
Pezophaps solitaria (Gmelin, 1789:728)

Rodrigues solitaire, Rodrigues solitary



Taxonomy & Nomenclature

See Young et al. (2024) for a complete synonymy, as well as technical discussion of relevant taxonomic issues.


Conservation Status

Extinct (BirdLife International, 2016)

Last record: 1761 (BirdLife International, 2016); 1765 (Kittelberger et al., 2024)

IUCN RedList status: Extinct



Rodrigues (=Rodriguez), Mascarene Islands


Biology & Ecology




Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa:




Above: Skeleton of Pezophaps solitaria, circa 1870, United Kingdom, maker unknown. Te Papa (O.031153)


Above: the solitaire mistakenly treated as a white dodo. plate 25 from Rothschild (1907). Source: Wikimedia Commons.



Original scientific description:

Gmelin, J. F. (1789). Caroli a Linné, Systema Naturae. Lipsiae: Georg Emanuel Beer.


Other references:

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