
Notomys longicaudatus Gould, 1844:104

Long-tailed hopping mouse, Long-tailed jerboa mouse (used by Wood Jones, 1925:338), Long-tailed jerboa-rat (Ogilby, 1892:119), kor-tung, gool-a-wa, koolawa, talamba, ?yurndu (Tunbridge, 1991:81)



Taxonomy & Nomenclature

Synonym/s: Hapalotis longicaudata Gould, 1844:104; Conilurus longicaudatus Gould, 1844:104; Podanomalus longicaudatus Gould, 1844:104; Notomys sturti Thomas, 1921b; Notomys longicaudatus sturti Thomas, 1921b


Placed in the genus Podanomalus by (Brazenor, 1934).


Conservation Status


Last record: 1901 (Ride, 1970:202; Johnson, 2006:169; Fisher & Blomberg, 2012; Lee et al., 2017); 1901-2 (Parker, 1973:26)

IUCN RedList status: Extinct


A specimen was collected by (Sturt, 1847) from the Coonabaralba Range in 1845.


According to (Ride, 1970:202) this species was last collected in 1901 at Barrow Creek by Spencer and Gillen.

"A small fragment of skull found in 1977 in a recent owl pellet—a regurgitated bolus of fur and bones—near The Granites in the Northern Territory suggests that it may have survived longer than historical collection records indicate."


The above probably refers to (Smith, 1977).



NSW, NT, SA and WA, Australia; Prehistorically: Boodie Cave, Barrow Island, Western Australia, Australia

Type locality: "Moore River, W.A." (Mahoney & Richardson, 1988:168)

Type locality (sturti): "Mt Gipps area, adjacent to Broken Hill, N.S.W. (as "Coonbaralba Range about 85 miles from Laidley's Ponds", N.S.W.)" (Mahoney & Richardson, 1988:168)


Anatomy & Morphology

Body mass: ~100gm (Johnson, 2006:169).


Biology & Ecology

"Ecology: terrestrial, granivore"

(Mahoney & Richardson, 1988:168)



Lectotype: BMNH (skin) / BMNH (skull) (female) (Mahoney & Richardson, 1988:168)

Holotype (sturti): BMNH [contra Thomas, 1921a] (female; skin & skull) (Mahoney & Richardson, 1988:168)


Other specimens:

SAM M4392 (Breed, 1990:201)

AMNH 107400 (Alhajeri, 2021)

MV C6278 (Roycroft et al., 2021, 2022)






Original scientific description:

Gould, John. (1844). Exhibition and character of a number of animals, &c. transmitted from Australia by Mr. Gilbert. Proc. Zool. Soc Lond. 1844: 103-107.


Other references:

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