
Strix butleri (Hume, 1878:316)

Hume's owl, Hume’s tawny owl, Omani owl



Taxonomy & Nomenclature

Synonym/s: Asio butleri Hume, 1878:316


Conservation Status

Last record: 1878 (Robb et al. 2015)

Rediscovered in 2015 or before

IUCN RedList status: Least Concern



Iran, Oman, Pakistan etc.


Biology & Ecology










Original scientific description:

Hume, A. O. (1878). Asio butleri, sp. nov.? Stray Feathers 7: 316-318.


Other references:

Aharoni J (1931) Orn Monatsb 39(6):171–173.

Aronson L (1980) Hume’s Tawny Owl Strix butleri in Israel. Dutch Birding 1:18, 19.

BirdLife International. (2012). Strix butleri. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2015.2. ( Downloaded on 23 August 2015.

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Magnus S. Robb, George Sangster, Mansour Aliabadian, Arnoud B. van den Berg, Mark Constantine, Martin Irestedt, Ali Khani, Seyed Babak Musavi, João M. G. Nunes, Maïa Sarrouf Willson, Alyn J. Walsh. (2015). The rediscovery of [i]Strix butleri[/i] (Hume, 1878) in Oman and Iran, with molecular resolution of the identity of [i]Strix omanensis[/i] Robb, van den Berg and Constantine, 2013. bioRxiv. doi: [Abstract]

Robb, MS, G Sangster, M Aliabadian, AB van den Berg, M Constantine, M Irestedt, A Khani, SB Musavi, JMG Nunes, MS Willson & AJ Walsh. (2016). The rediscovery of Strix butleri (Hume, 1878) in Oman and Iran, with molecular resolution of the identity of Strix omanensis Robb, van den Berg and Constantine, 2013. Avian Research 7: 7.

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