Holmesina paulacoutoi (Cartelle and Bohórquez, 1985)
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Synonym/s: Pampatherium paulacoutoi Cartelle and Bohórquez, 1985
Conservation Status
Last record: Late Pleistocene
Brazil & Peru
Biology & Ecology
Original scientific description:
Cartelle, C. and Bohórquez, G. A. (1985). Pampatherium paulacoutoi, uma nova espécie de tatu gigante da Bahia, Brasil (Edentata, Dasypodidae): Revista Brasileira de Zoologia 2(4): 229-254.
Other references:
Dantas, Mário A. T. (2022). Estimating the body mass of the Late Pleistocene megafauna from the South America Intertropical Region and a new regression to estimate the body mass of extinct xenarthrans. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsames.2022.103900
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Lopes, Renato Pereira et al. (2021). The Santa Vitória Alloformation: an update on a Pleistocene fossil-rich unit in Southern Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Geology 51(1): e2020065.
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