
Chara hakonensis (H.Kasaki) R.D.Wood (1965:767)

hakonesyazikumo, Hakone stonewort



Taxonomy & Nomenclature

Synonym/s: Chara globularis var. hakonensis H.Kasaki 1964; Chara globularis var. virgata f. hakonensis (Kasaki) R.D.Wood (1962); Chara globularis f. hakonensis (H.Kasaki) R.D.Wood (1965)


Conservation Status

Extinct (Watanabe et al., 2005)

Last record: 17 July 1957 (Wood, 1962:10; Langangen in Guiry & Guiry, 2011) or later



Lake Ashi (=Ashinoko Lake =Hakone Lake =Asinoko-lake), Hakone area, Kanagawa Prefecture, Honshū, Japan


Biology & Ecology










Original scientific description:

Kasaki, H. (1964). The Charophyta from the lakes of Japan. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 27: 215-314.


Other references:

Hirose, H., Yamagishi, T. and Akiyama, M. (1977). Illustrations of the Japanese fresh-water algae. pp. [8 col. pls], [1]-933, 244 pls in text. Tokyo: Uchida Rokakuho Publishing Co., Ltd. [in Japanese] ["Reprint issued 10 Jan 1997 according to back paper." (source: AlgaeBase)]

Langangen, Anders in Guiry, M. D. and Guiry, G. M. (2011, 30 July). Chara hakonensis (H.Kasaki) R.D.Wood 1965. AlgaeBase. World-wide electronic publication, National University of Ireland, Galway.; searched on 24 September 2023.

Romanov, Roman E., Nikulin, Arthur Yu., Nikulin, Vyacheslav Yu., Gontcharov, Andrey A. (2021). New species Chara oryzae and a new section Corillionia of Chara (Charales,Charophyceae) from European Mediterranean rice fields. European Journal of Phycology 57(3): 328-342.

Sano, Satomi et al. (1997). Current state of distribution of the Charales (Chlorophyta) in Japanese Lakes, pp. 97. In: Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Sixth International Phycological Congress, Leiden, Netherlands. 130 pp.

Watanabe, M. M., Nozaki, H., Kasaki, H., Sano, S., Katon, N., Omori, Y. and Nohara, S. (2005). Threatened states of the Charales in the lakes of Japan, pp. 217-236. In: Kasai, K. and Watanabe, M. M. (eds). Algal culture collections and the environment. Tokyo: Tokai University Press. 248 pp.

Wood, R. D. (1962). New combinations and taxa in the revision of Characeae. Taxon 11(1): 7-25.

Wood, R. D. and Imahori, K. (1964). A revision of the Characeae Second Part: Iconograph of the Characeae. pp. 1-395. Weinheim: Verlag van J. Cramer.

Wood, R. D. and Imahori, K. (1965). A revision of the Characeae. First Part. Monograph of the Characeae. pp. i-xxiv, 1-904. Weinheim: Verlag von J.Cramer.


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