Phodilus badius riverae McGregor, 1927:302
Samar bay owl
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Synonym/s: Phodilus riverae McGregor, 1927:302
Synonymised with the nominate (P. b. badius) by (Weick, 2006:35)
Conservation Status
Invalid (synonym)?
Last record: 1927 or before
Samar Island, Philippines
Biology & Ecology
Only known from the holotype in the USNM, which was lost in 1945 during WWII (Weicke, 2006).
Type locality: Loquilocom, Samar
Original scientific description:
McGregor 1927, Philip. J. Sci. 32(4): 302
Other references:
Weick, Friedhelm. (2006). Owls (Strigiformes): Annotated and Illustrated Checklist. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.