?Zenaida plumbea Gosse, 1849
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Conservation Status
Hypothetical (Levy & Koenig, 2024)
Biology & Ecology
Original scientific description:
Gosse, P. H. (1849). Illustrations of the Birds of Jamaica. London: John Van Voorst.
Other references:
Gosse, P. H., and Hill, R. (1847). The Birds of Jamaica. John Van Voorst, London.
Greenway, J. C., Jr. (1967). Extinct and Vanishing Birds of the World. 2nd edn. Dover Publications, New York.
Levy, Catherine and Koenig, Susan. (2024). A new hypothesis on the identity of Gosse’s Blue Partridge (Zenaida? plumbea) from Jamaica. Journal of Caribbean Ornithology 37: 60-64. https://doi.org/10.55431/jco.2024.37.60-64
Ridgway, R. (1916). The Birds of North and Middle America. Bulletin of the United States National Museum No. 50: Part VII. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC.