
Eremotherium laurillardi Lund, 1842

Laurillard's ground sloth



Taxonomy & Nomenclature



Conservation Status


Last record: Late Pleistocene



The Americas (from southern USA to Brazil)


Biology & Ecology

It was a strictly terrestrial species (Santos et al., 2023).



MCL 1700/02
MCL 1701/02
MCL 1702/02
MCL 7225
MCL 7229
MCL 7231
MCL 7233
MNRJ 2225
MNRJ 3858
MNP 44
MNP 46
USNM 18498
USNM 20867
ILSB s/n
AMNH 95742
F:AM s/n
ROM 40324

Source for the above is (Bargo et al. 2006).






Original scientific description:

Lund, P. W. (1842). Blik paa Brasiliens Dyreverden for Sidste Jordomvaeltning. Fjerde Afhandling: Fortsaettelse af Pattedyrene. Detkongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Skrifter Naturvidenskabelige og Mathematisk Afhandlinger 9: 137-208.


Other references:

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