Pseudomys sp. nov. 'Darling Downs'
Darling Downs mouse (proposed)
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Conservation Status
Last record: Pleistocene
Darling Downs, Queensland, Australia
Biology & Ecology
Material belonging to an unidentified species of Pseudomys was reported by (Godthelp, 1994). It may be that this material belongs to an as yet undescribed recently extinct species, however this is tentative (although it wouldn't be a great surprise).
Godthelp, Henk. (1994). Some rodents from the Pleistocene fluviatile deposits of the eastern Darling Downs, Queensland. Abstracts of the fourth conference on Australian vertebrate evolution, palaeontology and systematics, Adelaide, 19-21 April, 1993. Records of the South Australian Museum 1994. [Abstract]