
Pseudomys auritus Thomas, 1910

Long-eared mouse, Long-eared pseudo-rat, Long-eared pseudo-mouse, Basalt plains mouse, Long-eared rat (used by Wood Jones, 1925:313)



Taxonomy & Nomenclature

Synonym/s: Pseudomys australis auritus Thomas, 1910; Pseudomys basalticus Fraser & Wells, 2006:152; Pseudomys sp. (Basalt Plains Mouse)


Sometimes regarded as a junior synonym of P. australis (e.g. Musser & Carleton, 2005). However, it is likely a valid species according to (Medlin, 2008). So there is at least some taxonomic dispute to be resolved.


Conservation Status

Extinct (Burbidge, 2024)

Last record: c.1850 (Burbidge & Woinarski, 2016); prior to 1853 (Medlin, 2023:446); 1853 (Troughton, 1941)

IUCN status: Extinct


The species may have been abundant in the recent past (Wakefield, 1964a,b).



South Australia & Victoria, Australia

Type locality: "Lake Albert, S.A." (Mahoney & Richardson, 1988:172)


Biology & Ecology




Holotype: BMNH (skin & skull) (Mahoney & Richardson, 1988:172)


Other specimens:

Four specimens are held in the Museum Victoria palaeontological collection: P 201634 and 5, 201967 and 203333. 

NHM 1843.8.12.52 (Roycroft et al., 2021, 2022)






Original scientific description:

Thomas, Oldfield. (1910). New Australian Muridae of the genus Pseudomys. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (8) 6: 607-610.


Other references:

Braithwaite, R.W., Morton, S.R., Burbidge, A.A. and Calaby, J.H. 1995. Australian names for Australian rodents. Australian Nature Conservation Agency in association with CSIRO Australia, Canberra.

Burbidge, Andrew A. (2024). Australian terrestrial mammals: how many modern extinctions? Australian Mammalogy.

Burbidge, A. A. and Woinarski, J. (2016). Pseudomys auritus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T75927882A75927900. Downloaded on 18 December 2016.

Cleugh, H., Stafford Smith, M., Battaglia, M. and Graham, P. 2011. Climate change: science and solutions for Australia. CSIRO, Canberra.

DEECA [Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action]. (2023). Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 Threatened List: June 2023. Published report by The State of Victoria Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action, Melbourne, Victoria.

Fisher, Clem T. (1984). Australasian mammal specimens in the collections of Merseyside County Museums. Australian Mammology 7(4): 205-213.

Flannery, Timothy F. (1995). Basalt Plains Mouse, Pseudomys sp., pp. 619. In: Strahan, Ronald (ed.). The Complete Book of Australian Mammals, Third Edition. Chatswood: Reed Books.

Fraser, Rebecca A. and Wells, Roderick T. (2006). The palaeontological excavation and taphonomic investigation of a late Pleistocene fossil deposit in Grant Hall, Naracoorte, South Australia. Alcheringa Special Issue 1, 2006: 147-161.

Iredale, Tom and Troughton, Ellis Le Geyt. (1934). A check-list of the mammals recorded from Australia. Mem. Aust. Mus. 6: i-xii, 1-122.

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Medlin, G. C. (2008). Long-eared Mouse, Pseudomys auritus, pp. 615-616. In: S. Van Dyck and R. Strahan (eds), The mammals of Australia. Third Edition. Reed New Holland, Sydney, Australia.

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Moseby, K. (2012). National Recovery Plan for the Plains Mouse Pseudomys australis. Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, South Australia.

Moseby, K. E. and Kemper, C. (2008). Pseudomys australis. In: IUCN 2010. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2010.4. ( Downloaded on 16 January 2011.

Musser, G. G. and Carleton, M. D. (2005). Superfamily Muroidea. In: D. E. Wilson and D. A. Reeder (eds), Mammal Species of the World: a geographic and taxonomic reference, pp. 894-1531. The John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, USA.

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Roycroft, Emily et al. (2021). Museum genomics reveals the rapid decline and extinction of Australian rodents since European settlement. PNAS 118(27): e2021390118.

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Wakefield, Norman A. (1963). Mammal remains from the Grampians, Victoria. The Victorian Naturalist 80(5): 130-133.

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Woinarski, John C. Z., Braby, M. F., Burbidge, A. A., Coates, D., Garnett, S. T., Fensham, R. J., Legge, S. M., McKenzie, N. L., Silcock, J L. and Murphy, B. P. (2019). Reading the black book: The number, timing, distribution and causes of listed extinctions in Australia. Biological Conservation 239: 108261.

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