Sarcophilus laniarius laniarius (Owen in Mitchell, 1838:363)
Great Tasmanian devil
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Synonym/s: Dasyurus laniarius Owen in Mitchell, 1838:363 (basionym; Stephenson, 1963:618); Sarcophilus laniaris (Owen in Mitchell, 1838:363) [orth. error used by (Lundelius & Turnbull, 1978:81)]
Originally described as Dasyurus laniarius (Owen, 1838), it was recombined as Sarcophilus laniarius by (Owen, 1877; [Lydekker, 1887?]; Lydekker, 1894).
Conservation Status
Extinct or invalid (synonym)
"The range has recently been extended to the Northern Territory by part of a jawbone found west of Oenpelli, just across the East Alligator River."
(Troughton, 1973:43)
Biology & Ecology
A C1 (accession # QMF44640) excavated from Darling Downs, southeastern Queensland, may represent either this species or the living S. harrisii (Price & Sobbe, 2005).
USNM 8665
USNM 173904
F31045 (Dawson, 1985:65)
UCMP45184 (Dawson, 1985:65)
UCMP45182 (Dawson, 1985:65)
BMNH 42555 (Stephenson, 1963:618)
BMNH 42559 (Stephenson, 1963:618)
Original scientific description:
Owen, Richard (1838). Letter in: Mitchell, Thomas L. Three Expeditions into the Interior of Eastern Australia, with descriptions of the recently explored region of Australia Felix, and of the present colony of New South Wales. Vol. 1. London: T. & W. Boone, 343 pp.
Other references:
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Archer, Michael and Baynes, A. (1972). Prehistoric mammal faunas from two small caves in the extreme southwest of Western Australia. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 55: 80-89.
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