
Dasycercus archeri Newman-Martin & Travouillon, 2023

Southern mulgara



Taxonomy & Nomenclature



Conservation Status


Last record: 1920-1925 (Newman-Martin et al., 2023)



southern and extreme western Australia

Type locality: "Ooldea, Trans-Australian railway line, South Australia" (Newman-Martin et al., 2023)


Anatomy & Morphology



Biology & Ecology




Holotype: AMS M2987 (adult male; skull, dentaries, skin) (Newman-Martin et al., 2023)



AMS M4356 (adult female; skull, dentaries, skin) (Newman-Martin et al., 2023)

AMS M3025 (adult male; skull, dentaries, skin) (Newman-Martin et al., 2023)

AMS M4862 (adult male; skull, dentaries, skin) (Newman-Martin et al., 2023)

AMS M4864 (adult female; skull, dentaries, skin) (Newman-Martin et al., 2023)

AMS M4863 (adult female; skull, dentaries, skin) (Newman-Martin et al., 2023)

SAM M17499 (adult; skull; dentaries) (Newman-Martin et al., 2023)

WAM M65281 (adult of indeterminate sex; skull [subfossil]) (Newman-Martin et al., 2023)

WAM M64827 (adult of indeterminate sex; skull [subfossil]) (Newman-Martin et al., 2023)

WAM M64833 (adult of indeterminate sex; skull [subfossil]) (Newman-Martin et al., 2023)

WAM M65340 (adult of indeterminate sex; skull [subfossil]) (Newman-Martin et al., 2023)

WAM 72.1.1057 (adult of indeterminate sex; skull, jaw, postcranials [subfossil]) (Newman-Martin et al., 2023)






Original scientific description:

Newman-Martin, Jake, Travouillon, Kenny J., Warburton, Natalie, Barham, Milo and Blyth, Alison J. (2023). Taxonomic review of the genus Dasycercus (Dasyuromorphia: Dasyuridae) using modern and subfossil material; and the description of three new species. Alcheringa.


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