Pseudomys gouldii Waterhouse, 1839:67
Gould’s mouse, Gould's eastern mouse, Gould's pseudomys, Gould's native mouse, Gould's false-mouse, Gould's rat (used by Krefft, 1871:2; Lucas & Le Souëf, 1909:28; Wood Jones, 1925:315), South Australian rat (Gray, 1843:111), Field's false-mouse (as P. fieldi), Shaggy mouse (as P. fieldi), Shaggy-haired mouse (as P. fieldi), Alice Springs mouse (as P. fieldi), Shark Bay mouse (as P. fieldi), kurn-dyne, koontin, djoongari
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Synonym/s: Thetomys gouldii Waterhouse, 1839:67; Thetomys gouldi Waterhouse, 1839:67 (used by Brazenor, 1950:63); Mus gouldi Waterhouse, 1839:67; Mus Gouldii Waterhouse, 1839:67; Pseudomys fieldi (Waite, 1896); Pseudomys praeconis Thomas, 1910; Pseudomys rawlinnae Troughton, 1932:289
Conservation Status
Last record: 1856-1857 (Menkhorst, 2009; Menkhorst & Dixon, 2023:461); 1857 (Johnson, 2006:169; Fisher & Blomberg, 2012); "about 1930" (Calaby & Lee, 1989:55); May 1932 (Frith, 1979:343)
Taxonomically rediscovered by (Roycroft, 2020; Roycroft et al., 2021)
IUCN RedList status: Extinct
New South Wales (western), South Australia & Western Australia (southern), Australia
Type locality: "N of Hunter River, N.S.W." (Mahoney & Richardson, 1988:175)
Type locality (fieldi): "Alice Springs, N.T." (Mahoney & Richardson, 1988:174)
Type locality (praeconis): "Peron Peninsula, W.A." (Mahoney & Richardson, 1988:179)
Type locality (rawlinnae): Rawlinna, W.A. (Mahoney & Richardson, 1988:175)
Anatomy & Morphology
Body mass: ~50gm (Johnson, 2006:169)
Biology & Ecology
"Ecology: hummock grassland, terrestrial, burrowing, folivore."
(Mahoney & Richardson, 1988:175)
Lectotype: NHM 1855.12.24.149 (female; skin & very incomplete skull) (Mahoney & Richardson, 1988:175; Roycroft et al., 2021b)
Holotype (fieldi): AM M.1069 (female; skin (wet) & very incomplete skull) (Mahoney & Richardson, 1988:174; Roycroft et al., 2021b)
Holotype (praeconis): BMNH (female; skin (wet) & skull)
Holotype (rawlinnae): AM M4642 (male; skin & skull) (Mahoney & Richardson, 1988:175)
Other specimens:
ABTC8146 (Roycroft et al., 2021, 2022)
SAM M4889/002 SF
MV c955 (Roycroft et al., 2021b)
WA M8111 (Kitchener & Vicker, 1981:111)
Original scientific description:
Waterhouse, G. R. (1839). The Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Beagle Under the Command of Captain Fitzroy, R.N., During the Years 1823 to 1836. Part II, Mammalia. London: Smith, Elder and Co. [p 67]
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