
Eschscholzia rhombipetala Greene (1885:71)

Diamond-petaled California poppy



Taxonomy & Nomenclature

Synonyms: Eschscholzia caespitosa var. rhombipetala (Greene) Jeps. in Fl. Calif. 1: 574 (1922); Eschscholzia rhombipetala Greene in Man. Bot. San Francisco: 12 (1894)


Conservation Status

Last record: 1950 (Espeland & Carlsen, 2003:1)

Rediscovered in 1992 (source) or 1993 (Espeland & Carlsen, 2003:1)



California, USA


Biology & Ecology










CPC. (1990). Centre for plant conservation data for North American plants database. CPC, Centre for plant conservation.

Espeland, Erin K. and Carlsen, Tina M. (2003). Population characteristics of Eschscholzia rhombipetala (Papaveraceae). Madroño 50(1): 1-7.

Flora of North America Editorial Committee. (1997). Flora of North America North of Mexico 3: 1-590. Oxford University Press, New York, Oxford.

Govaerts, R. (2001). World Checklist of Seed Plants Database in ACCESS E-F: 1-50919.

Humphreys, Aelys M., Govaerts, Rafaël, Ficinski, Sarah Z., Lughadha, Eimear Nic and Vorontsova, Maria S. (2019). Global dataset shows geography and life form predict modern plant extinction and rediscovery. Nature Ecology & Evolution 3: 1043-1047. [Supplementary Dataset 1]

Kartesz, J. T. (1994). A synonymized checklist of the vascular flora of the United States, Canada, and Greenland. 2nd edition. 2 vols. Timber Press, Portland, OR.

Skinner, M. W., and Pavlik, B. M. (eds.). (1997). Inventory of rare and endangered vascular plants of California. 1997 Electronic Inventory Update of 1994 5th edition, California Native Plant Society, Special Publication No. 1, Sacramento.

Smith, James Payne, Jnr. (ed.) and York, Richard (DEM). (1984). Inventory of rare and endangered vascular plants of California. Special Publication No. 1 (3rd edition). Berkeley, California: California Native Plant Society. xviii + 174 pp.


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