
Thylacines in fiction and poetry: a bibliography


Arnold, Dick. (1893). A Tasmanian Romance. Melbourne: Melville, Mullen & Slade. 203 pp. [chapter 7: "The Tiger-Wolf—..."]

Aronson, Linda. (year?). Naturally Rude. Puffin. [incomplete reference]

Atwood, M. (2006). Thylacine Ragout. The Tent [2006]: 73-75. [relevant reference?]

B., Winifred. (1983). Revenge of the Tasmanian Tiger. The Source 3: [pagination?].

Black, Tony. (2014). The Last Tiger. Cargo Publishing. 324 pp.

Bolton, Barbara (author) and White, Alan (illustrator). (1980). Jandy Malone and the Nine O’clock Tiger. Angus & Robertson. [a play was adapted from the book]

Booth, Christine. (2019). One Careless Night. Black Dog Books. 40 pp. [Available from Amazon]

Boud, Kerin. (2020). The Tasmanian Tiger Expedition. Self published.

Brinsmead, H. F. (1972). Echo in the Wilderness. London: Oxford University Press.

Cali, Davide and Palmarucci, Claudia. (2023). Island of Shadows. Creative Editions. ISBN 10: 156846388X / ISBN 13: 9781568463889

Campbell, Justine and Sarah Hamilton. (2013). They Saw a Thylacine. Strawberry Hills, NSW: Curreny Press.. 66 pp. [Kindle edition] [a play]

Campbell, Justine and Sarah Hamilton. (2017). They Saw a Thylacine. In: Endangered. Strawberry Hills, NSW: Curreny Press. x + 222 pp. ISBN 10: 1925005879 / ISBN 13: 9781925005875

Carey-Wells, Penny and Perndt, Diane. (2006). Pockets & corners : furry facts and thylacine fiction in the heartlands of Tasmania. Kingston Beach, Tasmania: Cloud Design. 109 pp.

Carr, Aaron. (2015). Tasmanian Tiger. New York, New York: AV² by Weigl.

Casey, R. (1994). A Tiger in Tasmania. Ashgrove, Queensland: Red Dragon Publishing. 57 pp.

Cerda, Jovan. (2021). An afternoon with the Tasmanian tiger. Self published.

Chauncy, Nan. (1957). Tiger in the Bush. London: Oxford University Press. 172 pp.

Chauncy, Nan. (1971). Tiger in the Bush. London: Oxford University Press. 119 pp.

Cole, Briend. (2019). Tiger-Wolf. Bondi Junction, NSW: ETT Imprint. ISBN 10: 1925706850 / ISBN 13: 9781925706857

Cook, Greg. (2009). Thylacine; Not. Self published? [book cover and blurb]

Cornehl, Christoph. (2021). Beutelwolf und Wandertaube. Rediroma-Verlag. 76 pp. [poetry]

Cowell, Cressida. (2020). Treetop Twins: Wilderness Adventures: The Twins Track a Tiger. Hodder.

Crew, G. and Wilson, M. (2003). I saw nothing: the extinction of the thylacine. Victoria: Lothian Books.

Cromer, William "Bill". (2003). Thylacine conspiracy: Intrigue and Suspense in Tasmania. Springboro, Ohio: Just my Best Publishing. 246 pp. [Bill Cromer: "Reprinted 2003 in Tasmania with a different dust cover" (260 pp.?)]

Currie, Marzena. (2013). [Book review of The Dream of the Thylacine by Margaret Wild and Ron Brooks]. School Librarian 61(3): 169.

D'Ath, Justin. (1996). Infamous. [Publisher?] ISBN: 9781875930036.

D'Ath, Justin. (2003). Infamous. Allen & Unwin Children.

Daniel, David. (2020a). Tarkine the Tassie Tiger. Forty South Publishing.

Daniel, David. (2020b). Tarkine Takes Off! Forty South Publishing.

Darlison, Aleesah (text) and McGrath, Shane (illustrator). (2016). Stripes in the Forest: The Story of the Last Wild Thylacine. Big Sky Publishing. 32 pp. [Promotional material]

de Groen, Frances. (1980). The thylacine hunter. Quadrant 24(6): 67. [a poem]

Dempster, James. (2020). Stripes in the Shadows. Sue Kennedy Publishing.

Domico, Terry. (2005). The Last Thylacine. Washington & Strathfield, N. S. W: Turtleback Books, 232 pp.

Dying Breed. Dir. Jody Dwyer. Ambience Entertainment, 2008.

Evans, Gareth. (2005). The Thylacine Conspiracy. E & F Publications. 256 pp.

Fitzgerald, Cfx (Chris). (2021). The Platypus Spy : A Tasmanian Animal Fantasy. Moshpit Publishing. 444 pp. ISBN 10: 1922628131 / ISBN 13: 9781922628138

Ford, Catt and Kennedy, Sean. (2009). Dash and Dingo. Dreamspinner Press. 310 pp.

Forshaw, Cliff. (2011). Tiger. Glenrothes, Fife, Scotland: HappenStance. 24 pp. [poem]

Frauca, Harry. (1969). Striped Wolf: A Bush Adventure. Melbourne: Heinemann. 109 pp.

Freeman, Carol. (2013). The last image: Julia Leigh's The hunter as film, [pagination?]. In: Johnston, Jay and Probyn-Rapsey, Fiona (eds.). Animal Death. Sydney University Press. 348 pp.

French, Jackie. (2003). Valley of Gold: One Valley's Stories of Gold Through the Ages. Angus & Robertson. ISBN 10: 0207199884 / ISBN 13: 9780207199882 [brief inclusion at the front of the volume: "First, around 35,000 BC, we meet Mirrigan, a young Aboriginal man hunting the last of the mainland thylacine to present its skin to his female friend, Dhani."]

Gambles, Harriet (author), Gambles, Patrick (author) and Kurczok, Belinda (illustrator). (2001). Tiger Trail - A Tasmanian Epic. Tasmania: Regal Publications.

Gordon, Victoria. (2010). Wolf in Tiger's Stripes. Gale, 252 pp. [Google Books]

Greenwood, Mark. (2017). History Mysteries: The Last Tiger. Puffin Books. 96 pp.

Hardy, Maurice Athol. (2012). Queen Mallaegania and the Valley of the Demon: Plus Night of the Thylacine. Createspace. 168 pp. [relevant citation?]

Hartnett, Sonya. (1995). Sleeping Dogs. Viking Juvenile, 144 pp.

Hartnett, Sonya. (2007). Stripes of the Sidestep Wolf. Candlewick Press, 208 pp.

The Hunter. Dir. Daniel Nettheim. Porchlight Films, 2011.

Irby, Kenneth Alan (lyrics) and Cameron, Rod (music). (1996). Our Tassie tiger song. Wynyard, Tasmania: Self published. 3 pp. ill.

Isham, Marion and Isham, Steve. (1994). Tasmanian Traveller. Margate, Tasmania: Bandicoot Books. 32 pp. [Available from the publisher] [find the thylacine on every page!]

Isham, Marion and Isham, Steve. (1996). Tiger Tale. Margate, Tasmania: Bandicoot Books. 32 pp.

Jenyns, L, Tasmanian Tiger: The Mystery of the Thylacine, Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Hobart, pp. Broadsheet (1998) [Recorded Creative Work]

Jeschke, Susan. (1980). Tamar and the Tiger. New York, N.Y.: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. ISBN 10: 0030521769 / ISBN 13: 9780030521768

Jeschke, Susan. (1986). Tamar and the Tiger. Henry Holt & Co.

Jonsberg, Barry. (2011). Blacky Blasts Back: On the Tail of the Tassie Tiger. Allen & Unwin.

Kadarusman, Michelle. (2020). Music for Tigers. California: Pajama Press.

Kadarusman, Michelle. (2021). Music for Tigers. California: Pajama Press.

Kanake, Sarah. (2016). Sing Fox To Me. Affirm Press. 262 pp.

Kirk, Margie. (2018). Travelling Tasmanian Tigers. Hobart: Forty South Publishing. 32 pp.

Kneen, Krissy. (2018). Wintering. Text Publishing. 272 pp.

Lake, Allan. (1988). Tasmanian Tiger Breaks Silence and other poems. Self published. 55 pp.

Lake, Joe. (2004). Joe Lake Selected Poems including Ode to the Tasmanian Tiger.

Le Lacheur, James. (2013). The Thylacine Diaries. Self published. 125 pp. [Kindle edition]

Leigh, Julia. (1999). The Hunter. London: Faber and Faber / New York: Penguin.

Lunt, Piers. (2018). Tracing the Past, Conserving the Future: The British and Irish Botanical Expedition to Tasmania 2018. Merlin. 138 pp. [poem on page 81]

Maas, Jonathan. (2018). Thylacine Dreams: 6 Tales of Science Fiction, Horror and Fantasy. CreateSpace. ISBN 10: 1722122471 / ISBN 13: 9781722122478

Martin, John. (2017). Lie of the Tiger (Windy Mountain  #1). Self published. 304 pp.

Martin, John. (2018). Different Stripes: The first three funny mysteries in the Windy Mountain Tasmanian Tiger series. Self published. 636 pp.

Martin, John. (2021). Whitey and the Six Dwarfs (Windy Mountain #3). Self published. 222 pp.

Martin, John. (2021). Blokes in Donegal (Windy Mountain #4). Self published. 244 pp.

Martin, John. (2021). Blokes in the House (Windy Mountain  #5). Self published.

Martin, John. (2021). Who Knew Tasmanian Tigers Eat Apples! (Windy Mountain #6). Self published. 210 pp.

Maynard, Leigh. (2004). How the Tasmanian Tiger got its Stripes. Scholastic. 32 pp.

McCormack, Rob. (1986). Strange Intruder. Sydney: Ashton Scholastic. 90 pp.

McMillan, Dawn. (2013). Red Riding Hood and the Tassie Tiger. Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson Education Australia.

McNair, Leonie (author) and Dawe, Maurice (illustrator). (1991). Tyler the Tasmanian Tiger. Launceston: Holiday Link. 28 pp. ISBN 0949457493

McPherson, Deb. (2011). READing & VIEWing. English in Australia 46(3): 106.

Meade, Rita. (2013). [Book review of The Dream of the Thylacine by Margaret Wild and Ron Brooks]. School Library Journal 59(7): 113.

Morcan, Lance. (2019). The Last Tasmanian Tiger. Sterling Gate Books. [also included in a compilation entitled "5 Short Story Gems"]

NcNair, Leonie (author) & Dawe, Maurice (illustrator). (1991). Tyler the Tasmanian Tiger. Launceston, Tasmania: Holiday Link. 28 pp.

Nowra, Louis. (2012). Into That Forest. Crows Nest, N.S.W.: Allen &​ Unwin. 172 pp.

Ordinans, Nicholas J. (2013). Where There Be Tygers. Self Published. 281 pp.

Osborne, Lynda. (2015). Status: Presumed Extinct. Pegasus Pony. 260 pp. [Kindle edition]

Palmer, Christopher. (2024). Endling: For Benjamin, the last thylacine. Quadrant 68(7-8): 129. [poetry]

Perry, Cathryn (author) and Qi, Nana (illustrator). (2021). The Legend of the Tasmanian Tiger. Wandering Roots Publishing. 38 pp. ISBN 978-1951049096

"Platypus". (1905). A Fight with Tasmanian Tigers. The Weekly Courier, Christmas Annual, p. 1-2.

Reed, Bill. (1982). Ihe. Hyland House.

Reed, Bill. (2015). Ihe. Dandenong, Victoria: Reed Independent.

Richardson, Edward Richall. (1878). To The Death. Weekly Examiner, Saturday, 16 March, p. 20. [bush ballad inspired by real events]

Riehecky, Janet. (2007). Tasmanian Tiger (Extinct Monsters). Capstone Press.

Riehecky, Janet. (2008). El tigre de Tasmania/Tasmanian Tiger (Monstruos extintos / Extinct Monsters) (Multilingual Edition). Capstone Press.

Roberts, Beth. (1988). The Tasmanian devil who couldn't eat meat : a fable for children of all ages. Lauderdale: Rainbow Books.

Roberts, Beth and Fenton, Janet. (1990). The Magic Waterfall. Kingston, Tasmania: Rainbow Books. 44 pp.

Rose, Heather. (1999). White Heart. Anchor Publishing. 312 pp. ["It tells the story of two children growing up in Tasmania. One of them becomes involved in the Native American ritual of sun dancing and the other becomes a Tasmanian tiger hunter." (Wikipedia)]

Routh, Richard. (1990's?). Kaliminos Natural Reservation. Self published? ISBN 10: 0959282602 / ISBN 13: 9780959282603

Salmon, Michael. (1986). The Great Tasmanian Tiger Hunt. Templestowe, Victoria: Lamont Books. 28 pp.

Saxby, Maurice. (2011a). The Dream of the Thylacine by Margaret Wild and Ron Brooks. Magpies -Victoria Park 26(1): 10-11.

Saxby, Maurice. (2011b). [Book review of The Dream of the Thylacine by Margaret Wild and Ron Brooks]. Reading Time 55(2): 19.

Sheldon, Deborah. (2018). Thylacines. Severed Press. 122 pp. [Kindle edition]

Small, Mary. (1985). Grandfather's Tiger: Search for the Tassie Tiger. North Ryde, New South Wales: Methuen. 94 pp.

Small, Mary. (1989). Grandfather's Tiger: Search for the Tassie Tiger. Sydney, New South Wales: Collins. 104 pp.

Smith, Vivian. (1956). The Other Meaning. Publisher? [a book of poetry, which includes a poem on the thylacine]

Sohn, Emily (author) and Aón, Carlos (illustrator). (2021). Astro the Alien Learns About the Tasmanian Tiger. Norwood House Press

Swinbourne, Leigh. (2019). Shadow in the Forest. Ginninderra Press. 184 pp.

Tuckey, Noel G. (2008). Thylacine Man. Glen Waverley, Vic: Sid Harta. 354 pp.

Tully The Tasmanian Tiger And Friends. No 2. Colouring-In and Activity Book. 64 pp.

Van Essen, Susanna. (1996). Denying extinction? The thylacine in children's literature. Reading Time 40(3 or 4): 12-15. [Abstract]

Van Essen, Susanna. (2003). The Tiger Project. Sydney: Pan MacMillan. 164 pp. ["When Bella sees the baby Thylacine floating in a jar of preserving fluid, something clutches at her... Bella is in a wheelchair, disabled since birth." (review)]

Voute, James. (2020). Benny's Quest for the Tasmanian Tiger. Forty South Publishing.

Wild, Margaret and Brooks, Ron. (2011). The Dream of the Thylacine. Crows Nest, N.S.W.: Allen &​ Unwin Children.

Wild, Margaret and Brooks, Ron. (2013). The Dream of the Thylacine. London : Frances Lincoln [distributor].

Wilson, Erle. (1953). Coorinna: A Novel of the Tasmanian Uplands. London: Deutsch. 160 pp.

Wong, Shee Ping [originally published under the preudonym "Jiangxiaerlang"]. (5 June 1909-10 December 1910 [serialised in 53 installments]). 多妻毒 (Chinese); Duō Qī Dú (pinyin) [English: The Poison of Polygamy]. Chinese Times, Melbourne, Australia. [includes a thylacine attack]

Wong, Shee Ping. (2019). The poison of polygamy: a social novel (translated by Ely Finch). Sydney: Sydney University Press.

Woodley, Frank. (2015). Kizmet And The Case Of The Tassie Tiger. Penguin Books.

Woodley, Frank. (2017). The Adventures of Kizmet: Kizmet and the Case of the Tassie Tiger and Kizmet and the Case of the Smashed Violin [audiobook]. Bolinda Publishing.

Wright, Jane Barker. (1988). Tasmanian Tiger. Polestar & Raincoast Book Distribution.

Xi, Shen Shi. (2010). Black Swan Amethyst(Chinese Edition) : HEI TIAN E ZI SHUI JING. Linking Publishing Co. Ltd. 360 pp.

Tasmanian Tiger Track Colouring Book [2017]


May contain thylacine fiction:

Joy, Narelda. (2022). TASSIE RHYMES for Little Tigers. Toast for Kids Charity Inc. 32 pp.