
Antrophyum austroqueenslandicum D.L.Jones (1998:708)

Border ranges lined fern, Lamington ox tongue fern 



Taxonomy & Nomenclature

Synonym/s: Antrophyum sp. 'Blue Pool'


Conservation Status

Last record: November 1983 (Bostock et al., 1998:292) or later

Rediscovered in 2015 (Silcock et al., 2020:34, 2021:42)



New South Wales & Queensland (south-eastern), Australia


Biology & Ecology










Original scientific description:

Jones, D. L. (1998). Vittariaceae, pp. 292. Vol. 48: Ferns, Gymnosperms and Allied (Eds AE Orchard, PM McCarthy) pp. 292. (ABRS/CSIRO Australia).


Other references:

Bostock, Peter D., Chambers, T. C. and Farrant, P. A. (1998). Adiantaceae, pp. 248-286 [292]. In: McCarthy, Patrick M. (ed.). Flora of Australia Volume 48, Ferns, Gymnosperms and Allied Groups. Melbourne: ABRS/CSIRO Australia. xxii + 766 pp.

Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (DAWE). (2020). Conservation advice for Antrophyum austroqueenslandicum (Lamington Ox Tongue Fern). Canberra: Department of Agriculture.

Department of the Environment (2023). Antrophyum austroqueenslandicum in Species Profile and Threats Database, Department of the Environment, Canberra. Available from: Accessed Sat, 4 Nov 2023 15:48:13 +1100.

Hassler, Michael. (2004-2023). World Ferns. Synonymic Checklist and Distribution of Ferns and Lycophytes of the World. Version 17.2; last update Oct. 20th, 2023. Available at: [Accessed 29 October 2023]

NSW Threatened Species Scientific Committee. (2022). Notice and reasons for the Final Determination [Antrophyum austroqueenslandicum]. Parramatta, NSW: NSW Threatened Species Scientific Committee.

Silcock, Jen L., Collingwood, Teghan, Llorens, Tanya and Fensham, Rod. (2020). Action Plan for Australia's Imperilled Plants 2020. Brisbane: NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub. 339 pp.

Silcock, Jen L., Collingwood, Teghan, Llorens, Tanya and Fensham, Rod. (2021). Action Plan for Australia's Imperilled Plants 2021. Brisbane: NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub. 342 pp.

Silcock, Jen L., Field, Ashley R., Walsh, Neville G. and Fensham, Roderick J. (2019). To name those lost: assessing extinction likelihood in the Australian vascular flora. Oryx 54(2): 167-177. [Supplementary Material]


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