Pseudemydura umbrina Siebenrock, 1901:248
Western Swamp tortoise, Short-necked tortoise, Western short-necked turtle, Western Swamp turtle
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Synonym/s: Emydura inspectata Glauert, 1954:125
Emydura inspectata was first synonymised with P. umbrina by (H. G. Cogger in Cogger et al., 1983:64).
Conservation Status
Last record: 1839
Rediscovered in 1954*
* July 1953 as E. inspectata Glauert, 1954
IUCN RedList status: Critically Endangered
Ellenbrook, Western Australia, Australia
Biology & Ecology
"Ecology: swamp, amphibious, noctidiurnal, predator; seasonal breeder, oviparous, general carnivore."
(Cogger et al., 1983:64)
Above: Enclosure at Perth Zoo, with species information sign. Photographer: Kerrie Ward. © 2017
Above: Western Swamp tortoise with identification marks (Perth Zoo). Photographer: Kerrie Ward. © 2017
Above: Western Swamp tortoise with identification marks (Perth Zoo). Photographer: Kerrie Ward. © 2017
Original scientific description:
Siebenrock, F. (1901). Beschreibung einer neuen Schildkrötengattung aus der Familie Chelydidae von Australien: Pseudemydura. Anz. Akad. Wiss., Wien, math.-naturwiss. KL, Abt.1, 22: 249-251.
Other references:
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