances near their house. Nearby residents Allan & Maureen also observed the animal."




A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"15th January 2003, 9.30 am, Stock Route Road, Billinudgel; Mailman Peter drove right up to a strange looking animal standing on an earth bank on the southern section of Stock Route Road, just behind Billinudgel. As tall as a medium-sized dog, it looked something like a whippet crossed with a kangaroo. It was covered with a fine short brown fur except for the rump and tail, which was bare skinned with individual hairs scattered evenly across it. It was completely unconcerned by the presence of his car and he closely examined it for 5 minutes before it walked off. Peter had been involved in greyhound racing for many years and so was positive that the animal was neither a dog nor a fox and appeared to be a carnivorous marsupial."




"On Sunday 15th June 2003, about 8.30pm to 845pm, Robyn Simon was driving with a friend, Rebecca Jackson, on Acacia Street past Katoomba Golf Course, towards its junction with Cliff Drive. Robyn was driving near the Club House just before entering Cliff Drive, where a two-storied, shingle-roofed house stands amid pine trees, on the corner opposite the golf course and beside a second house, when in the headlight’s glare they both saw a Thylacine moving slowly across the road from the Club House towards two houses.

According to Robyn, the animal was as large as a “big Labrador dog”, moving with a “slinky loping movement”, somewhat like a cat. It was about 5ft [1.53m] in length from head to tail, which was stiff with no point. The fur was short, with a sandy beige colour. There were body stripes extending barrel-wise from the mid-back to the tail rump. These were of a chocolaty-brown colour and not very obvious. The stripes were, she said, wider at the top and narrowed to a point and extended half way down the side of the body. The animal turned to look at the women in the car. Then it just loped off the road into the yard between the two properties. Robyn noticed the tail itself was 2ft [61 cm] in length. The animal stood about 61cm off the ground on all fours and had a body about 30cm in depth. [The Thylacine was surely a male, females being more thickset - RG].

Robyn says the animal appeared to know where it was heading, as if it were used to a particular route. It looked used to civilisation she said.

Yet how did the animal get where it was seen? Had it found its way across country, moving at night, from the Medlow Bath-Grose Valley region, keeping to the water catchment scrub into Katoomba, or else along the Megalong Valley cliffs side, avoiding houses to reach the area it was seen in? Or, had it found its way up the cliffs via a steep slope, like the Devils Hole, to establish itself somewhere in a lair deep in the fern and bush-choked cliff tops on the western side of Cliff Drive within view of Narrow Neck Plateau?

It could have come from the ‘Neck’ in the first place, up the waterfall gully from Megalong Valley near the narrowest point of Narrow Neck, which is used by so many other marsupials. Therefore the ‘tiger’ seen by Robyn Simon and Rebecca Jackson could only be a visitor to the Katoomba area, until it settles into a new habitat, perhaps with its mate if one is nearby, out on the ‘Neck’ or back in Megalong Valley."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2021). In search of mountain tigers. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30.



A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"June 2003, Rosebank; Neil saw an animal that he could not identify while driving to Rosebank from Clunes at 8.30 pm. Two km to the south-west of the Green Frog Café & general store he and a friend saw in the car headlights an unusual animal cross the road 6 to 12 metres in front of them. It had a feline-like face and a long body & tail, from snout to tail tip at least one & a half metre in length, covered with yellow tawny fur."



NSW.2003.xx.xx #1

A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"2003, Wilfred Street, Billinudgel; Sue, owner of the Billinudgel Post Office and the general store, looked into the main street of Billinudgel one morning at 5.30 am and was surprised to see a very unusual animal standing in the middle of the road. It looked like a cross between a dog and a kangaroo. Then she found that the woman that worked in the store had recently observed two of the animals chasing and killing a swamp wallaby near her home just a few kms up the valley. A short time later a bakery representative from the Gold Coast also saw the animal & commented to Sue about it."



NSW.2003.xx.xx #2

A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report (in bold):

"2003, Wilfred Street, Billinudgel; Sue, owner of the Billinudgel Post Office and the general store, looked into the main street of Billinudgel one morning at 5.30 am and was surprised to see a very unusual animal standing in the middle of the road. It looked like a cross between a dog and a kangaroo. Then she found that the woman that worked in the store had recently observed two of the animals chasing and killing a swamp wallaby near her home just a few kms up the valley. A short time later a bakery representative from the Gold Coast also saw the animal & commented to Sue about it."



NSW.2003.xx.xx #3

A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report (in bold):

"2003, Wilfred Street, Billinudgel; Sue, owner of the Billinudgel Post Office and the general store, looked into the main street of Billinudgel one morning at 5.30 am and was surprised to see a very unusual animal standing in the middle of the road. It looked like a cross between a dog and a kangaroo. Then she found that the woman that worked in the store had recently observed two of the animals chasing and killing a swamp wallaby near her home just a few kms up the valley. A short time later a bakery representative from the Gold Coast also saw the animal & commented to Sue about it."



NSW.2003.xx.xx #4

A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"2003, Stock Route Road, Billinudgel; Peter, principal of Main Arm School saw what looked to him very much like a thylacine."



NSW.2003.xx.xx #5

A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"2003, Stock Route Road, Billinudgel; Tony & Suzette saw what looked like a thylacine."



NSW.2003.xx.xx #6

A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"2003, Stock Route Road, Billinudgel; Joan saw what looked like a thylacine."



NSW.2003.xx.xx #7

A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"2003, Upper Main Arm; bush regenerator Mark had a close observation of a thylacine-like animal at midday and observed its striped back and stiff tail as it stood near the roadside. Being an expert on wildlife identification he was positive that it was a thylacine. It gave a strange coughing bark-like call and bounded away."



NSW.2003.xx.xx #8

A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"2003, Byron Bay on the coastal road to Ballina 2k’s past the Lennox Head turnoff; Doof daddy contacted the ABC radio station to say that about 5 years ago in 2003 he was returning to Byron Bay from Ballina along the coastal road after work in the early hours of the morning. “I had my large driving lights on which clearly picked out an animal in front of my car about 2 kms north past the Lennox Head turnoff. It was trotting quickly with a stiff legged gait. It had stripes and a thin tail stuck straight out. It stopped and looked in my direction then it continued off into the bush. It was definitely not a dog”."




A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"2004, Clothiers Creek Road, Cabarita; Joslyn, of Kingscliff, saw a thylacine on Clothiers Creek Road at 9.30 am as she was coming into Cabarita. It was the size of a small dingo but with an elongated, slim body and the hind quarters was more prominent. It was covered with tawny short hair with dark stripes across the back and its gait was noticeably unusual."




A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"September, 2005, 7am, Billinudgel Nature Reserve; on the trail that runs parallel to the beach several hundred metres north of the central trail entrance into the reserve. Russel observed on two occasions in the same place, families of three very sleek thylacine-like animals with brown lion-like coloured fur, dark bands on the flanks, with long rigid tails held low to the ground, running through the bush."




A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"8th October, 2005, 12pm, Shara Boulevard, North Ocean Shores; Russel saw what looked like the same animal that he saw in September and believe it may have been sitting as he only saw its head and shoulders in the grass but was struck by it having rounded ears."




A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"October 2005, Terragon, south of Uki, near Kunghur; Shirley woke very early to the sounds of her chooks going right off. She jumped out of bed and made her way down to the pen, where she saw an animal that was striped like a tiger that bounded over the long grass. It was thin and brownish and had a long thin tail."




A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"November 2005, 9 pm, Coorabell; Samantha saw a lion coloured creature with kangaroo like back legs hop into the bush on the Coorabell – Federal Road. She stated “I’m an artist and I paint native animals and the gait of this animal meant that it was a marsupial, not a dog or a cat. The colour was golden-fawn, 60 cm in height and the ears were rounded. It was the movement of its pelvis and its shyness and the way it dropped its head and pushed its pelvis up and hopped into the bush that alerted me to the fact that this was a ‘different’ animal to any I’d seen before. It looked straight at me before moving away. It didn’t run. I paint thylacines frequently and last year we had a gallery in Fletcher St Byron Bay with a thylacine on a rock with the word ‘Imagine’ inscribed on the rock. So many people, local and others, came in to describe their sightings. One of the most significant was from Maureen from Byron Post Office whose husband had spotted one while posting letters in The Pocket. She even came in with the drawing he’d done after seeing the creature. Another report given to Samantha came from a woman called Gail who worked at Durrumbul preschool and who had seen one crawl from beneath the preschool building and walk in a hopping way. She saw it for quite a while”."



NSW.2005.xx.xx #1

A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"2005, Tregeagle; Rhys observed a golden-fawn thylacine-like animal."



NSW.2005.xx.xx #2

A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"2005, New Brighton; Gary and Sharmaine observed a thylacine-like animal with a striped rump."



NSW.2005.xx.xx #3

A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"2005, South Golden Beach, Kolora Way; Lyndel observed a thylacine-like animal without stripes."




A couple were spotlighting near Torington, when they saw three thylacines. Two adults and a juvenile.




A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"7th January 2006, Saturday, 8.30 am, Drake; Greg worked at the Tenterfield Bowling Club on Friday night and he headed home at 7.45am Saturday morning. Whilst travelling east along the Bruxner Highway through the lighter wooded area, coming off the range, about ten minutes west of Drake he had a close view of a strange animal that looked like a thylacine without stripes. He reported “I can say that what I saw did not look like anything I have witnessed before. I have also heard a report about six months ago from an elderly family friend. The elderly chap’s sighting was about ten years ago in the same area, closer to dawn, about 6am.”"




A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"16th January 2006, Monday, 3.30 am, Anderson’s Hill, Mullumbimby; Michael and Fabiola where returning home along Gulgun Road adjacent Everrit’s Creek, 400m north of the Mullumbimby intersection and the Uncle Tom’s Pies service station, when they observed a strange animal coming towards them along the eastern side of the road. It reminded them of a Fossa or a civet and definitely was not a fox, dog or cat.

Fabiola was driving and so Michael was able to examine the animal closely from only 2 metres away and observed that it was 60 to 70 cm high and 1.3m long, the length of the body quite long when compared to its height. It had a very long thin tail that drooped down then lifted up towards the end. It had a large head with golden eyes and widely separated rounded ears. It was covered with short golden-fawn fur with black shadowy marks on the fur tips across the rump like vague bands. Michael noticed that it had a distinct waddle of the back legs as it walked and he watched it turn away from him and saw that it had a white band at the end of the tail with a black tip. It then ran off under a barb wire fence to disappear into the regrowth vegetation."




A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"26th January 2006, Shara Boulevard, North Ocean Shores; at around 6 a.m. (Australia Day) Russel was driving from Ocean Shores to Brunswick Heads. There was very little traffic on the roads. Towards the end of Shara Boulevard he noticed an animal walking head-on toward him, along the side of the road. He noticed the ears were rounded and that it stood about 1/2m high, its mouth was open. As he slowed down he observed it closely at an angle and was extremely surprised by the length of the tail which curved down and back up from the ground.

There were no visible markings on the body, although he thought the rump was perhaps darker than the rest of the animal, which had a tan colouring. He passed it and stopped the car but it had disappeared into the bush by the time he looked back."




A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"6th February 2006, Mullumbimby, Left Bank Road, Sunday morning, 6:10 am; Alisha and her mother were going to the market and when they pulled out of Yankee Creek Road and went round the bend they saw a strange animal that was too big to be a cat and that was not a dog or a fox and it had stripes across the back, rounded ears & a long stiff tail."




A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"8th February 2006, Thursday morning between 5.30 and 6.00 am, Mullumbimby; “my 23 year old daughter Shanti saw what she believed to be a thylacine. We live on the eastern side of Mullumbimby town near the sugar cane fields at Morrison Avenue. It was early morning around 5.30 to 6.00 a.m. when she heard a commotion outside the house as if a dog was fighting with our cats. She went outside to investigate and rushed inside to tell me what she saw. She said she saw a ‘mutant’ dog. It was small in size, light golden coloured with a very long snout and rounded ears, a long pointy tail, and stripes on its back.

It was making a strange guttural yapping noise as it tried to attack our cats. It then chased one of them across the neighbour’s garden. My daughter became frightened, as she said she thought it was a feral dog, and yet it did not look like any dog she had ever seen. She then saw it run as fast as it could down the street towards the cane fields. She said that its gait was awkward looking, and looked like it was loping because its front legs were shorter than its back legs, and it looked quite ungainly as it ran.

My other children and I heard the strange noise, but did not go out to investigate. The neighbour heard the commotion as well. My daughter did not know about thylacines before the sighting. It was only when my other daughter said that her description of the creature sounded like a thylacine that she was able to definitely identify it from pictures that she found on the internet.

She was able to get a good clear look at it because it was so close”."




A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"15th February 2006, Hastings Point; Rose described a strange dog-like animal that she saw while driving to work in the morning. It was grey with dark grey mottling on its rump like bands, it had distinctive large round ears and was quite unlike a dog or fox. In December 2006 at 9.30 a.m. she again saw the same animal with three young cubs chasing and playing together on the road."




A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"19th February 2006, 5.30 am, North Ocean Shores; John & Pat had set off from their home at New Brighton for the Pottsville Market, where they would set up a pottery & jewellery stall, and had only reached the small bridge north of Redgate Road at North Ocean Shores travelling at 50 kph when they saw 2 strange animals standing on the road. Both were of a buff colour with distinctively rounded ears, hunched backs and remarkably long thin straight tails. They were somewhat smaller than a German Sheppard dog, much larger than a fox and one individual was smaller and was standing in front of the larger animal. The animals watched the approaching car for a few seconds and then raced off into the bush. Pam noticed what looked like pale stripes across the back. John was adamant that they were not foxes, dogs or dingos all of which he is very familiar with after spending 20 years at Lakes Entrance in eastern Victoria."



NSW.2006.2.25 #1

A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"25th February 2006, Saturday night, 11 pm, Palm Avenue in Mullumbimby; Kali saw a strange animal running across the road. She stated “No stripes, but a distinctly wild animal, reddish brown short hair, above knee-high. It really caught my attention, and I found myself thinking about this animal for days.”"



NSW.2006.2.25 #2

A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"25thFebruary 2006, Saturday night, Main Arm Road, Mullumbimby; Richard sighted a thylacine-like animal on the road as he drove from Main Arm to Mullumbimby and he pulled off the road to look where the creature went."




A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"26th February 2006, 3.15 pm, Redgate Road, South Golden Beach; Steve and Michelle and their family were riding their bikes when they saw a strange animal in the short grass. It was 60 to 70 cm high and covered with short ginger-blond short hair with a narrow, small triangular-shaped head, a long thin neck, a long straight, thin tail that was as long as the animal. It scratched itself with its hind leg like a dog. They did not believe that it was a dog, dingo or a fox."



NSW.2006.2.xx #1

A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"February 2006, Brunswick Heads; Pacific Highway near the Mullumbimby turnoff, Walter saw a dead thylacine-like animal, with a distinctive long straight tail and stripes along the body, lying on the roadside, a victim of a car strike. I searched the locality but found no sign of a body."



NSW.2006.2.xx #2

A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"February 2006, Shara Boulevard, North Ocean Shores; Rayleen saw a thylacine-like animal crossing the road."



NSW.2006.2.xx #3

A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"February 2006, Tyalgum; Donna lives at Tyalgum and saw an unusual animal that ran through their paddock on dusk at great speed. At first she thought that it was a wallaby. Then Donna saw that its head was too large, it was too bulky in the forequarters, and the body tapered off in the hind quarters, the exact opposite of the body of a wallaby. It moved on all four legs and had a tail similar to a wallaby. Nobody in her family believed what she had seen until 3 days later when she was coming home with her daughter and about 2kms from home they saw the same animal run into the bush and her daughter described it exactly as Donna had seen it."



NSW.2006.2.xx #4

A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report (in bold):

"February 2006, Tyalgum; Donna lives at Tyalgum and saw an unusual animal that ran through their paddock on dusk at great speed. At first she thought that it was a wallaby. Then Donna saw that its head was too large, it was too bulky in the forequarters, and the body tapered off in the hind quarters, the exact opposite of the body of a wallaby. It moved on all four legs and had a tail similar to a wallaby. Nobody in her family believed what she had seen until 3 days later when she was coming home with her daughter and about 2kms from home they saw the same animal run into the bush and her daughter described it exactly as Donna had seen it."




A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"5th March 2006, Sunday, Left Bank Road, Mullumbimby; Elle and her family saw a strange animal in their garden close to the house and watched it as it ran down to the creek. She saw it a couple of times during the following days. She stated that “it looked funny and very skinny and moved weird-like. I looked it up on the internet and it did look like the pictures of thylacines but with no stripes. I thought it looked a silver colour but it was hard to tell because it was raining.”"



NSW.2006.3.>5 #1

A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report (in bold):

"5th March 2006, Sunday, Left Bank Road, Mullumbimby; Elle and her family saw a strange animal in their garden close to the house and watched it as it ran down to the creek. She saw it a couple of times during the following days. She stated that “it looked funny and very skinny and moved weird-like. I looked it up on the internet and it did look like the pictures of thylacines but with no stripes. I thought it looked a silver colour but it was hard to tell because it was raining.”"



NSW.2006.3.>5 #2

A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report (in bold):

"5th March 2006, Sunday, Left Bank Road, Mullumbimby; Elle and her family saw a strange animal in their garden close to the house and watched it as it ran down to the creek. She saw it a couple of times during the following days. She stated that “it looked funny and very skinny and moved weird-like. I looked it up on the internet and it did look like the pictures of thylacines but with no stripes. I thought it looked a silver colour but it was hard to tell because it was raining.”"




A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"11th April 2006, 12.30 a.m. Shara Boulevard, North Ocean Shores; Ron was driving west towards the highway and saw what looked like a thylacine as it walked along the northern side of the road. He stopped the car and turned off the motor and watched it from 2 metres away in the high beam of the headlights as it stared at him. It was about 1 metre high and 2 and half metres long with high haunches at the back of the body. It had a long thin pointed tail, which pointed down, almost the length of the body. Its snout was narrow and pointed, the eyes appeared sloping backwards, the ears were tall and rounded and it had a long neck. It had very fluid movements & its body was covered in short hair of a light fawn colour. It had 10 to 12 very pale stripes across the rear portion of the body with slightly wider stripes on the back & narrower stripes on the rump. After looking at the car’s headlights, it suddenly ran off into the bush."




A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"2nd November 2006, 9 pm, Thursday, New Brighton; Rob was fishing at Casons Road, New Brighton, when they saw an unusual animal. He stated “it had a tail like a roo, but not touching the ground. I’ve shot and skinned roos and foxes before so I have had experience with them up in Armidale. We observed it for about 10 minutes from between 10 to 20 meters away. It walked, going from tree to tree, looking up into the trees. Its eyes were pale green reflecting in our weak head torches. The moon was in the clouds with a bit of moonlight shining down. The picture of a thylacine on the Tasmanian Cascade Beer label would be the closest animal to what we saw.

It was grey/brown with a lighter underside, especially under the chin. Its ears were not as big as a roo or a fox. Its tail was darker and it had short hair just like a roo. We could not see stripes. My friend who was with me describes it as follows, “it looked like a kangaroo but it walked rather than hopped”. After shaking our heads in disbelief, we were the ones who left, having finished our fishing and as we left we were able to see it walking around in the distance.”"




A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"Also around this time, Russel and Michael were walking within the Brunswick Valley Nature Reserve near the flying fox colony and both independently observed thylacine-like animals, one slinking past in front of them & one apparently following them. Both animals disappeared within seconds into the rainforest."




Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit's own thylacine sighting:

"3rd February 2007, Jones Road, Yelgun; just after dark, Gary Opit watched, for about 5 minutes, an unidentifiable carnivorous marsupial that measured approximately 1.75 m in length and about .75 m in height standing in the middle of Jones Road, Yelgun, adjacent the Billinudgel Nature Reserve. It was very dark brown in colour, its back was distinctly hunched and it was stationary. It was illuminated by the headlights of my car approximately 20 m in front of me.

At first I thought that it was a swamp wallaby (Wallabia bicolor) that are common in this locality. I believed that its hunched back was due to the fact that it was bent over sniffing the ground. However, I had never observed a wallaby engaged in such an unusual activity, stretched out along the ground instead of the normal upright posture or bent down feeding on vegetation. Then I noticed that the fore and hind legs were of the same size and that it did not have the usual colours of a swamp wallaby such as the ginger head fur, pale face stripe, black forepaws or black tail.

I decided that this was not a wallaby but, from its distinctive body shape, a carnivorous marsupial. It continued to sniff the dirt road unconcerned by the presence of my vehicle. After 5 minutes I drove slowly towards it and at about 10 m in front of my car it suddenly pushed with its hind legs and with great power it ran off the road into the vegetation on all four legs. I have studied the flora & fauna in this locality for decades and so was very surprised to closely observe an animal that I was completely unable to identify and I made a drawing of it in my diary that evening."




A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"Late 2007, New Brighton; Don was driving a bus with 8 passengers between 2 and 3am when they all observed a large unusual thylacine-like carnivore eating a small animal on the road, probably a bandicoot struck by an earlier vehicle near the speed bump. It was greyhound in size, covered in a dirty golden-brown short fur with no distinct stripes and a long tail that sloped down to the ground and back up again. Its head was not dog-like; it had a short muzzle with pointy ears, a proud stance and kangaroo-like hips. It was observed from head on and it loped off, almost kangaroo-like with a very unusual movement. Don was thinking that it looked like a thylacine without stripes & then everyone began asking each other what it was & wondering whether it was a Tasmanian Tiger."




A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"Early 2008 – late 2007, Repentance Creek Rd at the Minyon Falls turnoff. Zabloc saw an animal near the Minyon Falls turnoff on Repentance Creek Road that could have been a Thylacine. “It was a bit after dusk. As we were driving towards Rosebank, I saw an animal about the size of a whippet dash across a grassy slope. It was travelling at an incredible speed. Earlier last year, on the road between Ballina and Eltham, just after the Alstonville turnoff, dad and my brother saw something similar. It was an animal of similar size as I saw and it passed in front of their car so close that both thought it was certain to be hit. But it was so fast, it passed by unscathed. They both wouldn’t have believed what they had seen unless the other had confirmed it. Both times it was too difficult to see it properly, because it was travelling so quickly. I’m not sure if this is a characteristic of the Thylacine”."




A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"January 2008, Byron Bay Andrew and his wife were on holidays from Victoria, staying at an apartment off Cemetery Road in Byron Bay. On a bike ride to the beach they had a good look at what both thought may have been a Tasmanian tiger “as ridiculous as that sounds,” stated Andrew. “It had sandy coloured fur, a stubby muzzle and a long tail. It had the gait of a dog and it certainly wasn’t a dog or feral cat. It had stripes that were not bold. My wife works at the Werribee zoo in Melbourne and it certainly wasn’t like any of the cats they have there. We then mentioned it in passing to the bus driver on the way back to the airport and he said there had been some sightings of thylacine-like animals in the area over the years that he had heard of."




A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"8th March 2008, Frazer drive, Tweed Heads; Joel contacted me at the ABC Radio station and stated “I was travelling on Frazer drive in Tweed Heads, near the Tweed Heights turn off, at 11.40 p.m. and saw this creature lopping across the road with its tail straight out behind it. I thought it was a cat at first but as I approached, it didn’t scurry as a cat would. I have looked at other posts and have seen that they have described it as I saw it. Then, the next morning, 9/3/08 at approximately 6.40 a.m., as I was travelling to Murwillumbah on the Terranora road, about 1.5 km from the Bilambil turn off were the road begins to decline, I saw it again. Lopping once again and this time I was closer and still it made no sudden movement like it wasn’t scared of my car. It looked, then lopped off into the cliff side of the road. It had its tail out straight and it seems like the tail is very tense. Next time I see it I will take a photo. It has me very interested."




A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"8th March 2008, Frazer drive, Tweed Heads; Joel contacted me at the ABC Radio station and stated “I was travelling on Frazer drive in Tweed Heads, near the Tweed Heights turn off, at 11.40 p.m. and saw this creature lopping across the road with its tail straight out behind it. I thought it was a cat at first but as I approached, it didn’t scurry as a cat would. I have looked at other posts and have seen that they have described it as I saw it. Then, the next morning, 9/3/08 at approximately 6.40 a.m., as I was travelling to Murwillumbah on the Terranora road, about 1.5 km from the Bilambil turn off were the road begins to decline, I saw it again. Lopping once again and this time I was closer and still it made no sudden movement like it wasn’t scared of my car. It looked, then lopped off into the cliff side of the road. It had its tail out straight and it seems like the tail is very tense. Next time I see it I will take a photo. It has me very interested."




A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"Sunday 22nd June, 3.00 p.m. 2008, Mooball; Scott Green, editor of the Weekly News, while out riding his bicycle along Wooyung Road towards Mooball, approaching the old railway bridge, spotted what he believes was a thylacine. It emerged from the vegetation 70m ahead, running across the road, travelling north and then stopped to watch his approach. Standing on the road, it stayed for about 40 seconds until Scott was within 40 m of it. It then ran into the vegetation.

He described it as having a head and body about 1 m long with a longish pointed tail about 60cm long. It looked like a stretched-out greyhound, 30% longer in the body than a dog. The back and the hind legs looked more like a cat, its tan-coloured thick fur had an orange tinge in the sunlight and it had dark stripes across its back."





"I believe i saw a saw a Thylocene at the base of the Barrington tops near Wolemi brook on the 21/7/08 at around 11 am, whilst i was travelling to a remote a exploration drill rig site. I am a geologist and had another geologist see it too. It was not a fox, wild dog or Dingo or Quoll!!. It was not striped but had 2 large bands or darker colour on its shoulders and hind section. Was dog like but had a different stance ie hind quarter high, it had a size between a fox and a dingo. I saw it for about 5 seconds as it crossed a remote dirt road. I have also looked at the situational geography. The area is full of wombat burrows and many sandstone caves."




A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"20th August, 2008, Coast Road between Lennox Head and Suffolk Park; David Hall emailed the ABC North Coast Radio station to describe his sighting. “I’m totally convinced I witnessed a Tassie tiger on the coast road between Lennox Head and Suffolk Park NSW. The animal was in the headlights of my car eating road kill in the middle of a road and then bolted into thick scrub. It seemed to be stationary for a second or two as it was down the end of a long stretch of road so I managed a pretty good look. I’m dead-set sure the damn thing was not a fox, dingo or dog and I’m positive about the zebra-like stripes down the back. I wish I’d gone back to sit, wait and watch just to cure my curiosity. So from that experience I do believe they are still knocking around.”"




A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"30th December 2008, 6:15 am, 5-37 Broken Head Road, Byron Bay, NSW.

Kim Falconer wrote “I heard a loud sound like a cross between a guttural possum noise and a large dog retching. I ran outside to find my cat facing off with a dog-like creature 4 times its size. I’ve been a vet nurse for 20 years. It was not a dog.

It was about 18 kg, fawn coloured short dense fur. It smelled of musk, like a mild skunk or possum odour. I was 2-3 metres from it for several minutes. The animal’s face was like a dingo/dog/wolf but with rounder ears. There was white around the muzzle and black around the ears.

The body language of this animal was not canine. I kept trying to place it—fox-like face but too large and wrong body shape. It was long in the flank, like a horse. No sex identifiers noticed.

The eyes were very keen, watching in a way domestic dogs do not. The hocks were pronounced and low—it rocked back on them when it loped away. The coat was like a newly sheared sheep in look–a short, uniform length, fawn to light brown, and very dense, not laying flat like a dog or cat or even horse coat. No stripes but a hint of black on legs and ears, white muzzle, like you might see on an elderly dog, black nose. She was in good condition, no ribs showing. The impression was healthy-lean. Her neck was long–the entire body lithe.

It had the strangest tail–very long, like a broom pole. It didn’t taper, or wag. It walked, trotted and loped. It was not afraid of me but backed away whenever I approached closer than 2-3 m.

The tail was the least dog-like feature. It had short fur, very stiff, thick at the base (a long broom handle) and it didn’t act like a dog’s tail. She had a springy-rocking horse gait, moving quickly then holding very still, lifting her head. She didn’t take her eyes off of me. She seemed extremely curious-cautious. Again–no familiar dog body language. It was the vocalization that really threw me. It was not a dog sound she made–nothing like it. More like a retching possum and it was surprisingly loud.

It was an extraordinary experience, being so close to this animal. There’s no doubt in my mind it was a Thylacine, one without stripes (Tassie tigers were reported without stripes in the 1900’s) Apparently they have up to a 40km range which they trek each month.

It was on the outskirts of the Arakwal National Park, the western edge, inland of the creek. She loped away, heading west towards the golf course. I looked for prints. I found fresh faeces that may be it’s (it was not obviously male) and have frozen a sample. I have rung and reported this to my local veterinarian."



NSW.c2007/2008.xx.xx #1-2

An anonymous report (including two separate sightings) made to REPAD:

"In about 2007, 2008 I saw this creature at Bowna Reserve in NSW (near Albury 2640). The creature looked like a dog-possum-bird-kangaroo, but was none of these. I tried to explain it to people for years but couldn't. It stood on its back legs when it saw me and stared. It then took off but didn't bounce like a kangaroo. It was really quick; one second it was there in front of me, next second it was way in the distance. It had stripes and blue eyes, and I now realise when I look back that it was a thylacine I reckon. The reserve water levels were down and it was where the water would normally be if the dam was full. After the second time I saw it, it was gone nowhere to be seen. I've never seen nothing like it again. It was not a wild dog nor kangaroo"


NSW.2008.xx.xx #1

A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"2008, Upper Wilson’s Creek; Tracey emailed the ABC North Coast Radio station to describe her sighting. “We live in Upper Wilson’s Creek and our property backs onto Mt Jerusalem National Park. We have seen this ‘mystery’ animal at least twice now and in fact had assumed it was a wild dog and reported it to NPWS for dog baiting! Luckily, we were too busy to follow it up, but this animal is definitely at home on our 40 acres. The last close sighting was about 6 months ago and it was right by our car on our forest drive. We have been troubled by irresponsible dog owners whose pets have eaten our free range chooks (now all well fenced) so actually got out of the car to photograph the animal but it calmly loped off and it was too dark to get a photo.

It has a distinctly grey striped torso, long pointed muzzle, and a thick rigid tail. Spooky to see the drawing on the web site and realise what it might be!”"



NSW.2008.xx.xx #2

A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report (in bold):

"2008, Upper Wilson’s Creek; Tracey emailed the ABC North Coast Radio station to describe her sighting. “We live in Upper Wilson’s Creek and our property backs onto Mt Jerusalem National Park. We have seen this ‘mystery’ animal at least twice now and in fact had assumed it was a wild dog and reported it to NPWS for dog baiting! Luckily, we were too busy to follow it up, but this animal is definitely at home on our 40 acres. The last close sighting was about 6 months ago and it was right by our car on our forest drive. We have been troubled by irresponsible dog owners whose pets have eaten our free range chooks (now all well fenced) so actually got out of the car to photograph the animal but it calmly loped off and it was too dark to get a photo.

It has a distinctly grey striped torso, long pointed muzzle, and a thick rigid tail. Spooky to see the drawing on the web site and realise what it might be!”"




"the tasmania tiger is thriving around bilambil Hieghts Inner bushland, it was spotted only a couple of weeks ago by 2 well educated people driving up hogans road, it ran across the road into the bushland, description was a huge tan brown dog cat like creature with black stripes down it side, they said it didnt look like a dog and was much bigger but did resemble a big cat panther like but simarlarities of both, thet said it was fast but they still got plenty of vision of this creature"




"During May 2010 a female Thylacine and cub were seen moving through bushland not far from Wombeyan Caves by campers."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2021). In search of mountain tigers. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30.



A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"July 2011, 9.30 pm, Falls Road, Nimbin; Ms. Tarang Bates was driving home from Lismore when she saw an animal, covered in grey-fawn fur with dark stripes, unlike anything that she had ever seen before. “A massive animal crossed the road in front of me. It was only about a metre or two in front of my car. All I thought at the time was, ‘what is this? It’s not a dog, it’s not a cat.’ It was huge, almost one metre high. It looked like a female lion, but it had stripes on the flank and stripes on the tail. It was just loping like a lion does with really solid legs.”

Ms. Bates said that she had been walking in the area for many years and had never seen anything out of the ordinary. However, now she felt reluctant to go for walks on the road. A short time after she saw the animal, while talking to her neighbours, she was surprised to find that three of them had also observed an animal of a similar description."




A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"18th September 2011, 8pm, Cape Byron; observed by zoologist Mary Gardner on the way to the Cape Byron lighthouse. “Just as we drove up the one way road a creature darted across the road. I have not seen one like this before. It was neither dog, nor dingo, nor wolf, and certainly not a fox. It had a sharp face, full ears, a hard erect rather round body, high in the shoulders, tall lean thin legs, long thin hard looking tail and the faintest glimpse of darker stripes around the body."




Christian Kopp had a second encounter with a thylacine (first: NSW.c1992.xx.xx) while out riding his motorbike. It occured roughly 30km from the first, some twenty years earlier. He described it as "clear as a day".

Source: Cronshaw, Damon. (2017). Christian Kropp has seen two Tasmanian tigers in the Barrington Tops. Newcastle Herald, 8 March.


NSW.2015.1.28 #1

Rex Gilroy took plaster casts of tracks he claims were made by a thylacine:

"He also claimed he found thylacine paw prints in January 2015, while walking his dog on a fire trail near Blackheath."

Source: Cronshaw, Damon. (2017). Does the Tasmanian tiger still exist? Rex Gilroy believes so. Newcastle Herald, 2 March.



"On Thursday afternoon 28th January 2015, on a Blackheath fire trail, above a gully Rex Gilroy found a number of Thylacine paw prints in a sandy patch. The impressions had been made early that morning." (p. 26)

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2021). In search of mountain tigers. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30.


NSW.2015.xx.xx #2



NSW.2015/2016.xx.xx #1-5+

"The Newnes Plateau country has lately [2015-2016] been the scene of a few ‘tiger’ sightings, and paw prints finds which may, or may not have been made by Thylacines. To the west of here, outside Capertee, at least two of these elusive forest-dwellers have been claimed seen by campers on separate occasions."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2021). In search of mountain tigers. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30.


NSW.2020.8.23 (7:30 PM)

An anonymous report made to REPAD by a male witness:

"I was driving home from work along Freeman’s drive about 3km from Freeman's waterhole at approx. 7:30pm when in front of me on the side of the road, eating a dead kangaroo, was a medium/large long, slender dog shaped animal with a kangaroo-style tail. As my lights were on the animal it bounced off into the bush unlike any dog I've ever seen. I stopped to check out the area but couldn’t see anything due to thick Bush but the dead kangaroo had all it’s groin and throat Eaten out. I’m certain this animal was a Thylacine!"



Rex Gilroy:

"The Winter of 2022 will be remembered by Heather and I for the number of Blue Mountains bushland sightings of of Thylacines – at least a dozen. Most of them were fleeting glimpses of this ‘Will-o-the Wisp’, but sightings made by people on the western side of the Blue Mountains included the finding, on Sunday 31st July 2022 in the soil of a Newnes fire-trail of a paw and heel by me. The following day I showed the impressions to Phil Whittaker. We failed to find any other prints hereabouts, yet it is very likely that these mystery marsupial carnivores will return to the area at some stage. I did find a not too well-preserved long heel embedded in moist soil. It measured 14.3 cm in length by 3c m width."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2022). Thylacine winter. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 2022(August): 5.


NSW.2022.xx.xx #1-11+

Rex Gilroy:

"The Winter of 2022 will be remembered by Heather and I for the number of Blue Mountains bushland sightings of of Thylacines – at least a dozen. Most of them were fleeting glimpses of this ‘Will-o-the Wisp’"

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2022). Thylacine winter. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 2022(August): 5.


NSW.xxxx.xx.xx #1 

The following forum post was made on 17 February, 2007.

"I met a bloke yesterday who said he had seen one in the Hunter Valley in NSW. He described it as the size of a greyhound with distinctive brown stripes on its back He saw it eating some meat by the side of the road and got a a good look at it before it ran off."



NSW.xxxx.xx.xx #2

A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report (in bold):

"2000, Maher’s Lane, Terranora; Don saw a long thin dog-like animal with stripes across its back & the base of its long thin tail in the evening as he drove down the road from his home through farmland. It was unconcerned by his approaching car and he was able to get a close look at it. Some years later he saw it again at the same time and place & then his wife saw it in similar circumstances near their house. Nearby residents Allan & Maureen also observed the animal."



NSW.xxxx.xx.xx #3

A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report (in bold):

"2000, Maher’s Lane, Terranora; Don saw a long thin dog-like animal with stripes across its back & the base of its long thin tail in the evening as he drove down the road from his home through farmland. It was unconcerned by his approaching car and he was able to get a close look at it. Some years later he saw it again at the same time and place & then his wife saw it in similar circumstances near their house. Nearby residents Allan & Maureen also observed the animal."



NSW.xxxx.xx.xx #4

A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report (in bold):

"2000, Maher’s Lane, Terranora; Don saw a long thin dog-like animal with stripes across its back & the base of its long thin tail in the evening as he drove down the road from his home through farmland. It was unconcerned by his approaching car and he was able to get a close look at it. Some years later he saw it again at the same time and place & then his wife saw it in similar circumstances near their house. Nearby residents Allan & Maureen also observed the animal."



NSW.xxxx.xx.xx #5

A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"He also reported that a friend, Jan, told him that many years ago she had watched for ten minutes, illuminated in the headlights, a pair of striped thylacines licking and preening each other on the roadside in the Snowy Mountains, in southern NSW."



NSW.xxxx.xx.xx #6.1

A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"Pete, of Ocean Shores, was recently talking to his neighbour, Steve, who also has a farm at Wooyung directly adjacent the caravan park. Steve mentioned to Pete that he and his family have seen thylacines on his farm on occasions."


I take "on occasions" to represent at least three separate encounters (viz. #6.1-6.3)


NSW.xxxx.xx.xx #6.2

A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"Pete, of Ocean Shores, was recently talking to his neighbour, Steve, who also has a farm at Wooyung directly adjacent the caravan park. Steve mentioned to Pete that he and his family have seen thylacines on his farm on occasions."



NSW.xxxx.xx.xx #6.3

A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"Pete, of Ocean Shores, was recently talking to his neighbour, Steve, who also has a farm at Wooyung directly adjacent the caravan park. Steve mentioned to Pete that he and his family have seen thylacines on his farm on occasions."



NSW.xxxx.xx.xx #7

A report made to Naturalist/Cryptozoologist Gary Opit, through his popular Wildlife Talkback radio show. This is Opit's summarisation of the report:

"Pete was next talking to the father of one of his children’s friend at The Pocket School, who owns a cattle farm opposite the school. He told Pete that early one morning recently while driving his tractor, he saw a pair of striped thylacines crossing his paddock."



NSW.xxxx.xx.xx #8

The report dates to 2005 or before:

"One lady in particular swears she saw one near a supermarket in Brighton Le Sands N.S.W. which is not far from Sydney's International airport and along the shores of Botany Bay."



NSW.XXXX.xx.xx #9-13+

"A STRANGE animal resembling a Tasmanian tiger has a NSW farmer scratching his head.

Denis Millar, 49, of North Tumbulgum near the NSW-Queensland border, said yesterday he saw the mysterious animal on a neighbour's property.

He said the animal, which he claimed could not be confused with a dog, was the size of a fox, with the head of a kangaroo and had a thick striped tail which tapered at the end.

He said other members of his family has seen the same animal on separate occasions, as had neighbours.

Mr Millar said he had seen old pictures of the Tasmanian Tiger, which is believed to be extinct, but the animal he saw was smaller and did not have stripes on its body."

Source: Anonymous. (1997). Farmer opens up Tassie tiger mystery. Daily Telegraph (Australia), 19 November, p. 3.


NSW.XXXX.xx.xx #14

Wendy Bithell recounted her possible thylacine encounter near Byron Bay on the documentary series Boogeymen, season 2, episode 11, entitled "The Tasmanian Tiger: The Tiger, Wolf, Kangaroo Hybrid". A rough transcript of her report (1:32-3:09) is as follows:

"I take people out into the rainforest with the night vision goggles, ummm, and we go looking for animals. So we see lots of normal Australian little animals. Ah we were looking at the pademelons, there was maybe about six of them just grazing on this clearing and then to, ah out of nowhere, this animal just came and pounced on one of the pademelons and grabbed it around the neck and, and I just just took me by surprise. So it was that stealthy, whatever it was, that even the pademelons who hear one twig break and they're outta there, it didn't hear it.
I've been running tours out there for seven years, but you know going out into the rainforest, you know three or four times a week and that's the only time I've seen something that I couldn't explain. And I identify animals all the time, and so I'm used to looking at something and trying tuh, and working out what it is I'm seeing. Like you're listening, you're looking, and you're identifying attributes of the animal. I was going through that process and I, and it, it didn't work. I was sitting there going "what was it?". Then I screamed you know let it go and then it just ran off. I was thinking how cool it was that I'd saved a little pademelon from being eaten by something. Ummm but then I started thinking about it you know, what was it that I saw? And [inaudible], and I still don't have an answer. Gary is a one of the great people in this area knowing wildlife and ummm and so I was talking to him about it. He suggested that what I'd seen mighta been a thylacine."


NSW.XXXX.xx.xx #15

Rex Gilroy:

"Later, on another detailed search for evidence above the gully, we stumbled upon tracks of a full-grown animal, an apparent female, alongside paw prints of a cub at least several hours old.

In the nearby dense scrub, we came across signs of a scuffle between a wild pig and a Thylacine, as indicated by the dozens of tracks embedded in the soil over a wide area. These were only half-an-hour old and led deep into dense forest. It became obvious to us that a colony of from 6 to 8 of these elusive creatures existed in the gully. Rod and I later staked out the site overnight with cameras, in the hope of capturing a ‘tiger’ on film as it came to drink at the swamp, but failed to see any. Over the years we have kept the location of the swamp and gully a closely guarded secret, to give these marsupials an opportunity to increase their numbers, and keep away unwanted human interference. At the time of writing this book [2017] Thylacine tracks are still being left at this site."

Source: Gilroy, Rex. (2021). In search of mountain tigers. Mysterious Australia Newsletter 11(3): 13-30.


NSW.XXX.xx.xx #16-18+

Reported in June 2020:

"We live on a sugar cane farm close to Murwillumbah in North Eastern NSW. Over the last few years, my Husband and I have both seen what we believe to be a Thylacine. Each time it was in the same area, crossing the same road xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, heading into a sugar cane field. We were driving on xxxx Rd at the time. The most recent time, probably about 12 or 18 months ago, my husband was on his own and saw it quite clearly, only a few metres away. He described it to me at the time, as being not quite the same shape as a dog or dingo, fairly light brown, with stripes on its back. I showed him a photo on-line, and he said "That's it. It looked just like that". He said it was walking beside the cane field, and then turned and went into the cane. Each time it was in the evening, after dark, between 6pm and 8:30pm if I remember correctly. I did report it at the time my husband saw it, to an on-line group or organisation. It was not a Facebook group, and I don't remember what the organisation was called. However, I did not receive any response.

After telling our family one day, our daughter and son-in-law said they also believe they had seen the same animal crossing xxxxx Rd, in the same area one evening. They said when they saw it, they both said "what was that", because it looked different to anything they had seen before.

Also, on some evenings we hear an unusual sound from the same general area (our farm borders xxxx Rd). Although it could possibly be a fox or bird, when I looked up the sound a thylacine makes, it was identical to one we found on YouTube."



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