Grevillea rosmarinifolia rosmarinifolia A.Cunn. (1825:328)
Taxonomy & Nomenclature
Synonyms: Grevillea riparia Sieber in J.A.Schultes & J.H.Schultes, Mant. 3: 278 (1827); Grevillea latrobei Meisn. in J.G.C.Lehmann, Pl. Preiss. 1: 539 (1845); Grevillea latrobei var. dasystilis Meisn. in Candolle, Prodr. 14(1): 364 (1856); Grevillea latrobei var. leiostylis Meisn. in Candolle, Prodr. 14(1): 364 (1856); Grevillea latrobei var. scabrifolia Meisn. in Candolle, Prodr. 14(1): 364 (1856); Grevillea nutans Meisn. in Candolle, Prodr. 14: 364 (1856)
Conservation Status
Last record: 1822 (wild); 1860 (cultivation) (both Olde, 2000:4)
Rediscovered in August 1969 (ex situ) (McGillivray, 1975; Olde, 2000:4)
Rediscovered in the wild on 6 November 1999 (Olde, 2000:5)
Rediscovered in cultivation in August 1969 in the Edinburgh Botanic Garden (McGillivray, 1975), before being rediscovered at the type locality on 6 November 1999 (Olde, 2000).
New South Wales, Australia
Biology & Ecology
Original scientific description:
Cunningham A. (1825). A specimen of the indigenous botany of the mountainous country between the colony round Port Jackson and the settlement of Bathurst; Botany of the Blue Mountains in Barron Field's Geographical Memoirs of New South Wales (P.328). London: John Murray.
Other references:
Fraser, C. (1828). A Catalogue of Plants cultivated in the Botanic Gardens, Sydney, New South Wales, January 1828. Unpub. MS.
Graham, R. (1826). Dr Graham's List of Rare Plants. Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal 1: 172-173, Adam Black, Edinburgh.
Hooker, J. D. (1872). Grevillea rosmarinifolia. Botanical Magazine 98 Tab. 5971
Hooker, W. J. (1826). Grevillea pubescens. Exotic Flora 3:t 216, London
Loddiges. C. (1829). Grevillea rosmarinifolia. The Botanical Cabinet 15: t. 1479, Arch, London.
Loudon. J. C. (ed.) (1830) Hortus Britannicus Part 1: 39, Longman Rees, London.
Makinson, R. O. (2000). 41. Grevillea, pp. 20-450 [300-301]. In: Wilson, Annette J. G. (ed.). Flora of Australia Volume 17A, Proteaceae 2, Grevillea. Melbourne: ABRS/CSIRO Australia. xx + 524 pp.
R.O.Makinson (2017) Grevillea rosmarinifolia subsp. rosmarinifolia. In: Flora of Australia. Australian Biological Resources Study, Department of the Environment and Energy, Canberra. [Date Accessed: 14 January 2020]
McGillivray D.J. (1975). Australian Proteaceae: New Taxa and Notes Telopea 1(1): 30.
McGillivray, Donald John (assisted by R.O. Makinson). (1993)/ Grevillea Proteaceae A Taxonomic Revision. Carlton, Melbourne: Melbourne University Press.
Olde, Peter. (2000). Rediscovering Grevillea rosmarinifolia. Grevillea Study Group Newsletter 55: 4-5.
Olde, Peter M. and Marriott, Neil R. (1994). The Grevillea Book Vol.1:112-114, Kangaroo Press, Kenthurst.
Pescott, T. (1989). Believed extinct in its natural environment: the Lara Grevillea. Geelong Advertiser, May 4.
Sweet R. (1827). Hortus Britannicus P. 348, James Ridgeway, London.
Sweet R. (1827-1828). Grevillea rosmarinifolia. Flora Australasica t.30, James Ridgeway, London.