Oryzomys gorgasi Hershkowitz, 1971
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Synonym/s: Oryzomys curasoae?
Conservation Status
Last record: 1971
Rediscovered in 2001
IUCN status: Endangered
Colombia & Venezuela
Biology & Ecology
Ochoa, J., Gómez-Laverde, M., Weksler, M. and Timm, R. (2008). Oryzomys gorgasi. In: IUCN 2013. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.1. (http://www.iucnredlist.org). Downloaded on 29 July 2013.
Sánchez, J., Ochoa, J. G. and Voss, R. S. (2001). Rediscovery of Oryzomys gorgasi (Rodentia: Muridae), with notes on taxonomy and natural history. Mammalia 65(2): 205-214.
Scheffers, Brett R., Yong, Ding Li, Harris, J. Berton C., Giam, Xingli and Sodhi, Navjot S. (2011). The world’s rediscovered species: back from the brink? PLoS ONE 6(7): e22531. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0022531 [Supporting Information (Table S1)]