Grevillea speckiana Olde (2021:378)
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Synonym/s: Grevillea sp. Shark Bay (N.H. Speck 24/09/1953) [used by Gibson, 2016:156; WAH, 1988–]
Conservation Status
Missing (Gibson et al., 2016:161; Olde, 2021)
Last record: 24 September 1953 (Gibson et al., 2016:156,161 [as 1953]; Olde, 2021:378,379)
Shark Bay region, Western Australia, Australia
Biology & Ecology
Original scientific description:
Olde, Peter M. (2021). Missing in the Shark Bay area, Grevillea speckiana Olde, a new species and the northernmost member of the Triloba Group (Proteaceae: Grevilleoideae: Hakeinae). Telopea 24: 377-382.
Other references:
Gibson, Neil. (2016). Western Australian plant taxa not collected for more than 50 years. Nuytsia 27: 139-164.
Makinson, R. O. (2000). 41. Grevillea, pp. 20-450 [434]. In: Wilson, Annette J. G. (ed.). Flora of Australia Volume 17A, Proteaceae 2, Grevillea. Melbourne: ABRS/CSIRO Australia. xx + 524 pp. [treated as a doubtful locality record (viz. Shark Bay) of G. biternata (fide Olde, 2021:377); Makinson simply states "one doubtful record from Shark Bay"]
WAH (Western Australian Herbarium). (1988–). Florabase. Grevillea sp. Shark Bay (N.H. Speck 24/09/1953). [Accessed 13 March 2024]