Microtus miguelensis Guthrie, 1998
San Miguel Island vole
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Conservation Status
Last record: indeterminate (c.33,000 yBP to recent)
San Miguel Island, Channel Islands, California, USA
Biology & Ecology
Original scientific description:
Guthrie, Daniel A. (1998). Fossil vertebrates from Pleistocene terrestrial deposits on the northern Channel Islands, southern California, pp. 187-192. In: Weigand, P. W. (ed.). Contributions to the geology of the Northern Channel Islands, Souther California. American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Pacific Section, M 45.
Other references:
Guthrie, Daniel A. (1993). New information on the prehistoric fauna of San Miguel Island, California. In Hochberg FG, ed., Third California Islands Symposium: Recent Advances in Research in the California Islands, pp. 405–416. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, Santa Barbara.
Turvey, Samuel T. (2009). Holocene mammal extinctions, pp. 41-61. In: Turvey, Samuel T. (ed.). Holocene Extinctions. Oxford, UK & New York, USA: Oxford University Press. xii + 352 pp.