Elatostema rigidiusculum (Thwaites ex Hook.f.) Ranil & Nadeeka (2019:86)
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Synonyms: Elatostema surculosum var. rigidiusculum Thwaites ex Hook.f. in Fl. Brit. India 5: 573 (1888); Elatostema monandrum var. rigidiusculum (Thwaites ex Hook.f.) Murti in Kew Bull. 52: 195 (1997)
Conservation Status
Last record: 1866 (Wijesundara et al., 2020:155)
Since Rediscovered (Wijesundara et al., 2020:155)
Distribution & Habitat
Sri Lanka
Anatomy & Morphology
Biology & Ecology
POWO. (2024). Plants of the World Online (online resource). Facilitated by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, United Kingdom. Available at: https://powo.science.kew.org/ [Accessed 9 July 2024]
Wijesundara, Siril, Ranasinghe, Subhani, Jayasinghe, Himesh, Gunawardena, Nadeeka, Fonseka, Gayani and Wijesooriya, Shivanthi. (2020). Angiosperms in Sri Lanka: Present status of Angiosperms in Sri Lanka, pp. 1-168. In: The National Red List 2020 - Conservation Status of the Flora of Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka: Biodiversity Secretariat, Ministry of Environment and the National Herbarium, Department of National Botanic Gardens. xviii + 254 pp.